nep-spo New Economics Papers
on Sports and Economics
Issue of 2024‒08‒12
two papers chosen by
Humberto Barreto, DePauw University

  1. Fairness in Round-Robin Tournaments with Four Players and Endogenous Sequences By Fabian Dietz; Marco Sahm
  2. Competition and Professional Sports By OECD

  1. By: Fabian Dietz; Marco Sahm
    Abstract: We examine the effects of endogenous sequences on the fairness in round-robin tournaments with four players, multiple prizes, and general contest technologies. A tournament is called horizontally ex-ante fair if symmetric contestants have the same expected payoffs (odds) before the tournament starts. It is called perfectly fair if the winning probabilities in each match depend only on the players’ characteristics but not on the position of the match in the course of the tournament. We show that there is no sequence which implies perfect fairness. By contrast, some endogenous sequences imply horizontal ex-ante fairness irrespective of the prize structure. In winner-take-all tournaments, additional endogenous sequences are horizontally ex-ante fair. Our findings question the prevailing use of exogenous sequences in four-player round-robin tournaments in commercial sports despite horizontally ex-ante fair alternatives.
    Keywords: sequential round-robin tournament, endogenous sequence, contest success function, multiple prizes, fairness
    JEL: C72 D72 Z20
    Date: 2024
  2. By: OECD
    Abstract: This paper was prepared as a background note for discussions on “Competition and Professional Sports” taking place at the December 2023 session of the OECD Competition Committee’s Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation.
    Date: 2023–10–18

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.