nep-sea New Economics Papers
on South East Asia
Issue of 2022‒06‒20
fifty-two papers chosen by
Kavita Iyengar
Asian Development Bank

  1. Gambaran umum Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia By Islamy, Nabila Putri
  3. EU aid for trade as contested trade policy intervention: The case of the EU-MUTRAP project in Vietnam By Nguyen, Nguyen Trinh Thanh
  6. Landasan Positif dan Normatif yang Mengatur tentang Bank Syariah di Indonesia By Iskandar, Isda
  7. Analyzing Democratic Backsliding in East Asia and the Implications for Human Rights By Sevcik, Noah
  8. How Does a Transition Country Utilize Foreign Aid? Case Study Analyses of Vietnam and Myanmar By Mai, Nhat Chi
  9. Privatization of Vietnam Airlines: A successful Reform or A Timid Policy Step By Mai, Nhat Chi
  10. FATWA-FATWA DARI PRODUK-PRODUK BANK SYARIAH By , Mirnawati; Ilman, Afnan Nur; Rasyid, Andi Syahrul Ramadhan
  11. Vietnamese Economic Reform -- Forgotten Memories By Mai, Nhat Chi
  13. Kajian Penelitian Berbasis Bibliometrik di Indonesia Tahun 2021 By Fauziah, Nur Rabani
  15. Cornell University Library: Financial Markets in Vietnam By Mai, Nhat Chi
  16. Example of Vietnam Cultural Analysis Research Paper By Seal, Nerdy
  17. LPEM FEBUI Quarterly Economic Outlook 2021 Q3 By Jahen F. Rezki; Syahda Sabrina; Nauli A. Desdiani; Teuku Riefky; Amalia Cesarina; Meila Husna; Faradina Alifia Maizar
  18. LPEM FEBUI Quarterly Economic Outlook 2022 Q2 By Jahen F. Rezki; Syahda Sabrina; Nauli A. Desdiani; Teuku Riefky; Amalia Cesarina; Meila Husna; Faradina Alifia Maizar
  21. LPEM FEBUI Quarterly Economic Outlook 2021 Q1 By Jahen F. Rezki; Syahda Sabrina; Nauli A. Desdiani; Teuku Riefky; Amalia Cesarina; Meila Husna
  22. Capital Raising and Management of Vietnamese Small and Medium Sized Enterprises after Integrating into Global Economy By Mai, Nhat Chi
  23. Pelayanan Publik Berbasis Kearifan Lokal By AS, Husain
  24. COVID-19 Lockdown Policy and Heterogeneous Responses of Urban Mobility: Evidence from the Philippines By Jiang, Yi; Laranjo, Jade; Thomas, Milan
  25. Anti-competitive Behavior in Providing Internet Service in Multi-Tenant Environments in the Philippines By Estavillo, Javea Maria
  26. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Thailand’s Agricultural Export Flows By Thammachote, Pasakorn; Trochim, Jirapa Inthisang
  27. Makalah Perbedaan Koperasi Dengan Organisasi Lainnya By Jannah, Miftahul; K, Khelvin.; yuniarti, ervie; ramdhani, ulfa; Sugiatni, Evi
  28. Mekong capital and mobile world (A): Growing a US $100 million company in Vietnam By Mai, Nhat Chi
  30. The Global Impacts of Climate Change on Risk Preferences By Wesley Howden; Remy Levin
  33. Climate change and migration decisions: A choice experiment from the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. By Tra Thi Trinh; Alistair Munro
  34. LPEM FEBUI Quarterly Economic Outlook 2022 Q1 By Jahen F. Rezki; Syahda Sabrina; Nauli A. Desdiani; Teuku Riefky; Amalia Cesarina; Meila Husna; Faradina Alifia Maizar
  35. What the Mean Measures of Mobility Miss: Learning About Intergenerational Mobility from Conditional Variance By Ahsan, Md. Nazmul; Emran, M. Shahe; Jiang, Hanchen; Shilpi, Forhad
  36. Socioeconomic effects of collectivist and individualist education: A comparison between North and South Vietnam By Mai, Nhat Chi
  37. Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan wakaf produktif By Astuti, Hepy Kusuma
  38. ภายใต้แผนงานอาเซียนในกระแสแห่งความพลิกผัน: เศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลและผลกระทบต่อการจ้างงานในอนาคต By Mai, Nhat Chi
  39. LPEM FEBUI Quarterly Economic Outlook 2021 Q2 By Jahen F. Rezki; Syahda Sabrina; Nauli A. Desdiani; Teuku Riefky; Amalia Cesarina; Meila Husna; Faradina Alifia Maizar
  40. The Interplay between Organizational Structure, Culture and Employees’ Socio-Emotional Skills within Their Social Capital By Koohborfardhaghighi, Somayeh; Altmann, Jörn; Heshmati, Almas
  41. Inflasi dan pengangguran ekonomi islam By sari, Ayu Puspita
  42. Differences in Household Food Demand by Income Category As Evidenced in Rural Thailand By Chaowana Phetcharat; Warattaya Chinnakum
  43. Influence of Freedom of Choice on Happiness By Koohborfardhaghighi, Somayeh; Summers, Christopher R.; Heshmati, Almas; Altmann, Jörn
  45. Cornell University Library Catalog Holding : Kinh tế Việt Nam - Thăng trầm và đột phá By Mai, Nhat Chi
  48. "Rise and Fall of New Technology: Quasi-experimental Evidence from a Developing Country" By Sachiko Miyata; Yasuyuki Sawada; Kazuma Takakura
  49. Geopolitics of electricity: Grids, space and (political) power By Westphal, Kirsten; Pastukhova, Maria; Pepe, Jacopo Maria
  50. Nutrition as a basic need: A new method for utility-consistent and nutritionally adequate food poverty lines By Mahrt, Kristi; Herforth, Anna W.; Robinson, Sherman; Arndt, Channing; Headey, Derek D.
  51. Cost-effectiveness analysis of G6PD diagnostic test for Plasmodium vivax radical cure in Lao PDR: an economic modelling study By Aung, Yu Nandar; Tun, Sai Thein Than; Vanisaveth, Viengxay; Chindavongsa, Keobouphaphone; Kanya, Lucy
  52. COVID-19 and informal work: Degrees and pathways of impact in 11 cities around the world By Martha Alter Chen; Erofili Grapsa; Ghida Ismail; Sarah Orleans Reed; Michael Rogan; Marcela Valdivia

  1. By: Islamy, Nabila Putri
    Abstract: Setelah kita pelajari lebih mendalam dari pengertian, peranan dan perkembangan bank syariah din Indonesia dapat di simpulkan bahwa masa depan perbankan syariah Indonesia sangat cerah. Hal ini terlihat dari semakin bertambahnya jumlah (unit) perbankan syariah dari tahun ke tahun.Perbankan syariah dapat di kembagkan debagai salah salah satu sistem perbankan alternatif selain sistem perbankan yang umum (konvensional). Jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah nasabah dan simpanan dari perbankan yang umum (konvensional) cenderung tidak meningkat (stagnan), maka masih sangat terbuka kemungkinan perbangkan syariah untuk mendapatkan kenaikan jumlah nasabah maupun simpanan mereka.Aturan yang berlaku dalam perbankan syariah adalah adanya sistem bagi hasil yang tidak seberat jika kita mengikuti aturan dalam perbankan umum (komvensional yang sering memberatkan kalangan pengusaha.Perbangkan syariah menawarkan berbagai produk baik tabungan maupun yang lainnya. Sehingga harapan dari kalangan usaha kecil dan menengah untuk memperoleh modal untuk memajukan usaha mereka bisa terlaksana dengan baik. Perbangkan syariah tidak memberikan pinjaman untuk kegiatan haram dan spekulasi.
    Date: 2022–04–24
  2. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: The main objective of the thesis was to provide the company with the necessary knowledge of the macro-economic and cultural characteristics of Vietnam. The purpose of the thesis was to research whether Vietnam would be an economically or culturally attractive market, thus supported SWECO Finland’s expansion decision-making. The utilized theoretical framework for macro-economic factors was PESTLE analysis, and for cultural factors was Hofstede’s 6 cultural dimensions model. Resource audit was included to assist with the assessment of SWECO Finland’s hypothetical strength and weaknesses in the Vietnam market. The research findings and analysis of the Vietnamese market followed the frameworks covered in the theoretical background of the research. Both primary and secondary data were utilized in this report. Secondary data was collected through public data sets, articles and journals from recognized research institutions, official Government statistics and reputable news outlets. Primary data was collected through observation and semi-structured interviews with people of relevant expertise. The analysis was conducted by a comparison between primary and secondary data, where the primary data would either serve as support or critic of the secondary data collected. Through the comparison, the most relevant data and conclusions concerning the Vietnamese market were drawn. Recommendations for the case company were based on those research findings and conclusions.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  3. By: Nguyen, Nguyen Trinh Thanh
    Abstract: This paper explains the EU's Aid for Trade (AfT) and trade relations with Vietnam, and examines how EU AfT influences Vietnam's trade policy reform. It provides an analysis of EU AfT as a contested trade policy intervention by using the results of the EU-MUTRAP project in Vietnam. The finding is that EU AfT can interfere as an “external impacts” on Vietnam's trade policy reform. Based on the priorities of EU trade policies towards Vietnam, the EU uses AfT projects to support and change the Vietnamese trade environment. The paper partially proves the contribution of the EU-MUTRAP on the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement negotiations and implementation.
    Date: 2022–04–24
    Abstract: Perbankan Syariah merupakan suatu sistem perbankan yang dikembangkan berdasar kansistem syariah (hukum islam).Usaha pembentukkan sistem ini berangkat dari larangan islamuntuk memungut dan meminjam bedasarkan bunga yang termasuk dalam riba dan investasiuntuk usaha yang dikategorikan haram,misalnya dalam makanan,minuman,dan usaha-usaha lainyang tidak islami,yang hal tersebut tidak diatur dalam Bank Konvensional.Di Indonesia pelopor perbankan syariah adalah Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Berdiri tahun1991, bank ini diprakarsai oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan pemerintah serta dukungan dariIkatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI) dan beberapa pengusaha muslim. Bank inisempat terimbas oleh krisis moneter pada akhir tahun 90-an sehingga ekuitasnya hanya tersisasepertiga dari modal awal. IDB kemudian memberikan suntikan dana kepada bank ini dan pada periode 1999- 2002 dapat bangkit dan menghasilkan laba.Saat ini keberadaan bank syariah di Indonesia telah di atur dalam Undang-undang yaituUU No. 10 tahun 1998 tentang Perubahan UU No. 7 tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan.Adanya Perbankan syariah di Indonesia bertujuan untuk mewadahi penduduk di Negara Indonesia yang hampir seluruh penduduknya beragama Islam.Dengan adanya bank tersebut diharapkan tidak adanya kerancuan dalam prosesmuamalah bagi para pemeluk agama islam,sehingga mereka terjaga dari keharaman akibat tidakadanya suatu wadah yang melayani mereka dalam bidang muamalah yang bersifat islami. Namun realitas yang ada,dari 80% penduduk Indonesia yang beragama Islam tidak lebih dari 10% di antara mereka yang bertransaksi secara syar’I lebih-lebih dalam hal perbankan.Sampaisaat ini perbankan syariah di Indonesia belum mampu menunjukan eksistensinya,banyak masyarakat yang tidak menaruh kepercayaan terhadap perbankkan syariah.Bahkan para ulama-ulama di negeri ini pun sebagian besar masih menyimpan uangnya di bank konvensional.Haltersebut terjadi karena kurangnya pemahaman mengenai sisitem operasi perbankan syariahSistem dalam bank syariah di anggap sama dengan sistem operasi yang ada dalam bankkonvensional
    Date: 2022–04–24
  5. By: , Nuraeni
    Abstract: Bank pada dasarnya adalah entitas yang melakukan penghimpunan dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk pembiayaan atau dengan kata lain melaksanakan fungsi intermediasi keuangan. Dalam sistem perbankan di Indonesia terdapat dua macam sistem operasional perbankan, yaitu bank konvensional dan bank syariah. Sesuai UU No. 21 tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah, Bank Syariah adalah bank yang menjalankan kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah, atau prinsip hukum islam yang diatur dalam fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia seperti prinsip keadilan dan keseimbangan ('adl wa tawazun), kemaslahatan (maslahah), universalisme (alamiyah), serta tidak mengandung gharar, maysir, riba, zalim dan obyek yang haram. Selain itu, UU Perbankan Syariah juga mengamanahkan bank syariah untuk menjalankan fungsi sosial dengan menjalankan fungsi seperti lembaga baitul mal, yaitu menerima dana yang berasal dari zakat, infak, sedekah, hibah, atau dana sosial lainnya dan menyalurkannya kepada pengelola wakaf (nazhir) sesuai kehendak pemberi wakaf (wakif).
    Date: 2022–04–24
  6. By: Iskandar, Isda
    Abstract: Perbankan syariah merupakan salah satu bentuk dari perbankan nasional yang mendasarkan operasionalnya pada syariat (hukum) Islam, yang meliputi Alquran, Sunnah, Ijtihad (Fiqh).
    Date: 2022–04–28
  7. By: Sevcik, Noah
    Abstract: The number of countries experiencing democratic backsliding in East Asia is increasing. India, Burma, or the Philippines are notable examples of East Asian nations facing the trend of decreasing levels of liberal democracy. This paper investigates how democratic backsliding leads to authoritarianism and human rights abuses through quantitative analysis. In addition, this paper investigates how a new authoritarian East Asian order enables further democratic backsliding and human rights abuses. Through this analysis, I concluded that countries who experience democratic backsliding often devolve into authoritarian states that violate human rights to retain their status quo. This trend enables further authoritarianism in East Asia through debt trap diplomacy and regional authoritarian cooperation.
    Date: 2022–05–01
  8. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the diplomatic strategies of Japan in engagement with two Southeast Asian nations in response to China’s Foreign Policy on the Belt and Road Initiative. In particular, this paper examines how Vietnam and Myanmar, which are transition countries, utilize Chinese aid and Japan’s Official Development Assistance, focusing on changes in domestic politics. We thus explore questions as to whether Vietnam and Myanmar are intensively investing in sectors directly linked to economic growth, or distributing foreign aid to the political sector necessary to build democratic institutions. We will track these developments across a timescale divided into before and after the respective transitions of economy and/or politics in both countries. This is diachronic approach enables us track differentiation in where and the ways in which foreign aid is used. As a result, Vietnam has been utilizing foreign aid toward objectives economic growth without introducing any change to the political system. Both Myanmar and Vietnam, moreover, are actively embracing foreign policy competition between China and Japan to their own respective advantage.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  9. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: This study provides an overview about the privatization process of the national airlines in Vietnam, representing for a key large SOE which has been privatized. Therefore, it helps to reflect the process of the country in term of the government perspectives in general, through which to bring ideas or suggestion for more efficient policy to favor liberalization. Privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is one pillar of the structural reforms in addition to the deregulation and trade liberalization. As a necessity for development, Vietnam implemented privatization along with the Renovation policy to transfer from a centrally planned market to an open and market-oriented economy as a necessity for development. The privatization process in Vietnam is on-going and has begun in large SOEs. The privatization of Vietnam Airlines is a typical case of a large-scale concern undergoing privatization through equitization. This study is of particular interest for the Vietnam Airlines’ privatization in evaluating the success or failure of the equitization.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  10. By: , Mirnawati; Ilman, Afnan Nur; Rasyid, Andi Syahrul Ramadhan
    Abstract: Dalam rangka kepatuhan syariah (syariah compliance) peluncuran produk Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) di Indonesia harus berdasarkan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Syariah Nasional-Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI). Fatwa inilah yang kemudian menjadi pemisah landasan gerak operasional LKS dan Lembaga Keuangan Konvensional (LKK).
    Date: 2022–05–04
  11. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: After the war, Vietnam went through significant economic, political, and social changes. In 1986, the Vietnam government initiated an economic reform known as ‘đổi mới’ (or doi moi) and adjusted its foreign policy to welcome investment from foreigners. In 1989, Vietnam withdrew its military forces from Cambodia and began to build diplomatic and economic relationships with foreign governments. The new foreign policy created opportunities for investors to come to Vietnam.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  12. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Together with the development of the entire global economy, the economy of Vietnam is now being affected significantly by the globalization. Small and medium-sized, as a very sensitive sector, had some first negative signs. The number of bankruptcy of the enterprises in years 2014 set up a new record with more than 67800 enterprises. As the motive force for the economy of Vietnam, SMEs sector has a very important role to decide whether the economy is successful. The thesis aims to provide a general view of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam market. Strength and weakness will be analyzed to provide a general view of the situation of Vietnam market. A questionnaire and interview combined with traditional SWOT analysis were conducted to give recommendations to improve the competitive ability of SMEs sector.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  13. By: Fauziah, Nur Rabani
    Abstract: Penelitian menggunakan metode bibliometrik atau scientometrik makin berkembang di Indonesia. Tulisan ini berupaya mengkaji secara singkat beberapa tulisan dan penelitian karya Indonesia yang berbasis metode bibliometrik atau scientometrik yang dipublikasikan pada periode tahun 2021 dalam skala nasional dan internasional.
    Date: 2022–05–10
  14. By: Wahyuni, Sri Indah
    Abstract: Salah satu instrumen terpenting dan potensial dalam ekonomi Islam adalah wakaf. Wakaf adalah amalan yang bersifat multidimensi. Selain ibadah, wakaf juga merupakan muamalah yang memiliki fungsi penting dalam menunjang kesejahteraan masyarakat.Dalam sejarah Islam, wakaf telah berperan sangat penting untuk pengembangan kegiatan-kegiatan sosial, ekonomi dan kebudayaan masyarakat serta telah banyak memfasilitasi para sarjana dan mahasiswa dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai untuk melakukan riset dan menyelesaikan studi mereka. Berbagai program didanai dari hasil wakaf seperti penulisan buku, penerjemahan, dan kegiatankegiatan ilmiah dalam berbagai bidang termasuk kesehatan. Wakaf tidak hanya mendukung pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga menyediakan berbagai fasilitas yang diperlukan mahasiswa maupun masyarakat (Suwaidi, 2011). Mayoritas penduduk muslim di Indonesia ditambah dengan wilayah yang luas, menyimpan potensi wakaf yang sangat besar. Namun, potensi tersebut belum dikelola secara optimal. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Kementerian Agama RI tahun 2017, aset tanah wakaf di Indonesia seluas 47 643.03 Ha yang tersebar di 317 135 lokasi dengan total wakaf yang sudah bersertifikat sebanyak 64.91%. Penggunaan tanah wakaf tersebut sebagian besar masih berupa wakaf langsung (konsumtif) (Mei, 2017d). Wakaf yang ada di Indonesia dikelola oleh nazhir yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori yaitu nazhir perorangan, nazhir organisasi, dan nazhir badan hukum. Peran nazhir dalam pengelolaan wakaf menjadi faktor yang sangat penting bagi berkembang atau tidaknya suatu wakaf. Nazhir adalah orang yang paling bertanggung jawab terhadap harta wakaf yang dipegangnya, baik terhadap harta wakaf itu sendiri maupun terhadap hasil dan upaya-upaya pengembangannya. Setiap kegiatan nazhir terhadap harta wakaf harus dalam pertimbangan kesinambungan harta wakaf untuk mengalirkan manfaatnya bagi kepentingan mauquf „alaih atau penerima wakaf
    Date: 2022–05–11
  15. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Financial markets in Vietnam's transition economy : facts, insights, implications Author: Vương, Quân Hoàng. Publisher: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Date: 2010 Available at: Kroch Library Asia
    Date: 2022–05–01
  16. By: Seal, Nerdy
    Abstract: The communities offer a diverse cultural disparity that makes them friendly and welcoming. The people are kind with their beliefs on respect forming the cornerstone of the community’s interactions.
    Date: 2022–05–08
  17. By: Jahen F. Rezki (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Nauli A. Desdiani (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Teuku Riefky (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Amalia Cesarina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Meila Husna (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Faradina Alifia Maizar (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI))
    Abstract: Despite still being in negative territory, GDP growth of Indonesia is the closest it gets to the positive rate since the outbreak. Recorded at -0.74% (y.o.y), the Indonesian economy in Q1 2021 enjoyed a less severe contraction in almost all sectors than the previous three quarters. In addition, several sectors that enjoyed a rather positive growth during the pandemic were still recording an expansion in the first quarter of 2021. Diving deeper to its sectors, manufacturing industry as the biggest sector in the Indonesian economy with the contribution of more than a fifth, recorded a growth of -1.38% (y.o.y) in Q1 2021, a rather substantial increase from -3.13% (y.o.y) in the last quarter of 2020. Similarly, wholesale and retail trade as another major sector in the economy with the contribution of 13% to the national GDP, grew -1.23% (y.o.y) in Q1 2021 from -3.66% (y.o.y) in Q4 2020. As PPKM were in place during most of Q1 2021, it comes as no wonder, all expenditure components of GDP shrank, except for government consumption, exports, and imports. Beside disruption coming from Covid-19 pandemic, negative growth in most expenditure components is because we are comparing with Q1 2020 when the pandemic has not fully escalated domestically.
    Keywords: gdp — economic quarterly — economic outlook — inflation — macroeconomics
    Date: 2021–03
  18. By: Jahen F. Rezki (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Nauli A. Desdiani (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Teuku Riefky (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Amalia Cesarina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Meila Husna (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Faradina Alifia Maizar (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI))
    Abstract: Contrary to what was expected in the early last year, Indonesia did not fully recovered in 2021 and did not reach its pre-pandemic level of growth. Ending 2021 with GDP growth of 5.02% (y.o.y) in Q4-2021, Overall economic growth in 2021 is recorded at 3.37% (y.o.y). Waves of several Covid-19 variants has served as the hiccups on the economic recovery progress trajectory throughout 2021. Moreover, sectoral performances indicate that the economic recovery got back to its upward track at the end of 2021 after took a hit in Q3-2021 due to the disruption of Delta variant. Several biggest sectors in the Indonesian economy, such as manufacturing, wholesale retail & trade, and agriculture grew robustly in Q4-2021, suggesting the spur in production activity, household demand, and purchasing power of the population. Furthermore, two sectors that has been hit the hardest during the pandemic, namely transportation & storage and accomodation & FnB, enjoyed a significant growth in Q4-2021, thanks to the pandemic containment that enables people to travel and do leisure activities. From the expenditure components, All household consumption components recorded positive growth during the last three months of 2021. Accounted for more than half of the GDP, consumption grew by 3.55% (y.o.y) and government expenditure accelerated by 5.25% (y.o.y) in Q4 2021, which resulted from accelerating budget realization. As of 31 December 2021, government expenditure was recorded at 101.34% of 2021 budget or IDR2,786.76 trillion. At the same time the National Economic Recovery (PEN) budget realization was recorded at IDR658.6 trillion on 31 Desember 2021 or 88.4% of the total PEN budget of IDR744.77 trillion up from 53% on 17 September 2021.
    Keywords: gdp — economic quarterly — economic outlook — inflation — macroeconomics
    Date: 2022–02
  19. By: Sari, Mutiara
    Abstract: Otonomi Daerah dikonsepkan sebagai pemberian hak dan wewenang serta kewajiban daerah otonom untuk mengatur dan mengurus sendiri urusan pemerintahan dan kepentingan masyarakat setempat dalam sistem Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Dalam melaksanakan otonomi daerah harus memperhatikan asas otonomi daerah yaitu desentralisasi, dekonsentrasi dan tugas pembantuan. Otonomi daerah diberlakukan untuk mempercepat pembangunan, meningkatkan daya saing, mempercepat kesejahteraan, mengembangkan nilai-nilai kedaerahan dan lain sebagainya. Pada konteks inilah pembentukan daerah jangan sampai menjadi penghambat tujuan mulia dari otonomi daerah. Apalagi jika pembentukan daerah hanya untuk melayani peluang terjadinya bureaucratic and political rent-seeking, yakni kesempatan untuk memperoleh keuntungan dana, baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun dari penerimaan daerah sendiri sehingga melupakan kesejahteraan rakyat.Pada tulisan ini difokuskan pada pembahasan efektifitas pembentukan daerah dalam upaya mendukung otonomi daerah di Indonesia. Pendekatan efektifitas dimaksudkan untuk melahirkan kehati-hatian dalam memberikan persetujuan daerah otonomi baru. Dengan penelusuran ini maka akan bisa dilihat sejauh mana faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas daerah yang sudah terbentuk untuk dijadikan evaluasi kedepepannya.
    Date: 2022–03–10
  20. By: , Indi
    Abstract: Koperasi adalah suatu bentuk kerjasama dalam lapangan perekonomian, yang lahir menjadi reaksi terhadap sistem liberalisme ekonomi pada abad ke-19. Di Indonesia koperasi adalah sarana pembangunan perekonomian Nasional yg bertujuan untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan politik dan ekonomi Indonesia melalui pengelolaan sumber daya ekonomi dalam suatu iklim pengembangan dan pemberdayaan koperasi yang memiliki peran strategis dalam tata ekonomi Nasional berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan dan demokrasi ekonomi dalam rangka menciptakan masyarakat yang maju, adil, dan makmur berlandask
    Date: 2022–04–24
  21. By: Jahen F. Rezki (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Nauli A. Desdiani (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Teuku Riefky (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Amalia Cesarina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Meila Husna (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI))
    Abstract: Resuming the pattern of the first half of 2020, Indonesia’s economic figure in Q3-2020 came as a disappointment to many as it was worse than expected. Recorded at -3.49% (y.o.y), the official GDP growth of Q3-2020 practically puts Indonesia in a technical recession. Observing deeper to its sectors, the top four sectors of Indonesia’s economy (i.e., manufacturing, wholesale & retail trade, construction, and mining & quarrying sectors) which accounted for more than half of the GDP, still experienced a negative growth in Q3 2020. While in the expenditure side, almost all of the GDP components contracted except the government spending. The total credit fell sharply to its lowest level in line with the slowdown in business activities and weak consumer demand. The persistent muted core inflation suggests that the the purchasing power remains weak until the end of the year. Despite the deep economic downturn due to the health crisis, Indonesia recorded eight consecutive months of trade suprluses from May to December 2020. The trade performance has released the pressures on Indonesia’s current account balance and Rupiah, where current account balance recorded surplus in Q3-2020 and Rupiah is relatively manageable until the end of the year. However, the series of trade balance surpluses does not represent a better economic outlook as it was spurred by the significant drop in imports due to weak international and domestic demand. There is no promising sign of the real sector recovery as long as the imports, which are mainly consisted of raw and capital goods, remains low.
    Keywords: gdp — economic quarterly — economic outlook — inflation — macroeconomics
    Date: 2021–01
  22. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Since 1986, Vietnam has continued to transform from a centrally-planned to market-oriented economy. Over the past 30 years, Vietnam has enjoyed one of the world’s best performances in terms of both economic growth and poverty reduction. Living standards have improved significantly – remarkable achievements based on the country’s socioeconomics. These results stem from the efforts of hundreds of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and micro enterprises nationwide. They are considered the ‘backbone’ of the economy, and their development is a key driver of sustainable economic development. In 2007, Vietnam officially became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO); integration that has delivered substantial benefits, as evidenced by the recent rapid growth in exports, income and employment to develop the economy. In this process, SMEs continue to play an important role in the distribution of income, employment levels, export growth and poverty reduction.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  23. By: AS, Husain
    Abstract: Pelayanan publik pada dasarnya menyangkut aspek kehidupan yang sangat luas dan juga merupakan salah satu unsur yang mendorong perubahan kualitas Pemerintahan Daerah. Bagaimanapun kecilnya suatu negara, negara tarsebut tetap akan membagi–bagi pemerintahan menjadi sistem yang lebih kecil (Pemerintahan Daerah) untuk memudahkan pelimpahan tugas dan wewenang. Pembagian daerah Indonesia atas daerah besar dan kecil dengan bentuk susunan pemerintahannya ditetapkan dengan undang–undang, dengan memandang dan mengingati dasar permusyawaratan dalam sistem pemerintahan negara, dan hak–hak asal–usul dalam daerah yang bersifat istimewa. Dalam kehidupan bernegara, maka pemerintah memiliki fungsi memberikan berbagai pelayanan publik yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat, mulai dari pelayanan dalam bentuk pengaturan atau pun pelayanan–pelayanan lain dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, utilitas dan lainnya.
    Date: 2022–05–08
  24. By: Jiang, Yi (Asian Development Bank); Laranjo, Jade (Asian Development Bank); Thomas, Milan (Asian Development Bank)
    Abstract: Throughout 2020, national and subnational governments worldwide implemented nonpharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to contain the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). These included community quarantines, also known as lockdowns, of varying length, scope, and stringency that restricted mobility. To assess the effect of community quarantines on urban mobility in the Philippines, we analyze a new source of data: cellphone-based origin–destination flows made available by a major telecommunication company. First, we demonstrate the impulse responses of mobility to lockdowns of varying stringency levels over six months starting in March 2020. Then we assess the heterogeneous effects of lockdowns by city characteristics, focusing on employment composition. This analysis reveals that the effect of lockdowns was strongest in cities where a high share of workforce was employed in work-from-home-friendly sectors or medium to large enterprises. We compare our f indings with cross-country evidence on lockdowns and mobility, discuss the economic implications for containment policies in the Philippines, and suggest additional research that can be based on this novel dataset.
    Keywords: mobility; employment; lockdowns; nonpharmaceutical interventions; remote work
    JEL: I18 J61 K32 O18
    Date: 2022–05–25
  25. By: Estavillo, Javea Maria
    Abstract: Access to the internet has become a basic necessity. The Philippines already labors under low rates of access and slow connectivity, while two dominant internet service providers control nearly 80% of the market, rendering the market potentially vulnerable to anti-competitive conduct. An additional challenge is faced by consumers living in multi-tenant environments (MTEs), which accounts for more than 57% of households in Metro Manila. where developers can create a monopoly within the MTE through exclusive arrangements and other legal means. Recent decisions by the Philippine Competition Commission have struck down these arrangements as being uncompetitive and an abuse of market power. Low-income neighborhoods are most impacted by this lack of choice, where homeowners and tenants who are forced to engage with the monopolistic provider are unable to access the cheaper and more efficient fixed broadband internet services. Regulators should look into market concentration of internet service providers throughout various areas in the Philippines, and actively intervene when concentration leaves consumers little choice.
    Keywords: competition, anti-competitive behavior, competition policy, internet services, exclusive arrangements, Philippines
    JEL: K20 K21
    Date: 2022–05–16
  26. By: Thammachote, Pasakorn; Trochim, Jirapa Inthisang
    Abstract: The spread of COVID-19 has caused uncertainty in Thailand agricultural trade flows. This study makes a preliminary analysis to explore the impact of COVID-19 on Thailand’s agri-food export flows. • Over the past few decades, Thailand’s exports have been shifting away from agricultural to manufacturing products. However, the agricultural and food product exports remain vital to Thailand’s economy, and Thailand continues to be a net exporter of agri-food products. • Approximately 40 percent of Thailand’s agri-food products were exported to the country’s major trading partners including China, Japan, and the United States of America. Agri-food exports to intra-Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) countries’ have also grown rapidly, while agricultural exports to other developed countries have been relatively stagnant in recent years. • The composition of Thailand’s top ten agri-food exports has barely changed in the past two decades. Most of the top ten agri-food products exported in the period of 1998-2008 are also among top ten products between 2009-2018. While Thailand increasingly exports many high-value processed agri-food products, natural rubber and rice continue to play a dominant role, and account for one-third of total agri-food exports in value. • COVID-19 caused a disruption of the supply chain in the rubber industry in 2020. The lockdown measures in many countries led to a decline in world demand for natural rubber and both the value and volume of natural rubber exports from Thailand fell. Exports started to recover by the end of 2020 partly due to a surge in demand for medical gloves and relaxation of lockdown measures. • COVID-19 temporarily boosted the world demand for Thai rice exports in the early stages of the outbreak, as Thailand briefly benefited from the temporally export restrictions imposed by other exporting countries. However, overall, Thai rice exports declined in 2020 mainly due to a strong Baht and high production costs that weakened Thailand’s competitiveness in the world market. • A drought in 2020 lowered sugar yields causing production to fall significantly while COVID-19 reduced demand because of the lockdown measures. Combined the supply and demand shocks led to the decline in Thailand sugar exports, from a modest growth of 2 percent in 2019 to the decline of 19 percent in 2020. • The spread of COVID-19 caused a surge in demand for canned tuna, providing increased export opportunities for Thailand, which is an important exporter. However, this surge in the world market was caused by panic buying and it did not last long. • Thailand is also an important exporter of processed chicken. Exports of processed chicken were negatively affected by COVID-19 due to the disruption of transport and logistic systems resulting in higher cost for trade. • The contraction of crustaceans’ exports can be attributed both to the lockdown and strong competition in world markets. In 2020, processed crustacean exports performed better than exports of fresh and frozen crustacean due to consumer preferences. However, crustacean iv industries were badly affected overall due to the detection of a COVID-19 cluster in the fish market which led to strict regulation and closure of the market and distribution centers. • Overall, processed fruit and vegetables export values increased in 2020 but export volume dropped with all major trading partners. People bought large quantities of shelf stable products such as rice and canned fish but reduced the purchase of processed fruit and vegetables. • In conclusion, the impacts of COVID-19 on most important Thai agri-food export flows seem to be temporary as many factors leading to the surge or fall are short-lived. However, there is the possibility of increases in COVID-19-related non-tariff barriers (NTB) that originated because of food safety concerns and production standards. Small and medium exporters are likely to be most affected due to limited resources. Food safety concerns and production standards also affect upstream suppliers, small farmers, and fishers. Such NTBs can have longer term impacts on the prospects of post-COVID Thailand agri-food exports. • The changing world demand for agri-food products and potential new TBs could possibly have profound impact on Thai agri-food export flows in the future. Exporters, governments, and international organization need to work together to keep a balance between public health concerns and business operation efficiency. Promoting trade facilitation while ensuring food safety measures to safeguard public health would help Thailand gain more from exports.
    Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
    Date: 2021–11–01
  27. By: Jannah, Miftahul; K, Khelvin.; yuniarti, ervie; ramdhani, ulfa; Sugiatni, Evi
    Abstract: Saat ini di Indonesia mengenal ada 3 bentuk usaha bisnis, yang meliputi BUMN, BUMS, maupun Koperasi. Pembagian bentuk badan usaha ini bersumber pada UUD 45 Pasal 33. Pada pasal itu, terdapat konsep Demokrasi Ekonomi bagi perekonomian Negara. Dalam konsep itu ada kebebasan bagi tiap warga negara untuk melakukan usaha, namun ada batasan-batasan yang harus di patuhi. Batasan itu meliputi 2 hal yaitu: jenis usaha vital, dan usaha yang menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak dikuasai oleh negara. Dalam makalah ini, kami akan membahas mengenai Perbedaan koperasi dengan organisasi lainnya.
    Date: 2022–05–09
  28. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Andrew Delios and Markus Taussig wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
    Date: 2022–05–08
  29. By: Duy, Đặng Nguyễn Nhật
    Abstract: Sự thất bại của McDonald cũng như một loạt những hãng cung cấp đồ ăn nhanh là một điều tưởng chừng như không thể khi các hãng trên đã rất thành công ở các quốc gia khác tại Châu Á. KFC làm mưa làm gió tại thị trường tỉ dân Trung Quốc, đồng thời đứng thứ nhất tại Malaysia và nhì tại Thái Lan. McDonald giữ vị trí số một tại Singapore và thứ 3 tại Philippines. Subway cũng tăng trưởng rất nhanh tại Singapore. Bài viết sẽ tập trung đi vào những lý do khiến các ông lớn trong ngành Fast Food không thể phát triển như vũ bão tại thị trường Việt Nam
    Date: 2022–05–10
  30. By: Wesley Howden (University of Arizona); Remy Levin (University of Connecticut)
    Abstract: We study the direct impacts that long-run experiences of climate change have on individual risk preferences. Using panel surveys from Indonesia and Mexico (total N = 25,000), we link within-person changes in elicited risk preferences to state-level, lifetime experiences of climate change. In line with the predictions of a Bayesian model of learning over background climate risk, we find that in both settings increases in the experienced means of temperature and precipitation cause significant decreases in measured risk aversion, while increases in the experienced variance of temperature in Indonesia and the variance of precipitation in Mexico lead to significant increases in measured risk aversion. We replicate this analysis globally using a survey with a representative sample from 75 countries (N = 75,000) containing an elicited measure of risk preference which we link to country-level, lifetime climate experiences. We find significant results for both the means and variances of both climate variables that are consistent with our panel analyses. Across all settings, experiences of climate variance have first-order effects, with coefficient magnitudes of the standard deviation of climate 0.6-2.6 times that of the climate mean. We develop a novel method for estimating the welfare effects of observed risk preference changes using panel data, and find that the climate-induced changes in risk preferences we observe increased welfare in both Indonesia and Mexico by approximately 1%.
    Keywords: Risk preferences, climate change, experience effects, volatility, welfare
    JEL: D14 D81 D83 I31 O12 Q54
    Date: 2022–06
  31. By: Fahira, Nur
    Abstract: ABSTRAK Sektor perbankan menempati posisi sangat strategis dalam menjembatani kebutuhan modal kerja dan investasi di sektor riil dengan pemilik dana. Fungsi utama sektor perbankan dalam infrastruktur kebijakan makro ekonomi memang diarahkan dalam konteks bagaimana menjadikan uang efektif untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah perbankan alternatif tidak terlepas dari akibat dari terjadinya krisis ekonomi yang awalnya dipandang sebagai krisis Islamic Banking atau juga disebut dengan Interest Free Banking. Peristilahan dengan menggunakan kata Islamic tidak dapat dilepaskan dari asal-usul sistem perbankan kelompok ekonom dan praktisi perbankan muslim yang berupaya mengakomodasi desakan dari berbagai pihak yang menginginkan agar tersedia jasa transaksi keuangan yang dilaksanakan sejalan dengan nilai moral dan prinsip Utamanya adalah berkaitan dengan pelarangan praktek riba, kegiatan maisir (spekulasi), dan gharar (ketidakjelasan). Kata KUNCI: Bank Islam, Bank Syariah, Bank Tampa Bungga,Bagi Hasil
    Date: 2022–04–24
  32. By: Fahira, Nur
    Abstract: Koperasi berasal dari bahasa Latin "coopere", yang dalam bahasa Inggris disebut cooperation. Co berarti bersama dan operation berarti bekerja, jadi cooperation berarti bekerja sama. Secara terminologi koperasi adalah suatu perkumpulan atau organisasi yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum yang bekerja sama dengan penuh kesadaran untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota atas dasar sukarela dan berdasarkan kekeluargaan. Koperasi syariah adalah koperasi yang menjalankan usaha di bidang simpan pinjam dana dan pembiayaan yang berpinsip syariah. UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) atau ada pula yang menyebutnya UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) adalah aktivitas usaha yang dilakukan oleh perorangan atau badan usaha milik perorangan. Perbedaannya dengan usaha besar dapat dilihat dari jumlah kekayaan bersih pelaku usaha dan hasil penjualan tahunan Azas-azas koperasi di Indonesia pada umumnya ada 2 yaitu azas kekeluargaan dan azas gotong royong
    Date: 2022–04–24
  33. By: Tra Thi Trinh (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan); Alistair Munro (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan)
    Abstract: Forecasting the impact of climate change on migration is difficult, given widespread reliance on historical data and limited exposure to actual climate change amongst target populations. This study takes a different approach, developing a new methodology that employs a choice experiment to examine intentions to migrate among farmers living in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, one of the areas in the world most significantly affected by climate change. The respondents are asked to make migration choices for scenarios constructed using six attributes: drought intensity, flood frequency, income change from migration, migration networks, neighbors’ choices, and crop choice restriction. The results suggest that increasing the intensity/frequency of drought/flood increases the likelihood of migration; the effects are stronger for individuals with prior experience of climate change. Furthermore, the contribution of network attribute is gendered and dependent on migration experience. Finally, crop choice restriction, such as those widely employed by the Vietnamese government to control rice planting, may trigger a higher probability of migration. These findings provide insights into the debate on climate change-migration nexus in rural and lowland areas that are seriously affected by climate change. Furthermore, extensive choice experiment data on migration preferences under a diverse range of climate variabilities facilitates projections of environmentally induced migration.
    Keywords: Climate change; migration; choice experiment; drought and saline intrusion; flood; Vietnam; Mekong Rivers
  34. By: Jahen F. Rezki (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Nauli A. Desdiani (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Teuku Riefky (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Amalia Cesarina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Meila Husna (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Faradina Alifia Maizar (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI))
    Abstract: The domestic spread of Delta variant has dragged down the promising upward trend of economic growth from 7.07% (y.o.y) in Q2 2021 to only 3.51% (y.o.y) in Q3 2021 as consumption declined and business activity in various sectors that relies on physical activity was halted. The implementation of PPKM to limit the transmission of Covid-19 hit severely the transportation & storage and accomodation & FnB sectors. Aside from agriculture, Indonesian main economic sectors, such as manufacturing, wholesale & retail trade, and construction, also experienced slower growth in Q3 2021. The second wave has also slammed brakes on all expenditure components of GDP, particularly the household consumption as the biggest contributor of GDP, which was only grew by 1.03% (y.o.y) in Q3 2021, down from 5.93% (y.o.y) in previous quarter. Amidst the ongoing crisis, credit performance has shown a favourable outlook for overall 2021 as it has gradually increased along with the improved business and consumers sentiment as economic recovery intensifies compared to its ruinous trend during 2020. However, the inflation rate throughout 2021 remains below BI’s target range. The low inflation in 2021 was influenced by domestic demand that was not yet fully recovered.
    Keywords: gdp — economic quarterly — economic outlook — inflation — macroeconomics
    Date: 2022–01
  35. By: Ahsan, Md. Nazmul; Emran, M. Shahe; Jiang, Hanchen; Shilpi, Forhad
    Abstract: A large literature on intergenerational mobility focuses on the conditional mean of children's economic outcomes to understand the role of family background, but ignores the information contained in conditional variance. Using exceptionally rich data free of coresidency bias, we provide evidence on three large developing countries (China, India, and Indonesia) that suggests a strong influence of father's education on conditional variance of children's schooling. We find substantial heterogeneity across countries, gender, and geography (rural/ urban). Cohort based estimates suggest that the effects of father's education on the conditional variance has changed qualitatively, in some cases a positive effect in the 1950s cohort turning into a substantial negative effect in the 1980s cohort. We develop a methodology to incorporate the effects of family background on the conditional variance along with the standard conditional mean effects. We derive risk adjusted measures of relative and absolute mobility by accounting for an estimate of the risk premium for the conditional variance faced by a child. The estimates of risk adjusted relative and absolute mobility for China, India and Indonesia suggest that the standard measures substantially underestimate the effects of family background on children's educational opportunities, and may give a false impression of high educational mobility. The downward bias is specially large for the children born into the most disadvantaged households where fathers have no schooling, while the bias is negligible for the children of college educated fathers. The standard (but partial) measures may lead to incorrect ranking of regions and groups in terms of relative mobility. Compared to the risk adjusted measures, the standard measures are likely to underestimate gender gap and rural-urban gap in educational opportunities.
    Keywords: Conditional Variance,Family Background,Intergenerational Educational Mobility,Risk Adjusted Mobility Measures,China,India,Indonesia
    JEL: I24 J62 O12
    Date: 2022
  36. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: This working paper analyses the socioeconomic effects of education in two different political systems by investigating whether individuals educated in a collectivist education system are less likely to become entrepreneurs than individuals educated in an individualist system. It exploits the separation of Vietnam into a communist northern and a capitalist southern part between 1954 and 1975 to identify education in the respective systems, keeping factors such as national culture or historical background fixed. A Probit regression using survey data on 1,164 individuals suggests that being educated in the North makes it 8.6 percent less likely to become an entrepreneur than being educated in the South. This demonstrates that education in different systems may have an effect on entrepreneurial activity, although challenges such as necessitydriven entrepreneurship remain unresolved.
    Date: 2022–05–07
  37. By: Astuti, Hepy Kusuma (MI Ma'arif Polorejo)
    Abstract: Optimalisasi dalam pengelolaan Iembaga-lembaga ekonomi islam terutama wakaf di Indonesia harus segera dilakukan, sehingga peningkatan perekonomian umat dapat segera terwujud sebagaimana yang diharapkan, benda-benda wakaf yang tidak jelas status hukumnya dan tidak terurus secara baik perlu diatasi agar produktif dan bermanfaat. Apabila wakaf dikembangkan secara benar, maka akan memiliki nilai yang sangat strategis untuk meningkatkan perekonomian ummat dan lambat dan akan mengurangi kesenjangan antara kaum aghnia'dan kaum diu'afa . Manajemen pengelolaan wakaf menempati posisi teratas dan paling urgen dalam mengelola harta wakaf. Karena wakaf itu bermanfaat atau tidak, berkembang atau tidak tergantung pada pola pengelolaan. wakaf memiliki manfaat yang sangat besar terhadap masyarakat dalam membantu orang lain yang mendapatkan kesulitan, mencegah perselisihan dalam masyarakat, mendorong pembangunan di semua bidang ilmu, membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan kehidupan dan sarana yang lebih baik. Model-model yang dapat menggelola wakaf produktif yang efektif seperti model Pengelolaan Wakaf fix asset yang optimal untuk mensejahterakan rakyat dan model pengelolaan wakaf tunai yang optimal untuk mensejahterakan rakyat.
    Date: 2022–05–09
  38. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: รายงานการวิจัย โครงการเศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลและงานในอนาคต (Digital Economy and the Future of Work) ภายใต้แผนงานอาเซียนในกระแสแห่งความพลิกผัน: เศรษฐกิจดิจิทัลและผลกระทบต่อการจ้างงานในอนาคต (ASEAN in the Disruptive Era: Digital Economy and the Future of Work) รศ.ดร. นฤมล ทับจุมพล และคณะ สถาบันเอเชียศึกษา จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ได้รับทุนอุดหนุนการวิจัยจากสำนักงานการวิ จัยแห่งชาติ
    Date: 2022–05–07
  39. By: Jahen F. Rezki (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Syahda Sabrina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Nauli A. Desdiani (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Teuku Riefky (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Amalia Cesarina (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Meila Husna (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI)); Faradina Alifia Maizar (Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI))
    Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic is a crisis like never before. In economic sense, the current crisis is not originated from any economic aspects like credit crunch, banking sector collapse, or sovereign debt overhang. Thus, we are facing a crisis that has never been explained in any economic textbooks and it leaves almost everyone’s clueless. After more than a year living in a pseudo-dystopic world, we have seen enough calamity to the point extraordinary policy measures and practices to weather the crises is a norm. Excessive sovereign debt accumulation, central banks step-in to fund fiscal policies, and the quickest vaccine development in human history has taken place just to save the population from mounting death counts and help the poorest meet their subsistence.
    Keywords: gdp — economic quarterly — economic outlook — inflation — macroeconomics
    Date: 2021–02
  40. By: Koohborfardhaghighi, Somayeh (Deloitte FAS LLP); Altmann, Jörn (Seoul National University); Heshmati, Almas (Jönköping University, Sogang University)
    Abstract: Organization theorists identify organizational social capital as one of the primary building blocks of a potentially powerful resource for improving organizational performance. However, little is known about the impact of the socio-emotional skills of the employees within their social capital and its relationship with other important organizational constructs such as organizational culture and structure. This study is the first to develop an integrated model which in addition to existing organizational constructs (i.e., organizational culture and structure) explicitly accounts for the influence of the social tolerance of employees (i.e., an example of socio-emotional skills within a workplace) on their happiness. In our model, the concept of employee’s socio-emotional skill cannot be measured directly. Therefore, we developed two latent hypothetical sub-constructs and we refer to them throughout this paper as social capital (i.e., which at the micro-level points to the interactions and socializations of the employees) and social tolerance (i.e., social tolerance towards others’ social status), each of which is measured by its observable indicators. We apply our model to empirical data that we collected from East Asian Social Survey (EASS) only for the year 2012. The data was available for four East Asian countries of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China. Our analysis shows that even though the skill of social tolerance is not observed to increase happiness by itself, it has been observed to show a significant impact on the level of trust among employees. Trust among colleagues also in its own turn significantly impacts the employees’ level of happiness. This finding can be applied in empowering the cognitive dimension of social capital within an organization.
    Keywords: organizational culture, organizational structure, social capital, structural equation modeling, social tolerance, happiness, Southeast Asia
    JEL: C31 D20 J29 L22 M14
    Date: 2022–05
  41. By: sari, Ayu Puspita
    Abstract: Inflasi dan pengangguran merupakan bagian dari masalah makroekonomi yang menjadi perhatian utama bagi negara-negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Inflasi dan pengangguran yang terlalu tinggi, akan berdampak pada fundamental perekonomian negara tersebut. Rendahnya inflasi dan pengangguran terkadang tidak menguntungkan juga, karena inflasi yang rendah akan berdampak pada produktifitas industri negara tersebut.
    Date: 2022–04–25
  42. By: Chaowana Phetcharat; Warattaya Chinnakum
    Abstract: This research investigated the response of food demand to changes in price and income, as well as to determine how demographic variables make an impact on food demand of Thai rural households. Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) was used to obtain parameter estimates of the food demand for 13 food commodities. Findings shows households with more family members tended to purchase high calorie and necessary foods instead of the more expensive and unnecessary one. The percentage of adults aged over 65 had caused negative impact on the demand for rice, starches and pulses, meats and poultry. Signs of expenditure elasticities and own-price elasticities were found consistent with the consumer demand theory. Increase in household food budget led to an increase in demand of eggs and dairy products, rice, ready-to-eat foods, oils and fats, and alcoholic beverage and tobacco. Additionally, all own-price elasticities were negatively related to the budget shares of household food consumption. The households at low level of income are likely to change their budget shares toward the major food groups that provide basic nutrients (e.g., rice, fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat products) more than middle-and high-income groups. Estimated income elasticities with respect to rice, eggs and dairy products, fruits, ready-to-eat and instant products, and alcoholic beverage and tobacco were above 0.5 while the income elasticity of rice was in the same range for all household groups.
    Keywords: Expenditure elasticity; Food demand; Own-price elasticity; Poverty; Thailand
    JEL: O12 O15 D12 Q18
    Date: 2022–06
  43. By: Koohborfardhaghighi, Somayeh (Deloitte FAS LLP); Summers, Christopher R. (University of Missouri-St. Louis); Heshmati, Almas (Jönköping University, Sogang University); Altmann, Jörn (Seoul National University)
    Abstract: The literature on happiness shows that there are many factors that influence a person’s happiness. Extending previous studies, we investigate the role of the freedom of choice as a key contributing construct in influencing a person’s happiness. We define two hypothetical sub-constructs for the freedom of choice to fully develop a model of happiness. We name those hypothetical sub-constructs (latent variables) as volitional and non-volitional choices, each of which is measured by a variety of indicators (observed variables). The selected indicators are mainly from the social dimensions of happiness within working and living environments, which affect the quality-of-life people enjoy. We use the structural equation modeling approach to test our model. We restrict our empirical studies to four East Asian countries, which are South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and China. The obtained results of this study, confirm that happiness tends to be closely related to interpersonal connectedness and individuals’ experiences within shared relationships in certain countries. Our findings open new insights on how happiness can be considered as an emerging outcome of the interplay between personal characteristics and societal interactions. Findings of this study can be applied in empowering the cognitive dimension of social capital within an organization.
    Keywords: hedonic and eudemonic approaches, freedom of choice, happiness, structural equation modelling, East Asia region, cognitive social capital
    JEL: C50 D71 E24 J24 O34
    Date: 2022–05
  44. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Contents 1Introduction 1Preliminary analysis of the Malaysian market potential 1Market Value Chain 2Market trends and opportunities 4Market Entry 4Relative advantages and disadvantages in terms of market profit potential 5Preliminary analysis of the Vietnamese market potential 5Market overview 6Market Entry 7Relative advantages and disadvantages in terms of market profit potential 8Main risks associated with these two potential markets 9Conclusion and Recommendation Actions 11References
    Date: 2022–05–01
  45. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Kinh té̂ Việt Nam : thăng trà̂m và đột phá Author: Phạm, Minh Chính. Publisher: Nhà xuá̂t bản Chính trị quó̂c gia Date: 2009 Available at: Kroch Library Asia
    Date: 2022–05–01
  46. By: Mai, Nhat Chi
    Abstract: Memot rubber plantation in Tbong Khmum Province is a former French colonial plantation (originally Mimot plantation), whose land and labor conflicts were examined in chapter 1. The road to the village of Phum Prammoui, one of my two study sites in this lowland province of Cambodia, winds through this plantation.
    Date: 2022–05–06
  47. By: putri, Aulia ananda
    Abstract: Koperasi merupakan suatu bentuk kerja sama dalam perekonomian, kerja sama ini terjadi karena adanya kesamaan jenis kebutuhan hidup mereka. Mereka bersama sama mengusahakan kebutuhan sehari hari, kebutuahan yang berhubungan dengan lembaga maupun rumah tangga. Pada hakikatnya koperasi adlah organisasi ekonomi rakyat yang berwatak sosial, beranggotakan orang atau badan hukum yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan. di mana koperasi merupakan yang sesuai dengan semangat jiwa gotong royong bangsa indonesia. Karakteristik utama koperasi yang membedakan dengan dengan badan usaha lain adalah bahwa anggota koperasi memiliki identitas ganda (the duel identity of the member) yaitu anggota sebagai pemilik dan sekaligus pengguna jasa koperasi (user own orientid firm). Badan usaha koperasi merupakan badan usaha yang didirikan, dimodali, dibiayai, diatur dan diawasi serta dimanfaatkan sendiri oleh anggota. Modal koperasi merupakan simpanan pokok dan simpanan wajib dan simpanan sukarela cadangan dan hibah.
    Date: 2022–05–08
  48. By: Sachiko Miyata (Ritsumeikan University); Yasuyuki Sawada (Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo); Kazuma Takakura (Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo)
    Abstract: This paper investigates a new technology’s long-term processes of adoption, standardization, and decline. Specifically, we examine the decision to invest in floating net aquaculture, introduced as a social safeguard program for poor Indonesian households that were involuntarily resettled because of a dam/reservoir construction project. We find the program helped transform and sustain the livelihood of resettlers by facilitating the adoption of this new technology. We also find behavioral irreversibility in technology adoption, resulting in overfishing in the reservoir. Considering the increasing importance of hydropower and renewable energy sources, this innovative resettlement program provides critical policy insight.
    Date: 2022–05
  49. By: Westphal, Kirsten; Pastukhova, Maria; Pepe, Jacopo Maria
    Abstract: Although electricity grids shape and define both political and economic spaces, the geopolitical significance of electricity remains underestimated. In political communities and beyond, such grids establish new channels for projecting geopolitical influence and new spheres of influence. In the Europe-Asia continental area, integrated electricity grids meet inter­connectors - that is, cross-border transmission lines linking different elec­tric grids. Interconnectors define new, partly competing vectors of integra­tion that extend beyond already integrated electricity grids. In this context, it is attractive for non-EU states to belong to the electricity system of continental Europe. This is because interconnected synchronous systems form 'grid communities' that share a 'common destiny' - not only in terms of electricity supply but also in terms of security and welfare. Germany and the EU must develop an electricity foreign policy in order to optimise, modernise, strengthen and expand the European electricity grid. Above all, however, Germany and the EU should help shape interconnectivity beyond the EU's common integrated electricity grid. China is gaining considerable influence in the electricity sector, setting standards and norms as well as expanding its strategic outreach - to the benefit of its own economy. Its efforts are part of Beijing's larger Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an attempt to reorient global infrastructure and commercial flows. In the EU's eastern neighbourhood, geopolitical issues have dominated the configuration of electricity grids since the end of the Cold War. There is unmistakable competition over integration between the EU and Russia. The eastern Mediterranean region, the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions, and Central Asia are, each in their own way, changing from peripheral zones into interconnecting spaces. The EU, China, Russia and - across the Black Sea - Iran and Turkey are competing in these zones to influence the reconfiguration of electricity grids. And in South and Southeast Asia, India's influence is on the rise.
    Date: 2022
  50. By: Mahrt, Kristi; Herforth, Anna W.; Robinson, Sherman; Arndt, Channing; Headey, Derek D.
    Abstract: In most countries and globally, malnutrition rates exceed poverty rates. The World Bank estimates that about 9 percent (689 million) of the global population is poor, yet an estimated 25 percent (2 billion people) suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. Such a discrepancy begs the question: Do standard poverty metrics poorly reflect nutritional needs? The most prevalent methodology for measuring poverty in low- and middle-income countries – the cost of basic needs approach – estimates food baskets that satisfy a dietary energy standard while reflecting consumption patterns of poor households. However, poor households typically consume monotonous diets characterized by large quantities of calorically cheap staple foods that are poor sources of nutrients. This reality creates a circular logic whereby the cost of basic nutritional needs is estimated from populations who are consuming nutritionally inadequate diets. We argue that a healthy diet is a basic need and that the standard used to calculate cost of basic needs food poverty lines should be expanded to satisfy nutritional dietary recommendations, while continuing to reflect context-specific dietary patterns. We develop an approach to estimate food poverty lines that satisfies the food group proportionality associated with healthy diet recommendations while also adhering to observed within-food group consumption patterns of poor households. Furthermore, we address the limitation of estimating a single national food basket – which fails to capture variation in local consumption patterns driven by preferences, availability, and relative prices – by estimating utility-consistent regional poverty lines. We demonstrate the approach using data from Myanmar. Energy-based poverty lines significantly underestimate the cost of acquiring a healthy diet, are severely deficient in multiple micronutrients, and therefore result in a drastic underestimate of the rate of poverty based on a healthy diet standard. The resulting higher cost of basic needs also has important implications for inclusive economic growth strategies and nutrition-sensitive food policies and social protection.
    Keywords: MYANMAR; BURMA; SOUTHEAST ASIA; ASIA; nutrition; poverty; healthy diets; food prices; basic needs; poverty measurement; poverty lines; cost of healthy diets; cost of basic needs
    Date: 2022
  51. By: Aung, Yu Nandar; Tun, Sai Thein Than; Vanisaveth, Viengxay; Chindavongsa, Keobouphaphone; Kanya, Lucy
    Abstract: Background Plasmodium vivax (Pv) infections were 68% of the total malaria burden in Laos in 2019. The parasite causes frequent relapses, which can be prevented by primaquine (PMQ). Testing for glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is recommended before giving PMQ to avoid haemolysis. Because of the risk of haemolysis in G6PD intermediate deficiencies among females, Laos uses the PMQ 14-days regimen only in G6PD normal females. Among G6PD point-of-care tests, qualitative tests cannot differentiate between G6PD normal and intermediate females. Quantitative tests are required to differentiate between G6PD normal and intermediate deficiencies. However, the quantitative test lacks the cost-effectiveness evidence necessary for decision-making for large-scale adoption. This study examined the cost-effectiveness of quantitative G6PD test, with either supervised PMQ treatment or unsupervised PMQ treatment, against the usual unsupervised PMQ 8-weeks strategy. Supervised PMQ 8-weeks strategy without G6PD testing was also compared against the unsupervised PMQ 8-weeks strategy since the former had recently been adopted in malaria high burden villages that had village malaria volunteers. A budget impact analysis was conducted to understand the incremental cost and effect needed for a nationwide scale-up of the chosen strategy. Methods A decision tree model compared the cost-effectiveness of implementing four strategies at one health facility with an average of 14 Pv cases in one year. The strategies were unsupervised PMQ strategy, supervised PMQ strategy, G6PD test with unsupervised PMQ strategy, and G6PD test with supervised PMQ strategy. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) was the effect measure. Costs were calculated from a payer perspective, and sensitivity analyses were conducted. One Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of Laos was set as the cost-effectiveness threshold. Budget impact analysis was conducted using the health facility wise Pv data in Laos in 2020. Findings Supervised PMQ strategy was extendedly dominated by G6PD test strategies. When compared against the unsupervised PMQ strategy, both G6PD test strategies were more costly but more effective. Their Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios (ICER) were 96.72US$ for the G6PD test with unsupervised PMQ strategy and 184.86US$ for the G6PD test with supervised PMQ strategy. Both ICERs were lower than one GDP per capita in Laos. Following the sensitivity analysis, low adherence for PMQ 14 days made both G6PD test strategies less cost-effective. The lower the Pv case number reported in a health facility, the higher the ICER was. In the budget impact analysis, the expected budget need was only half a million US$ when the G6PD test rollout was discriminately done depending on the Pv case number reported at the health facilities. Indiscriminate roll out of G6PD test to all health facilities was most expensive with least effect impact.
    JEL: J1
    Date: 2022–04–25
  52. By: Martha Alter Chen; Erofili Grapsa; Ghida Ismail; Sarah Orleans Reed; Michael Rogan; Marcela Valdivia
    Abstract: This paper presents findings from two rounds (2020 and 2021) of a study on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on informal workers in 11 cities across five regions of the world (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and North America). The study, carried out by the WIEGO network in partnership with local organizations of informal workers in each city, included a survey questionnaire and key informant interviews, both conducted by phone. The study findings confirm that the pandemic recession severely undermined the livelihoods of informal workers with limited recovery by mid-2021.
    Keywords: Informal economy, Economic impact, COVID-19, Recession, Work status, Earnings, Food security, Coping strategies
    Date: 2022

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.