nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2022‒07‒25
24 papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar
Asian Development Bank

  2. Penegakan Hukum Atas Hak Cipta Di Indonesia By Saragih, Geofani Milthree
  3. Economic zones and local income inequality: Evidence from Indonesia By Hornok, Cecília; Raeskyesa, Dewa Gede Sidan
  4. This paper analyses trends in the development of the stock exchange in Jakarta between its stepwise institutionalisation since 1898 and its demise after 1958. The paper contributes to literature on the significance of stock markets in the process of mobilising external capital for investment by private enterprise in emerging economies. It finds that the brokers participating in the stock exchange traded shares and bonds of companies operating in Indonesia and registered in Indonesia or in The Netherlands. Many of these securities were also traded on the much larger stock exchange in Amsterdam. Although formally independent, both securities markets were integrated. Based on estimates of relatively high market capitalisation during 1901-1940, the paper concludes that the Jakarta and Amsterdam stock exchanges together contributed significantly to the mobilisation of private investment and the development of private enterprise in Indonesia. By Pierre van der Eng
  5. Pemberdayaan Wakaf Produktif Sebagai Instrumen untuk Kesejahteraan Umat By Astuti, Hepy Kusuma
  6. A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing Vietnam for Offshore Company Formation By Mai, Nhat Chi
  7. US Dollar Dominance in Asia's Trade Invoicing By Rogelio V. Mercado, Jr.; Ryan Jacildo; Sanchita Basu Das
  8. Social Media as Modern Platform to Create Awareness of Sonobudoyo and Sandi Museums in Yogyakarta Indonesia By Cornellia, Ayu; Hermawan, Hary; Sinangjoyo, Nikasius Jonet
  11. Reshaping upland farming policies to support nature and livelihoods: lessons from soil erosion in Southeast Asia with emphasis on Lao PDR. [Report of the Management of Soil Erosion Consortium (MSEC) Project]. By Pierret, A.; de Rouw, A.; Chaplot, V.; Valentin, C.; Noble, Andrew; Suhardiman, Diana; Drechsel, Pay
  12. Related Party Transactions, State Ownership, the Cost of Corporate Debt, and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Vietnam By Mai, Nhat Chi
  13. Peranan Hukum Adat Dalam Penyesuaian Diri Masyarakat Adat Melayu Riau Moderen Terhadap Pandemi Corona (Covid-19) By Saragih, Geofani Milthree
  14. Essays on the Vietnam Stock Market By Mai, Nhat Chi
  16. Determinants of successful adoption of the Balanced Scorecard in Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises By Mai, Nhat Chi
  17. Corporate social responsibility and firm financial performance: A literature review By Mai, Nhat Chi
  18. The Distributional Impact of a Carbon Tax in Asia and the Pacific By Cristian Alonso; Mr. Joey Kilpatrick
  19. China's CPTPP bid spurs South Korea to act on Asia-Pacific trade pacts By Jeffrey J. Schott
  20. Bürgerkrieg in Myanmar: Eine weitere Eskalation der Gewalt zeichnet sich ab By Heiduk, Felix
  21. Fintech: Financial Inclusion or Exclusion? By Dyna Heng; Yoke Wang Tok
  22. Exploring the most influential papers in Vietnam's political economy in the past ten years By Phenikaa, ISR
  23. Natural Disasters and Local Government Finance : Evidence from Typhoon Haiyan By Capuno, Joseph; Corpuz, Jose; Lordemus, Samuel
  24. An installation-level model of China’s coal sector shows how its decarbonization and energy security plans will reduce overseas coal imports By Jorrit Gosens; Alex Turnbull; Frank Jotzo

  1. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: The economic tensions that led to the Trade War between the United States and China not only shook and hurt the economies of both the United States and China. Tax returns that continue to heat up and increase between the two countries with the strongest economies in the world are able to weaken global economic growth. In addition to the negative impacts arising from the Trade War, one of the countries in Southeast Asia, Vietnam was able to get a positive impact from the spillover of the Trade War that could increase its economic growth. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of the United States-China Trade War on the growth of foreign investment in Vietnam in 2018-2019. This research uses a qualitative analysis approach with a descriptive explanative writing method using secondary data sources. The results of this study stated that the growth of foreign investment and trade in Vietnam in 2018-2019 increased significantly because it was influenced by two factors, namely external factors were the spillover of the United States-China Trade War, and internal factors were the internal economic and political conditions of Vietnam which tended to stable because there is Doi Moi or economic reforms carried out by the Vietnamese Government since 1986.
    Date: 2020–12–20
  2. By: Saragih, Geofani Milthree
    Abstract: Hak cipta merupakan hak khusus bagi pencipta atau pemegangnya untuk memperbanyak atau menggandakan hasil karya ciptaannya yang tumbuh bersamaan dengan lahirnya suatu ciptaan. Pencipta berhak pula atas manfaat ekonomi yang lahir dari ciptaannya tersebut, baik dibidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra. Objek pembahasan dalam hak kaekayaan intelektual pada dasarnya terbagi atas dua, yaitu Hak Kekayaan Industrian Hak Cipta. Kemudian Hak Kekayaan Industri terbagi menjadi Hak Paten, Rahasia Dagang, Merek, Desain Industri, Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman, Desain Tata Letak Sirkuit Terpadu, Indikasi Geografis dan Indikasi Asal Kompetensi Tersebulung Hak Cipta pengecualian dalam kategori ini. Hal ini disebabkan salah satunya adalah karena Hak Cipta bukan merupakan hak monopoli untuk melakukan sesuatu, melainkan hak untuk mencegah orang lain yang melakukan. Kemudian perbedaan lainnya antara hak cipta dan hak kekayaan intelektual lainnya adalah dimana seperti yang dikatakan oleh Dr. Zulfikar Jayakusuma S.H., M.H dalam kuliah hukum kekayaan intelektual yang diikuti oleh penulis pernah menyebutkan bahwa pada dasarnya hak cipta tidaklah perlu didaftarkan, karena berlaku secara otomatis. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman, kenyataan semakin maraknya penyalahgunaan hak cipta belakangan ini mendorong para pihak terkait yang memiliki hak cipta mendaftarkan hak ciptanya pada daftar umum ciptaan melalui Direktorat Jendral. Hal ini beruguna nantinya apabila terjadi sengketa, untuk menjadi alat bukti sempurna berupa Akta Otentik. Mengenai penyalahgunaan hak cipta yang telah disebutkan tadi, melalui pernyataan Ari Juliano Gema, Deputi Fasilitas HKI dan Regulasi Badan Ekonomi Kreatif pada tahun 2019 lalu (dikutip dari mengatakan bahwa tingkat pembajakan di Indonesia sangat tinggi, bahkan mengakibatkan kerugian triliunan rupiah. Hal ini diakibatkan masih rendahnya tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dalam menghargai suatu karya, khususnya dalam hal ini adalah hak cipta. Salah satu fakta lapangan yang saya dapati secara instuisi, pada tahun 2017 Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Indonesia (Asiri) melakukan suatu pendataan mengenai kerugian akibat pembajakan hak cipta musik, menurut data yang telah mereka simpulkan terdapat kerugian mencapai Rp. 8,4 Triliun. Hal ini merupakan suatu keadaan yang sangat disayangkan, apalagi penyalahgunaan hak cipta seakan tidak terasa sebagai suatu pelanggaran ditengah-tengah masyarakat kita. Contoh kecil saja, saat kita membeli Hp baru, umumnya pada memori Hp yang telah kita beli akan diisi beberapa file, salah satunya adalah musik, pastinya itu adalah musik-musik bajakan, sekarang Hp mrupakan suatu kebutuhan primer dimasa kini, bayangkan ada berapa banyak jumlah masyarakat di Indonesia ini yang telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hak cipta, berapa jumlah kerugian yang terjadi? ini baru hanya mengenai musik (ilegal). Itu di dunia nyata, bagaimana di dunia maya? Situs-situs download musik bajakan yang begitu banyaknya tanpa adanya suatu pengawasan yang kuat oleh pihak yang berwajib dalam menegakkan kesadaran untuk menghargai suatu hak cipta. Hal inilah yang mendorong penulis untuk membuat suatu makalah yang berusaha untuk menganalisis secara normatif bagaimana sebenarnya penegakan hukum mengenai hak cipta di indonesia dan melihat beberapa kasus pelanggaran hak cipta yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia sebagai bahan referensi kita dalam memandang kebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap suatu hak cipta.
    Date: 2020–09–05
  3. By: Hornok, Cecília; Raeskyesa, Dewa Gede Sidan
    Abstract: Economic zones can be powerful drivers of economic growth in developing countries. However, less is known about their distributional impact on the local society. This paper provides empirical evidence from Indonesian provinces on the relationship between economic zones and within-province income inequality. Estimates from panel regressions and synthetic control case studies suggest that this relationship is positive overall. The estimated rise in income inequality after a zone opens is relatively small on average and may be short-lived. However, the average estimate masks large regional differences, which suggests that the inequality implications of economic zone policies depend on local conditions. One explanation for the rise in inequality is that the unskilled population benefits disproportionately less from the policy. As a remedy, we propose education and training programs that target the poor and unskilled and in which companies also actively participate.
    Keywords: economic zones,place-based policy,income distribution,synthetic control method,Indonesia
    JEL: D31 F63 O15 O25
    Date: 2022
  4. By: Pierre van der Eng
    Keywords: stock exchange; securities; capital market; institutional development; Indonesia
    JEL: G23 G32 N25
    Date: 2022–07
  5. By: Astuti, Hepy Kusuma (MI Ma'arif Polorejo)
    Abstract: This article discusses the importance of economic empowerment of Indonesian Muslims through waqf productive. Waqf has been understood by the public merely provides a treasure that is not productive in the form of land / soil to be used as a mosque or school by taking donations from the public, it is this which makes the stagnation of waqf in Indonesia, the waqf productive can be a solution to overcome the stagnation of the development of waqf. The Indonesian Ulema Council has ratified cash waqf, it makes people could donating his money to institutions or organizations entity endowments, other problems encountered in the development of waqf in Indonesia is on the development of management of endowment resources, it is because of the lack of of professionalism, commitment and an understanding of cash waqf endowments were converted into productive efforts, thus the productive endowments could be the active solution in poverty alleviation and economic improvement of the people.
    Date: 2022–05–13
  6. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: In the succeeding sections, uncover why Vietnam is a top choice for foreign direct investment and how to have an efficient company formation in the country.
    Date: 2022–05–15
  7. By: Rogelio V. Mercado, Jr. (South East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research and Training Centre); Ryan Jacildo (Blank); Sanchita Basu Das (ERCI/ERCD)
    Abstract: This paper assesses the covariation between GVCs and MNCs with US dollar share in trade invoicing for Asia and Pacific economies. Using the Boz et al. (2020) dataset, the empirical analysis exploits cross-sectional heterogeneities that could explain the region's high share of exports and imports invoiced in the US dollar. The results show that Asia and Pacific economies with greater GVC participation tend to have higher share of their exports and imports invoiced in US dollars, in contrast with non-regional economies wherein economies with higher GVC have significantly lower share of exports and imports invoiced in US dollar. In addition, Asia and Pacific economies with more MNCs usually have a significantly higher share of exports invoiced in US dollar. Among other reasons, one factor could be due to less trade integration among the Asian countries considered in the paper and absence of an alternative strong regional currency. Trade exposure of these countries continue to remain significant with the US and Europe. The findings offer new empirical evidence in the context of the Asia and Pacific region as well as relevance of the presence of MNCs.
    Keywords: international trade invoicing, dominant currency paradigm, GVCs, and MNCs
    JEL: F14 F31 F41
    Date: 2022–07
  8. By: Cornellia, Ayu; Hermawan, Hary (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia); Sinangjoyo, Nikasius Jonet
    Abstract: Museum awareness through social media has been developing gradually. A the previous studies related to the topic found that museum social media was not well managed. It was related to the human resources competence in social media management even now it is defeated by the better solution to have consultant or outsourcing. Good museum management will certainly have a positive impact on the number of visits. However, not all museums have enough human resources and also have clear procedures for the use of related social media to increase the number of visits. The general objective of this study is to describe the maximum use of social media in order to increase the number of museum visits in Yogyakarta that specifically focusing on the types of social media and the strategies used to build awareness and interest in visiting the museum. The research method is a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach in Sonobudoyo and Sandi museums in Yogyakarta, Indonesia as both museums have active social media. The respondents were thirty-nine Instagram followers of Sonobudoyo and thirty-eight followers of Sandi's Instagram. This study concludes that the two museums have a good implementation of Social Media Marketing through Instagram and there is an increase in the number of visits after the social media users and entertainment content are well managed as the best strategy. It is suggested that the result of this study can provide solutions and input for other museums in Indonesia to become the preferred tourism destination to develop social media through the right Social Media Marketing (SMM) strategy to attract the attention and interest of visitors, especially young people as the targets set by the government.
    Date: 2021–01–07
  9. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: As the current COVID-19 pandemic lingers on with its fallout agonizing several economies on the globe, a number of policy instruments have been summoned by governments to cope with the looming recession. Among those instruments is the contentious “helicopter money”, which has received the endorsement of multiple economists while many others consider it a too risky tactic to follow. This paper is going to discuss the suitability of implementing “helicopter money” in the context of Vietnam during economic crises, particularly with a focus on the ongoing novel coronavirus-induced economic downturn. The author also makes an attempt to clarify certain challenges that Vietnamese legislators should better study carefully if “helicopter money” is ever to be deployed, as well as the circumstances and extent of such deployment.
    Date: 2020–07–14
  10. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Consumer protection has gained attention of Vietnamese lawmakers since the early stage of the emergence of the market economy in the country. In spite of the large number of laws and regulations on consumer protection, the violations are still on the rise. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the legal framework to protect consumers in Vietnam. To answer these, the article will examine and analyze the content and structure of the legal framework of consumer protection, the law enforcement mechanism and related factors in the country. Thereby, the article will suggest some recommendations to improve of the legal system of consumer protection in the country.
    Date: 2021–02–28
  11. By: Pierret, A.; de Rouw, A.; Chaplot, V.; Valentin, C.; Noble, Andrew; Suhardiman, Diana; Drechsel, Pay
    Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management
  12. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: This thesis consists of three papers examining determinants and implications of related party transactions (RPTs) in Vietnam, a transitional economy in South East Asia with features of concentrated state ownership and weak minority investor protection. Specifically, these papers describe RPTs and examine (i) the association between RPTs and state ownership, (ii) the association between the cost of corporate debt and RPTs, and the moderating role of state ownership on the association between the cost of debt and RPTs, and (iii) the association between corporate tax avoidance and RPTs, and the moderating role of state ownership on this potential association. The first paper describes the nature and extent of RPTs in Vietnamese listed firms and examines the association between RPTs and state ownership. The results from this paper demonstrate that related party transactions are prevalent in Vietnam. Findings show that the presence of state ownership is related to a lower extent of RPTs. However, among firms with state ownership, the extent of RPTs is positively associated with percentage of state ownership. The second paper reveals that the cost of debt is higher in firms having a higher level of RPTs, implying that RPTs are viewed as a potential risk to firms from the point of view of lenders. However, the presence of state ownership can reduce the effect of RPTs on the cost of debt. The third paper provides evidence that firms with RPTs demonstrate more tax avoidance than their counterparts without RPTs. Further, among firms with RPTs, firms with a higher extent of related net credit and related sales are found to exhibit even higher levels of tax avoidance. However, the association between tax avoidance and RPTs is moderated by the presence of state ownership. Finally, in firms with RPTs, the presence of state ownership reduces tax avoidance measured by effective tax rates.
    Date: 2020–09–09
  13. By: Saragih, Geofani Milthree
    Abstract: Dunia sekarang sedang memasuki masa dimana terdapat suatu penyakit yang telah ditetapkan oleh WHO sebagai pandemi dunia yaitu virus corona atau covid-19. Melalui Direktur Jenderal Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus secara resmi mengumumkan virus Corona (covid-19) sebagai pandemi pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020 yang lalu. Hal ini menandakan bahwa Corona (covid-19) telah menjadi salah satu penyakit yang berbahaya karena cepat menyebar dari manusia ke manusia, yang pada saat ini telah tersebar hampir di seluruh belahan dunia. Tedros pun meminta agar setiap pemerintahan negara membuat suatu kebijakan yang mendesak dan agresif atas respon terhadap Corona (covid-19) ini. Kemudian respon dari pada pemerintah Indonesia, berdasarkan arahan dari Presiden Jokowi pada tanggal 15 Maret 2020 yang lalu , mengajak agar masyarakat Indonesia untuk menerapkan social distancing. Masyarakat adat melayu sebagai suatu komunitas adat juga telah melakukan respon terhadap pandemi corona ini, peranan hukum adat menjadi salah satu yang paling mempengaruhi respon atas pandemi ini. Dimana pada tanggal 2 april 2020 yang lalu Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau misalnya dalam hal ini telah mengeluarkan suatu WARKAH MAKLUMAT atas respon terhadap pandemi corona (covid-19) ini. Dilihat dari sisi hukum (adat), WARKAH MAKLUMAT memiliki kekutan hukum yang mengandung amanah serta nasihat. Bentuk dari pada WARKAH MAKLUMAT bisa tertulis maupun tidak tertulis. WARKAH MAKLUMAT juga sejak dulu telah menjadi pedoman yang oleh masyarakat adat melayu riau baik elok tujuannya, dimana agar masyarakat adat melayu riau hidup rukun dan aman serta terhindar dari segala kemalangan. WARKAH MAKLUMAT juga disebut sebagai petunjuk yang patut dipegang oleh masyarakat adat melayu riau. WARKAH MAKLUMAT sama seperti ketetapan hukum lainnya, yakni mengandung pantang dan larang yang tujuannya agar menghindarkan masyarakat adat melayu riau teteap dijalan yang benar dan terselamatkan. WARKAH MAKLUMAT tersebut merupakan bentuk respon masyarakat adat melayu riau yang selanjutnya kita bahas lebih mendalam dan menyeluruh sesuai dengan susunan subbab yang dibuat oleh penulis. Hal ini menurut penulis menarik untuk dibahas lebih lanjut menlihat dari sebab musabab serta menyesuaikan sinkronisasi WARKAH MAKLUMAT tersebut dengan pandemi yang sedang menyerang dunia saat ini terkhusus di Indonesia, yakni pandemi corona (covid-19).
    Date: 2020–10–05
  14. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: This thesis consists of three substantive studies about the Vietnam stock market. In particular, I study the asymmetric information, corporate governance (CG) practices, and foreign investment of publicly listed companies in Vietnam, presented in Chapters 2, 3, and 4, respectively. In Chapter 2, I investigate the effectiveness of a market surveillance system (MSS) on improving the market quality of the Vietnam stock market, as measured by liquidity and informed trading level. I find that market liquidity decreased after the introduction of the MSS, and that the effect is more pronounced for small firms. Although informed trading, on average, does not change significantly after the MSS, subsample analysis indicates a significant decrease in informed trading among large and liquid firms. In Chapter 3, I investigate the relationship between firms’ CG practices and informed trading. I find a negative relationship between the two variables. Firms with better CG practices have a lower level of informed stock trading. Moreover, a natural experiment on a shock of firms’ CG practices generated by the CG policies shows that the negative relationship between CG practices and informed trading is a causal one, in which a change in the former causes a change in the latter. In another analysis around the implementation of the MSS, I find that the implementation of the surveillance system affects the relationship between the two variables, and this effect is driven by large and liquid firms. In Chapter 4, I investigate whether foreign investors in the Vietnam stock market are informed about firms’ performance. Using the residuals of foreign investor ownership as a measure of the abnormal foreign investor holding, I find that the abnormal foreign investor holding is positively correlated with firm performance in the following one year. I also find a positive correlation between abnormal foreign investor holding and the stock returns in the next three quarters. These findings indicate that foreign investors are informed about the firms up to a one-year period.
    Date: 2020–08–13
  15. By: putri, Aulia ananda
    Abstract: Perkembangan di Negara Indonesia ini terasa begitu cepat, baik dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, teknologi, komunikasi dan sebagainya, yang satu sama lain saling terkait dan saling mempengaruhi. Khusus dalam bidang ekonomi, perubahan tersebut sangat terasa sebagai dampak dari globalisasi ekonomi, yang tidak lain adalah liberalisasi perdagangan dan investasi ekonomi pasar bebas. Koperasi dengan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah pelaku ekonomi yang juga harus menghadapi tantangan persaingan. Koperasi menghadapi dua pilihan, pertama koperasi akan menampakkan eksistensinya dalam era pasar bebas, peran koperasi perlahan-lahan akan meningkat, ditandai dengan kesadaran yang tinggi dikalangan masyarakat untuk membangun kekuatan berdasarkan persetujuan bersama-sama. Kedua, koperasi akan semakin terjepit dalam wacana perekonomian yang didominasi oleh pihak swasta. Memang disadari, bahwa mensejajarkan koperasi dengan badan usaha lain merupakan pekerjaan yang tidak mudah. Kata Kunci : Koperasi,Ekonomi
    Date: 2022–05–15
  16. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Vietnam is well known as a country in successful transition to a market economy with a high concentration of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs contributed significantly to overcoming the “shocks” associated with the transition from a centrally planned to a market-oriented economy with the collapse of the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe. Although they are major contributors to Vietnamese socio-economic success, SMEs in Vietnam have to deal with many difficulties in their survival and development. To solve these problems, SMEs need to understand how their business is operating, identify where improvements should be made, and have a clear strategic planning process. Applying a performance measurement system provides SMEs with a more complete view of an organization through the different measures and perspectives that link together and enable the development of a dynamic system that monitors both internal and external contexts and supports the organization’s objectives. The Balanced Scorecard introduced by Kaplan and Norton in 1992 is a relevant tool that provides SMEs with a framework for dealing with today’s business environment. There have been extensive calls for research into the use of the Balanced Scorecard by SMEs in different national contexts.
    Date: 2021–01–20
  17. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to provide a comprehensive overview of whether CSR would make a difference to organisational financial outcomes. The paper also provides a closer focus on CSR research in Vietnam. Through an extensive analysis of 86 most recent empirical studies from 2015 to 2020, we found that the contribution of CSR to firm financial performance has received significant support from the literature. Yet the overall findings are still inconsistent, and the majority of evidence is mainly from developed countries. The current literature on CSR and firm performance highlights some important issues, ranging from theoretical background, CSR measures, methodological issues, the need to consider intervening factors in CSR-firm performance relationship, and the need to extend this literature further in developing and emerging countries. The literature on CSR-firm performance research in Vietnam closely resembles these problems. Research in this country domain is still scarce in both quantity and quality, reflecting in a number of issues including the limited number of international publications, the absence of theory-driven research, and the less rigorous research design. Building on these findings, we recommend future research to (i) adopt the multi-theoretical approach for a more extensive view on whether and how CSR contributes to firm performance; (ii) obtain more rigorous methodological approaches to measure a wide range of CSR dimensions and address the issue of endogeneity in CSR-firm performance causal relationship; (iii) open the Pandora box to explore why and through which channels CSR can improve firm financial performance with the presence of situational factors; and (iv) build the literature with more evidence from different country contexts and from developing and emerging countries.
    Date: 2020–08–15
  18. By: Cristian Alonso; Mr. Joey Kilpatrick
    Abstract: While a carbon tax is widely acknowledged as an efficient policy to mitigate climate change, adoption has lagged. Part of the challenge resides in the distributional implications of a carbon tax and a belief that it tends to be regressive. Even when not regressive, poor households could be hurt by a carbon tax, particularly in countries that rely heavily on carbon-intensive energy sources. Using household surveys, we study how a carbon tax may affect households in the Asia Pacific region, the main source of CO2 emissions. We document a wide range of country-specific policies that could be implemented to compensate households, reduce inequality, and build support for adoption.
    Keywords: Carbon pricing; Climate change; Compensation; Distributional effects; Inequality
    Date: 2022–06–10
  19. By: Jeffrey J. Schott (Peterson Institute for International Economics)
    Abstract: China’s sudden application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in September 2021 has broad implications for South Korea’s economic relations with China, Japan, and the United States. In the past, Korea frequently debated but invariably postponed deciding whether to participate in negotiations on the CPTPP, despite the substantial benefits to be gained from doing so. However, China’s application has prompted Korean officials to get off the fence and apply as well. As China moves to deepen its ties to regional partners, Korea needs to follow suit, complementing the ongoing implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with expedited negotiations to join the CPTPP and participation in the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF). Korean participation in the RCEP, CPTPP, and IPEF is desirable and mutually reinforcing and should allow Korea to sustain its strong commercial interests in both the US and Chinese markets.
    Date: 2022–06
  20. By: Heiduk, Felix
    Abstract: In verschiedenen Städten im Landesinnern Myanmars ist es während der vergangenen Tage zu Angriffen auf Militäreinrichtungen gekommen. Dabei wurden unter anderem Flugfelder des Militärs beschossen, die die Luftwaffe genutzt hatte, um Rebellenstützpunkte der ethnischen Minderheiten im Osten und Norden des Landes zu attackieren. Bislang hat sich niemand zu den Angriffen bekannt, doch ist davon auszugehen, dass sie in Zusammenhang mit dem neu formierten Bündnis zwischen demokratischer Opposition und ethnischen Minderheiten stehen. Angesichts dieser Entwicklung drohen die Gewaltkonflikte in Myanmar von den Grenzregionen auf das gesamte Territorium des Landes überzugreifen, einschließlich der großen urbanen Zentren. Zu befürchten ist daher, dass Myanmar politisch, ökonomisch und sozial noch weiter destabilisiert werden wird.
    Date: 2021
  21. By: Dyna Heng; Yoke Wang Tok
    Abstract: This paper examines the role of Fintech in financial inclusion. Using Global Findex data and emerging fintech indicators, we find that Fintech has a higher positive correlation with digital financial inclusion than traditional measures of financial inclusion. In the second stage of our empirical investigation, we examine the key factors that are correlated with the Fletcher School’s three digital divide – gender divide, class (rich-poor) divide and rural divide. The results indicate that greater use of fintech is significantly associated with a narrowing of the class divide and rural divide but there was no impact on the gender divide. These findings imply that Fintech alone may not be sufficient to close the gender gap in access to financial services. Fintech development may need to be complemented with targeted policy initiatives aimed at addressing the gender gap directly, and at changing attitudes and social norms across demographics.
    Keywords: Fintech; Financial Inclusion; Financial Development; Inequality; Fintech development; class divide; role of Fintech; appendix A. data definition; Fintech proxy; Digital financial services; Gender inequality; Mobile banking; East Asia; Caribbean; Asia and Pacific; Global; Middle East; Southeast Asia
    Date: 2022–05–06
  22. By: Phenikaa, ISR
    Abstract: Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Research | Phenikaa University (by Ho Manh Toan; 27 December 2020. *Original preprint: — This short explorative article looks at the list of papers on Vietnam's political economy in the past ten years.
    Date: 2020–12–26
  23. By: Capuno, Joseph (University of the Philippines Diliman); Corpuz, Jose (University of Warwick); Lordemus, Samuel (University of Lucerne)
    Abstract: This paper examines how natural disasters affect low public nances and their interplay with intergovernmental transfers and external resources. We document the causal effect of a natural disaster on the allocation of local public resources the local government fiscal dynamics by exploiting the random nature of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most devastating natural disasters in recent history. Combining data on local government nance with reports on the level of damages caused by the typhoon, we employ several estimation strategies: we first rely on difference-in-differences and event study designs, and we further address a potential endogeneity concern by instrumenting the intensity exposure to the typhoon with distance to the storm path. We show that local revenue and public expenditures remain largely unaffected, except debt service, which are on average 15% lower in affected cities or municipalities. However, we document important heterogeneity in local revenue responses. We find no support for the moral hazard problem : our results indicate that external aid leads to higher local expenditures, particularly general public services, socioeconomic expenditures, including education and social services, and debt payments. These results highlight the crucial role of central government transfers in supporting local governments and mitigating the geographical economic disparities in the aftermath of exogenous shocks such as natural disasters.
    Keywords: Natural disasters ; local government finance ; Haiyan/Yolanda
    Date: 2022
  24. By: Jorrit Gosens (Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University); Alex Turnbull (Keshik Capital, Singapore); Frank Jotzo (Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University)
    Abstract: China aims for net-zero carbon emissions by 2060, and an emissions peak before 2030. This will reduce its consumption of coal for power generation and steel making. Simultaneously, China aims for improved energy security, primarily with expanded domestic coal production and transport infrastructure. Here, we analyze effects of both these pressures on seaborne coal imports, with a purpose-built model of China's coal production, transport, and consumption system with installation-level geospatial and technical detail. This represents a 1000-fold increase in granularity versus earlier models, allowing representation of aspects that have previously been obscured. We find that reduced Chinese coal consumption affects seaborne imports much more strongly than domestic supply. Recent expansions of rail and port capacity, which reduce costs of getting domestic coal to Southern coastal provinces, will further reduce demand for seaborne thermal coal and amplify the effect of decarbonisation on coal imports. Seaborne coking coal imports are also likely to fall, because of expanded supply of cheap and high quality coking coal from neighbouring Mongolia.
    Date: 2021–09

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.