nep-sog New Economics Papers
on Sociology of Economics
Issue of 2024‒05‒13
three papers chosen by
Jonas Holmström, Axventure AB

  1. Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope By Brodeur, Abel; Mikola, Derek; Cook, Nikolai
  2. The Replication Database: Documenting the Replicability of Psychological Science By Röseler, Lukas; Kaiser, Leonard; Doetsch, Christopher Albert; Klett, Noah; Seida, Christian; Schütz, Astrid; Aczel, Balazs; Adelina, Nadia; Agostini, Valeria; Alarie, Samuel
  3. Introductory Remarks at the 2024 Women in Economics Symposium By Alberto G. Musalem

  1. By: Brodeur, Abel (University of Ottawa); Mikola, Derek (Carleton University); Cook, Nikolai (Wilfrid Laurier University)
    Abstract: This study pushes our understanding of research reliability by reproducing and replicating claims from 110 papers in leading economic and political science journals. The analysis involves computational reproducibility checks and robustness assessments. It reveals several patterns. First, we uncover a high rate of fully computationally reproducible results (over 85%). Second, excluding minor issues like missing packages or broken pathways, we uncover coding errors for about 25% of studies, with some studies containing multiple errors. Third, we test the robustness of the results to 5, 511 re-analyses. We find a robustness reproducibility of about 70%. Robustness reproducibility rates are relatively higher for re-analyses that introduce new data and lower for re-analyses that change the sample or the definition of the dependent variable. Fourth, 52% of re-analysis effect size estimates are smaller than the original published estimates and the average statistical significance of a re-analysis is 77% of the original. Lastly, we rely on six teams of researchers working independently to answer eight additional research questions on the determinants of robustness reproducibility. Most teams find a negative relationship between replicators' experience and reproducibility, while finding no relationship between reproducibility and the provision of intermediate or even raw data combined with the necessary cleaning codes.
    Keywords: reproduction, replication, research transparency, open science, economics, political science
    JEL: B41 C10 C81
    Date: 2024–04
  2. By: Röseler, Lukas (University of Münster); Kaiser, Leonard; Doetsch, Christopher Albert; Klett, Noah; Seida, Christian; Schütz, Astrid (University of Bamberg); Aczel, Balazs (Eotvos Lorand University); Adelina, Nadia; Agostini, Valeria; Alarie, Samuel
    Abstract: In psychological science, replicability—repeating a study with a new sample achieving consistent results (Parsons et al., 2022)—is critical for affirming the validity of scientific findings. Despite its importance, replication efforts are few and far between in psychological science with many attempts failing to corroborate past findings. This scarcity, compounded by the difficulty in accessing replication data, jeopardizes the efficient allocation of research resources and impedes scientific advancement. Addressing this crucial gap, we present the Replication Database (, a novel platform hosting 1, 239 original findings paired with replication findings. The infrastructure of this database allows researchers to submit, access, and engage with replication findings. The database makes replications visible, easily findable via a graphical user interface, and tracks replication rates across various factors, such as publication year or journal. This will facilitate future efforts to evaluate the robustness of psychological research.
    Date: 2024–04–10
  3. By: Alberto G. Musalem
    Abstract: St. Louis Fed President Alberto Musalem gave brief remarks and introduced keynote speaker Federal Reserve Gov. Adriana Kugler at the 2024 Women in Economics Symposium held at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
    Keywords: women in economics
    Date: 2024–04–04

This nep-sog issue is ©2024 by Jonas Holmström. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.