nep-tre New Economics Papers
on Transport Economics
Issue of 2025–03–24
three papers chosen by
Erik Teodoor Verhoef, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  1. Banning short-haul flights and investing in high-speed railways for a sustainable future? By Anne de Bortoli; Adelaide Feraille
  2. Cambodia: Geospatial Analysis for Resilient Road Accessibility for Human Development and Logistic Supply By B, Wang; C. Colon
  3. Climate and Equity By Ruth Hill; Trang Nguyen; Miki Khanh Doan

  1. By: Anne de Bortoli; Adelaide Feraille
    Abstract: Long-distance mobility sustainability, high-speed railways (HSR) decarbonization effect, and bans for short-haul flights are debated in Europe. Yet, holistic environmental assessments on these topics are scarce. A comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted on the Paris-Bordeaux transportation options in France: HSR, plane, coach, personal car, and carpooling. The overall ranking on four environmental indicators, from best to worst, is as follows: coach, HSR, carpooling, private car, and plane. Scenario analyses showed that increasing train occupancy decreases the environmental impact of the mode (-12%), while decreasing speed does not. Moreover, worldwide carbon footprints of electric HSR modes range 30-120 gCO2eq per passenger-kilometer traveled. Finally, a consequential LCA highlighted carbon paybacks of the HSR project. Under a business-as-usual trip substitution scenario, the HSR gets net-zero 60 years after construction. With a short-haul flight ban, it occurs after 10 years. This advocates for generalizing short-haul flight bans and investing in HSR infrastructure.
    Date: 2025–01
  2. By: B, Wang; C. Colon
    Keywords: Environment-Adaptation to Climate Change Poverty Reduction-Poverty Reduction Strategies Rural Development-Rural Roads & Transport Poverty Reduction-Rural Poverty Reduction
    Date: 2024–07
  3. By: Ruth Hill; Trang Nguyen; Miki Khanh Doan
    Keywords: Environment-Adaptation to Climate Change Poverty Reduction-Poverty, Environment and Development Rural Development-Rural Roads & Transport Urban Development-Transport in Urban Areas
    Date: 2024–10

This nep-tre issue is ©2025 by Erik Teodoor Verhoef. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.