nep-mst New Economics Papers
on Market Microstructure
Issue of 2024‒09‒16
four papers chosen by
Thanos Verousis, Vlerick Business School

  1. Forecasting High Frequency Order Flow Imbalance By Aditya Nittur Anantha; Shashi Jain
  2. An unbounded intensity model for point processes By Kim Christensen; Alexei Kolokolov
  3. Market Failures of Carbon Trading By Nicola Borri; Yukun Liu; Aleh Tsyvinski; Xi Wu
  4. High-Frequency Options Trading | With Portfolio Optimization By Sid Bhatia

  1. By: Aditya Nittur Anantha; Shashi Jain
    Abstract: Market information events are generated intermittently and disseminated at high speeds in real-time. Market participants consume this high-frequency data to build limit order books, representing the current bids and offers for a given asset. The arrival processes, or the order flow of bid and offer events, are asymmetric and possibly dependent on each other. The quantum and direction of this asymmetry are often associated with the direction of the traded price movement. The Order Flow Imbalance (OFI) is an indicator commonly used to estimate this asymmetry. This paper uses Hawkes processes to estimate the OFI while accounting for the lagged dependence in the order flow between bids and offers. Secondly, we develop a method to forecast the near-term distribution of the OFI, which can then be used to compare models for forecasting OFI. Thirdly, we propose a method to compare the forecasts of OFI for an arbitrarily large number of models. We apply the approach developed to tick data from the National Stock Exchange and observe that the Hawkes process modeled with a Sum of Exponential's kernel gives the best forecast among all competing models.
    Date: 2024–08
  2. By: Kim Christensen; Alexei Kolokolov
    Abstract: We develop a model for point processes on the real line, where the intensity can be locally unbounded without inducing an explosion. In contrast to an orderly point process, for which the probability of observing more than one event over a short time interval is negligible, the bursting intensity causes an extreme clustering of events around the singularity. We propose a nonparametric approach to detect such bursts in the intensity. It relies on a heavy traffic condition, which admits inference for point processes over a finite time interval. With Monte Carlo evidence, we show that our testing procedure exhibits size control under the null, whereas it has high rejection rates under the alternative. We implement our approach on high-frequency data for the EUR/USD spot exchange rate, where the test statistic captures abnormal surges in trading activity. We detect a nontrivial amount of intensity bursts in these data and describe their basic properties. Trading activity during an intensity burst is positively related to volatility, illiquidity, and the probability of observing a drift burst. The latter effect is reinforced if the order flow is imbalanced or the price elasticity of the limit order book is large.
    Date: 2024–08
  3. By: Nicola Borri; Yukun Liu; Aleh Tsyvinski; Xi Wu
    Abstract: In economic theory, a cap-and-trade system is a market-based system mechanism that internalizes the environmental impact of economic activity and reduces pollution with minimal costs. Given that carbon trading is a financial market, we evaluate its efficiency using finance and asset-pricing tools. Our analysis of the universe of transactions in the European Union Emission Trading System in 2005-2020 demonstrates that this prominent cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions is dramatically inefficient because of a number of unintended consequences that significantly undermine its purposes. First, about 40% of firms never trade in a given year. Second, many firms only trade in the surrendering months, when compliance is immediate. We also show that these are the months where the price of emission allowances is predictably high. This surrendering trading pattern alone leads to a total estimated loss of about Euro 5 billion for the regulated firms, or about 2% of the traded volume of the regulated firms in the sample period. Third, a number of operators engage in speculative trading and profit by exploiting the market with private information. We estimate that these operators in total make about Euro 8 billion, or about 3.5% of the traded volume of the regulated firms in the sample period.
    Date: 2024–08
  4. By: Sid Bhatia
    Abstract: This paper explores the effectiveness of high-frequency options trading strategies enhanced by advanced portfolio optimization techniques, investigating their ability to consistently generate positive returns compared to traditional long or short positions on options. Utilizing SPY options data recorded in five-minute intervals over a one-month period, we calculate key metrics such as Option Greeks and implied volatility, applying the Binomial Tree model for American options pricing and the Newton-Raphson algorithm for implied volatility calculation. Investment universes are constructed based on criteria like implied volatility and Greeks, followed by the application of various portfolio optimization models, including Standard Mean-Variance and Robust Methods. Our research finds that while basic long-short strategies centered on implied volatility and Greeks generally underperform, more sophisticated strategies incorporating advanced Greeks, such as Vega and Rho, along with dynamic portfolio optimization, show potential in effectively navigating the complexities of the options market. The study highlights the importance of adaptability and responsiveness in dynamic portfolio strategies within the high-frequency trading environment, particularly under volatile market conditions. Future research could refine strategy parameters and explore less frequently traded options, offering new insights into high-frequency options trading and portfolio management.
    Date: 2024–08

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General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.