nep-tur New Economics Papers
on Tourism Economics
Issue of 2024‒07‒15
three papers chosen by
Laura Vici, Università di Bologna

  1. Rural Tourism: An Annotated Bibliography By Brown, Dennis M.
  2. Tourism Inflow Interlinkages with Merchandise Exports: An Augmented Gravity Analysis for the Pacific By Gupta, Pralok; Das, Sanchita Basu; Sharma, Saarthak; Domingo, Ma. Veronica
  3. Infrastructure Expansion, Tourism, and Electoral Outcomes By Mehic, Adrian

  1. By: Brown, Dennis M.
    Abstract: This annotated bibliography summarizes studies on rural tourism. Primary emphasis is on studies dealing with the United States, but some international studies are also included. Topics covered include tourism planning and development, tourism marketing, tourism and rural development, tourism and sustainable development, economic and other effects of tourism, heritage tourism, nature-based tourism/ecotourism, and agritourism.
    Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Farm Management, Marketing, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Sustainability
  2. By: Gupta, Pralok (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade); Das, Sanchita Basu (Asian Development Bank); Sharma, Saarthak (Commonwealth Secretariat, London); Domingo, Ma. Veronica (Asian Development Bank)
    Abstract: Pacific developing member countries (DMCs) depend heavily on international tourism, which can promote merchandise exports by reducing trade costs. This paper empirically analyzes tourist inflows as a determinant of merchandise exports for Pacific DMCs by deploying a gravity model technique. Other relevant variables that augment the model are trade agreements, language affinity, visa policies, etc. The paper finds that inbound tourism to Pacific DMCs significantly increases merchandise exports: a 1% increase in tourist inflows is associated with a 0.17% rise in merchandise exports in the region. This relationship is along expected lines, as international tourist arrivals can help reduce trade costs, increasing such exports. If international tourists come from countries with a shared language and that have formed an economic partnership through free trade agreements and easy visa policies, the increase is bigger. Based on the findings, the paper recommends that inbound tourism be used to develop other industries such as garments or souvenir-related manufacturing in countries in the region. These products hold good export potential, provided they can be customized to the tastes and preferences of international tourists.
    Keywords: tourism; international trade; Pacific developing member countries
    JEL: C33 F14 L83 Z38
    Date: 2024–06–28
  3. By: Mehic, Adrian (Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN))
    Abstract: This paper examines the electoral impact of increased foreign tourism, using data from Croatia. Exploiting exogenous variation in travel times to coastal municipalities from improved road infrastructure, I show that foreign tourism reduces nationalist voting and increases the center-left vote share. This effect is partly due to manufacturing spillovers and demographic shifts within municipalities. Further complementing these findings, individual-level survey data indicates that workers within the hospitality sector are more likely to hold left-wing views. I further show that this is likely driven by economic concerns, rather than the diffusion of socially liberal views.
    Keywords: Infrastructure; Tourism; Voting; Nationalism
    JEL: D72 F63 L83 O18 Z32
    Date: 2024–06–17

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.