nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2023‒01‒16
53 papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar
Asian Development Bank

  2. Instrumen Kebijakan Moneter Islam di Indonesia By R, Nurul Zahra Zahirah
  6. OJK dan Sistem Moneter Indonesia By R, Nurul Zahra Zahirah
  7. Instrumen Kebijakan Moneter Islam di Indonesia By Halim, Ismail
  8. Resume Instrumen Kebijakan Moneter Islam Di Indonesia By , Asniar
  12. Resume Instrumen Kebijakan Moneter Islam di Indonesia By Akbar, Muh.
  13. Sistem Stabilitas Keuangan (SSK) dan Stabilitas Moneter By Halim, Ismail
  16. Climate adaptive response of rice yield in Vietnam: new insight through panel data modeling with heterogeneous slopes By Thanh Viet Nguyen; Simioni Michel; Hung Trung Vo
  17. A Review of the Philippines' Participation in Trade in Services Agreements By Serafica, Ramonette B.; Oren, Queen Cel A.
  19. Voters' Perceptions and Evaluations of Dynastic Politics in Japan By MIWA Hirofumi; KASUYA Yuko; ONO Yoshikuni
  20. Picture This: Social Distance and the Mistreatment of Migrant Workers By Toman Barsbai; Vojtěch Bartoš; Victoria Licuanan; Andreas Steinmayr; Erwin Tiongson; Dean Yang
  21. Pelanggaran Penjualan Baju Branded Palsu Di Shopee (Case Study Shopee) By Timu, putri
  22. Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Keputusan Membeli Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Cabang Palu By ramadani, Sinta
  23. The Proposed India-EU Trade Agreement and UNECE 1958 Provisions: Empirical Results for Indian Automobile Sector By Debashis Chakraborty; Biswajit Nag; Ripudaman Bhardwaj
  24. The Socio-Economic Challenges Facing Asia Due to Insufficient Earnings and Employment By Singh Tomar, Ashish
  25. 아시아-유럽 정상회의(ASEM) 25주년 평가와 한국의 활용전략(The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) at 25: Background, Main Achievements and Policy Implications) By Park, Sung-Hoon; Park, Myungho; Kim, Seung Nyeon
  26. 포스트 코로나 시대의 아세안 공동체 변화와 신남방정책의 과제(The ASEAN Community in the Post COVID-19 era: Challenges and Policy Implications) By La, Meeryung; Choi, Ina; Cheong, Jaewan; Mingeum Shin,, Mingeum Shin,; Kim, Hyung Jong
  27. Model Minorities in the Classroom? Positive Evaluation Bias towards Asian Students and its Consequences By Ying Shi; Maria Zhu
  28. Korea’s Regional Cooperation and ODA Policy in Asia: Performance and Challenges By Kwon , Yul; Yoo, Aila
  29. Strategic Importance and Development of Port of Kolkata: A Suggestion for a Deep Seaport By Deepankar Sinha
  30. Late Banking Transitions : Comparing Uzbekistan to Earlier Reformers By Babasyan, Davit; Gu, Yunfan; Melecky, Martin
  31. The relationship between firms that start operating as unregistered and firms’ innovation: the moderating effect of access to finance By Sam Njinyah; Simplice A. Asongu
  32. 미중 반도체 패권 경쟁과 글로벌 공급망 재편 (The US-China Battle for Semiconductor Supremacy and Reshaping of Global Supply Chain) By Jeong, Hyung-Gon; Yoon, Yeo Joon; Yeon, Wonho; Kim, Seohee; Joo, Dae Young
  33. On Efficient and Accurate Calibration to FX Market Skew by a Fully Parameterized Local Volatility Model By Dongli Wu; Bufan Zhang; Xiao Lin
  34. Viet Nam’s green industrial path between carbon and climate exposures By Guilherme Magacho; Etienne Espagne; Irene de Eccher; Grégoire Sempé; Michel Simioni
  35. Australia’s Strategic Responses to the US-China Rivalry and Implications to Korea By Choi, Ina; Lee, Sunhyung; Lee, Jaeho; Kim, So Eun
  36. 인도의 통상정책 분석과 한-인도 협력 방안(Analysis on India’s Trade Policy and Its Implications for Korea-India Cooperation) By Kim, Jeong Gon; Han, Hyoungmin; Keum, Hyeyoon; Pek, Jong Hun; Lee, Sunhyung
  38. Ujian Akhir Semester Makalah Kritik Seni "Musik Gerejawi dan Himne By Utan, Vonny Yoranti
  40. The Anatomy of the internationalization of the RMG By Ayako Saiki
  41. Terorisme akibat Islamophobia di Perancis By , Marsiyati
  42. Cute face and quiet... but her look don't match her personality: commodifying flesh, shaping labour expectations, and domestic workers' treatment in Singapore By Antona, Laura
  43. Data-Driven Prediction and Evaluation on Future Impact of Energy Transition Policies in Smart Regions By Chunmeng Yang; Siqi Bu; Yi Fan; Wayne Xinwei Wan; Ruoheng Wang; Aoife Foley
  44. Perceived losses urge people to pay for environmental conservation By Jin, Ruining
  45. Resume Ekonomi Moneter " Instrumen Kebijakan Moneter Islam Di Indonesia" By , Nurhayati
  46. Corruption: A Brutal Enemy of Economic Diversification in MENA Oil Exporters By Siham Matallah
  47. India’s Act East Policy: RCEP Negotiations and beyond By Biswajit Nag; Debashis Chakraborty; Sakshi Aggarwal
  48. Pasar Persaingan Sempurna By Waasi, Nur
  50. The Gender Education Gap in Developing Countries: Roles of Income Shocks and Culture By Sylvain Dessy; Luca Tiberti; David Zoundi
  51. Do Social Protection Programs Improve Health Related Outcomes of the Poor in Tunisia? By Mohamed Ali Marouani; Phuong Le Minh; Nidhal Ben Cheikh
  52. Các nhân tố tác động đến ý định sử dụng dịch vụ ngân hàng điện tử của khách hàng tại BIDV - chi nhánh Tây Sài Gòn By Le, Anh Hoang; Bình, Nguyễn An
  53. Don't rock the boat? Fears of conflict and support for protest in Iraq and beyond By Daniel Silverman; Karl Kaltenthaler; Mujtaba Ali Isani

  1. By: Hafidhoh, Alfina
    Abstract: sila kedua ini wajib dilaksanakan oleh semua warga negara Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan agar Indonesia dapat menegakkan keadilan dan dapat menghargai hak yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia. Manusia harus berbuat adil terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain, seperti kita harus menghargai setiap orang yang memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda yaitu suku, budaya, agama, atau status lainnya. Di Indonesia menerapkan sistem tidak ada perbedaan perlakuan terhadap semua masyarakat Indonesia.Manusia menempati kedudukan & martabat yang tinggi. Kata “Adil” mengandung makna bahwa suatu keputusan atau tindakan didasarkan atas norma-norma yang objektif dan subjektif, sehingga tidak melakukan perbuatan sesuka hati. Oleh karena itu, Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab memiliki definisi bahwa adanya kesadaran sikap dan perbuatan manusia yang didasarkan kepada potensi budi nurani manusia dalam hubungannya dengan norma-norma dan kebudayaan umumnya.
    Date: 2022–11–03
  2. By: R, Nurul Zahra Zahirah
    Abstract: Untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah ekonomi moneter
    Date: 2022–12–03
  3. By: Annisa, Nurul
    Abstract: Secara prinsip tujuan kebijakan moneter islam tidak berbeda dengan tujuan moneter secara umum, yaitu menjaga stabilitas dari mata uang, penciptaan instrumen keuangan yang terverifikasi, likuiditas , transparan sistem keuangan dan mekanisme dengan masa berlakunya
    Date: 2022–12–04
  4. By: Resky, Andi Sry Aska
    Abstract: Dalam aspek teknis, kebijakan moneter Islam harus bebas dari unsur riba dan bunga bak. Dalam Islam, riba – termasuk di dalamnya bunga bank – diharamkan secara tegas. Dengan adannya pengharaman ini maka bunga bank yang dalam ekonomi kapitalis menjadi instrument utama manajemen moneter menjadi tidak berlaku lagi. Menejement moneter dalam Islam didasarkan pada prinsip bagi hasil.
    Date: 2022–12–04
  5. By: Dwi, Petrus Mau
    Abstract: This study was conducted to find out how the financial performance of the animal feed industry compares with cross-section analysis techniques. The type of research used in this study is qualitative research with the object of research, namely PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk, PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk, PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk, and PT Sreeya Sewu Indonesia Tbk. The data used in this study is sourced from secondary data, namely the internet in the form of the company's annual financial statements for the 2019-2021 period obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results of this study show that PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk is the most superior among the other three companies
    Date: 2022–12–09
  6. By: R, Nurul Zahra Zahirah
    Abstract: Untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah ekonomi moneter
    Date: 2022–12–03
  7. By: Halim, Ismail
    Abstract: Resume singkat tentang instrumen kebijakan moneter islam di Indonesia.
    Date: 2022–12–03
  8. By: , Asniar
    Abstract: Dalam aspek teknis, kebijakan moneter Islam harus bebas dari unsur riba dan bunga bak. Dalam Islam, riba – termasuk di dalamnya bunga bank diharamkan secara tegas. Dengan adannya pengharaman ini maka bunga bank yang dalam ekonomi kapitalis menjadi instrument utama manajemen moneter menjadi tidak berlaku lagi. Menejement moneter dalam Islam didasarkan pada prinsip bagi hasil.
    Date: 2022–12–04
  9. By: Yaqin, Ainul
    Abstract: kebijakan moneter Islam harus bebas dari unsur riba dan bunga bank. Dalam Islam riba yang termasuk didalamnya bunga bank diharamkan secara tegas. Manajemen moneter dalam Islam didasarkan pada prinsip bagi hasil.
    Date: 2022–12–03
  10. By: ramdhani, ulfa
    Abstract: Cadangan hukum, disingkat GWM, adalah tingkat minimum dana Bank harus menyimpan, besarnya ditentukan oleh Bank Indonesia Persentase tertentu dari dana pihak ketiga/DPK bank (wajib Bank untuk penduduk dan orang asing dalam rupiah dan mata uang asing).
    Date: 2022–12–03
  11. By: Taha, Muh. Ridwan
    Abstract: Dalam aspek teknis, kebijakan moneter Islam harus bebas dari unsur riba dan bunga bak. Dalam Islam, riba – termasuk di dalamnya bunga bank – diharamkan secara tegas. Dengan adannya pengharaman ini maka bunga bank yang dalam ekonomi kapitalis menjadi instrument utama manajemen moneter menjadi tidak berlaku lagi. Menejement moneter dalam Islam didasarkan pada prinsip bagi hasil.
    Date: 2022–12–04
  12. By: Akbar, Muh.
    Abstract: Giro Wajib Minimum disingkat GWM adalah jumlah dana minimum yang wajib dipelihara oleh Bank yang besarnya ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia sebesar Persentase tertentu dari Dana Pihak Ketiga Bank / DPK (merupakan kewajiban Bank kepada penduduk dan bukan penduduk dalam rupiah dan valuta asing).
    Date: 2022–12–03
  13. By: Halim, Ismail
    Abstract: Resume singkat terkait sistem Stabilitas Keuangan dan stabilitas moneter di Indonesia.
    Date: 2022–12–05
  14. By: , Muh.Rafli
    Abstract: Islam memiliki kebijakan moneter tersendiri yang berbeda dengan sistem ekonomi lainnya. Pada aspek tujuan Islam tidak hanya menekankan equilibrium antara permintaan dan penawaran uang akan tetapi juga mengupayakan terjadinya pemerataan dengan prinsip keadilan dan persaudaraan, sehingga tercipta distribusi kekayaan dan pendapatan secara adil pula
    Date: 2022–12–03
  15. By: Familyani, Maria Paramita
    Abstract: Fenomena penyebaran barang ilegal sudah sangat biasa bagi kalangan masyarakat indonesia,salah satunya adalah penipuan harga dari Hp Iphone. Seperti yang kita ketahui,bahwa IBox adalah salah satu brand handphone ternama yang ada di dunia,harga Hp Iphone ini kisaran puluhan juta,tetapi di shopee banyak yang menjualnya seharga yang fantastis murah yaitu seharga Rp. 12.900 saja,tentu saja customers akan tergiur dengan harga semurah itu, tetapi customers tidak memikirkan bahwa itu adalah barang yang tertipu dengan harga yang sangat murah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis barang-barang palsu dari brand IBox,salah satunya adalah Hp Iphone yang ada pada e-commerce shopee. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam jurnal kali ini adalah metode deskriptif. Metode deskriptif ini merupakan metode yang mencari informasi serta memberikan gambaran tentang fenomena yang sedang diteliti,sehingga metode penelitian ini fokus utamanya adalah menjelaskan objek penelitiannya sehingga menjawab apa peristiwa atau apa fenomena yang sedang terjadi. Metode penelitian ini kemudian berbeda dengan metode lain yang cenderung lebih fokus pada pembahasan mengapa fenomena itu terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif bahwa harga Hp Iphone di shopee lebih murah dibandingkan pada website asli IBox .
    Date: 2022–11–25
  16. By: Thanh Viet Nguyen (University of Akureyi); Simioni Michel (UMR MoISA - Montpellier Interdisciplinary center on Sustainable Agri-food systems (Social and nutritional sciences) - Cirad - Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement - IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - CIHEAM-IAMM - Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier - CIHEAM - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement - Institut Agro Montpellier - Institut Agro - Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement, TSE-R - Toulouse School of Economics - UT1 - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole - Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées - EHESS - École des hautes études en sciences sociales - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement); Hung Trung Vo (Thu Dau Mot University - Partenaires INRAE)
    Abstract: Rice production is central to the Vietnamese economy, not only in terms of contribution to Vietnam's GDP, but also to the food security of its population. However, Vietnam is one of the countries most threatened by climate change in the coming decades, and its rice production in particular. This paper focuses on rice yields and investigates their evolution over time and between provinces over the period 1987-2015, depending on climatic conditions. Special attention is devoted to the impact of heat stress. This impact is measured taking into account the potential adaptation of farmers to these extreme events. To this end, a dynamic production function allowing for spatial and temporal heterogeneity in rice yield responses of to climatic conditions is estimated. Data descriptive analysis shows that the provinces with favorable conditions for rice growth are also those that face the most risk of heat stress. Estimation results show that these provinces adapt to heat stress conditions and that their adaptation eort begins to decrease when heat stress risk becomes too high. Taking adaptation into account then makes it possible to qualify the forecasts made regarding rice yields in the presence of climate change.
    Keywords: Rice yield,Climate change,Adaptation,Vietnam,Large panel data,Mean observation
    Date: 2022–11–22
  17. By: Serafica, Ramonette B.; Oren, Queen Cel A.
    Abstract: This paper reviews the participation of the Philippines in services trade agreements at the multilateral, regional, and bilateral levels. It also discusses the government’s institutional arrangements for services trade negotiations. To harness the benefits of free trade agreements and increase market opportunities for the country, the government should judiciously exercise policy space in binding commitments, involve various stakeholders early in the services negotiation cycle, clarify and delineate roles of relevant agencies, and capacitate the private sector, particularly micro, small, and medium enterprises, to engage in trade in services more actively. To strengthen the governance structure of trade negotiations in services, lead coordination must be consolidated in one agency instead of the current setup, where the role is split between two agencies depending on the trade partner and the scope of the agreement.
    Keywords: services;trade;FTAs;free trade agreement
    Date: 2022
  18. By: Luerdi, Luerdi
    Abstract: The Novel Corona Virus Disease or COVID-19 has caused unprecedented huge impacts and affected all aspects of governance including the relations among countries. Amid the crisis, sub-national governments have demonstrated their international engagements and innovations in order to respond to the pandemic. Jakarta as the largest city and the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia became the national attention in early of the pandemic due to its functional position as the main gate of international mobility. However, the region held an international event called the International Youth Championship while the pandemic still existed. This research aimed to describe the region’s objectives to carry out the event as a para-diplomacy practice. This research applied the qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis. In addition, the research utilized para-diplomacy concept as a theoretical tool to help describe such objectives. This research found that the regional government had a number of objectives in hosting the event; promoting the success of handing the COVID-19, promoting sports tourism in the post-pandemic, and introducing a new ‘green’ icon of the region. Those objectives belong to the economic and cultural dimension of para-diplomacy. This paper argues that Indonesian para-diplomacy is an asset inasmuch as the national government can harvest benefits from sub-national governments’ para-diplomatic activities.
    Date: 2022–06–20
  19. By: MIWA Hirofumi; KASUYA Yuko; ONO Yoshikuni
    Abstract: Political family dynasties are a staple part of Japanese politics. According to one study, Japan has the fourth highest number of dynastic politicians among democratic countries, after Thailand, the Philippines, and Iceland. As a result, many scholars have qualitatively studied how these political families are born and managed. In contrast to the abundance of qualitative research, however, very little quantitative research has focused on how Japanese voters view political dynasties. To understand this question, we conducted two nationwide surveys. Our major findings are that while the majority of respondents dislike dynastic candidates, they also value specific attributes of dynastic candidates, such as their political networks, their potential for ministerial appointments, and their ability to bring “pork projects†to their constituencies. These results serve as benchmark information on dynastic politics in Japan. They are also distinct from the findings of existing studies that Japanese voters are neutral about whether a candidate is from a dynastic family in voting decisions.
    Date: 2022–12
  20. By: Toman Barsbai; Vojtěch Bartoš; Victoria Licuanan; Andreas Steinmayr; Erwin Tiongson; Dean Yang
    Abstract: International migrant workers are vulnerable to abuses by their employers. We implemented a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce mistreatment of Filipino women working as domestic workers (DWs) by their household employers in Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. The intervention – encouraging DWs to show their employers a photo of their family while providing a small gift when starting employment – caused DWs to experience less mistreatment, have higher satisfaction with the employer, and be more likely to stay with the employer. DWs’ families in the Philippines also come to view international labor migration more positively, while they generally remain unaware of the intervention. An online experiment with potential employers in Hong Kong and the Middle East suggests that a mechanism behind the treatment effect is a reduction in the employer’s perceived social distance from the employee. A simple intervention can thus help to protect migrant workers without requiring public policy changes in the destination country.
    Keywords: temporary labor migration, working conditions, contract enforcement, dictator game
    JEL: D9 J61
    Date: 2022
  21. By: Timu, putri
    Abstract: Di era digital saat ini perkembangan internet membuat transaksi jual beli secara online melalui aplikasi shopee. Kemungkinan juga akan menimbulkan masalah karena harga yang dicantumkan sangat murah pada aplikasi shopee. Para coustomer membeli dan memesan barang melalui aplikasi shopee tanpa mengetahui barang tersebut ORI atau palsu Banyak customer yang tertarik dengan harga yang ditawarkan dengan barang kualitas bagus. Namun setelah memesan barang tersebut, barang tersebut tiba dan pemakaian barang tersebut tidak bertahan lama karena barang tersebut palsu. Salah satunya yaitu baju branded palsu . banyak digemari di kalangan muda. Harga bajupun jika di di lihat di toko yang memiliki label original relative mahal dibandingkan dengan tokoh yang tidak memiliki label original di shopee. Artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana perbandingan antara penjual di shopee toko berlabel original dan tidak memiliki label original penjual gitar serta dampak bagi konsumen.
    Date: 2022–11–25
  22. By: ramadani, Sinta
    Abstract: antangan bisnis saat ini menjadi sangat kompleks sehingga perusahaan harus memiliki kreatifitas dalam penciptaan produknya guna menarik perhatian konsumen. Di satu sisi, era globalisasi memperluas pasar produk dari perusahaan di Indonesia, dan di sisi lain keadaan tersebut memunculkan persaingan yang semakin ketat baik antara perusahaan domestik maupun dengan perusahaan asing. Persaingan dalam dunia usaha akan mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan untuk berlomba agar bisa menjadi pemimpin pasar (market leader). Setiap perusahaan dituntut untuk mampu menciptakan strategi-strategi bisnis yang baru agar bisa mempengaruhi pasar dan merebut pangsa pasar yang luas. Peranan perilaku konsumen diperlukan untuk mencapai tuntutan dan kebutuhan pasar sasaran sebagai usaha persuasif dari perusahaan untuk merangsang dan mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan pembelian. Karena itu pihak perusahaan perlu mengambil inisiatif untuk mempengaruhi konsumen dalam mengambil keputusan pembelian melalui informasi yang ditujukan pada konsumen sasaran sehingga produk yang ditawarkan teraktualisasi pada keputusan membeli.
    Date: 2022–12–15
  23. By: Debashis Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, India); Biswajit Nag (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, India); Ripudaman Bhardwaj (Student, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Kolkata, India)
    Abstract: In 2014, India adopted the ‘Act East’ Policy to enhance trade flows with the East and Southeast Asian partners. A degree of caution in the outlook has however been noticed with the pull-out from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations in November 2019, on the ground of domestic economic considerations. In the subsequent period, India has expressed willingness to enter with trade agreements with the ‘West’, namely, the European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA). However, these trade partnerships may not be effective in enhancing Indian exports only through tariff reforms, and the role of quality harmonization needs to be acknowledged in this context. The automobile sector is an important case in point. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations Working Party 29 (WP.29) has three agreements for harmonizing technical regulations on vehicles and auto-components to facilitate road safety, namely: UNECE 1958, 1997 and 1998. India joined the UNECE 1998 agreement in April 2006. It deserves mention that EU members are party to UNECE 1958 and have requested India at times to consider joining the 1958 Agreement. India has so far refrained from joining the UNECE 1958 standard, given the reservations against certain provisions of the same. The current paper intends to analyse the potential impact of the tariff reforms on the India-EU bilateral trade flows using the WITS-SMART analytical framework. The simulation results indicate that India’s export benefits would be limited vis-à-vis the EU, arguably owing to competition from countries already conforming to the UNECE 1958 standards. The analysis concludes that India needs to closely evaluate its options, keeping in mind the growing inclination towards UNECE 1958 even among some of the existing RTA partner countries (e.g., ASEAN). Thus, the Indian policymakers need to assess all these potential challenges before coming to a decision on the practicality of joining UNECE 1958 forum.
    Keywords: Automobile safety standards, UNECE, WP29, Indian automotive sector trade, Intra-Industry Trade, EU-India FTA, WITS-SMART Simulation
    JEL: F13 F15 F17
    Date: 2021
  24. By: Singh Tomar, Ashish
    Abstract: Despite inadequate earnings and employment, Asia continues to face socio economic challenges that existed prior to the pandemic and have contributed to the region's difficulty in creating decent jobs and advancing towards employment. From an Asian perspective, the purpose of this study is to examine, from an Asian perspective, the extent and influence of vulnerabilities among workers as well as the socio-economic challenges they pose to the economy. After a systematic analysis of literary sources and approaches to addressing the issue of vulnerable employment, a conclusion can be drawn that such employment is unsustainable. This is based on the analysis of literary sources and approaches. As a result, it does not promote a stable economy, a strong workforce, or a stable social environment. There has also been evidence to support the idea that the appearance of such a trend has the potential to cause social unrest as a result of such a tendency. In the Asian context, it is imperative that we examine the classical definition of vulnerable employment in the context of Asian markets in order to assess the relevance of this scientific problem. In addition to the study of the effects of certain socio-economic factors on the employment of vulnerable individuals, and/or strengthening the adverse effects of vulnerable employment on those already in need, we should also examine the effects of vulnerability on those already affected.
    Keywords: Labor and economic impact, Vulnerable labor and Asia, Socio-Economic Challenges and employment, insufficient earnings in Asia, Socio-economic challenges and labor
    JEL: A13 A14 E24 J21
    Date: 2022–10–16
  25. By: Park, Sung-Hoon (Korea University); Park, Myungho (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies); Kim, Seung Nyeon (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
    Abstract: 본 연구는 1996년 출범한 아시아-유럽정상회의(ASEM)가 지난 25년간의 협력과정에서 이룩한 성과를 평가하고 한국의 활용전략을 제안할 목적으로 수행되었다. 새로운 거버넌스 지표를 도입하여 지난 20여 년간 ASEM의 협력과정에서 한국 포함 ASEM 회원국의 지역 내 및 지역 간 추세와 특징을 고찰하였다. 분석 결과 한국은 공공부문, 시장, 시민사회를 포함한 모든 영역에서 ASEM 회원국 평균을 훨씬 상회하는 높은 성장률을 시현함으로써 대다수의 소항목에서 현저하게 개선된 순위를 나타냈다. 특히 행정, 시장환경 및 복지 분야에서 한국의 위상이 두드러진 것으로 밝혀졌진바, 본 연구는 이 세 분야와 고등교육협력 분야에서 한국의 역할이 강화될 필요가 있다는 점을 결론으로 제시하였다. This study was conducted to analyze the background factors and achievements of the ASEM process over the past 25 years since its establishment and to draw policy implications for Korea. After the Introduction, Chapter 2 reviewed, in a detailed manner, the background factors of and the roles assigned to the ASEM process. Especially, ASEM was identified as an inter-regional cooperation mechanism between the two continents – Asia and Europe – that was established in order to fill the ‘missing link’. The intention of European countries to intensify cooperative relationship with Asian countries that had been increasingly recognized as ‘the potential center of global economic growth’ was a mian background factor that led to the establishment of ASEM. Also crucial was the desire of Asian countries to diversify their diplomatic relationship and to cultivate the biggest internal market provided by the European integration process. In addition to its traditional role to foster and enhance the cooperative relationship between Asia and Europe, the ASEM process also contributed to strengthening the intra-regional cooperation within Asia by providing them with motivations to establish the ASEAN+3 and the East Asia Summit (EAS), which can be regarded as a very positive by-product. Chapter 3 was fully devoted to the evaluation of ASEM cooperation. First of all, the study looked into the agenda items of twelve summit meetings held until October 2021 in order to identify the main direction of cooperation in the ASEM process. Also, the study thoroughly investigated the cooperation agenda discussed and the frequncy of ministerial meetings, and found out that the ASEM process has been well-balnaced between political and economic policy areas. (the rest omitted)
    Keywords: 경제협력; 다자간협상; Economic cooperation; multilateral negotiations
    Date: 2021–12–30
    Abstract: 아세안은 2015년 아세안 공동체를 출범시키고 정치·안보, 경제, 사회·문화 영역에서 역내 통합을 추진해왔으나, 미·중 전략경쟁 심화 및 코로나19 확산 등 대내외 환경 변화로 인해 새로운 도전과제에 직면하고 있다. 특히 코로나19는 아세안의 정치·안보, 경제, 사회·문화 전반에 걸쳐 광범위한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 이러한 영향은 당분간 지속될 것으로 예상된다. 이는 아세안 공동체 추진에 상당한 부담이 될 것으로 보이며, 이에 따라 향후 한-아세안 협력에도 변화가 요구된다.(the rest omitted) This report evaluates the performance of the three pillars of the ASEAN community―the Political-Security, Economic, and SocioCultural pillars―at the halfway point of the blueprint to build the ASEAN Community by 2025. The paper also analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ASEAN Community and comprehensively addresses the existing and newly encountered challenges of ASEAN in the COVID-19 era. Based on these analyses, we derive policy recommendations for cooperation between ASEAN and Korea to support recovery from COVID-19 and successful progress of the ASEAN Community. ASEAN established the ASEAN Community in 2015 and adopted the three blueprints set out in the strategic measures to build Socio-Cultural, Political-Security, and Economic communities by 2025. Chapter 2 introduces the ASEAN Community’s goals and work plans guided by APSC, AEC, and ASCC blueprints, and examined the implementation mechanism to pursue the various measures. We also review the contents and significance of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework (ACRF), which is a COVID-19 exit strategy at the ASEAN level, and present our forecasts on the future of the ASEAN Community after COVID-19. In Chapter 3, this paper evaluates the progress of ASEAN economic integration and examined environmental changes caused by COVID-19, and the challenges faced by ASEAN subsequently. According to the results of this study, AEC’s goal of establishing a “highly integrated and cohesive economy” has been successfully implemented in accordance with its work plan, but the actual economic performance appear to fall short of expectations. Therefore, we identify the factors that hinder ASEAN's economic integration and further present ASEAN's challenges to solve them. Chapter 4 analyzes the performance of the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC) and examines the prospects of the APSC after COVID-19. First, we reviewed the main contents of the APSC Mid-term Review Report released by the ASEAN Secretariat, and analyzed the fundamental limitations of the APSC blueprint 2025. Then we analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on the building of APSC.(the rest omitted)
    Keywords: 경제협력; 국제정치; Economic Cooperation; International Politics
    Date: 2021–12–30
  27. By: Ying Shi (Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 426 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244); Maria Zhu (Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 426 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244)
    Abstract: The fast-growing demographic group of Asian Americans is often perceived as a “model minority.” This paper establishes empirical evidence of this stereotype in the context of education and then analyzes its consequences. We show that teachers rate Asian students’ academic skills more favorably than observationally similar White students in the same class, even after accounting for test performance and behavior. This contrasts with teachers’ lower likelihood of favoring Black and Hispanic students. Notably, teachers respond to the presence of any Asian student in the classroom by exacerbating Black-White and Hispanic-White assessment gaps. This suggests that the “model minority” stereotype can negatively impact other minority groups de-spite its ostensibly positive connotation.
    Keywords: Teacher Evaluation, Racial Bias, Asian Americans
    JEL: I24 J15
    Date: 2022–12
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing geopolitical conflicts have deteriorated socio-economic conditions all around the world. As developing countries in Asia have made enormous progress in economic and social development based on the stable ground for growth, the development gap within the region has also been expanded. In addition, the region’s socio-economic conditions have become worse after the pandemic. Along with the pandemic crisis, there are several issues that have negatively influenced the region’s sustainable growth, such as climate change and climate-related natural disasters, and conflicts. These multiple crises change the development needs in the region, and cannot be solved through the efforts of any sole country but must be tackled through regional cooperation. While Korea strengthens its strategic approach for regional economic cooperation to expand its partnership with emerging countries and its Official Development Assistance (ODA) volume is highly concentrated in Asia region, Korea still focuses on cooperation with each country based on priority countries’ Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) without any integrated regional cooperation strategy. Strengthening inclusive partnerships would be a key to reduce the development gap in the region, by supporting regional programs such as the ASEAN Connectivity and Mekong Subregion development projects. To improve policy coherence and tackle the region-wide problems, Korea should adopt an integrated regional cooperation approach by reflecting the characteristics of Asia. This study analyzes changes in the socio-economic conditions and development environment in the Asia region and provides policy implications for preparing regional cooperation strategy for Asia.
    Keywords: ODA Policy; Regional Cooperation Strategy
    Date: 2022–08–04
  29. By: Deepankar Sinha (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), Kolkata, India)
    Abstract: The need for alternate sea routes is growing following the Suez Canal blockade, Chinese hegemony, and geopolitical transformation among nations. China’s influence in the Indian ocean is observed from its presence in Sri Lanka and Pakistan ports. Port of Kolkata finds its mention among global analysts and the BRI - as it provides an alternative route to join the Indian Ocean avoiding the Malacca Strait. The economy of India and the Southeast Asian countries, especially Bangladesh, are growing; despite the region's growth, there are no large ports, and the performance of the present ports lags behind the standards in the rest of the world. India needs to realize this and strengthen the port system, especially given its BBIN, BIMSTECH, and Act-East policies. In this article, the current state of the Kolkata port is analysed. A deep seaport is proposed to enable India to strengthen its geopolitical strength, improve the balance of payments, reduce cost and emissions, and provide a sustainable option to the global maritime community.
    Keywords: Kolkata Port, Deep Seaport, Kolkata Port System, Geopolitical, BRI, Act-East Policy
    Date: 2022
  30. By: Babasyan, Davit; Gu, Yunfan; Melecky, Martin
    Abstract: Uzbekistan is one of the late transition economies. This paper compares the earlyexperience and challenges that Uzbekistan confronts in transitioning its banking system to market principlesagainst the earlier experience with banking transitions from Poland, Russia, and Vietnam, and other relevant evidencefrom the literature. To that effect, the paper uses new data on Uzbekistan’s banking sector, the data on past transitioneconomies, and qualitative and quantitative evidence from the literature. Uzbekistan’s latest experience with bankingtransition generates important lessons for countries that have yet to transition. Namely, how much can a newtransitioning country reasonably expect to accomplish within the medium term Which banking reforms are the most essentialand how should they best be sequenced How can expectations about efficient capital reallocation be managed, access tofinance made more equitable, and transition risks of financial instability be mitigated What are thecomplementary reforms in the real sector, especially of state-owned enterprises and the competition framework, thatneed to happen in tandem for the new banking market to function properly
    Date: 2022–03–23
  31. By: Sam Njinyah (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK); Simplice A. Asongu (Yaoundé, Cameroon)
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between a firm starting operation informally and its future innovation and whether this relation is moderated by institutional support (having access to finance from financial institutions to run their business). Data from the World Bank Enterprise Survey on 30 Eastern European and South-East Asian countries were analysed using probit regression analysis. The findings show that there is a positive significant relationship between firms that start operations informally and the firms’ innovation and that such effect persists over time. We found that this relationship is stronger if the firms can gain access to finance to expand their business activities. Finally, our result shows that such a relationship is based on the type of innovation being pursued by the firm. By examining the moderation effect of access to finance on starting a business informally, we provide an alternative explanation to policymakers on how to deal with informal firms to benefit from their contribution to growth.
    Keywords: Informality/unregistered firms, Innovation, Institutions, and Eastern European and South East Asia
    Date: 2022–01
  32. By: Jeong, Hyung-Gon (KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP)); Yoon, Yeo Joon (Pusan National University); Yeon, Wonho (KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP)); Kim, Seohee (KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP)); Joo, Dae Young (The Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade)
    Abstract: 최근 반도체 패권을 강화하고자 하는 미국의 대중정책은 반도체 산업의 글로벌 공급망 재편을 유발시키고 있으며, 이는 우리 경제에도 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 미중 양국의 반도체 산업 육성정책을 살펴보고, 우리 반도체 산업의 공급망 구조와 리스크를 자세히 분석하여 대응방안을 모색한다. Realization of digital transformation(DX) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR) has led the development of new technologies in areas such as AI, big data, metaverse, autonomous vehicles, digital currency, and blockchain. While these sectors are expected to continue to grow, major countries including the United States and China are fiercely competing to secure a global supply chain for the semiconductor industry. The global division of production in the semiconductor industry has been built on freetrade and has driven corporate innovation and technology development. However, the trend of techno-nationalism and efforts by each nation to construct value chains within own their territories are expected to have an adverse effect on the global semiconductor industry. The ever-deepening hegemony competition between the U.S. and China in the semiconductor sector could have a profound impact not only on the Korean economy but also on restructuring of the global semiconductor supply chain. This study analyzes the supply chain structure and risks of the Korean semiconductor industry, along with U.S. andChinese polices to foster the semiconductor industry, going on to explore corresponding countermeasures. The first chapter details the research methodology used in the study and how it differs from previous studies, followed by theacademic and policy contributions of our study. An analysis of the current state of the global semiconductor industry and risks in the semiconductor supply chain of the United States follows in the second chapter. Division of labor by value chains has progressed significantly in the global semiconductorindustry. Countries are specialized in various manufacturing stages (chipless → fabless → foundry → ATP → delivery) and the GVC hasbeen established according to each country’s strength. The United States and Europe specialize in product technology while Korea and Taiwan are strong in process technology and China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Malaysia have comparative advantages in ATP. The global value chain has been arranged based on these advantages and driven production efficiency for decades.(the rest omitted)
    Keywords: 경제전망; 무역장벽; Economic prospects; trade barriers
    Date: 2021–12–30
  33. By: Dongli Wu; Bufan Zhang; Xiao Lin
    Abstract: In this paper we have studied a fully parameterized local volatility model for pricing the American option and Asian option. This model, after implemented by a grid or Monte-Carlo numerical method, can be calibrated to the FX market skew volatilities efficiently and accurately. Thus, the model will deliver the reliable prices to the exotic options in the daily trading activities.
    Date: 2022–11
  34. By: Guilherme Magacho (AFD - Agence française de développement); Etienne Espagne (AFD - Agence française de développement); Irene de Eccher (IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement); Grégoire Sempé (IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement); Michel Simioni (UMR MoISA - Montpellier Interdisciplinary center on Sustainable Agri-food systems (Social and nutritional sciences) - Cirad - Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement - IRD - Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - CIHEAM-IAMM - Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier - CIHEAM - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes - INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement - Institut Agro Montpellier - Institut Agro - Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement, TSE-R - Toulouse School of Economics - UT1 - Université Toulouse 1 Capitole - Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées - EHESS - École des hautes études en sciences sociales - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - INRAE - Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement)
    Abstract: Lors de la COP26, le Viet Nam s'est positionné à l'avant-garde de la course mondiale vers le «net zéro», ouvrant ainsi une ère de changement structurel rapide pour le pays. Le Viet Nam entame ce voyage en partant d'une position de forte intensité d'émissions par rapport au reste du monde. Dans le secteur de l'électricité, du gaz et de l'eau, alors que le monde émet moins de 2, 5 kg de CO2 par dollar américain, le Viet Nam émet près de 15 kg de CO2 par dollar américain. Le même schéma se vérifie dans d'autres secteurs. Dans le secteur du textile et de l'habillement, ainsi que dans celui des produits métalliques, le Viet Nam émet environ 2, 5 kg de CO2 par dollar américain, alors que la médiane mondiale est inférieure à 1, 0 kg par dollar américain. Le pays est également relativement exposé aux industries en déclin en termes de contraintes externes, fiscales et socio-économiques. Une faible couverture de protection sociale ajoute à l'impact social potentiel d'une transition rapide. En même temps, le Viet Nam fait partie des pays les plus exposés aux impacts climatiques, ce qui confirme son intérêt spécifique à mener cette «course verte» mondiale. Une analyse transsectorielle de l'exposition montre certains impacts potentiels importants d'un monde à 2°C en termes d'effets externes, fiscaux et socio-économiques. Mais le Viet Nam présente également des opportunités industrielles et technologiques très prometteuses dans un scénario de «course verte» globale. Comparé à d'autres nations d'Asie du Sud-Est, ou même à des économies développées asiatiques comme la Corée, le Viet Nam présente des opportunités industrielles très importantes dans les produits verts moins complexes, mais aussi des opportunités prometteuses dans les produits plus complexes, qui apportent généralement les meilleures opportunités d'emploi et les meilleures capacités techniques. Au cours de la dernière décennie, le Viet Nam a connu la croissance la plus rapide de l'indice de complexité verte parmi les économies d'Asie du Sud-Est, et l'un des potentiels de complexité verte les plus élevés. L'élaboration d'une solide stratégie de développement et d'industrie verte face au changement climatique nécessite de déployer le bon dosage de politiques pour soutenir la diversification dans ces secteurs prioritaires.
    Date: 2022–11–02
  35. By: Choi, Ina (KOREA INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY (KIEP)); Lee, Sunhyung (Montclair State University); Lee, Jaeho (Center for Area Studies); Kim, So Eun (Center for Area Studies)
    Abstract: As in other Asia-Pacific countries, boosting trade with China has provided a growth engine for Australia's economy. Australia shared concerns over security threats posed by China’s military expansion, but up until the mid-2010s hard balancing against China did not seem to be an option for Australia. Australia’s recent moves against China, however, signal that Canberra has reset its China policy, with an overhaul of its national security and defense strategy. The shift of Australia’s China policy is an interesting case to explore how the regional order is likely to evolve in the growing US-China competition. Assessing Australia’s recent foreign policy is also relevant to Korea, both in terms of navigating Korea’s relations with the US and China and enhancing strategic ties between Australia and Korea. Against this backdrop, this study unravels Australia’s strategic responses to the changing regional order and draw implications for Korea's foreign policy.
    Keywords: Australia; Australia-China trade disputes; Australia-ROK partnership
    Date: 2022–08–01
    Abstract: 한국과 인도의 경제교류는 한-인도 CEPA와 신남방정책을 계기로 확대되고 있지만, 두 나라의 잠재력을 감안할 때 아직 미흡하다. 본 연구는 인도의 통상정책과 대외 무역투자 관계에 대한 분석을 통해 한-인도 통상협력을 심화하는 데 기여하고자 한다. 제2장에서는 1990년대 인도의 개방화 이후를 중심으로 상품과 서비스무역 및 투자정책의 추이와 특징을 분석하였다. 제3장과 4장에서는 한국을 비롯한 인도의 주요 대상국별 무역 및 투자구조를 분석하였으며, 제5장에서는 글로벌 생산 네트워크상에서 인도의 위상을 분석하였다. 이상을 종합하여 제6장에서는 한-인도 통상협력에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다.(the rest omitted) Economic exchanges between Korea and India have been expanding since the signing of the Korea-India CEPA, which tookeffect in 2010, and the recent promotion of the New Southern Policy (NSP) by Korea, but the level of exchange still remains insufficient considering the potential of the two countries. This study aims to contribute to deepening Korea-India trade cooperation by analyzing India’s trade policy and trade investment relations. Taken overall, Chapter 2 analyzes the trends of commodity & service trade and characteristics of investment policies, centering around India’s economic liberalization since the 1990s. Chapters 3 and 4 examine India’s recent trade and investment structure with major countries including Korea, and Chapter 5 analyzes India’sstatus on the global production networks. In conclusion, Chapter 6 presents various implications for Korea-India trade cooperation. Looking at Chapter 2 in more detail, India has achieved great results in lowering tariff rates and easing investment barriers by promoting full-fledged liberalization policies since 1991. In particular, investment barriers have been significantly lowered and automatic approval is now being implemented in most areas, reflecting the remarkable improvements made in the investment environment since the inauguration of the Modi government. But at the same time, India has continued to actively utilize non-tariff barriers such as anti-dumping measures, and has been showing a trend of raising tariff barriers since 2018 with the aim of establishing its economic self-reliance. In short, India has placed its focus on developing its own production base by attracting foreign investments. And in spite of steady liberalization, India’s trade policy continues to lean towards the protection of domestic industries. According to Chapter 3, as intermediate goods account for an increasing proportion of total trade in goods, India’s status as a global production base is on the rise. In recent years, India’s major import destinations have switched from North America and Europeto China, Korea, and Southeast Asia, and in particular, trade with Korea has significantly expanded since 2000s.(the rest omitted)
    Keywords: 무역정책; 외국인직접투자; Trade Policy; Foreign Direct Investment
    Date: 2022–12–30
  37. By: Kashika Arora (Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi); Areej A. Siddiqui (Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi)
    Abstract: This paper aims at determining how technological capabilities interact with trade and global value chains (GVCs) participation to aid in the upgradation process. By constructing a panel data set and analysing through FGLS modelling, we observe trade performance of 14 developing countries from 2000 to 2018. It is found that technological capabilities determine the initial structure of local firms in trade and GVCs and they also deliberate the extent to which local firms in developing countries manage to leverage knowledge flows and move into activities of greater technological complexity in accordance with their existing comparative advantages. The results point to the critical role of national learning variables impacting countries’ performance over time measured by manufacturing value added. While emerging economies have synergistic relationships between variables explaining technological capabilities and trade and GVC performance, however, certain innate country effects have also their role to play.
    Keywords: Trade, global value chains (GVCs), technological capabilities, developing countries, panel data.
    JEL: F14 O14 O19 O31
    Date: 2021
  38. By: Utan, Vonny Yoranti
    Abstract: Musik menjadi bagian penting dalam tata ibadah gereja. Warisan tradisi musik gereja sejak awal abad Masehi sampai abad ke-3 yang terdapat dalam Nyanyian , Mazmur Responsorial, Mazmur Alleluia, Mazmur, Antiphonal,Tractus, serta Jubilusmenjadi bagian dalam pembacaan Alkitab.1Nyanyian gregorian, canon, hymne berkembang dan berperan dalam sejarah tata ibadah gereja di Eropa sejak Abad Pertengahan. Hingga saat ini kedudukan musik dalam ibadah makin berkembang bersamaan dengan perkembangan gereja. Musik telah menjadi bagian integral dalam aktivitas ibadahjemaat.Perkembangan musik gereja di dunia secara signifikan terjadi pada awal abad ke-20, yaitu munculnya gospel music(musik gospel) di Amerika. Musik gospel didugel pertama kali muncul dari gereja-gereja Afro-Amerika dalam kuartal pertama dari abad ke-20, atau dalam pengertian yang lebih luas, merujuk kepada musik gospel‘kulit hitam’maupun musik religius yang diciptakan dan dinyanyikan oleh para artis gospel selatan ‘kulit putih’pada 1Rhoderic J. McNeill, Sejarah Musik(Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Kristen,umumnya.Dalam perkembangannya, musik tersebut tidak hanya disajikan dalam konteks atau keperluan keagamaan saja tetapi juga muncul para musisi dan penyanyiyang membawakan musik gospel dalam lingkup sekular. Perkembangan wilayah persebarannya meliputi Eropa, Amerika Utara, Australia dan sebagian Asia.
    Date: 2022–12–15
  39. By: Manane, Patrif
    Abstract: Musik menjadi bagian penting dalam tata ibadah gereja. Warisan tradisi musik gereja sejak awal abad Masehi sampai abad ke-3 yang terdapat dalam Nyanyian , Mazmur Responsorial, Mazmur Alleluia, Mazmur, Antiphonal,Tractus, serta Jubilusmenjadi bagian dalam pembacaan Alkitab.1Nyanyian gregorian, canon, hymne berkembang dan berperan dalam sejarah tata ibadah gereja di Eropa sejak Abad Pertengahan. Hingga saat ini kedudukan musik dalam ibadah makin berkembang bersamaan dengan perkembangan gereja. Musik telah menjadi bagian integral dalam aktivitas ibadahjemaat.Perkembangan musik gereja di dunia secara signifikan terjadi pada awal abad ke-20, yaitu munculnya gospel music(musik gospel) di Amerika. Musik gospel didugel pertama kali muncul dari gereja-gereja Afro-Amerika dalam kuartal pertama dari abad ke-20, atau dalam pengertian yang lebih luas, merujuk kepada musik gospel‘kulit hitam’maupun musik religius yang diciptakan dan dinyanyikan oleh para artis gospel selatan ‘kulit putih’pada 1Rhoderic J. McNeill, Sejarah Musik(Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Kristen,umumnya.Dalam perkembangannya, musik tersebut tidak hanya disajikan dalam konteks atau keperluan keagamaan saja tetapi juga muncul para musisi dan penyanyiyang membawakan musik gospel dalam lingkup sekular. Perkembangan wilayah persebarannya meliputi Eropa, Amerika Utara, Australia dan sebagian Asia.
    Date: 2022–12–15
  40. By: Ayako Saiki
    Abstract: Using daily data between 2019 and 2021, this study examines the influence of the renminbi (henceforth RMB) on all currencies globally. It finds that the RMB's influence is significant and the largest among the CNY, USD, GBP, JPY and EUR for ten countries, which we call the "RMB bloc" countries. These are mainly small countries in Africa and Latin America, and their main export products are commodities, particularly minerals. There was no sign of the "RMB bloc" emerging in Asia. In addition, I analyze the determinants for becoming an "RMB bloc" country and find that commodity exports per GDP are the most important and robust determinant. China's loans are significant but negative, reflecting that China's overseas loans are exclusively denominated in the US dollar. The overall result shows that there is a long way to go for the RMB to become the third international currency next to the USD and euro. For Asian countries' currencies, the US dollar's dominance is unchanged, and China's influence remains negligible. Countries that are "RMB bloc" are typically small economies with a high dependence on commodity exports.
    Date: 2022–09
  41. By: , Marsiyati
    Abstract: This study aims to determine the development of Islamophobia in France and various acts of terror related to it. This research is a qualitative research by collecting data from various libraries and reliable sources. The results showed that Islamophobia and discrimination by Muslims occurred in France as seen from the editorial of the weekly Satir which published a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad by Charlie Hebdo. The publication of this caricature is considered to have insulted Muslims around the world. Coupled with the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron who accused Islam of being a religion that is experiencing a crisis in the world. Many protests and criticisms were filed from various Muslim countries in the world, including Indonesia. Freedom of opinion in France is felt to be unfavorable because it offends Muslims. Acts of terrorism in France that involve a group of people identifying themselves as ISIS are increasingly being carried out. One of the most recent cases of assault on Samuel Patty, a teacher in Paris who showed a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. The ISIS framing, which is seen as a movement group with roots in Islam, has created Islamophobia for other religions around the world. Islamophobia developed as a result of discrimination by native French people to Muslim immigrants.
    Date: 2022–11–25
  42. By: Antona, Laura
    Abstract: While it is well established that domestic work has long been commodified, this paper builds on existing literature to show how employment agencies use the production of biodata to simultaneously, and strategically, homogenise and differentiate domestic workers in Singapore as racialised commodities. As such, and building on existing literatures on racialisation, bodily commodification, corporeality, and domestic labour, this paper develops the concept of ‘fleshly commodity’ to convey domestic workers’ positioning as racialised, captive, fungible, and simultaneously homogenised and differentiated corporeal objects. Moreover, this paper will bring attention to the broader implications of the processes by which employment agencies market, fetishize, and then sell domestic workers. It does so by illuminating how recruitment practices shape the labour required/expected of domestic workers, before demonstrating how their living and working conditions and relations are also impacted. Through engagement with ethnographic data, this paper also demonstrates how domestic workers’ humanity, personhood, and agency continually contest and undo attempts to render them fleshly commodities.
    Keywords: biodata; commodification; corporeal; domestic work; flesh; migration; ES/J500070/1; ES/V011553/1; Wiley deal
    JEL: R14 J01
    Date: 2022–11–11
  43. By: Chunmeng Yang; Siqi Bu; Yi Fan; Wayne Xinwei Wan; Ruoheng Wang; Aoife Foley
    Abstract: To meet widely recognised carbon neutrality targets, over the last decade metropolitan regions around the world have implemented policies to promote the generation and use of sustainable energy. Nevertheless, there is an availability gap in formulating and evaluating these policies in a timely manner, since sustainable energy capacity and generation are dynamically determined by various factors along dimensions based on local economic prosperity and societal green ambitions. We develop a novel data-driven platform to predict and evaluate energy transition policies by applying an artificial neural network and a technology diffusion model. Using Singapore, London, and California as case studies of metropolitan regions at distinctive stages of energy transition, we show that in addition to forecasting renewable energy generation and capacity, the platform is particularly powerful in formulating future policy scenarios. We recommend global application of the proposed methodology to future sustainable energy transition in smart regions.
    Date: 2022–12
  44. By: Jin, Ruining
    Abstract: The current state of biodiversity loss on Earth is a serious headache for many scientists and policymakers. While there have been immense efforts in both natural and social science fields, the psychology of the willingness to support conservation endeavors is still unclear. Minh-Hoang Nguyen provides some interesting insights regarding this issue from a sociopsychological perspective.
    Date: 2022–12–03
  45. By: , Nurhayati
    Abstract: Instrumen kebijakan moneter dalam Islam dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok besa yaitu (a) Kontrol Kwantitatif pada penyaluran dana dan (b) Methode yang dapat menjamin alokasi pembiayaan dapat berlangsung dengan baik pada sektor-sektor yang bermanfaat dan produktif.
    Date: 2022–12–03
  46. By: Siham Matallah (University of Oran 2)
    Abstract: This paper aims, on the one hand, to investigate the impact of corruption on economic diversification in 11 oil-abundant Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries and three successful diversifiers (Canada, Norway, and Malaysia) over the period 1996-2019. This is done using the Arellano-Bond difference Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator that is effective in addressing the endogeneity problem. On the other hand, the paper aims to reveal how much the level of economic diversification will increase if MENA oil exporters have control of corruption scores similar to a successful diversifier like Canada. The main findings indicate that higher control of corruption leads to more diversification while higher oil rents lead to poor diversification in oil-exporting MENA countries. The joint impact of control of corruption and oil rents is effective in boosting economic diversification in MENA oil exporters. The results also reveal that the rate of improvement in diversification brought on by replacing MENA oil exporters’ control of corruption scores with those of Canada is 0.53 percent. Closing the control of corruption gap determines how quickly MENA oil exporters can promote economic diversification. Furthermore, non-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries need to exert much more effort compared to GCC countries in order to catch up with Canada’s control of corruption level. Most non-GCC countries must first address the serious problem of instability, since the more unstable the environment, the harder it is to control and handle corruption. Length: 30
    Date: 2021–10–20
  47. By: Biswajit Nag (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, India); Debashis Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, kolkata, India); Sakshi Aggarwal (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, India)
    Abstract: After the inception of World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, India initially focused on multilateral route for export promotion. However, after conceding defeat in a number of WTO disputes, the country was forced to open up domestic market for foreign players during late nineties. The negotiations during Doha Ministerial (2001) and Cancun Ministerial (2003) meetings of WTO did not lead to the expected level of market access for India. As a result, the country from 2003 onwards had increasingly looked for the possible export markets through preferential trade arrangements. The ‘Look East’ initiative, launched after the 1991 reforms, emerged as a major guiding motive in this regard. The series of ‘East’-centric regional trade agreements (RTAs) since 2010, participation in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) negotiations and subsequent policy shift thorough announcement of ‘Act East’ initiative in 2014 underlined the country’s resolve in this direction. Given this wider background, the current analysis explores the drivers behind India’s recent decision to not join RCEP and the possible economic outcomes.
    Keywords: India, Regional Trade Policy, Domestic Value added in exports, RCEP, Act East Policy
    JEL: F13 F15
    Date: 2021
  48. By: Waasi, Nur
    Abstract: Pasar persaingan sempurna yaitu sebuah struktur pasar di mana terdapat banyak penjual dan pembeli dan setiap penjual atau pembeli tidak dapat mempengaruhi keadaan di pasar. Persaingan sempurna merupakan struktur pasar yang paling ideal, karena dianggap sistem pasar ini adalah struktur pasar yang akan menjamin terwujudnya kegiatan memproduksi barang atau jasa yang tinggi (optimal) efisiensinya.
    Date: 2022–11–25
  49. By: Amelia, Kiki Rezky
    Abstract: Pasar persaingan sempurna yaitu sebuah struktur pasar di mana terdapat banyak penjual dan pembeli dan setiap penjual atau pembeli tidak dapat mempengaruhi keadaan di pasar. Persaingan sempurna merupakan struktur pasar yang paling ideal, karena dianggap sistem pasar ini adalah struktur pasar yang akan menjamin terwujudnya kegiatan memproduksi barang atau jasa yang tinggi (optimal) efisiensinya.
    Date: 2022–11–26
  50. By: Sylvain Dessy; Luca Tiberti; David Zoundi
    Abstract: When exposed to an adverse income shock, cash-constrained households may lean on culture to select the gender of offspring whose outcomes will be sacrificed to enhance survival. We test this by studying how culture mediates the impact of drought on the gender education gap in two separate settings: Malawi and Indonesia. In so doing, we proxy culture with kinship traditions (matrilocality and patrilocality) and exploit drought episodes' spatial and temporal randomness as a source of exogenous variation in rural households' exposure to adverse income shocks. After accounting for the grid and year-fixed effects, we find that patrilocal households, but not matrilocal ones, sacrifice their daughters' schooling in favor of sons' when they experience droughts and schooling requires payment of fees. These results survive numerous robustness checks and are driven by disparities in women's empowerment and the extent of son preference between matrilocal and patrilocal groups.
    Keywords: Drought; Kinship traditions; Matrilocality; Patrilocality; Gender education gap.
    JEL: I24 I25 I28 O12 O57
    Date: 2022
  51. By: Mohamed Ali Marouani (UMR DEVSOC, Universit´e Paris 1 Panth´eon-Sorbonne and IRD and ERF); Phuong Le Minh (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences); Nidhal Ben Cheikh (University of Paris)
    Abstract: In this study, we analyze the impact of the PNAFN, a Tunisian social protection program combining a cash transfer and access to a free healthcare insurance program. The outcomes of interest are healthcare out-of-pocket spending, financial risk associated to illness, and healthcare utilization. Using the nationally representative household survey, we implement various regression techniques taking into account the endogeneity of selection into the program. We find that the access to PNAFN reduces the risks of incurring high and catastrophic out-of-pocket expenses. It also encourages the PNAFN families to spend more on medications than any of three control groups. However, PNAFN beneficiaries have a higher probability to be unable to visit the doctor when having an illness due to a higher demand for health facilities coupled with financial deficiencies.
    Date: 2022–09–20
  52. By: Le, Anh Hoang (Ho Chi Minh University of Banking); Bình, Nguyễn An
    Abstract: Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện, nhằm đánh giá các nhân tố tác động đến ý định sử dụng dịch vụ ngân hàng điện tử (NHĐT) của khách hàng tại Ngân hàng Thương mại Cổ phần Đầu tư và Phát triển Việt Nam (BIDV) - CN. Tây Sài Gòn, bằng các phương pháp: Đánh giá độ tin cậy của thang đo; Phân tích nhân tố khám phá (EFA); Phân tích hồi quy bội, với dữ liệu 421 khách hàng tại BIDV - CN. Tây Sài Gòn. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, ý định sử dụng dịch vụ NHĐT của khách hàng bị ảnh hưởng bởi các nhân tố, bao gồm: ảnh hưởng xã hội; nhân tố thương hiệu; nhận thức hữu ích; nhận thức dễ sử dụng; công nghệ và bảo mật. Trên cơ sở kết quả nghiên cứu, tác giả đề xuất các hàm ý quản trị, nhằm nâng cao ý định sử dụng dịch vụ NHĐT của khách hàng tại BIDV - CN. Tây Sài Gòn.
    Date: 2022–11–15
  53. By: Daniel Silverman; Karl Kaltenthaler; Mujtaba Ali Isani
    Abstract: Why do people support—or refrain from supporting—nonviolent protests for political change? The literature offers different answers to this question, but one variable that has received little attention is fears of protest unleashing violent conflict. This is surprising given that protest movements often emerge in insecure societies—from Iraq to Pakistan and Algeria to Myanmar—that have experienced or are at risk of experiencing large-scale civil strife.
    Keywords: protest, Nonviolene, Conflict, Fear, Iraq, Violence
    Date: 2022

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