nep-tur New Economics Papers
on Tourism Economics
Issue of 2025–01–27
three papers chosen by
Laura Vici, Università di Bologna

  1. Short video marketing and travel intentions: The interplay between visual perspective, visual content, and narration appeal By Jianhong Gan; Si Shi; Raffaele Filieri; Wilson K.S. Leung
  2. The Effects of Real Exchange Rates on International Tourism: Empirical Evidence from Morocco By ES-SANOUN Mohamed; Zaynab Hjouji; Ziad Bousraraf; Benboubker Mounir; Mahouat Nacer
  3. Progress in research on tourists with mental disorders: A critical review and the way forward By Yangyang Jiang; Cenhua Lyu; M.S. Balaji

  1. By: Jianhong Gan; Si Shi (Fudan University [Shanghai], Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center [China]); Raffaele Filieri (Audencia Business School); Wilson K.S. Leung
    Abstract: Social media short videos represent a powerful tool for tourism destination promotion. However, little research has investigated their effect on tourist travel intentions. Drawing on the construal level theory and the elaboration likelihood model, this study investigates the interactive effects between visual and verbal framing of promotional tourism short video on travel intention through two scenario-based experiments. Study 1 examined the interaction effect between visual perspective and visual content. The results indicated that the match between first-person (versus third-person) perspective and activity-centric (versus site-centric) content fosters higher travel intention through enhancing imagery fluency. Study 2 further examined the moderating role of narration message appeal and revealed that first-person perspective with activity-centric content leads to higher travel intention when paired with rational (versus emotional) narration messages, with affect intensity playing a significant mediating role. These findings contribute to knowledge on short video marketing and provide valuable insights for tourism marketers.
    Keywords: Tourism short video, Construal level theory, Elaboration likelihood model, Visual perspective, Narration appeal
    Date: 2023–05
  2. By: ES-SANOUN Mohamed (USMBA - Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah); Zaynab Hjouji; Ziad Bousraraf; Benboubker Mounir (USMBA - Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah); Mahouat Nacer
    Abstract: Considering the vital role of the tourism sector in the economy, and the intense competition between nations to attract large numbers of tourists, nations are seeking to ameliorate their competitiveness in order to boost their position internationally. In this context, it is essential to determine the main factors of international tourism demand, and with this in mind, this article examines the impact of the real effective exchange rate on international tourism flows to Morocco over the period 1995-2023. We apply the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model and the Granger causality test to analyze this impact. In addition, we have introduced other control variables (inflation rate, gross domestic product per capita, carbon dioxide emissions) for two reasons: firstly, to ensure the robustness of the results, and secondly, to account for other factors that may affect international tourism demand in the case of Morocco. Our results show that there is a negative relationship between the evolution of the real effective exchange rate, the inflation rate, carbon dioxide emissions and international tourism flows in Morocco, whereas gross domestic product per capita has a positive impact on the evolution of international tourism demand. In our judgment, this study can also guide professionals and policymakers in the formulation of policies and strategies associated with the development of the tourism sector, to improve Morocco's position in this area. The practical implications of these findings suggest that policies aimed at stabilizing the exchange rate and managing economic and environmental variables could enhance Morocco's attractiveness as a tourist destination.
    Abstract: Compte tenu du rôle vital du secteur du tourisme dans l'économie et la concurrence intense entre les nations pour attirer un grand nombre de touristes, les pays cherchent à améliorer leur compétitivité afin de renforcer leur position à l'international. Dans ce contexte, il est essentiel de déterminer les principaux facteurs de la demande touristique internationale. Cet article examine donc l'impact du taux de change réel effectif sur les flux touristiques internationaux vers le Maroc durant la période 1995-2023. Nous appliquons le modèle Vecteur autorégressif (VAR) et le test de causalité de Granger pour analyser cet impact. De plus, nous avons introduit d'autres variables de contrôle (taux d'inflation, produit intérieur brut par habitant, émissions de dioxyde de carbone) pour deux raisons : premièrement, assurer la robustesse des résultats, et deuxièmement, tenir compte d'autres facteurs pouvant affecter la demande touristique internationale dans le cas du Maroc. Nos résultats montrent qu'il existe une relation négative entre l'évolution du taux de change réel effectif, le taux d'inflation, les émissions de dioxyde de carbone et les flux touristiques internationaux au Maroc, tandis que le produit intérieur brut par habitant a un impact positif sur l'évolution de la demande touristique internationale. À notre avis, cette étude peut également guider les professionnels et les décideurs dans la formulation de politiques et de stratégies liées au développement du secteur touristique, afin d'améliorer la position du Maroc dans ce domaine. Les implications pratiques de ces résultats suggèrent que des politiques visant à stabiliser le taux de change et à gérer les variables économiques et environnementales pourraient renforcer l'attractivité du Maroc en tant que destination touristique.
    Keywords: Tourism Receipts, Real Exchange Rate, Tourism Demand, Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
    Date: 2024–10–29
  3. By: Yangyang Jiang (Nottingham University Business School China); Cenhua Lyu (Institut conjoint des Universités de Ningbo et d’Angers - UA - Université d'Angers - ZWU - Zhejiang Wanli University); M.S. Balaji (ESC [Rennes] - ESC Rennes School of Business)
    Abstract: The global rise in mental disorders presents new challenges for tourism, an industry inadequately prepared to accommodate tourists with such conditions. Despite increasing scholarly interest in recent years, the study of tourists with mental disorders remains fragmented and underdeveloped. This work critically reviews 38 academic papers on this focal subject, published from 2004 to 2024, employing systematic narrative analysis. It identifies ten themes that map out the existing research across three stakeholder groups: tourists and caregivers, tourism providers, and governments and third parties. The literature synthesis offers an insightful and comprehensive overview of the current state of scientific knowledge in the field. Subsequently, an Inclusive Tourism Management Model is established, integrating the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders, delineating challenges, and recommending strategies to ensure accessible and enriching tourism experiences for these tourists. Upon unveiling research gaps, this work proposes 13 research questions to guide theoretical, practical, and methodological advancements.
    Keywords: Mental disorders, Critical review, Tourists, Accessible, Interdisciplinary research
    Date: 2025–04

This nep-tur issue is ©2025 by Laura Vici. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.