nep-tur New Economics Papers
on Tourism Economics
Issue of 2024‒05‒27
three papers chosen by
Laura Vici, Università di Bologna

  1. Building post-pandemic economic resilience by diversifying tourism: the case of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia By McLean, Sheldon; Harris, Rochelle
  3. Based on gamification and observation positive online destination experience (ODE) survey for Bulgaria By Neviana Krasteva; Desislava Alexova

  1. By: McLean, Sheldon; Harris, Rochelle
    Abstract: Through a combination of primary and secondary research, this study sheds light on the effects of the pandemic on the tourism industries of the small island states of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis. Additionally, the study seeks to identify potential areas for niche market development to diversify the tourism sector in these destinations. Using a counterfactual analysis, visitor expenditure losses were estimated at over $7 billion over the period 2020 to 2022, among the three countries under review. The easing of restrictions on movement in 2021 and 2022 however allowed for a steady return of tourism, with the United States market performing particularly well. To this end, using criteria adopted from Dwyer and Kim’s (2003) integrative model for destination competitiveness and insight from stakeholder consultations, the study identified optimum areas for niche market development. These included integrative products such as cultural heritage tourism, wellness tourism, gastronomic and eco-tourism, and parallel products including sports tourism and education tourism. These areas present opportunities to enrich the visitor experience, diversify the tourism product, create value-added linkages with other sectors and build resilience in the tourism industry. In addition to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the study identified other factors impacting stakeholders in the tourism industry, many of which are longstanding issues. These include a mismatch between available skills and skills needed to fill current and future roles in the tourism industry; the scarcity of data for strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation; and sustainability. Demographic groups including women in the tourism industry also face peculiar challenges. To address these challenges, the study recommends strengthening strategic planning, improving data collection and analysis, investing in human resources, strengthening stakeholder participation in tourism planning, and improving the business environment among other recommendations.
    Date: 2024–04–29
  2. By: Badr Bentalha (ENCGF - Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion De Fès - USMBA - Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah)
    Abstract: Historically, tourism was an elitist phenomenon. As a result of economic development, a new model of mass tourism has emerged, reaching a wide swathe of society and conveying a standardized and unique vision. Today, mass tourism is criticized for both its high ecological footprint and its low contribution to local development. At the same time, the structure of the tourism market has undergone profound change, with the emergence of an alternative offer that is more respectful of the environment and local populations. On the one hand, this alternative tourism makes it possible to internalize the negative externalities of mass tourism and, on the other, to enhance the specific resources of the region. It also aims to reveal and promote the assets of each territory. Hiking is a form of tourism based on walking in the great outdoors on marked trails. With their low ecological footprint, local impact and cultural dimension, hiking is fully in line with the principles of alternative, sustainable tourism. So, to what extent do the emerging activities of alternative tourism via hiking contribute to the sustainable development of the Fez-Meknes region? The results of the qualitative study carried out show the importance of hiking for the local population and the preponderance of cultural dimensions. Nevertheless, poor communication and safety issues persist, calling for a comprehensive approach to developing hiking tourism in the Fez-Meknes region.
    Abstract: Historiquement, le tourisme était un phénomène élitiste. Suite au développement économique, un nouveau modèle de tourisme de masse a émergé, touchant une large frange de la société et véhiculant une vision standardisée et unique. Le tourisme de masse se voit aujourd'hui critiqué tant pour son empreinte écologique importante que pour sa faible contribution au développement local. Parallèlement, le marché touristique a connu une profonde mutation dans sa structure avec l'émergence d'une offre alternative plus respectueuse de l'environnement et des populations locales. Ce tourisme alternatif permet d'une part d'internaliser les externalités négatives du tourisme de masse et d'autre part, de valoriser les ressources spécifiques des territoires. Il vise également à révéler et à promouvoir les atouts de chaque territoire. Les randonnées sont une forme de tourisme basée sur la marche à pied en pleine nature, sur des sentiers balisés. Par leur faible empreinte écologique, leurs retombées locales et leur dimension culturelle, les randonnées s'inscrivent pleinement dans les principes d'un tourisme alternatif et durable. Ainsi, dans quelle mesure les activités émergentes de tourisme alternatif via les randonnées participent-elles au développement durable de la région Fès-Meknès ? Les résultats de l'étude qualitative menée montrent l'importance des randonnées pour la population locale et la prépondérance des dimensions culturelles. Néanmoins, une faible communication et des problèmes de sécurité persistent et nécessitent la mise en place d'une approche globale pour développer le tourisme par les randonnées dans la région Fès-Meknès.
    Keywords: Alternative tourism, Hiking, Sustainable development, Fez-Meknes region, Tourisme de masse, Tourisme alternatif, Randonnées, Développement durable, Région Fès- Meknès
    Date: 2024–04–10
  3. By: Neviana Krasteva (Sofia University ?St. Kliment Ohridski?); Desislava Alexova (International Business School, Sofia)
    Abstract: Despite the ongoing scholarly debate on technology-driven tourism experiences, research on pre-travel online destination experiences (ODEs) is still in its infancy, and theoretical knowledge about the nature of ODEs is limited. In particular, a suitable instrument is lacking to measure to evaluate the value of the pre-travel experience on destination websites The present study applies a methodology to evaluate the pre-travel ODE of destination websites. In order to control non-incentive factors influencing ODE, while ensuring a high degree of personal relevance regarding the presented topic and destinations, the sample was composed of a homogeneous group, namely millennials (25?35 years old) living in Bulgaria with an affinity for vacation and an interest in traveling to at least one of the selected sample destinations. The narrowing of the sample to Bulgarian millennials is based on the fact that this target group has a strong preference for travel and online activities (Ketter 2021) and uses destination websites more often than average for inspiration or information before traveling (Godovykh M, Tasci AD (2020)). Several aspects guided the selection of target websites. Destinations should provide many natural and/or cultural attractions, making them potentially interesting for the target group. The combination of different destination categories (city, nation, region) should show that the scale is applicable regardless of destination scope. However, based on the experience marketing perspective, the most important selection criteria were experience design and website quality. The report presents the results of this study.
    Keywords: Gamification, Online destination experiences, Pre-travel
    JEL: M30 Z00 Z10

This nep-tur issue is ©2024 by Laura Vici. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.