nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2023‒03‒06
fifty-one papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar
Asian Development Bank

  1. Pengaruh Resesi Global 2023 terhadap Keberlangsungan Bisnis dan Ketersediaan Lapangan Pekerjaan pada Wirausaha di Indonesia By Christianto, Billiam Steven
  2. Dampak Resesi 2023 terhadap Pelaku Usaha dan Munculnya Peluang Bisnis By Carazein, Angeline Shakila
  3. Disruptive Corporate Culture: Studi Kasus PT. GoJek Indonesia By Rizky, Hafizh; Purbowati, Siwi Tyas; wardani, dita; Aadilah, Muhammad Nabiil Dzakwan
  4. resesi 2023 By Sutanto, Hendrik
  5. Persiapan Bisnis Kuliner dalam menghadapi Resesi 2023 By Gunawan, Caroline
  6. Membeli wirausaha waralaba By , Giovanno
  7. Strategi serta Peluang Bisnis di saat Resesi 2023 By Nida, Rahmatun
  8. Akankah Ekonomi 2023 Gelap? By Atallah, Berton
  9. Disruptive Corporate Culture By Arif, Endra Athaya; Sunyoto, Rio Setyawan; Yudhistira, Muhammad Rizqi; zeuse, aggie moses
  10. Rekomendasi Membeli Waralaba Indonesia By candra, michael eldorado
  11. Bisnis yang Mampu Bertahan di Era Resesi By Nawawi, Ibnu
  13. Rapid Economic Growth but Rising Poverty Segregation: Will Vietnam Meet the SDGs for Equitable Development? By Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Dhongde, Shatakshee; Do, Minh; Nguyen, Cuong Viet; Pimhidzai, Obert
  14. Pembelian Waralaba Berdasarkan Nominal Modal By , Aquino Calvin Teno Cahyono
  15. Helen Yolanda - Penyebab dan Dampak Resesi 2023 terhadap Bisnis di Indonesia By Yolanda, Helen
  16. Distortions, Producer Dynamics, and Aggregate Productivity: A General Equilibrium Analysis By Stephen Ayerst; Loren Brandt; Diego Restuccia
  17. Filsafat Hukum Menemukan Keteraturan Hukum By FIRDAUS, EKA AFRINA JANATUL
  18. EBC Expo: Ajang Unjuk Kreatifitas Melalui Program Enrichment BINUS Malang By Carazein, Angeline Shakila
  19. Discrete and Smooth Scalar-on-Density Compositional Regression for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Rice Yield in Vietnam. By Thomas-Agnan, Christine; Simioni, Michel; Trinh, Thi-Huong
  20. Strategi dan Inovasi "Mengganggu" sebagai Antisipasi Resesi 2023 By Sanjaya, Angelie Natalia
  21. Memilih Bisnis Waralaba untuk Pebisnis Pemula By Christianto, Billiam Steven
  22. "Color on Food Packaging as Brand Visibility and Value Creation: A Systematic Review " By Wirania Swasty
  23. Strategi dan Inovasi Disrupsi bagi Wirausahawan untuk Menghadapi Ancaman Terjadinya Resesi 2023 By Angellie, Natasya Priscilla
  24. Insufficient funding for Vietnamese science By Han, YouAI
  25. Barriers to entrepreneurial intention among students of economics and management in Ho Chi Minh City By Thy, Nguyen Vo Thy
  26. Mitigating poverty and undernutrition through social protection: A simulation analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh and Myanmar By Ecker, Olivier; Alderman, Harold; Comstock, Andrew R.; Headey, Derek D.; Mahrt, Kristi; Pradesha, Angga
  27. Growth and Risk: A View from International Trade By Krishna, Pravin; Andrei A. Levchenko; Lin Ma; William F. Maloney
  28. "The Impact of Augmented Reality on the Learning Abilities of Primary and Secondary Students at the Cognitive and Affective levels: A Meta-analysis " By Qianqian Shen
  29. Mengenal Lebih Dalam tentang Bisnis Waralaba By Poedjiono, Nathaneal Felix
  31. "Exploring strategies in mathematical proficiency in social sciences research " By Deonarain Brijlall
  32. Through the Looking Glass: Transparency about Others' Luck and Effort Enhances Redistribution By Wiese, Juliane V.; Powdthavee, Nattavudh; Yeo, Jonathan; Riyanto, Yohanes E.
  33. Moneyball Wirausaha Olahraga Berbasis Data Statistik By Baihaqi, Achmad Prabu Riza
  34. Philippines: Technical Assistance Report-Property Price Index Mission By International Monetary Fund
  35. suksenya wirausaha franchaise By Putri, Amelia Alisia
  36. La Asociación Económica Integral Regional: Principales contenidos e implicancias para América Latina y el Caribe By Herreros, Sebastián
  37. Bisnis Waralaba Menguntungkan By Nida, Rahmatun
  38. Anthology of Human Resources Management By Amir, Ja'far; Mohammad, Wily; Fauziah, Layla; Lestari, Anita; Borut, Astuti; Haryono, Basuki; Tobing, Dahlia Lumban; Suryana, Danang; Dewantoro, Fiqih Hyallin; , Husnaini
  39. BUNGA RAMPAI MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA By Amir, Ja'far; Mohammad, Wily; Fauziah, Layla; Lestari, Anita; Borut, Astuti; Haryono, Basuki; Tobing, Dahlia Lumban; Suryana, Danang; Dewantoro, Fiqih Hyallin; , Husnaini
  40. Resesi 2023 : Tantangan Baru Wirausaha By yanez, marcellino
  41. Jurnal Reportase EBC Expo 2022 Binus University Malang By Putra, Fadillahtour Rizki Rusdandi
  42. Inovasi Desain Produk Baut Berbasis Artificial Intelligence By Angellie, Natasya Priscilla
  43. The Value of a Green Card in the U.S. Marriage Market: A Tale of Chain Migration? By Bansak, Cynthia; Dziadula, Eva; Zavodny, Madeline
  44. Remarks at the Next Step FX Event By Michelle Neal
  45. Long-term effects of rainfall shocks on foundational cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru By Nicolas Pazos; Marta Favara; Alan Sánchez; Douglas Scott; Jere Behrman
  46. Investing the factors affecting green bond investments in China: Cases for Beijing and Shenzhen By Zenno, Yoshihiro; Aruga, Kentaka
  47. Indonesia: Technical Assistance Report-Financial Soundness Indicators Statistics Mission By International Monetary Fund
  48. A Quasi Synthetic Control Method for Nonlinear Models By Zongwu Cai; Ying Fang; Ming Lin; Zixuan Wu
  49. What draws investment to Special Economic Zones? Lessons from developing countries By Susanne A. Frick; Andres Rodriguez-Pose; ;
  50. Do pension funds reach for yield? Evidence from a new database By Maximilian Konradt
  51. ESG Incentives and Attracting Socially Responsible Capital By Meg Adachi-Sato; Osamu Sato

  1. By: Christianto, Billiam Steven
    Abstract: Tidak lama ini, Dunia perekonomian diguncangkan oleh kabar bahwa prediksi ekonomi untuk tahun 2023 akan mengalami resesi yang skalnya lebih besar dibandingkan resesi yang terjadi pada saat pandemic Covid-19. Berita yang mengejutkan ini membuat masyarakat di Indonesia menjadi khawatir terhadap prakiraan tersebut melihat aktivitas ekonomi baru saja pulih pada Tahun 2022 dengan menurunnya kasus covid-19 di Dunia yang mengembalikan perputaran roda ekonomi on track 1 tahun terakhir. Definisi resesi (Investopedia, 2022) that two consecutive quarters of decline in gross domestic product (GDP) constitute a recession. Resesi menurut Investopedia akan menghasilkan penurunan drastic terhadap economic output, consumer demand, and employment.
    Date: 2022–11–27
  2. By: Carazein, Angeline Shakila
    Abstract: Akhir-akhir ini, seluruh dunia dihebohkan dengan adanya berita ancaman resesi yang akan terjadi di tahun 2023. Bahkan, hal ini sudah sampai ke telinga seluruh masyarakat Indonesia mengingat tidak hanya satu negara saja yang akan merasakan dampak akan adanya resesi ini. Namun, seluruh negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, juga akan ikut merasakan dampak yang timbul dari resesi yang kabarnya akan terjadi di tahun 2023. Resesi adalah mimpi buruk bagi seluruh umat manusia karena berkaitan dengan keuangan atau finansial dimana hal itu sangat krusial bagi keberlangsungan hidup. Secara umum, resesi ekonomi merupakan penurunan kondisi perekonomian suatu negara yang signifikan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Adanya indikasi penurunan produk domestic bruto (PDB), kenaikan angka pengangguran, dan menurunnya kepercayaan konsumen menjadi tanda-tanda terjadinya resesi ekonomi di dalam suatu negara (The Investopedia Team, 2022). Beberapa riset menunjukkan bahwa negara berkembang yang terkena dampak resesi pertumbuhannya hanya 1, 8 persen di tahun depan.
    Date: 2023–01–22
  3. By: Rizky, Hafizh; Purbowati, Siwi Tyas; wardani, dita; Aadilah, Muhammad Nabiil Dzakwan
    Abstract: PT. Gojek Indonesia merupakan karya anak bangsa yang berdiri pada tahun 2010 di Jakarta. Perusahaan ini kali pertama lahir dengan niat baik untuk memberikan solusi memudahkan kehidupan sehari-hari di tengah kemacetan perkotaan. Kala itu seorang pemuda kreatif Nadiem Makarim mempunyai pemikiran untuk membuat bisnis transportasi ojek yang dikarenakan ia sering menggunakan jasa ojek. Karena kebiasaannya tersebut, Nadiem Makarim menemukan ide untuk dapat menciptakan sarana agar jasa transportasi ojek lebih efektif dan efisien. Perusahaan ini bekerja dengan menghubungkan ojek dengan penumpang ojek, dimana sebelumnya tukang ojek lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di pangkalan menunggu penumpang.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  4. By: Sutanto, Hendrik
    Abstract: Resesi ekonomi secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kondisi dimana perekonomian suatu negara sedang memburuk yang terlihat dari Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) yang negatif, pengangguran meningkat, maupun pertumbuhan ekonomi riil bernilai negatif selama dua kuartal berturut-turut. Di waktu yang akan datang pada tahun 2023 Indonesia berkemungkinan mengalami yang disebut dengan resesi hal tersebut bisa terjadi pula karena suatu negara mengalami economic boom. Pertumbuhan ekonominya melesat di atas pertumbuhan rata-rata. Kenaikan tersebut memicu tingginya inflasi dan defisit transaksi berjalan. Pertumbuhan ekonominya pun cenderung tidak berkelanjutan.hal ini bisa di selidiki awlanya karena adanya kasus COVID-19 yang menyebabkan inflasi , ada juga pemicu lain seperti naiknya harga BBM di Indonesia.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  5. By: Gunawan, Caroline
    Abstract: Di akhir tahun 2022 ini, Indonesia dikejutkan dengan perkiraan adanya resesi tahun 2023, dimana diperkirakan resesi yang terjadi sangat besar dan memiliki dampak yang besar di Indonesia ini. Resesi ekonomi adalah kondisi saat perekonomian negara tengah memburuk. Ciri terjadi resesi adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi yang negatif, Resesi ekonomi dapat terjadi saat pertumbuhan ekonomi di suatu negara berlangsung secara negatif hingga pada angka dua kuartal berturut-turut.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  6. By: , Giovanno
    Abstract: pengertian dan saran wirausaha waralaba di Indonesia
    Date: 2023–01–22
  7. By: Nida, Rahmatun
    Abstract: Resesi yang diperkirakan akan melanda Indonesia pada 2023 patut dicermati apa penyebabnya dan bagaimana cara menghadapinya. Resesi didefinisikan sebagai pertumbuhan ekonomi riil negatif atau yang berarti produk domestik bruto telah menurun selama dua kuartal berturut-turut dari tahun ini. Sehingga para pelaka usaha harus melakukan perencanaan terhadap bisnis di era resesi yang terjadi.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  8. By: Atallah, Berton
    Abstract: Resesi ekonomi telah menghantui beberapa negara di dunia. Resesi ekonomi yang kini melanda Amerika Serikat, juga mengakibatkan gejolak keuangan di beberapa belahan negara dunia. Resesi ini memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pemerintah harus waspada dan antisipasi agar negara Indonesia tidak juga berdampak secara signifikan. Permasalahan ekonomi sangat lah mempengaruhi kehidupan dari suatu negara tersebut
    Date: 2023–01–22
  9. By: Arif, Endra Athaya; Sunyoto, Rio Setyawan; Yudhistira, Muhammad Rizqi; zeuse, aggie moses
    Abstract: PT.Shopee International Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang menjual produk secara online. PT Shopee Internasional Indonesia dikenal sebagai Aplikasi Shopee. Visi dari shopee yaitu ‘menjadi mobile marketplace nomer 1 di indonesia’ dalam perwujudanya mencapai visi tersbeut. Shopee juga memiliki misi yaitu ‘mengembangkan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi para penjual di Indonesia’
    Date: 2023–01–23
  10. By: candra, michael eldorado
    Abstract: Waralaba adalah bentuk kerja sama bisnis antara pemilik merk, produk, atau system operasional dengan pihak kedua yang berupa pemberian izin untuk pemakaian merk, produk, dan system operasional.Di dalam model bisnis waralaba ini terdapat 2 elemen yang tetap yaitu Franchisor dan Franchisee
    Date: 2023–01–30
  11. By: Nawawi, Ibnu
    Abstract: Kondisi ekonomi dunia pada tahun 2023 akan memasuki masa resesi. Resesi adalah kondisi ekonomi sebuah negara yang sedang memburuk. Ditandai dengan adanya penurunan produk domestik bruto (PDB), meningkatnya pengangguran, serta pertumbuhan ekonomi riil bernilai negatif selama dua kuartal berturut-turut (OJK). Negara Indonesia saat ini tengah mewaspadai kenaikan suku bunga yang berpotensi menimbulkan gejolak pasar keuangan (Srimulyani, .2022). Kondisi ekonomi diberbagai negara telah mengalami tekanan inflasi global akibat kenaikan suku bunga yang begitu cepat. Selain inflasi beberapa pemicu terjadinya resesi pada 2023 mendatang diantaranya adalah after pandemic covid 19, perang Ukraina-Rusia yang mempengaruhi suplai bahan impor yang akhirnya memperngaruhi rantai pasok ekonomi global, dan terakhir kenaikan suku bunga bank yang begitu tinggi. Di Indonesia sendiri potensi ancaman resesi bagi perusahaan maupun dimasyarakat harus dipersiapkan seawal mungkin. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencegah dampak yang berkepanjangan akibat resesi itu sendiri
    Date: 2023–01–22
  12. By: Luerdi, Luerdi
    Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all the world’s aspects, including the interactions among governments. While some either chose to be conflicting with others or overlooked the pandemic, the rest attempted to collaborate in addressing the new global threat. Mega-cities in many countries were the most suffering regions due to the enormous virus confirmed cases, deaths, and economic declines, intertwining with other urban issues. As the largest city in Southeast Asia and in Indonesia, Jakarta also experienced the unprecedented crisis. However, apart from the efforts to tackle the crisis at home, the city showed its international engagement in addressing the issue together with other world’s cities as its para-diplomacy. This research aimed to answer the driving factors encouraging the city for such engagement. This research employed the qualitive method with a descriptive analysis and the city leadership theory proposed by Rapoport, Acuto and Grcheva. This research found that the Jakarta’s international engagement in addressing the pandemic as the city leadership action was driven by the role of city leader, decentralization and global city networking, and the regional COVID-19 policies and internet representing three elements in the theory: actor, structures, and tools. This paper argues that cities within the global city networking have demonstrated their stronger role during the pandemic, providing opportunity for nation branding by regional initiatives in handling the pandemic in addition to state foreign policy. As cities have been more consolidated within the networks, seeing the city leadership in responding to global issues merits attentions among scholars.
    Date: 2023–02–03
  13. By: Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Dhongde, Shatakshee; Do, Minh; Nguyen, Cuong Viet; Pimhidzai, Obert
    Abstract: Vietnam is widely regarded as a success story for its impressive economic growth and poverty reduction in the last few decades. Yet, recent evidence indicates that the country's economic growth has not been uniform. Compiling and analyzing new extensive province-level data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSSs) for every alternate year between 2002 and 2020 and other data sources, we find within-province inequality to be much larger than between-province inequality. Furthermore, this inequality gap is rising over time. Despite the country's fast poverty reduction, the poor were increasingly segregated in certain provinces. We find beneficial impact of economic growth on poverty reduction, but this can depend on inequality levels. We also find greater inequality to have negative impact on economic growth and poverty reduction. Our results suggest that policy makers in Vietnam should focus on reducing spatial disparities and income inequality in order to attain sustainable economic development.
    Keywords: poverty, inequality, pro-poor growth, convergence, household surveys, Vietnam
    JEL: C15 D31 I31 O10 O57
    Date: 2023
  14. By: , Aquino Calvin Teno Cahyono
    Abstract: Bisnis waralaba juga banyak yang berkembang pesat di Indonesia, misalnya bisnis restoran, minimarket, kedai kopi, dan sebagainya.Memulai sebuah bisnis cukup sulit dan memerlukan niat yang kuat. Pemilik bisnis retail tak hanya harus menghasilkan ide bisnis dan rencana bisnis, mencari lokasi, pemasok produk, memperkerjakan karyawan dan melakukan strategi pemasaran melalui berbagai media. Akan tetapi, jika salah dalam mengambil langkah bisa menyebabkan kegagalan bisnis.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  15. By: Yolanda, Helen
    Abstract: Resesi adalah suatu kondisi dimana sebuah perusahaan atau negara mengalami ekonomi yang menurun dan biasanya diakibatkan oleh produk domestik bruto (PDB) secara dua kuartal atau lebih. Resesi ini dapat dilihat dari penghasilan, tingkat pengangguran, PDB riil, produksi industri, dan penjualan grosir-iritel. Prediksi resesi yang terjadi pada tahun 2023 nantinya memiliki berbagai dampak terhadap pemerintahan, perushaaan dan masyarakat.
    Date: 2023–01–12
  16. By: Stephen Ayerst; Loren Brandt; Diego Restuccia
    Abstract: The expansion in farm size is an important contributor to agricultural productivity in developed countries, but the reallocation process is hindered in less developed economies. How do distortions to factor reallocation affect farm dynamics and agricultural productivity? We develop a model of heterogeneous farms making cropping choices and investing in productivity improvements. We calibrate the model using detailed farm-level panel data from Vietnam, exploiting regional differences in agricultural institutions and outcomes. We focus on south Vietnam and quantify the effect of higher measured distortions in the North on farm choices and agricultural productivity. We find that the higher distortions in north Vietnam reduce agricultural productivity by 46%, accounting for around 70% of the observed 2.5-fold difference between regions. Moreover, two-thirds of the productivity loss is driven by farms' choice of lower productivity crops and reductions in productivity-enhancing investment, which more than doubles the productivity loss from factor misallocation.
    Keywords: Farm dynamics, productivity, size, distortions, misallocation, Vietnam.
    JEL: O11 O14 O4
    Date: 2023–02–16
    Abstract: Tidak ada hukum melainkan bersumber dari undang‐undang sedangkan nilai‐nilai moral dan norma di luar undang‐undang hanya dapat diakui apabila dimungkinkan oleh undang‐ undang. Hal tersebut artinya implementasi kehidupan berhukum yang didasarkan pada pola teori paradigma positivisme, adalah bebas dari anasir‐anasir nilai‐nilai moral (non yuridis) dalam masyarakat. Berangkat dari pengaruh dimensi peradapan modern, dan warisan sistem Eropa Kontinental, hukum Indonesia tumbuh dan berkembang dalam ranah positivisme. Positivisme adalah anak kandung dari epistemologi modern yang dirintis oleh Rene Descartes dan Isaac Newton.
    Date: 2023–01–22
  18. By: Carazein, Angeline Shakila
    Abstract: Pameran atau expo adalah kegiatan yang diselenggarakan untuk menyampaikan ide kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk karya seni, budaya, pendidikan, dan lain sebagainya. Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), pameran adalah pertunjukan hasil karya seni, hasil produksi, dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa pameran seperti pameran bisnis memiliki fungsi sebagai event marketing dengan tujuan untuk mendukung pelaku UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) dan meningkatkan daya saing produk lokal seperti EBC Expo 2022 ini contohnya. EBC Expo 2022 merupakan salah satu ajang untuk mendukung pelaku usaha dimana pelaku usaha ini adalah mahasiswa/i BINUS Malang yang sedang menjalankan program enrichment. Manfaat yang diberikan kepada pelaku usaha dengan adanya pameran diantaranya sarana efektif mengenalkan produk, memperkuat image perusahaan atau bisnis atau produk, mengenal kompetitor, riset tren pasar, dan mengevaluasi kerja tim. Sedangkan, manfaat adanya pameran bagi masyarakat atau pengunjung diantaranya sebagai sarana untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengapresiasi karya orang lain, sebagai sarana untuk refreshing, dan lain sebagainya.
    Date: 2023–01–29
  19. By: Thomas-Agnan, Christine; Simioni, Michel; Trinh, Thi-Huong
    Abstract: We compare several approaches to scalar-on-density regression. With a discrete point of view, the densities can be viewed as histograms whose frequency vectors belong to a simplex ${\cal S}^D$ and then classical compositional regression can be used. An alternative with a functional point of view is to consider density functions as infinite dimensional compositional objects, elements of the so-called Bayes space ${\cal B}^2$, and then compositional scalar-on-density regression can be performed. In the second approach, since the density covariate data is originally available as an histogram, these first need to be sent to ${\cal B}^2$ using a smoothing step performed by CB-splines smoothing. It is then interesting to investigate the potential advantage of the smooth approach with respect to the discrete one. We compare them through an application about the assessment of the impact of climate change on rice yield in Vietnam, where density covariates are the distributions of maximum daily temperatures during 30 years, from 1987 to 2016, in $63$ Vietnamese provinces. Additional covariates such as precipitation, regional dummies and a time trend are added to both models. Scenarios of climate change are modelled with perturbations of the initial density by a chosen change direction producing a shift of the densities towards higher temperatures. The impact on rice yield is then obtained in both models by computing a simple inner product, in ${\cal S}^D$ and respectively ${\cal B}^2, $ of the parameter of the density covariate with the change direction. The comparison shows that the smooth approach outperforms the discrete one by a better evaluation of the phenomenon scale which the discrete approach may fail to uncover.
    Keywords: Compositional Scalar-on-Density Regression;; Bayes Space;; Compositional Splines;; Climate Change;; Rice Yield;; Vietnam.
    JEL: C14 C16 C39 Q19 Q54
    Date: 2023–02–09
  20. By: Sanjaya, Angelie Natalia
    Abstract: Resesi ekonomi merupakan sebuah penurunan ekonomi yang signifikan selama periode stagnasi yang berkepanjangan sehingga dapat menurunkan keuntungan perusahaan, menambah pengangguran, dan bahkan dapat meruntuhkan keruntuhan ekonomi. Terdapat beberapa alasan kuat bahwa tahun 2023 memiliki potensi untuk mengalami resesi di Indonesia dan global, antara lain disebabkan oleh pengaruh kondisi ekonomi global, peningkatan suku bunga bank, krisis pangan dan energi, serta ketidakpastian pasar dan hutang. Maka dari itu, perlu dipersiapkan adanya strategi dan persiapan pribadi untuk waspada akan terjadinya resesi ekonomi. Salah satu strategi yang dapat diterapkan adalah terkait dengan inovasi yang “mengganggu”.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  21. By: Christianto, Billiam Steven
    Abstract: Bisnis waralaba bukanlah sebuah model bisnis yang baru di kalangan masyarakat luas dan definisi bisnis waralaba adalah persetujuan atas pemberian hak atas istimewaan untuk memasarkan suatu barang atau jasa dari pemilik kepada pihak lain yang atur pada suatu perjanjian tertentu (Rahayu, Supartini and Hartanti, 2019). Bisnis model waralaba atau yang lebih di kenal lagi sebagai franchise tergolong sangat mudah untuk dijalankan melihat para pembisnis pemula tidak harus menyiapkan segala aspek dari awal sedangkan business plan tersebut telah disiapkan oleh pihak franchisor. Modal usaha yang dibutuhkan untuk model bisnis ini dapat dikatakan beragam dari skala kecil hingga besar, akan tetapi resiko yang dihasilkan dari model bisnis tergolong cukup kecil dibandingkan dengan bisnis baru dan memiliki peluang lebih besar untuk berhasil. Banyaknya peminat bisnis waralaba di Indonesia juga disebabkan oleh tingginya tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan oleh sebuah bisnis waralaba dan juga dari hasil bisnis yang memperlihatkan hasil positif dalam waktu yang tergolong singkat (Pamugkas, 2014).
    Date: 2022–12–04
  22. By: Wirania Swasty (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Author-2-Name: Muhizam Mustafa Author-2-Workplace-Name: Telkom University, Indonesia Author-3-Name: Author-3-Workplace-Name: Author-4-Name: Author-4-Workplace-Name: Author-5-Name: Author-5-Workplace-Name: Author-6-Name: Author-6-Workplace-Name: Author-7-Name: Author-7-Workplace-Name: Author-8-Name: Author-8-Workplace-Name:)
    Abstract: " Objective - systematically review the role of colors within branding and value creation in food packaging and offer a novelty overview related to brand identification and value creation. Methodology - The literature review is adopted by collecting data from three main databases addressing color and packaging in a food context. This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2020 Protocols guidelines. This paper aims to benefit the knowledge by analyzing 37 eligible articles in thematic analysis using the software NVivo12. Finding - The main two themes identified are message communication and taste perception or expectation. Consumers evaluate color on food packaging and associate it with tasting or other communication. Consumers' buying decisions of food products should be informed by packaging color. Color on food packaging conveys product properties and can be applied to make a healthy product more appealing. The finding has shown that visual cues are more essential compared to informational cues if considering healthy and low-fat nutrients. Novelty - This paper shows the important contributions to the literature on food packaging color and emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature. It highlights the crucial theories, themes, and perspectives. Type of Paper - Review"
    Keywords: Color; Packaging; Food; Brand; Value; Systematic Review
    JEL: D02 M31
    Date: 2023–12–31
  23. By: Angellie, Natasya Priscilla
    Abstract: Secara general, teori ekonomi terbagi menjadi dua, yakni ekonomi mikro dan ekonomi makro. Lingkup ekonomi mikro sempit karena hanya mempelajari perilaku produsen dan konsumen. Sedangkan, ekonomi makro mempelajari perekonomian dalam skala besar dan menyeluruh, mulai dari inflasi, pembangunan ekonomi, tingkat pengangguran, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sebagainya (Shaid, 2022). Beberapa bulan yang lalu, bapak Presiden Jokowi, menteri keuangan, dan IMF mengumumkan bahwa Indonesia berpotensi mengalami resesi ekonomi di tahun 2023. Resesi merupakan bagian dari ekonomi makro yang merupakan keadaan dimana perputaran ekonomi suatu negara berubah menjadi lambat atau buruk yang bisa berlangsung bertahun-tahun akibat dari pertumbuhan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) suatu negara menurun selama dua kuartal secara signifikan (Idris, 2021). Penyebab terjadinya resesi ekonomi adalah akibat dari guncangan ekonomi, perkembangan teknologi serta inflasi dan deflasi yang terlalu tinggi. Kemudian, jumlah utang berlebihan yang dimiliki individu maupun perusahaan, serta investasi aset yang dilandasi dengan emosional turut menjadi faktor penyebab timbulnya resesi. Maksud dari investasi aset yang dilandasi dengan emosional adalah jika pada saat kondisi ekonomi baik, investor akan berlomba-lomba membeli aset tersebut. Setelah itu, jika kondisi ekonomi buruk, mereka akan menjualnya secara bersamaan dan akan panik jika asetnya tidak terjual yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap turunnya pasar saham sehingga memicu resesi.
    Date: 2023–01–21
  24. By: Han, YouAI
    Abstract: This essay will discuss the cost of science in terms of both finance and ethics from the perspective presented by Vietnamese scientists in an article published by VietnamNet.
    Date: 2023–01–13
  25. By: Thy, Nguyen Vo Thy
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effects of barriers on entrepreneurial intention among Economics and Management students in Ho Chi Minh City and then analyze and evaluate the impact of these barriers. The authors used 3 main models: Entrepreneurial Event Model – EEM, Model of Implementing Entrepreneurial Ideas, and Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB. The data were collected from 312 students at Economics and Management universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Next, the authors employed quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), HTMT test, structural equation modeling (SEM), Bootstrapping, and Kruskal - Wallis test using SPSS 20 and AMOS 24 softwares. The results showed that 4 independent variables had an effect on entrepreneurial intention, including Mental Barriers, Market Barriers, Educational Environment Barriers, and Knowledge Barriers. Particularly, Mental Barriers were seen as the most influential barriers to entrepreneurial intention. It was implied that the spirit, knowledge, and business environment were really a concern for students in the start-up stage, and educational background such as knowledge and encouragement of teachers also affected the entrepreneurial intention of Economics and Management students. Additionally, there were 5 groups with statistically significant differences in the students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: (1) Gender, (2) School year, (3) University, (4) Major, and (5) Parents' careers. The study has filled a research gap by providing important insights into the barriers to entrepreneurial intention among Economics and Management students in Ho Chi Minh City. In practical terms, it helps students recognize obstacles and how to overcome them when making decisions while establishing a business. This study also provides educators and policymakers with solutions and governance implications for driving students' entrepreneurial intentions.
    Date: 2023–01–05
  26. By: Ecker, Olivier; Alderman, Harold; Comstock, Andrew R.; Headey, Derek D.; Mahrt, Kristi; Pradesha, Angga
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in severe income losses, but little is known about its impacts on diets and nutritional adequacy, or the effectiveness of social protection interventions in mitigating dietary and nutritional impacts. We first assess the likely impacts of COVID-19 shocks in Bangladesh and Myanmar on poverty and food and nutrient consumption gaps. We then analyze the estimated mitigating effects of five hypothetical social protection interventions of a typical monetary value: (1) cash transfers; (2) in-kind transfers of common rice; (3) in-kind transfers of fortified rice enriched with multiple essential micronutrients; (4) vouchers for a diversified basket of rice and non-staple foods; and (5) food vouchers with fortified rice instead of common rice. The simulation results suggest modest effectiveness of the cash transfers for mitigating poverty increases and little effectiveness of all five transfers for preventing increasing food and nutrient consumption gaps among the poorest 40%. Rice fortification is, however, effective at closing key micronutrient consumption gaps and could be a suitable policy instrument for averting ‘hidden hunger’ during economic crises.
    Keywords: BANGLADESH; SOUTH ASIA; ASIA; MYANMAR; BURMA; SOUTHEAST ASIA; cash transfers; Coronavirus; coronavirus disease; Coronavirinae; COVID-19; food consumption; diet; nutrition; poverty; poverty alleviation; simulation; social protection; nutrient consumption gaps
    Date: 2023
  27. By: Krishna, Pravin (Johns Hopkins University); Andrei A. Levchenko (University of Michigan, NBER, & CEPR); Lin Ma (Singapore Management University); William F. Maloney (The World Bank)
    Abstract: This paper studies the cross-country patterns of risky innovation and growth through the lens of international trade. We use a simple theoretical framework of risky quality upgrading by firms under varying levels of financial development to derive two predictions. First, the mean rate of quality growth and the corresponding cross-sectional variance of quality growth in a country are positively correlated. Second, both the mean and variance of quality changes are positively correlated with the country's level of financial development. We then test these two hypotheses using data on disaggregated (HS10) bilateral exports to the United States. The patterns in the data are consistent with the theory. The mean and the variance of quality growth are strongly positively correlated with each other. Countries with greater financial depth are systematically characterized by higher mean and higher variance in the growth of product quality. Our findings suggest a mean-variance trade-off in product quality improvements along the development path. Increases in financial depth do not imply lower variability of changes in the product space.
    Keywords: Product quality, financial development, risk
    JEL: F14 O3 O4
    Date: 2023–01–26
  28. By: Qianqian Shen (Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand. Author-2-Name: Peihua Tsai Author-2-Workplace-Name: Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand. Author-3-Name: Author-3-Workplace-Name: Author-4-Name: Author-4-Workplace-Name: Author-5-Name: Author-5-Workplace-Name: Author-6-Name: Author-6-Workplace-Name: Author-7-Name: Author-7-Workplace-Name: Author-8-Name: Author-8-Workplace-Name:)
    Abstract: " Objective - The present study investigates the impact of augmented reality (AR) on the learning abilities of primary and secondary students at the cognitive and affective levels. Methodology/Technique - The data of 59 relevant domestic and international studies between 2010 and 2021, including 83 studies and 4123 samples, were analyzed through CMA for meta-analysis. Finding - The overall effect size of AR technology on the teaching effectiveness of primary and secondary school students was 0.598, which had a positive contribution. The impact of AR technology on primary and secondary school students was stronger at the affective levels than at the cognitive levels. Novelty - In the process of learning with AR-assisted resources for primary and secondary school students, the school levels, teaching methods, and resource types did not differ significantly, and the differences in teaching outcomes were manifested in the different subject content. Type of Paper - Empirical"
    Keywords: Augmented reality (AR); Learning effects; Meta-analysis; Primary and Secondary students; Cognitive; Affective.
    JEL: I21 I26
    Date: 2023–12–31
  29. By: Poedjiono, Nathaneal Felix
    Abstract: Waralaba atau franchise berarti hak atau kebebasan. Sehingga dalam arti luas, waralaba didefinisikan sebagai hak antara pemilik merek suatu produk dan penggguna merek. Hak ini berupa kebebasan menggunakan merek, produk, hingga pada sistem operasionalnya untuk jangka waktu tertentu. Oleh karena itu, perjanjian waralaba menjadi sangat penting baik bagi franchisor dan franchisee. Kecepatan ekspansi dengan penguasaan pasar yang baik dan mudahnya manajemen menjadi keuntungan tersendiri bagi seorang franchisor dalam mewaralabakan usahanya. Hanya dengan menggunakan modal orang lain untuk mengembangkan usaha, sebuah bisnis mampu meraup keuntungan yang lebih banyak dengan resiko yang lebih minim. Ditambah dengan passive income yang baik seperti fee, loyalty, dan biaya pelatihan membuat model bisnis ini sangat banyak digemari entrepreneur. Hal ini yang menyebabkan model bisnis waralaba menjadi sangat menguntungkan terkhusus bagi franchisor. Dalam pertimbangannya, model bisnis waralaba juga cukup menguntungkan bagi franchisee. Ketika seseorang membeli waralaba, maka merek dagang, produk, dan operasional sudah bukan menjadi permasalahan utama. Bahkan hampir semua bisnis waralaba memiliki peluang keberhasilan yang tinggi karena branding serta manajemen bisnisnya sudah terbangun sejak awal. Dukungan dan pelatihan yang diberikan oleh franchisor juga menjadi sumber daya tersendiri ketika seseorang akan membuka usaha waralaba ini.
    Date: 2023–01–21
  30. By: Santos, Temmar, Ernesto, Aresyama Dos, Hein
    Abstract: ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap keyperson terdiri dari unsur pemerintah desa dan petani kopi dengan menggunakan instrument penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teori kebijakan publik, konsep pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan konsep pendapatan masyarakat sebagai alat analisis pemecahan masalah. Dengan hasil penelitian yang menjelaskan bahwa potensi keunggulan kopi di Desa Simojayan sangat besar tetapi tidak dikelola maksimal dan minim perhatian dari pemerintah desa sehingga banyak sekali petani kopi disini yang memilih langsung menjual kepada perusahaan dengan harga yang ditentukan oleh perusahan ketimbang dikelola sendiri untuk dijual, serta peran pemerintah desa yang terlalu sibuk mengurusi pemberdayaan lain yang tidak tepat sasaran sampai lupa dengan pemberdayaan potensi keunggulan kopi. Faktor penghambat dihadapi yaitu kurangngnya dukungan dan advokasi intens pemerintah Desa Simojayann serta faktor pendukung yang harus dilakukan yaitu pemerintah Desa Simojayan dengan kelompok kepentingan lain segera menetapkan peraturan desa perlindungan harga dan tata niaga kopi dan peraturan penguatan brandding kopi Desa Simojayan supaya memberikan dampak nyata bagi petani kopi dan menyelesaikan ketimpang di desa sendiri. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Pemberdayaan Kopi, Pendapatan, ABSTRACT This research was conducted on keypersons consisting of elements the village government and coffee farmers using qualitative descriptive research instruments. Public policy theory, the concept of community empowerment, and the concept of community income as a problem solving analysis tools. With the results of research that explains the potential advantages of coffee in Simojayan Village are very large but not managed optimally and lack of attention from the village government so many coffee farmers here choose to directly sell companies at prices determined the company rather than being managed by themselves for sale As well the role of village government which is too busy dealing with other empowerments that are not on target to forget about the empowerment of potential coffee excellence. The inhibiting factors faced are the lack the support and intense advocacy and supporting factors that must be done namely with other interest groups immediately enacting village regulations on price protection and coffee trade and regulations for strengthening coffee brandding in order to have a real impact on coffee farmers and solve inequality in their own villages. Keywords: Policy, Coffee Empowerment, Income
    Date: 2022–11–01
  31. By: Deonarain Brijlall (Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa Author-2-Name: Selvam Jimmy Ivasen Author-2-Workplace-Name: National Education Collaboration Trust, 272 West Avenue, Centurion, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa. Author-3-Name: Author-3-Workplace-Name: Author-4-Name: Author-4-Workplace-Name: Author-5-Name: Author-5-Workplace-Name: Author-6-Name: Author-6-Workplace-Name: Author-7-Name: Author-7-Workplace-Name: Author-8-Name: Author-8-Workplace-Name:)
    Abstract: "Objective - systematically review the role of colors within branding and value creation in food packaging and offer a novelty overview related to brand identification and value creation. Methodology - The literature review is adopted by collecting data from three main databases addressing color and packaging in a food context. This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) 2020 Protocols guidelines. This paper aims to benefit the knowledge by analyzing 37 eligible articles in thematic analysis using the software NVivo12. Finding - The main two themes identified are message communication and taste perception or expectation. Consumers evaluate color on food packaging and associate it with tasting or other communication. Consumers' buying decisions of food products should be informed by packaging color. Color on food packaging conveys product properties and can be applied to make a healthy product more appealing. The finding has shown that visual cues are more essential compared to informational cues if considering healthy and low-fat nutrients. Novelty - This paper shows the important contributions to the literature on food packaging color and emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature. It highlights the crucial theories, themes, and perspectives. Type of Paper - Review"
    Keywords: Conceptual Development, Mathematical Proficiency, Code-switching.
    JEL: Z10 A14
    Date: 2023–12–31
  32. By: Wiese, Juliane V. (Warwick Business School); Powdthavee, Nattavudh (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Yeo, Jonathan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Riyanto, Yohanes E. (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
    Abstract: How do we persuade people to part with money they feel they have rightly earned? We conducted a dyadic experiment (N=1, 986) where luck determined which of the players' performance counted toward winning the game. Despite luck playing a large part, we found strong evidence of justified deservingness among the winners. The better they performed in the task, the less they redistributed to their nonwinning partner. However, in treatments where performance was transparent, winners significantly increased redistribution to nonwinners who performed similarly well. We find that transparency can effectively alter redistributive preferences even when people feel fully deserving of their income.
    Keywords: luck, efforts, survivalship bias, redistribution, inequality, deservingness
    JEL: C9 D9
    Date: 2023–01
  33. By: Baihaqi, Achmad Prabu Riza
    Abstract: Kisah film ini sendiri menitikberatkan kepada kehidupan seorang manajer tim baseball, Billy Beane (Brad Pitt). Nasib buruk sedang menimpa Beane lantaran timnya, Oackland Athletics tersingkir dari perebutan tangga juara tahun 2001, berbagai usaha dilakukan untuk bisa membuat tim binaannya bangkit sampai-sampai Beane rela harus berhutang untuk membeli pemain-pemain bintang demi mendongkrak prestasi tim. Di tengah perjuangannya itu, pertemuan tak disengaja dengan Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), sarjana ekonomi yang saat itu masih bekerja di tim saingannya, yang membuat Beane akan sebuah cara baru dalam merekrut pemain. Sebuah cara baru dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang belum pernah dipakai tim lain, statistika. Tak perlu pemain bintang, asal data statistiknya bagus, pemain tersebut layak direkrut, perjuangan tim memenangkan kejuaraan pun juga tak semudah data di atas kertas. Oackland masih saja terseok-seok di awal musim. Kendati demikian, Beane tetap yakin ada secercah terang di akhir musim untuk timnya bila ia tetap menerapkan sistem revolusioner hasil pemikiran rekannya, si jenius statistika Peter Brand, Tim Oakland Athletics yang dihasilkan awalnya dianggap sebagai bahan tertawaan, namun kemudian mereka terus melakukan hal-hal hebat dalam acara The Show, yang akhirnya mau tak mau mulai membuat para penggemar bisbol berpaling kepada mereka.
    Date: 2023–01–21
  34. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: This technical assistance (TA) mission was conducted remotely between May 16 and June 17, 2022 to assist the Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) with their property price statistics. The mission assisted Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP) with the final preparations for the introduction of the updated Residential Real Estate Price Index (RREPI) and the new Commercial Property Price Index (CPPI). In addition, the mission made recommendations for the medium and longer-term development of property price statistics.
    Keywords: Prices Property
    Date: 2023–01–23
  35. By: Putri, Amelia Alisia
    Abstract: Waralaba (franchise) menjadi strategi yang dinantikan oleh para pelaku usaha sebagai titik terang yang memastikan bahwa usahanya telah berkembang. Penentuan strategi ini diimbangi dengan perkembangan dan pengenalan kepada target market secara luas, sehingga mereka memiliki posisi kuat dalam memikat minat konsumen. Waralaba sekaligus digunakan sebagai strategi lanjutan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen pada setiap wilayah, dimana perusahaan utama tidak perlu mengeluarkan dana yang besar untuk melakukan ekspansi ke beberapa wilayah, karena akan dibayarkan oleh pihak pembeli waralaba. Waralaba (franchise) memiliki arti suatu kontrak yang dibuat antara franchisor dan franchisee, dengan ketentuan pihak franchisor memberikan lisensi kepada franchisee untuk menggunakan merek barang atau jasa dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan pembayaran sejumlah royalti tertentu kepada franchisor (Salim, 2003). Franchise atau waralaba adalah metode mendistribusikan produk atau layanan yang melibatkan franchisor sebagai pemilik merek dagang atau nama dagang dan sistem bisnis. Franchise atau penerima waralaba, yang membayar royalti dan seringkali biaya investasi awal untuk mendapatkan hak atas kekayaan intelektual di bawah nama dan sistem franchisor(Slamet, Advokat and Redjeki, 2011)
    Date: 2023–01–22
  36. By: Herreros, Sebastián
    Abstract: La entrada en vigor a inicios de 2022 del acuerdo que establece la Asociación Económica Integral Regional (RCEP, por su sigla en inglés) entre 15 países de Asia y el Pacífico se produce en el contexto de ciertas tendencias que apuntan a una mayor regionalización de la producción y el comercio, en respuesta a las perturbaciones que las tensiones comerciales entre los Estados Unidos y China, la pandemia del COVID-19 y más recientemente el conflicto en Ucrania han producido en las cadenas globales de valor. Por el contrario, América Latina y el Caribe experimenta desde mediados de la década de 2010 un preocupante proceso de desintegración comercial y productiva. Este documento busca contribuir a la discusión sobre cómo avanzar hacia un espacio económico integrado en la región, con miras a dinamizar el crecimiento y las cadenas productivas y reducir la excesiva dependencia del abastecimiento externo en sectores estratégicos.
    Date: 2022–12–16
  37. By: Nida, Rahmatun
    Abstract: Model bisnis waralaba sangat memudahkan bagi para wirausaha baru untuk mulai belajar berbisnis. Karena dalam bisnis waralaba ini pembeli waralaba memiliki rekan bisnis yang profesional sehingga tidak perlu memikirkan masalah branding. Namun, ketika membeli bisnis waralaba, wirausaha juga harus melihat potensi konsumen terhadap bisnis yang akan dioperasikan dan memperhatikan potensi pengembangan bisnisnya kedepannya. Sehingga jika waralaba memiliki potensi yang bagus, hal ini akan sangat menguntungkan bagi pembeli waralaba.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  38. By: Amir, Ja'far; Mohammad, Wily; Fauziah, Layla; Lestari, Anita; Borut, Astuti; Haryono, Basuki; Tobing, Dahlia Lumban; Suryana, Danang; Dewantoro, Fiqih Hyallin; , Husnaini
    Abstract: This Human Resource Management book consists of 14 chapters, namely Chapter I Introduction: Concepts and Flow in Human Resource Management, Chapter II Human Resource Planning and Human Resource Information Systems, Chapter III Job Analysis and Design, Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Orientation, Chapter IV Training, Human Resource Development and Competence Improvement, Chapter V Leadership, Power and Politics in Organizations, Chapter VI Motivation and Empowerment of Human Resources, Chapter VII Compensation and Performance Evaluation, Chapter VIII Career Management and Achievement Management, Chapter IX Maintenance of Human Resources, Occupational Safety and Health, Chapter X Individual Behavior, Group Behavior and Organizational Behavior, Chapter XI Values, Attitudes, Personality, Emotions, Perceptions and Job Satisfaction, Chapter XII Organizational Structure, Organizational Design and Organizational Culture, Chapter XIII Change Organization, Stress Management, Conflict Management and Negotiations, Chapter XIV Termination/Dismissal, R Human Resources Research, Human Resources Audit and Industrial Relations This Human Resource Management book is very interesting to read by teaching staff, students and the public because it uses grammar that is easy to understand. The more books we read, the knowledge will grow The advantage of this Human Resource Management book is that the material in this book has been presented and discussed by fellow post-graduate students in the master of management from the Cikeas CBS12 Masters class Class of 2022 under direct guidance and direction from the lecturer who is also the Head of the Masters Study Program IPWIJA University namely Dr. Slamet Ahmadi, MM. In the discussion, we raised many case studies in the work environment of postgraduate management students who work in the private and government sectors, so this book is worthy of being a reference for students who are taking Human Resource Management courses or who have an interest
    Date: 2023–01–31
  39. By: Amir, Ja'far; Mohammad, Wily; Fauziah, Layla; Lestari, Anita; Borut, Astuti; Haryono, Basuki; Tobing, Dahlia Lumban; Suryana, Danang; Dewantoro, Fiqih Hyallin; , Husnaini
    Abstract: Buku Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia ini terdiri dari 14 bab yaitu Bab I Pendahuluan: Konsep dan Aliran dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Bab II Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia, Bab III Analisis dan Design Pekerjaan, Recruitment, Seleksi, Penempatan dan Orientasi, Bab IV Pelatihan, Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Peningkatan Kompetensi, Bab V Kepemimpinan, Kekuasaan dan Politik dalam Organisasi, Bab VI Motivasi dan Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Manusia, Bab VII Kompensasi dan Evaluasi Kinerja, Bab VIII Manajemen Karir dan Manajemen Prestasi, Bab IX Pemeliharaan Sumber Daya Manusia, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Bab X Perilaku Individu, Perilaku Kelompok dan Perilaku Organisasi, Bab XI Nilai, Sikap, Kepribadian, Emosi, Persepsi dan Kepuasan Kerja, Bab XII Struktur Organisasi, Design Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi, Bab XIII Perubahan Organisasi, Manajemen Stres, Manajemen Konflik dan Negosiasi, Bab XIV Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja/Pemberhentian, Riset Sumber Daya Manusia, Audit Sumber Daya Manusia dan Hubungan Industrial. Buku Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia ini sangat menarik untuk dibaca oleh tenaga pengajar, mahasiswa/i maupun masyarakat karena menggunakan tata bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Semakin banyak buku yang kita baca maka pengetahuan akan semakin berkembang. Kelebihan buku Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia ini adalah materi yang ada di dalam buku ini telah dilakukan presentasi dan diskusi oleh rekan-rekan mahasiswa/i pasca sarjana magister manajemen dari kelas S2 Cikeas CBS12 Angkatan 2022 di bawah bimbingan dan arahan langsung dari dosen sekaligus Ketua Prodi S2 Universitas IPWIJA yaitu Dr. Slamet Ahmadi, MM. Di dalam diskusi, kami banyak mengangkat studi kasus yang ada di lingkungan kerja rekan-rekan mahasiswa/i pasca sarjana manajemen yang bekerja di sektor swasta maupun pemerintahan, sehingga buku ini layak menjadi referensi bagi mahasiswa/i yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia maupun yang berkepentingan.
    Date: 2023–01–30
  40. By: yanez, marcellino
    Abstract: Pada tahun 2023 dapat terjadi inflasi disebabkan indicator pada tahun 2022 ini bahwa tiap negara mengalami penurunan yang drastic sehingga di tahun yang akan datang, dana negar sudah habis hingga 0% atau bahkan menyentuh angka minus. Keadaan ini tentu menimbulkan dampak dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Berbeda dengan krisis moneter yang dampaknya tidak menyeluruh, resesi ini dampaknya sangat luas dan bahkan seluruh duni akan mengalami resesi yang diakibatkan dari efek pandemic.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  41. By: Putra, Fadillahtour Rizki Rusdandi
    Abstract: Pameran bisnis merupakan kegiatan pameran usaha-usaha dari para entrepreneur yang diselengarakan oleh Lembaga tertentu atau pada tema tertentu. Pada umumnya pameran bisnis berisi kegiatan seminar, pembicaraan, workshop untuk para pengunjung, dan jajaran usaha-usaha yang memamerkan produk atau jasa yang mereka tawarkan. Pameran bisnis ini memiliki banyak sekali manfaat untuk para pelaku usaha, manfaat yang diperoleh antara lain adalah mendapatkan koneksi dengan orang-orang yang dapat membantu berkembangnya bisnis kita, bertemu dengan customer secara langsung, dapat mengimprovisasi strategi dari melihat dari bisnis-bisnis lain, dan banyak manfaat lain.Para pengunjung juga mendapatkan manfaat yang sangat baik juga, manfaat tersebut adalah seperti mendapatkan koneksi ke para pelaku usaha, menemukan solusi dari permasalahan yang kita hadapi, mendapatkan insight mengenai pembangunan bisnis, dan banyak manfaat lainnya.
    Date: 2023–01–23
  42. By: Angellie, Natasya Priscilla
    Abstract: Saat ini, produk-produk komersial untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat semakin inovatif, harga semakin murah, dan perubahan fitur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna semakin cepat. Produk tersebut didesain hingga menjadi produk inovatif yang kompetitif dengan bantuan teknologi. Teknologi berperan penting dalam membantu desain produk menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat salah satu contohnya adalah Artificial Intelligence (AI) atau Kecerdasan Buatan. Merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat membantu inovasi desain produk karena merupakan rancangan manusia dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi sehingga dapat melakukan suatu task atau pekerjaan tertentu (Pramesthi, 2022). AI dibuat dikhususkan untuk memecahkan masalah kognitif yang umumnya terkait dengan kecerdasan manusia, seperti pembelajaran, pemecahan masalah, dan pengenalan pola. Dengan adanya AI, pelaku usaha akan dengan mudah mendapatkan desain inovasi produk.
    Date: 2023–01–21
  43. By: Bansak, Cynthia (St. Lawrence University); Dziadula, Eva (University of Notre Dame); Zavodny, Madeline (University of North Florida)
    Abstract: This study examines the impact of having a clear path to lawful permanent resident status, or a "green card, " and naturalized citizenship on marital status and spousal characteristics among Chinese immigrants in the United States. A series of U.S. policy changes in the early 1990s made all mainland Chinese immigrants already present in the country eligible for a green card. We examine the effect of those policy changes on Chinese immigrants' marriage market outcomes relative to other East Asian immigrants. Using 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census data, we find that the share of Chinese immigrants who are married increased after they became automatically eligible for a green card. In particular, highly educated Chinese immigrants became relatively more likely to be married with a spouse living with them and relatively less likely to be married with a spouse living elsewhere. This pattern suggests that some Chinese spouses immigrated after their husband or wife received legal status, or spousal chain migration occurred. We also find that highly educated Chinese immigrants benefited in the marriage market in terms of spousal education and earnings, but less-educated Chinese immigrants did not. Meanwhile, less-educated Chinese-born women became relatively more likely to marry a U.S. native.
    Keywords: immigration, marriage markets, assortative matching, legal status, China
    JEL: J12 J15 K37
    Date: 2023–01
  44. By: Michelle Neal
    Abstract: Remarks at the Next Step FX Event, New York City.
    Keywords: foreign exchange; FX markets; trading; settlement
    Date: 2023–02–08
  45. By: Nicolas Pazos (University of Nottingham); Marta Favara (University of Oxford); Alan Sánchez (Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)); Douglas Scott (University of Oxford); Jere Behrman (University of Pennsylvania)
    Abstract: Global warming is changing precipitation patterns, harming communities strongly tied to agricultural production, particularly in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs). Whilst the long-term effects of being exposed to rainfall shocks early in life on school achievement tests are well-established, there is little population-based evidence from LMICs on the mechanisms through which these shocks operate. This paper analyses the effects of early exposure to rainfall shocks on four foundational cognitive skills (FCSs), including executive functions (EF) that have been found to be key predictors of educational success. These skills were measured via a series of tablet-based tasks administered in Peru as part of the Young Lives longitudinal study (YLS). We combine the YLS data with gridded data on monthly precipitation to generate monthly, community-level rainfall estimates. The key identification strategy relies on temporary climatic shocks being uncorrelated with other latent determinants of FCS development. Our results show significant negative effects of early life exposure to rainfall shocks on EF. We also find evidence of rainfall shocks decreasing households’ abilities to invest in human capital, which may affect both FCS and domain-specific test scores. Interestingly, social policies providing affected households with additional resources partially offset the effects of the rainfall shocks.
    Keywords: Skills formation, Human capital, Rainfall, Peru, Early childhood
    JEL: J24 Q54 I24 I14
    Date: 2022–02–08
  46. By: Zenno, Yoshihiro; Aruga, Kentaka
    Abstract: We conducted a survey on institutional investors in Beijing and Shenzhen to analyze the factors affecting green bond (GB) investing in China, such as credit rating, GB issuer, fund use, liquidity, redemption term, certification label, and type of currency. We then compared the results for Beijing and Shenzhen, including factors that affected greenium and the two cities’ willingness to pay (WTP). Using a double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method, we find that higher credit ratings tend to increase Beijing investors’ WTP and that the use of GB proceeds affects Shenzhen investors’ WTP. We also find that investors place importance on the type of currency, length of redemption term, and liquidity when investing in GB, while the certification label does not have an impact on WTP. The WTP for GB was higher among Shenzhen investors than among Beijing investors. The government, financial regulators, and issuers looking to enhance the design of GBs and grow their market share in China would all benefit from the study's findings.
    Keywords: green bonds, greenium, willingness to pay, credit rating, China, Renminbi
    JEL: D0 F64 G1
    Date: 2023–02–02
  47. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: The mission worked with the staff of the OJK on the development of FSIs that are in line with the IMF’s 2019 FSIs Compilation Guide (2019 FSIs Guide). As a result of the mission, the OJK compiled 18 core and 12 additional FSIs for deposit takers, and two additional FSIs on the size of the other financial corporations subsector from the available source data. The mission also made recommendations to further align FSIs with the methodology of the 2019 FSIs Guide.
    Keywords: Financial Soundness Indicators 2019 FSIs Guide Deposit takers Other financial corporations
    Date: 2023–01–31
  48. By: Zongwu Cai (Department of Economics, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA); Ying Fang (The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China and Department of Statistics & Data Science, School of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China); Ming Lin (The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China and Department of Statistics and Data Science, School of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China); Zixuan Wu (Department of Statistics and Data Science, School of Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China)
    Abstract: To relax the convex hull assumption for the conventional synthetic control method to estimate the average treatment effect, this article proposes a quasi synthetic control method for nonlinear models under index model framework, together with a suggestion of using the minimum average variance estimation method to estimate parameters and the LASSO type procedure to choose covariates. Also, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimators. A properly designed Bootstrap method is proposed to obtain confidence intervals and its theoretical justification is provided. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance and an empirical application to reanalyze the data from the National Supported Work Demonstration is also considered to demonstrate the proposed model to be practically useful.
    Keywords: Average treatment effect; Bootstrap inference; Index model; Minimum average variance estimation method; Semiparametric estimation; Synthetic control method
    JEL: C01 C14 C54
    Date: 2023–02
  49. By: Susanne A. Frick; Andres Rodriguez-Pose; ;
    Abstract: Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are a popular policy tool for the promotion of economic development. However, questions remain about their economic contribution and about what aspects of SEZ policies are most relevant to investors. This article sheds light on these issues by comparing SEZs across Africa, Asia and Latin America. We find that, while investment decisions by foreign companies are driven by market access, political stability and low labour costs, adequate SEZ policies facilitate the attraction of investment. A good industrial infrastructure together with a strategic location and service provision within the zones draw investment. Fiscal incentives, by contrast, have a limited influence on investment decisions.
    Keywords: Special Economic Zones, inward investment, industrial policy, developing countries, FDI location decision
    JEL: F21 O14 O24 L52
    Date: 2023–02
  50. By: Maximilian Konradt (IHEID, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
    Abstract: This paper investigates the financial risk-taking behavior of pension funds since 2000. I assemble a new database containing portfolio holdings of more than 100 pension funds from 14 advanced economies. The study reveals three key findings. First, I show that pension fund portfolios have become riskier over that period, with an average increase in risky asset weights of 4 percentage points since 2008. European pension funds tend to invest more in public equities while North American and Asian funds focus on alternative assets. Second, I find evidence that declining domestic risk-free rates play a significant role in driving the trend, with pension funds increasing their risky asset exposure in response to falling short-term interest rates. Third, I demonstrate that less underfunded pension funds with fewer risky assets tend to reach for yield more aggressively, which is exacerbated during periods of low risk-free rates. This is most pronounced for European pension funds, particularly after the global financial crisis.
    Keywords: Low interest rates; Pension funds; Risk-taking; Reach for yield
    JEL: E43 F21 G11 G23
    Date: 2023–02–01
  51. By: Meg Adachi-Sato (Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University Faculty of Business Administration, JAPAN and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University, THAILAND); Osamu Sato (Department of Management, Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN)
    Abstract: This study examines how for-profit firms finance capital from investors through environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts. We examine a situation with two types of investors: socially responsible and for-profit investors. In this scenario, firms outnumber all investors in the market, and they must attract socially responsible investors to successfully obtain the capital they require. We show that when a firm makes a positive ESG investment, regulators aiming to promote ESG should encourage investors to prioritize ESG performance in their investment choices. Meanwhile, strengthening shareholders' rights or promoting corporate governance reform may not necessarily be ideal for them.
    Keywords: ESG; Matching intensity; Search; Social impact; Socially responsible investors
    JEL: D83 G23 G32 M14
    Date: 2023–02

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.