nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2023‒07‒24
34 papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar, Asian Development Bank

  1. Labour law and the informal economy in Vietnam subtitle By Barcucci, Valentina,; Bonnet, Florence,; Cooney, Sean,
  2. Pelaksanaan Kredit Usaha Rakyat Pada PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Kantor Cabang Padang By Rahmahtillah, Zutia Riva; Dona, Elva
  4. Analisis Kemampuan Siswa Kelas 11 MAN 1 Indragiri Hilir dalam Mengerjakan Soal Ujian Bahasa Indonesia Semester Genap By Humairoh, Fitri
  5. Analisis Minat Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Riau Angkatan 2021B pada Mata Kuliah Statistik By Enjelina, Anisa
  6. Kode Etik Profesi Amil dalam OPZ By Sahib, Nurafifah
  7. Pengelolaan Risiko Bank Syariah By Irwan Arfin, Muh.
  8. Manajemen Zis "Kode Etik Profesi Amil dalam OPZ" By Sahib, Nurafifah
  10. Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas Pada PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk By Putri, Yohana; Marlius, Doni
  11. The effects of disability on households’ economic livelihoods and chronic poverty in Vietnam By Kiely, Sean F.; Kiesel, Kristin
  12. Farmers’ knowledge and farm productivity in rural Thailand and Vietnam By Jaretzky, Huong; Liebenehm, Sabine; Waibel, Hermann
  13. Motivated Reasoning, Biased Beliefs, and Consumer Valuations of Vegetable Labels in Vietnam By Kiely, Sean F.; Kiesel, Kristin
  14. On Rice and Weddings: Impacts of Food Assistance on Child Marriage in Indonesia By Lorenz, Aaron; Lee, Yu Na
  15. Entrepreneurship Training and Online Marketplace Participation among Female Persons with Disabilities By Gan, Siew Wei; Sarma, Vengadeshvaran; Tang, Yu Hoe; Sim, Siew Chen
  17. El proceso de reformas de Vietnam a partir de 1986 By Calveira, Martín
  18. Tingkat Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Teks Ulasan Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 11 Mandau Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia By Putri, Ayuning Jenia Ayunda
  20. New Evidence on the Underrepresentation of Asian Americans in Leadership Positions By Zhu, Maria
  21. Construction of an Index Tracker for Debt Sustainability Assessment in the Philippines By Allado, Armin Paul; Lim, Lance Nicklaus; Tulauan, Nerie Angeli; Abreu, Marvin Kyle; Agabin, Patricia Louise; Regio, Joaquin Charles
  22. Beyond the “Model Minority” Mirage: How Does Positive Bias Affect Asian Students and Other Students of Color? By Ying Shi; Maria Zhu
  23. Conflict and Agricultural Performance: Evidence from Myanmar By Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; Jin, Songqing
  24. Examining the nexus between exporting status and CO2 productivity in Indonesian agro-based manufacturing By Mandasari, Putriesti; Luckstead, Jeff
  26. Market access vs. conflict exposure: Smallholder paddy production in Myanmar By Steinhübel-Rasheed, Linda; Minten, Bart J.
  28. Contribution of Agriculture to Climate Change and Low-Emission Agricultural Development in Asia and the Pacific By Aryal, Jeetendra P.
  29. Harnessing the Potential of Online Marketplaces in the Philippines: Insights from the National Information and Communications Technology Household Survey By Bayudan-Dacuycuy, Connie; Dacuucuy, Lawrence
  30. Optimal Public Transportation Networks: Evidence from the World's Largest Bus Rapid Transit System in Jakarta By Gabriel Kreindler; Arya Gaduh; Tilman Graff; Rema Hanna; Benjamin A. Olken
  31. Local Currency Bond Market Development and Currency Stability amid Market Turmoil By Kim, Cheonkoo; Park, Donghyun; Park, Jungsoo; Tian, Shu
  32. 포용적 무역을 위한 국내보완대책의 성과와 시사점(The Effects of South Korea’s Domestic Supplementary Measures for Trade Adjustment and Their Implications) By Koo, Kyong Hyun; Bae, Chankwon; Park, Hyeri; Ryu, Kirak
  33. Globalise to Localise: Exporting at Scale and Deepening the Ecosystem are Vital to Higher Domestic Value Addition in Electronics By Deepak Mishra; Neha Gupta; Sanya Dua; Sanjna Agarwal
  34. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman! Using mass media to fight intolerance By Alex Armand; Paul Atwell; Joseph F. Gomes; Yannik Schenk

  1. By: Barcucci, Valentina,; Bonnet, Florence,; Cooney, Sean,
    Abstract: Abstract.
    Keywords: informal economy, labour law
    Date: 2023
  2. By: Rahmahtillah, Zutia Riva; Dona, Elva
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how the distribution of people's business loans at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Padang Branch Office. The research method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Padang Branch Office. The result of this research is that credit implementation is carried out using the 7P and 3R analysis.
    Date: 2023–05–08
  3. By: Leobisa, Deprimus
    Abstract: Abstrak: Tulisan ini menggambarkan sejarah musik gerejawi di Indonesia, meliputi perkembangan, pengaruh, dan nilai budaya yang terkait dengan tradisi musik Gereja. Dengan menganalisis sumber-sumber sejarah dan penelitian terkini, tulisan ini menggali akar sejarah musik gerejawi di Indonesia, mulai dari masa penyebaran agama Kristen hingga perkembangan modern saat ini. Tulisan ini juga menyoroti pengaruh musik gerejawi terhadap budaya dan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Melalui tinjauan sejarah yang komprehensif, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pemahaman tentang warisan musik gerejawi di Indonesia dan mempromosikan pengakuan atas kekayaan budaya ini.
    Date: 2023–06–13
  4. By: Humairoh, Fitri
    Abstract: Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini mencakup hasil ujian Bahasa Indonesia semester genap yang diikuti oleh siswa-siswa kelas 11 MAN 1 Indragiri Hilir. Data tersebut akan dianalisis secara statistik untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pemahaman dan penguasaan Bahasa Indonesia siswa. Analisis ini akan memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat dalam mengevaluasi kurikulum, metode pengajaran, serta memperkuat upaya peningkatan kompetensi Bahasa Indonesia di sekolah ini. Dengan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal ujian Bahasa Indonesia, kita dapat mengidentifikasi area yang perlu diperkuat serta mengembangkan pendekatan pembelajaran yang lebih adaptif dan responsif. Hal ini akan berkontribusi pada peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan kesuksesan siswa dalam memahami, mengaplikasikan, dan menghargai Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional yang penting.
    Date: 2023–06–13
  5. By: Enjelina, Anisa
    Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar minat belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, universitas Riau khususnya pada angkatan 2021 B terhadap mata kuliah statistic. jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan probability sampling dengan 20 responden sebagai sampel. Data diperoleh dari angket dengan jenis angket tertutup. Adapun hasil penelitian bahwa rata-rata minat belajar mahasiswa FKIP Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia ini sebesar 76, 5 dengan kategori baik. Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji normalitas dan uji T satu sampel. Dari uji T satu sampel diperoleh hasil H0 diterima dengan nilai harapan 80.
    Date: 2023–06–04
  6. By: Sahib, Nurafifah
    Abstract: Menurut peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 kode etik adalah satu kesatuan landasan, norma moral dan etik mengenai kepatutan dan kepantasan yang menjadi pedoman perilaku dan wajib dipatuhi serta dilaksanakan oleh seluruh Amil Zakat. Adapun kode etik profesi amil zakat adalah, syariat islam, amanah dan integritas, kemanfaatan, keadilan, kepastian hukum, akuntabilitas dan professional.
    Date: 2023–06–03
  7. By: Irwan Arfin, Muh.
    Abstract: Menurut Sari (2010) ada 6 Pilar Arsitektur Perbankan Indonesia (API), meliputi: 1. Pilar 1 : Struktur perbankan yang sehat 2. Pilar 2 : Sistem Pengaturan yang efektif 3. Pilar 3 : Sistem Pengawasan yang Independen dan Efektif 4. Pilar 4 : Industri Perbankan yang kuat 5. Pilar 5 : Infrastruktur Pendukung yang mencukupi 6. Pilar 6 : Perlindungan Konsumen Sedangkan, Basel II merupakan kerangka permodalan yang diterapkan melalui kombinasi optimal dari 3 aktivitas utama yaitu pelaksanaan pengawasan yang efektif, disiplin pasar yang konsisten serta operasional bank berdasarkan prinsip kehati-hatian. Implementasi Basel II difokuskan pada kesesuaian antara kecukupan modal bank dikaitkan dengan elemen-elemen risiko yang dihadapi dengan memberikan insentif bagi peningkatan kemampuan manajemen risiko. Hal ini diwakili oleh ketiga pilar yaitu minimum capital requirements, supervisory review process dan market discipline. (Bank Indonesia:2006) Zaimul Arifin mengemukakan di Imam Gozali (2007: 70) bahwa dalam menilai rasio kecukupan modal bank syariah, perlu dipertimbangkan terlebih dahulu untuk membagi aset bank syariah ke dalam kategori berikut: 1. Aktiva didanai oleh modal sendiri. 2. Aktiva didanai oleh rekening bagi hasil adalah mudharabah. Pengukuran CAR adalah modal dibagi ATMR. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 7/25/PBI/2005 Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya insani terkait manajemen risiko, maka perbankan syariah mengadakan program sertifikasi manajemen risiko diantaranya dengan cara: 1. Membuat modul sertifikasi manajemen risiko dan test online dalam aplikasi e-learning yang dapat diakses oleh seluruh pegawai. Test online diselenggarakan bank untuk menyaring pegawai yang telah siap mengikuti ujian sertifikasi manajemen risiko. 2. Melakukan training internal sertifikasi manajemen risiko dan try out untuk memaksimalkan persiapan ujian sertifikasi tersebut. 3. Mengikutsertakan seluruh pegawai bank dalam ujian sertifikasi manajemen risiko yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko.
    Date: 2023–06–02
  8. By: Sahib, Nurafifah
    Abstract: Menurut peraturan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 kode etik adalah satu kesatuan landasan, norma moral dan etik mengenai kepatutan dan kepantasan yang menjadi pedoman perilaku dan wajib dipatuhi serta dilaksanakan oleh seluruh Amil Zakat. Adapun kode etik profesi amil zakat adalah, syariat islam, amanah dan integritas, kemanfaatan, keadilan, kepastian hukum, akuntabilitas dan professional.
    Date: 2023–06–03
  9. By: , nilfah
    Abstract: Latar belakang berdirinya LAZISMU terdiri atas dua faktor. Pertama faktor Indonesia yang berselimut dengan kemiskinan yang masih meluas, kebodohan dan indeks pembangunan manusia yang masih sangat rendah. Semuanya berakibat dan sekaligus disebabkan tatanan keadilan sosial yang lemah. Kedua, zakat diyakini mampu bersumbangsih dalam mendorong keadilan sosial, pembangunan manusia dan mampu mengentaskan kemiskinan.Berkaitan dengan permasalahan kemiskinan, dan pembangunan manusia yang terjadi di Indonesia yang bahkan sampai sekarang masih terus menjadi permasalahan, sehingga muncullah berbagai Lembaga-lembaga zakat, salah satunya adalah LAZISMU untuk mengentaskan permasalahan tersebut, apakah dengan adanya program-program yang di munculkan dapat meminimalisir permasalahan yang ada.
    Date: 2023–06–04
  10. By: Putri, Yohana; Marlius, Doni
    Abstract: This study aims to find out how the development of BNI Bank's financial development, with an analysis of financial data from a bank interested in which data is listed in the financial statements. Researchers are interested in discussing the ratio of profitability of analysts at Tbk Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero). This type of research is quantitative research, data comes from PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The rest are additional data such as documents and others. To complete research data, two data sources are needed, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The analysis method used is quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method is the process of calculating the level of liquidity in the State Bank of Indonesia. While the qualitative method explains the data that the writer is careful during the research process. The results of the study found that PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, during the 2020 period to the 2022 period was shown as follows, the BNI 2020 to 2022 Bank ROA ratio was still fluctuating. The BNI Bank's ROE ratio in 2020 to 2021 value of 2.16% of banks experienced an increase in profit with a fairly low percentage, which means that it is not effective and efficient in using capital. The BOPO Bank BNI ratio in 2020 to 2021 has experienced an unfavorable and efficient increase in banking on operating costs. The smaller Bopo Bank, banks are increasingly efficient in managing operational costs. The BNI NPM Bank ratio in 2020 to 2022 has always increased with the ability of banks to obtain net profit at a more effective sales level.
    Date: 2023–05–30
  11. By: Kiely, Sean F.; Kiesel, Kristin
    Keywords: International Development, Consumer/Household Economics, Community/Rural/Urban Development
    Date: 2023
  12. By: Jaretzky, Huong; Liebenehm, Sabine; Waibel, Hermann
    Keywords: Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Agribusiness
    Date: 2023
  13. By: Kiely, Sean F.; Kiesel, Kristin
    Keywords: Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing
    Date: 2023
  14. By: Lorenz, Aaron; Lee, Yu Na
    Keywords: Labor and Human Capital, International Development, Agricultural and Food Policy
    Date: 2023
  15. By: Gan, Siew Wei (Asian Development Bank Institute); Sarma, Vengadeshvaran (Asian Development Bank Institute); Tang, Yu Hoe (Asian Development Bank Institute); Sim, Siew Chen (Asian Development Bank Institute)
    Abstract: Online marketplace participation is a strategy for reducing barriers for female entrepreneurs who qualify as persons with disabilities (PWDs). Adapting a framework focused on causal interaction, entrepreneurial action, and the sociocultural context, we analyzed data using a mixed-methods approach from an entrepreneurial training program aimed at PWDs and implemented in three Southeast Asian nations, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, to evaluate whether online marketplace participation helps female PWDs generate better income and support their families. Findings indicate that female PWD entrepreneurs who participate in the online marketplace generate better earnings than those who do not, although heterogeneities by nature of the product/service in question are prevalent. The results also show that trainees are better able to meet their families’ financial needs. Despite the advantages, online marketplace participation among female PWD entrepreneurs is still low due to constraints regarding capital, technical know-how, and suitability of products. Hence, targeted intervention is necessary to enhance their participation.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; PWDs; online marketplace; training
    JEL: I31 L26 O17
    Date: 2022–10
  16. By: Pahri, Eka Dilla
    Abstract: Model pembelajaran merupakan acuan pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan pola pembelajaran tertentu secara sistematis, model pembelajaran adalah pola umum perilaku pembelajaran untuk mencapai kompetensi atau tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Model pembelajaran take and give adalah pembelajaran yang menekankan pada kartu yang berisi materi pelajaran dan menjadi alat penting dalam proses belajar mengajar. Dengan kartu tersebut, peserta didik bisa saling tukar menukar materi yang mereka ketahui dengan teman lainnya yang menjadi pasangannya, dengan begitu bisa merangsang ingatan peserta didik pada suatu materi yang diberikan pendidik saat pelajaran di kelas, sehingga wawasan peserta didik menjadi luas, jelas dan kuat dalam ingatan. Adapun keaktifan siswa dapat dilihat dari berbagai hal seperti memperhatikan (visual activities), mendengarkan, berdiskusi, kesiapan siswa, bertanya, keberanian siswa, mendengarkan, memecahkan soal (mental activities). Langkah-langkah dalam strategi Take and Give dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berupa: 1) Pemberian materi oleh guru; 2) Pembagian kartu berisi materi yang harus dihafalkan; 3) Siswa bertukar materi dengan teman lain yang menjadi pasangannya; 4) Guru memberikan pertanyaan mengenai materi tersebut; 5) Guru menutup pembeajaran dengan memberikan penguatan.
    Date: 2023–06–13
  17. By: Calveira, Martín
    Abstract: El presente trabajo analiza el proceso de transformación de la Republica Socialista de Vietnam iniciado en la década de 1980 a partir de reformas estructurales incluidas en el programa denominado Doi Moi (Renovación). Ese conjunto de medidas integrales tuvieron resultados notablemente favorables en términos de crecimiento económico y desarrollo productivo y social. En ese sentido la gestión de los cambios fue convergente con los objetivos de Productividad Inclusiva, principalmente al observar la inversión en capital humano derivado del énfasis en la educación.
    Date: 2023–05–31
  18. By: Putri, Ayuning Jenia Ayunda
    Abstract: Dalam materi teks ulasan sebagai seorang pendidik harus dapat menentukan objek yang sesuai sebagai objek karya yang ingin diulas oleh siswa. Siswa dapat diarahkan untuk mengulas buku atau film kesukannya sehingga proses pembelajaran teks ulasan ini akan terasa menarik untuk dipelajari. Karena seiring perkembangan zaman banyak tersebar bahan bacaan seperti novel, cerpen ataupun film remaja yang dapat kalangan siswa SMP untuk ulas dalam bentuk teks ulasan. Sebelum mengulas suatu karya siswa harus diberi pemahaman tentang teks ulasan. Baik itu dari segi struktur, kaidah kebahasaan yang digunakan serta bagian-bagian teks ulasan lainnya.
    Date: 2023–06–12
  19. By: , Karmila
    Abstract: Model pembelajaran memiliki berbagai macam jenis, menyesuaikan dengan materi pembelajaran. Guru harus kreatif dalam mengembang model pembelajaran agar tidak terjadi proses penyaluran materi dapat berjalan dengan baik. Snowball throwing dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penguasaan kosa kata baku dan tidak baku. Model ini dapat melatih dan mengimplementasikan langsung kosa kata yang baku sehingga siswa dapat membiasakan diri menulis dengan kata yang sesuai dengan EYD dan kaidah kepenulisan. Selain itu, dapat membantu siswa mengingat jenis kosa kata baru yang didapatkan.
    Date: 2023–06–13
  20. By: Zhu, Maria (Syracuse University)
    Abstract: For decades, Asian Americans have been characterized as a "model minority" due to perceived success in educational attainment and labor market outcomes. However, there are concerns that Asians remain underrepresented in top level positions in the workplace. This study presents new evidence on the extent of this underrepresentation between US-born Asian American and White men and examines mechanisms driving racial leadership gaps. Results indicate that Asian men are significantly less likely to work in management and executive positions compared to White men with similar qualifications. However, Asian men are not underrepresented in other high-paying, non-leadership occupations, suggesting this is a phenomenon unique to leadership occupations. Furthermore, these gaps are only present among East Asian and Southeast Asian men, while South Asian men do not differ from White men in the likelihood of working in leadership occupations. I examine several mechanisms and find no evidence that gaps are driven by racial differences in preferences for leadership positions, selection into self-employment, intergenerational transmission effects, immigration recency, or ethnic attrition.
    Keywords: Asian Americans, leadership, labor market outcomes
    JEL: J01 J15
    Date: 2023–06
  21. By: Allado, Armin Paul (Asian Development Bank Institute); Lim, Lance Nicklaus (Asian Development Bank Institute); Tulauan, Nerie Angeli (Asian Development Bank Institute); Abreu, Marvin Kyle (Asian Development Bank Institute); Agabin, Patricia Louise (Asian Development Bank Institute); Regio, Joaquin Charles (Asian Development Bank Institute)
    Abstract: With economies around the world facing more dire challenges as an immediate result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for national governments to borrow funds has grown. The abrupt increase in debt level highlights the importance of implementing suitable models to project emerging debt scenarios and assess debt sustainability. Given that sustainable debt levels vary from country to country, we applied the IMF’s Debt Sustainability Analysis to assess the Philippines’ debt burden over time to be used as an input in the construction of a debt index tracker that incorporates other relevant fiscal and economic indicators. The index tracker serves as an aggregate barometer on whether debt levels have breached the sustainable threshold level. Furthermore, we will utilize the debt tracker to show the implicit debt ceiling and the available fiscal policy room that can respond to the next potential shock.
    Keywords: debt sustainability; Debt Index tracker; sustainable debt threshold level; implicit debt ceiling; available fiscal space
    JEL: H63
    Date: 2022–09
  22. By: Ying Shi (Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 426 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244); Maria Zhu (Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 426 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244)
    Abstract: Asian Americans are often perceived as a “model minority” in classrooms. While this stereotype seems positive, it may raise expectations for Asian students and bolster negative stereotypes for students in other minority groups due to teacher bias. This brief summarizes findings from a study that used data from the North Carolina Education Research Data Center (NCERDC) from 2007 to 2013 to identify the presence of positive bias in teachers’ assessments towards Asian American students in grades 3-8 and its effects on other minority groups. The authors find that teachers rate Asian students’ academic skills more favorably than similar White students in the same classroom with the same performance and behavior. In addition, the ‘‘model minority” stereotype negatively impacts other minority groups. Teachers respond to the presence of any Asian student in the classroom by widening Black-White and Hispanic-White assessment gaps. The authors conclude that teacher assessment patterns that set Asian students apart from other groups of minority students harm all students.
    Keywords: Teacher Evaluation, Racial Bias, Asian Americans
    Date: 2023–07
  23. By: Win, Myat Thida; Maredia, Mywish K.; Jin, Songqing
    Keywords: Labor and Human Capital, International Development, Production Economics
    Date: 2023
  24. By: Mandasari, Putriesti; Luckstead, Jeff
    Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Productivity Analysis, Agribusiness
    Date: 2023
  25. By: , Karmila
    Abstract: Soal percobaan yang diberikan kepada siswa kelas XI IPS 1 SMA Negeri Bukit Batu memiliki 11 butir soal valid dan 19 butir soal drop. Soal-soal yang valid terdapat pada nomor 5, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, dan 30. Butir soal drop/tidak valid terdapat pada nomor 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, dan 25. Setelah melakukan analisis pada data didapatkan reliabilitas soal adalah 0, 95. Berdasarkan kriteria koefisien Guilford, reliabilitas dari soal percobaan termasuk pada tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi, yaitu 0, 90 ≤ r₁₁ < 1, 00. Artinya soal ini dapat diuji kepada sekolah lain sebagai alat tes sumatif.
    Date: 2023–06–13
  26. By: Steinhübel-Rasheed, Linda; Minten, Bart J.
    Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Research Methods/Statistical Methods, International Development
    Date: 2023
  27. By: triyawan, andi
    Abstract: This research was conducted to understand the impact of several independent variables such as exports, imports and economic growth on the dependent variable, namely the population exchange rate. This research is a type of explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The data used in this study is time series data for the period 2000-2022 obtained from the official websites of the World Bank and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The sampling method is a sample of 23 samples. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS. Simultaneous test results or simultaneously show that exports, imports and economic growth have a significant effect on the exchange rate. The partial test results show that the export variable has a significant effect on the exchange rate.
    Date: 2023–06–12
  28. By: Aryal, Jeetendra P. (Asian Development Bank Institute)
    Abstract: The agriculture sector in the Asia and Pacific region contributes massively to climate change, as the region has the largest share of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture. The region is the largest producer of rice, a major source of methane emissions. Further, to achieve food security for the increasing population, there has been a massive increase in the use of synthetic fertilizer and energy in agricultural production in the region over the last few decades. This has led to an enormous rise in nitrous oxide (N2O) (mostly from fertilizer-N use) and carbon dioxide (mostly from energy use for irrigation) emissions from agriculture. Besides this, a substantial increase in livestock production for meat and dairy products has increased methane emissions, along with other environmental problems. In this context, we conduct a systematic review of strategies that can reduce emissions from the agriculture sector using a multidimensional approach, looking at supply-side, demand-side, and cross-cutting measures. The review found that though there is a huge potential to reduce GHG emissions from agriculture, significant challenges exist in monitoring and verification of GHG emissions from supply-side measures, shifting to sustainable consumption behavior with regard to food consumption and use, and the design and implementation of regulatory and incentive mechanisms. On the supply side, policies should focus on the upscaling of climate-smart agriculture primarily through expanding knowledge and improving input use efficiency in agriculture, while on the demand side, there is a need to launch a drive to reduce food loss and waste and also to move toward sustainable consumption. Therefore, appropriate integration of policies at multiple levels, as well as application of multiple measures simultaneously, can increase mitigation potential as desired by the Paris Agreement and also help to achieve several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
    Keywords: agriculture; climate change; low-emission agriculture; Asia and the Pacific
    JEL: Q15 Q18 Q24 Q54
    Date: 2022–09
  29. By: Bayudan-Dacuycuy, Connie (Asian Development Bank Institute); Dacuucuy, Lawrence (Asian Development Bank Institute)
    Abstract: Using the Philippines’ first-ever nationally representative survey designed for characterizing digital commercial and noncommercial engagements, including information and communication technology (ICT) use, the digital economy, and technology-enabled incidents, we investigate the presence of gendered disparities in online marketplaces. Doing this is consistent with the spirit of a gender and development approach that aims for equal and equitable outcomes between men and women. We verify whether the observed participation of women in online marketplaces results in higher online sales. To establish the determinants of participation and incomes in online marketplaces, we use a Heckman estimator in cognizance of the nonrandom choices people make when they enter online marketspaces. The negative selection indicates that those likely to sell have unobserved attributes negatively correlated with online income. Based on our model’s income predictions, men outperform women in online sales. Men still hold the advantage, replicating a trend observed in traditional marketplaces. Results also highlight the importance of skills, digital awareness and habits, selling platforms, and ICT infrastructures. We also identify potential initiatives for online marketplaces.
    Keywords: online selling; participation; earnings; Philippines
    JEL: D19 D39
    Date: 2022–09
  30. By: Gabriel Kreindler; Arya Gaduh; Tilman Graff; Rema Hanna; Benjamin A. Olken
    Abstract: Designing public transport networks involves tradeoffs between extensive geographic coverage, frequent service on each route, and relying on interconnections as opposed to direct service. These choices, in turn, depend on individual preferences for waiting times, travel times, and transfers. We study these tradeoffs by examining the world's largest bus rapid transit system, in Jakarta, Indonesia, leveraging a large network expansion between 2016-2020. Using detailed ridership data and aggregate travel flows from smartphone data, we analyze how new direct connections, changes in bus travel time, and wait time reductions increase ridership and overall trips. We set up and estimate a transit network demand model with multi-dimensional travel costs, idiosyncratic heterogeneity induced by random wait times, and inattention, matching event-study moments from the route launches. Commuters in Jakarta are 2-4 times more sensitive to wait time compared to time on the bus, and inattentive to long routes. To study the implications for network design, we introduce a new framework to describe the set of optimal networks. Our results suggest that a less concentrated network would increase ridership and commuter welfare.
    JEL: L91 O18 R48
    Date: 2023–06
  31. By: Kim, Cheonkoo (Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry); Park, Donghyun (Asian Development Bank); Park, Jungsoo (Sogang University); Tian, Shu (Asian Development Bank)
    Abstract: This study investigates how development of the local currency (LCY) bond market brings stability in the financial market. The analysis is based on annual economy panel data set for 1989–2020. The main findings are as follows. First, exchange rate volatility is lower during crisis periods if an economy has a more developed LCY bond market. Second, a greater share of LCY bonds and a greater share of bonds with long-term maturities have a stabilizing effect on exchange rate volatility during normal times. Lastly, a developed LCY bond market can serve as a buffer against monetary policy shocks emanating from the United States. The empirical evidence in this study implies that emerging economies need to consider designing policies to bolster development of LCY bond markets.
    Keywords: local currency bond market; exchange rate volatility; currency mismatch; maturity mismatch; financial crisis
    JEL: E22 G31
    Date: 2023–07–03
    Abstract: 본 연구는 ‘FTA 정책의 확대’나 ‘중국·베트남 중심의 무역구조 재편’과 같은 무역 충격으로 인해 피해를 입은 국내 기업과 근로자에게 무역조정지원제도나 고용보험제도 등 기존의 국내보완대책이 얼마나 효과적으로 작동했는지 실증적으로 평가하고, 주요국의 유사 제도ㆍ사례를 비교분석함으로써 국내 무역 피해 보완대책에 대한 개선방안을 도출하였다. Since the 2000s, South Korea has experienced significant changes in its industrial and employment structures as a result of trade shocks, including the expansion of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) policies and the restructuring of trade structures centered on China and Vietnam. Although these changes have contributed to South Korea’s relatively high economic growth rates, they have also widened the income and employment stability gap between workers (Koo and Kim 2020; Koo et al. 2021). In light of the profound impact of trade shocks on the economy, effective protection and support for firms and workers who have suffered relative losses in the adjustment process is considered an essential measure to maximize the net benefit of trade. Such a measure represents a crucial policy goal that requires prioritization in South Korea, given the country’s heavy reliance on international trade. To achieve this policy goal, South Korea has primarily implemented the Act on Trade Adjustment Assistance and the Employment Insurance Act as domestic supplementary measures. However, despite the significance of the policy objectives pursued by these two acts, the analysis of their trade adjustment support performance remains inadequate. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of existing domestic supplementary measures, such as the trade adjustment assistance programs and the employment insurance programs, for domestic firms and workers affected by trade shocks. In addition, we also examine similar programs in the United States and European Union as benchmarks. Based on the results of the regression analyses and case studies, we discuss how to improve the Korean domestic supplementary measures for trade adjustment. The second chapter provides an overview of Korea’s trade adjustment assistance programs and the employment insurance system, which can be considered the two pillars of Korea’s trade damage countermeasures. In the third chapter, we analyze the support performance of the trade adjustment assistance program for trade-impacted firms and the employment insurance programs for trade-impacted workers using micro data. (the rest omitted)
    Keywords: Complementary Domestic Measures for Trade Policy; Labor Market; and Inclusive Trade
    Date: 2022–12–30
  33. By: Deepak Mishra (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Neha Gupta (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Sanya Dua (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Sanjna Agarwal
    Abstract: The study proposes that India should adopt the mantra of first globalise, then localise, a strategy also pursued by China and Vietnam. Implementing it will require two fundamental changes in the existing policy regime. First, the electronics sector should be able to source inputs from the lowest cost suppliers anywhere in the world until it achieves a global scale, which implies temporarily suspending localisation requirements, removing duties on intermediate items, and accelerating integration through bilateral and regional FTAs.Second, the priority of the industrial policy should be about creating a competitive domestic ecosystem of ancillary suppliers – by improving business climate, removing unnecessary regulations, helping with technology transfer and supporting services, training of workers, better sharing of market information, investment in R&D, and targeted fiscal incentives – through cooperative collaboration with the state governments and the private sector.
    Keywords: Electronics Trade, FTA, Global-Value-Chains, icrier, ICEA, digital India
    Date: 2022–08
  34. By: Alex Armand; Paul Atwell; Joseph F. Gomes; Yannik Schenk
    Abstract: This paper examines the impact of progressive radio programming on societal change during the early period of desegregation in post-World War II U.S. We investigate the in?uence of the popular radio show The Adventures of Superman on promoting tolerance and exposing the bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in 1946. Using state-of-the-art radio propagation models, we map the broadcast’s exposure and analyze its effect on various socioeconomic outcomes. We ?nd that counties with higher exposure to the broadcast experienced a signi?cant decrease in support for KKK-af?liated political candidates and opponents of civil rights. Individuals potentially exposed to the Superman program during their youth exhibited more progressive attitudes towards civil rights, racial desegregation and African Americans later in life. These individuals were also less likely to participate in the Vietnam War. Additionally, we explore the long-term impact of the radio coverage by examining outcomes at the county level, such as the presence of active KKK branches, civil rights organizations, and accessibility of non-discriminatory services for African Americans listed in the “Negro Motorist Green Books.” We ?nd signi?cant and progressive effects on all analyzed outcomes. These results underscore the potential of progressive radio programming as a catalyst for social change and contribute to our understanding of how media shapes societal attitudes and beliefs.
    Keywords: Mass Media, Radio, Segregation, Ku Klux Klan, Superman, Intolerance, Civil Rights, Racism
    JEL: D7 D83 J15 L82 N32 Z18
    Date: 2023

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.