nep-tur New Economics Papers
on Tourism Economics
Issue of 2016‒10‒30
two papers chosen by
Laura Vici
Università di Bologna

  1. Development of the tourist accommodation in Gdańsk due to the organization of Euro 2012 in Poland By Mgetchan, Fatih
  2. The development of hotel industry due to mega sport event. The case of Euro 2012 in Poland By Pavlov, Aleksandr

  1. By: Mgetchan, Fatih
    Abstract: The organization of Euro 2012 in Pomerania was an event without precedent. Never before has such a large event had no place in Poland. The consequence of this state of affairs is unprecedented scale of the changes in the infrastructure environment. These changes flow to the SME sector, which attempted to capture the benefits from the fact of the Euro organization, although the results of the research presented in the article indicate the exceptional restraint in this regard. As many as 87% of the surveyed companies had not taken any action before the final tournament, even though they treated the event as a chance to develop. Because of football meetings played in Pomerania the hotel business was an industry which expected the greatest benefits. It should be emphasized the importance of promoting the city and wider the whole region for the future operation and development of this sector. Pomerania region turned out to be the best prepared to accept hundreds of thousands of visitors - football fans. In quantitative terms, the extent of various types can be counted at almost 200 thousand beds. The number of hotels rose, including those of the highest standard. At this moment in Gdansk and the surrounding area there are eight five-star facilities. Significant is the fact of using the Euro by hotels, which is reflected in the increase in the average price of accommodation. Gdansk led in this regard across the country reaching an annual ADR growth close to 200 per cent. It is a surprising growth in terms of its scale, which, however, was not discouraged potential tourists to use hotels. It is Evidenced by the high 75 per cent occupancy rate of the hotel beds throughout the duration of the tournament.
    Keywords: Euro 2012
    JEL: H0
    Date: 2016–10–22
  2. By: Pavlov, Aleksandr
    Abstract: The implications of mega sports events for the organiser’s economy remain virtually unexplored in Poland. The fact that our country was entrusted with organising the 2012 European Football Championship spurred interest in the issue. In the course of preparations to the event many doubts have arisen as to the actual cost-benefit balance affecting the hosting country. An attempt at arriving at the nagging question, i.e.: „Is organisation of such a large event profitable from the economic point of view?” is hindered by the specificity of events of the kind. This specificity is due not only to the huge scale of the projects pursued, but also to the long-term impact on the organiser’s economy, stretching long beyond the several-year period of preparations. The organization of Euro 2012 in Pomerania was an event without precedent. Never before has such a large event had no place in Poland. The consequence of this state of affairs is unprecedented scale of the changes in the infrastructure environment. These changes flow to the SME sector, which attempted to capture the benefits from the fact of the Euro organization, although the results of the research presented in the article indicate the exceptional restraint in this regard. As many as 87% of the surveyed companies had not taken any action before the final tournament, even though they treated the event as a chance to develop. Because of football meetings played in Pomerania the hotel business was an industry which expected the greatest benefits. It should be emphasized the importance of promoting the city and wider the whole region for the future operation and development of this sector.
    Keywords: Euro 2012, Mega sporting event, Tourism sector
    JEL: H00
    Date: 2016–10–20

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.