nep-spo New Economics Papers
on Sports and Economics
Issue of 2024‒07‒15
four papers chosen by
Humberto Barreto, DePauw University

  1. Supernudge: A transparent pricing proposal for sports betting By Evan Calford
  2. Experimental Research on Contests By Subhasish M. Chowdhury; Dan Kovenock; Anwesha Mukherjee
  3. Why does the regulation of doping need shock therapy? By Fabien Gargam
  4. PLONGÉE & MONDE DU TRAVAIL By Florian Lecaër; Olivier Roques

  1. By: Evan Calford
    Abstract: This paper documents a policy proposal that improves consumer welfare in the sports betting industry by changing the framing of betting odds. On the demand side the proposal increases price salience, particularly for multibets, and acts as a classic behavioral nudge. On the supply side, the same change in framing increases the dimension of the pricing vector and, therefore, introduces a new dimension of price competition. In particular, the policy change introduces price competition into the market for multibets, reduces the current extraordinarily high profit margin on multibets, reduces non-price competition, and decreases demand for advertising from sports betting firms.
    Keywords: Sports betting, transparent pricing, nudges, market structure
    JEL: D47 D91 Z28
    Date: 2024–07
  2. By: Subhasish M. Chowdhury (Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 4DT, UK); Dan Kovenock (Economic Science Institute, Chapman University, Orange, CA 92866, USA); Anwesha Mukherjee (Department of Economics, University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AA, UK)
    Abstract: Contests are situations in which agents compete by irreversibly expending costly resources in an attempt to win a prize. Due to their applications in conflict, rent-seeking, organizational incentives, sports, litigation, and political campaigns, contests are widely applied in the social sciences. In this survey we summarize some main results and recent developments of experimental studies in contest theory. We also point out their broader applications in the social sciences.
    Keywords: Contest; Experiment; Conflict; Survey
    JEL: C91 C92 D72 D74
    Date: 2024–06
  3. By: Fabien Gargam (Renmin University of China = Université Renmin de Chine, Université Paris-Saclay, RITM - Réseaux Innovation Territoires et Mondialisation - Université Paris-Saclay)
    Abstract: Doping in sport means a highly strategic subject that raises questions among non-specialists and specialists alike. These questions generally focus on doped athletes, and rarely on the regulation of doping. After studying this regulation at length, the author of the article establishes that it seems poorly defined for three reasons and that it is in a state of permanent failure by means of quantitative and qualitative data. To remedy these two problems, he prescribes a new lexical approach with four concepts and a cultural change in four areas. Beyond the sporting nature of the subject, the article puts the regulation of doping into perspective with the other regulations in society.
    Abstract: Le dopage sportif est un sujet hautement stratégique qui suscite des questionnements tant chez les non-spécialistes que chez les spécialistes. Ces questionnements portent généralement sur les athlètes dopés et rarement sur la régulation du dopage. Après avoir longuement étudié cette régulation, l'auteur de l'article établit qu'elle semble mal définie pour trois raisons et qu'elle est en situation d'échec permanent au moyen de données quantitatives et qualitatives. Pour remédier à ces deux problèmes, il prescrit une nouvelle approche lexicale avec quatre concepts et un changement culturel dans quatre domaines. Au-delà de la nature sportive du sujet, l'article met en perspective la régulation du dopage avec les autres régulations dans la société.
    Keywords: Doping, Anti-doping, Permanent failure, Fake perfs, Shortcut business, Dopage, Antidopage, Échec permanent, Entreprise du raccourci
    Date: 2024–05–24
  4. By: Florian Lecaër (AMU IAE - Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) - Aix-en-Provence - AMU - Aix Marseille Université, CERGAM - Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Gestion d'Aix-Marseille - AMU - Aix Marseille Université - UTLN - Université de Toulon); Olivier Roques (AMU IAE - Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) - Aix-en-Provence - AMU - Aix Marseille Université, CERGAM - Centre d'Études et de Recherche en Gestion d'Aix-Marseille - AMU - Aix Marseille Université - UTLN - Université de Toulon)
    Keywords: Gestion du stress, expériences de récupération, Ressources, Compétences, Prise de décision, Plongée, Transfert de compétence, Loisir, Sport
    Date: 2023

This nep-spo issue is ©2024 by Humberto Barreto. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.