nep-ppm New Economics Papers
on Project, Program and Portfolio Management
Issue of 2024‒08‒12
six papers chosen by
Arvi Kuura, Tartu Ülikool

  1. O financiamento a empreendimentos de base tecnológica: o caso FABNS By Matheus Oliveira Azzi; Márcia Siqueira Rapini; Márcia Dias Diniz Costa; Hudson Luiz Silva de Miranda; Cassiano Rabelo e Silva; Ado Jório de Vasconcelos
  2. Le performing/patterning, moteur d’évolution des compétences collectives ? Le cas de la gestion forestière en contexte de grands défis By Frédéric Bonin; Benoît Grasser
  3. Der Einsatz von KI in der Bauprojektsteuerung By Jung-Lundberg, Saman
  4. Entwicklungslinien des Wissenstransfers in der BMBF-geförderten Arbeitsforschung von 1990-2020: Empirische Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse im Projekt WiTraDis By Fuß, Aline; Nuske, Jessica; Becke, Guido; Bleses, Peter; Friemer, Andreas
  5. An evaluation framework for public procurement processes By Karan Gulati; Anjali Sharma
  6. Methodology for Calculating CO2 Absorption by Tree Planting for Greening Projects By Kento Ichii; Toshiki Muraoka; Nobumichi Shinohara; Shunsuke Managi; Shutaro Takeda

  1. By: Matheus Oliveira Azzi (PPGIT/UFMG); Márcia Siqueira Rapini (PPGIT/UFMG, Cedeplar/UFMG); Márcia Dias Diniz Costa (PPGIT/UFMG, Inmetro, ICEX/UFMG); Hudson Luiz Silva de Miranda (FabNS); Cassiano Rabelo e Silva (FabNS); Ado Jório de Vasconcelos (PPGIT/UFMG, ICEX/UFMG, PPGEE/UFMG)
    Abstract: This article presents the trajectory of public funding of an academic spin-off of a capital good from research activities until reaching technological maturity for product insertion in the market. The financial resources raised, as well as the human resources involved in the development of the technology are presented in the time perspective of the TRL - Technological Readiness Level scale in order to highlight the complexity of the financial process necessary to deal with the different levels of uncertainty in the development of a technology. Public funding, although mostly for scientific activities, covered differentiated instruments that were important for advancing technological development. In addition to funding, intellectual capital and research infrastructure were fundamental for the creation of the science-based academic enterprise. In its initial two years of operation, the spin-off received predominantly public financing in the form of development projects, mostly used to hire and retain human resources.
    Keywords: academic spin-off, funding, nanotechnology, Technology Readiness Level
    JEL: O38
    Date: 2024–07
  2. By: Frédéric Bonin (CEREFIGE - Centre Européen de Recherche en Economie Financière et Gestion des Entreprises - UL - Université de Lorraine); Benoît Grasser (CEREFIGE - Centre Européen de Recherche en Economie Financière et Gestion des Entreprises - UL - Université de Lorraine)
    Abstract: Key element of competences management, the collective competence concept is the subject of a substantial literature. Yet, the question of its evolving process remains opened. This research proposes to explore this question by mobilizing the notions of performing and patterning from the theory of routine dynamics. The research is based on the study of a reshuffling collective of actors to adapt the local forest management of a public forest facing grand challenges. As outcomes; we show that performing can be interpreted as a process through which the attributes of collective competence emerge and are transformed, and that the constitution of these attributes forms a new guide for collective action, a process akin to patterning.
    Abstract: Maillon clé de la gestion des compétences, le concept de compétence collective fait l'objet d'une importante littérature. Pourtant, la question de ses processus d'évolution reste ouverte. Cette recherche propose d'explorer cette question en mobilisant les notions de performing et de patterning issues de la théorie des routines dynamiques. La démarche s'appuie sur l'étude d'un collectif d'acteurs se recomposant pour adapter la gestion forestière locale d'une forêt publique confrontée à une situation de grands défis. A l'issue de l'article, nous montrons que le performing peut s'interpréter comme un processus à travers lequel les attributs de la compétence collective émergent, se transforment et que la constitution de ces attributs forme un nouveau guide pour l'action collective, processus s'apparentant au patterning.
    Keywords: Compétence Collective, Performing, Patterning, Grands Défis, Gestion Forestière, Compétence Collective Performing Patterning Grands Défis Gestion Forestière Compétence Collective Performing Patterning Grands Défis Gestion Forestière 1 collective competence performing patterning grand challenges forest management Article accepté competencia colectiva performing patterning grandes desafíos gestión forestal, Gestion Forestière Compétence Collective, Gestion Forestière 1 collective competence, performing, patterning, grand challenges, forest management Article accepté competencia colectiva, grandes desafíos, gestión forestal
    Date: 2024
  3. By: Jung-Lundberg, Saman
    Abstract: Künstliche Intelligenz kurz KI vollzieht seit einiger Zeit eine rasante Entwicklung. Besonders die unterschiedlichen Industrie- und Wirtschaftszweige erhoffen sich in dieser Evolution eine Möglichkeit mit aktuellen Problemstellungen umzugehen. Durch die bisher in diesem Ausmaß nicht gekannte Option Maschinen durch eigenständiges Anlernen in die Lage zu versetzen konkrete Aufgabenstellungen selbstständig zu lösen, lassen sich unterschiedliche Szenarien entwickeln. Besonders im Hinblick auf den mittlerweile teils akuten Fachkräftemangel in einigen Branchen werden große Erwartungen an eine KIbasierte Kompensation dieses Missstandes geweckt. Diese Aussicht ist auch in der deutschen Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft aufgekommen. Durch die gezielte Applikation von Künstlicher Intelligenz können verschiedene Teilbereiche im Bauprojektverlauf bedient werden. Dieses Paper soll einen kompakten ersten Eindruck von den Anwendungsbereichen aufzeigen. Besonders die Fachdisziplin der Bauprojektsteuerung wird hier hervorgehoben. Durch die hier vorhandenen Aufgabenstellungen bietet sich ein breites Spektrum für die Übernahme durch eine entsprechend angelernte KI an.
    Abstract: Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has been undergoing rapid development for some time now. The various industrial and economic sectors in particular are hoping that this evolution will enable them to deal with current problems. Various scenarios can be developed thanks to the previously unknown option of enabling machines to solve specific tasks independently through autonomous learning. Particularly in view of the now acute shortage of skilled labour in some sectors, great expectations are being placed on AI-based compensation for this shortcoming. This prospect has also emerged in the German construction and property industry. The targeted application of artificial intelligence can be used in various areas of the construction project process. This paper is intended to provide a compact first impression of the areas of application. The specialist discipline of construction project management is particularly emphasised here. The tasks involved here offer a broad spectrum for appropriately trained AI to take over.
    Keywords: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Projektsteuerung, Nachtragsmanagement, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Bauwesen
    Date: 2024
  4. By: Fuß, Aline; Nuske, Jessica; Becke, Guido; Bleses, Peter; Friemer, Andreas
    Abstract: Der vorliegende Aufsatz stellt die Ergebnisse einer Dokumentenanalyse der BMBF-Förderprogramme der Arbeitsforschung zwischen 1990 und 2020 dar. Dabei wird insbesondere den Fragen nachgegangen, wie das BMBF in seinen Förderprogrammen zur Arbeitsforschung den Transfer von Wissen konzeptualisiert, welche Instrumente für einen erfolgreichen Wissenstransfer über die Zeit hinweg eingeführt und modifiziert wurden und welche Rolle dabei transdisziplinäre Kooperationen zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis spielen. Die Analyse gewährt interessante Einblicke in (sich wandelnde) Verständnisse des transdisziplinären Wissenstransfers, dessen Funktionsweise und in die vom BMBF angeführten Qualitäts- und korrespondierenden Erfolgskriterien. Die Erkenntnisse werden abschließend in acht Punkten zusammengefasst und diskutiert. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die wissenschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit des transdisziplinären Forschungsmodus in der BMBFgeförderten Arbeitsforschung gelegt.
    Abstract: This article presents the results of a document analysis of the BMBF funding programs for labour research between 1990 and 2020. In particular, it examines how the BMBF conceptualises the transfer of knowledge in its funding programmes for labour research, which instruments for successful knowledge transfer have been introduced and modified over time and what role transdisciplinary cooperation between science and practice plays in this. The analysis provides interesting insights into (changing) understandings of transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, how it works and the quality and corresponding success criteria cited by the BMBF. The findings are summarised and discussed in eight points. Particular attention is paid to the scientific connectivity of the transdisciplinary research mode in BMBF-funded labour research.
    Date: 2024
  5. By: Karan Gulati (TrustBridge Rule of Law Foundation); Anjali Sharma (TrustBridge Rule of Law Foundation)
    Abstract: Effective public procurement is crucial for government efficiency and the delivery of public services. To lay a foundation for policy-making and operational enhancements, this paper proposes an evaluation framework for public procurement processes that recognises the government's dual role as the state and a market participant throughout the procurement life cycle. A first-of-its-kind illustrative evaluation of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) identifies several areas for improving India's public procurement system. The evaluation framework and its use illuminate the complexities of public procurement in India's largest state-controlled procuring entity and serve as a standardised model for other entities to refine their procurement processes.
    Date: 2024–07
  6. By: Kento Ichii; Toshiki Muraoka; Nobumichi Shinohara; Shunsuke Managi; Shutaro Takeda
    Abstract: In order to explore the possibility of carbon credits for greening projects, which play an important role in climate change mitigation, this paper examines a formula for estimating the amount of carbon fixation for greening activities in urban areas through tree planting. The usefulness of the formula studied was examined by conducting calculations based on actual data through measurements made by on-site surveys of a greening companie. A series of calculation results suggest that this formula may be useful. Recognizing carbon credits for green businesses for the carbon sequestration of their projects is an important incentive not only as part of environmental improvement and climate change action, but also to improve the health and well-being of local communities and to generate economic benefits. This study is a pioneering exploration of the methodology.
    Date: 2024–07

This nep-ppm issue is ©2024 by Arvi Kuura. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.