on Project, Program and Portfolio Management |
By: | Virpi Sorsa (Hanken School of Economics - Hanken School of Economics); Heini Merkkiniemi; Nada Endrissat (BFH - Bern University of Applied Sciences); Gazi Islam (MC - Management et Comportement - Grenoble École de Management (GEM), IREGE - Institut de Recherche en Gestion et en Economie - USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry] - Université Savoie Mont Blanc) |
Abstract: | While interest in art-based interventions is growing rapidly, little is known about the aesthetic, material, and interpersonal mechanisms by which art interventions, and musical interventions in particular, operate. We address this gap by drawing from an in-depth case study of a musical intervention in a professional ice-hockey team in Finland. At the time of the study, the organization faced a serious crisis, having lost 11 sequential games, leading its managers to search for "alternative" means for promoting social cohesion, and subsequently engaging in an arts-based musical intervention. Our findings examine how material objects and collective synchronization rhythms grounded the interpersonal interactions of team members and mediated members' attempts to transform personal subjective experiences into collective collaboration. We draw out the conceptual implications of our findings for understanding, on the one hand, the collective nature of aesthetic processes, and on the other hand, the materially mediated processes of communication. In terms of practical implication, we contribute to understanding the social dynamics and transformative organizational possibilities of artistic interventions that generate value for the organization and its members. |
Keywords: | arts-based intervention,musical intervention,aesthetics,embodied communication,materiality,organizational communication |
Date: | 2018–04 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-01959027&r=all |
By: | Glenn P. Jenkins (Department of Economics, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada and Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus); Pejman Bahramain (Postdoctoral Fellow, JDINT’L Executive Programs,Department of Economics, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L3N6); Mikhail Miklyaev (JDINT’L Executive Programs,Department of Economics, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L3N6,and Senior Associate/ Economist Cambridge Resources International Inc.); Saint Seyi Akindere (Department of Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus) |
Abstract: | This study aims to estimate social value of time for investment appraisal in Mozambique. In doing so, we estimate the social value of time for three categories of project that result in time savings. These include transportation sector (road), water supply and sanitation projects and social value of time for people using public services. The estimated social value of time savings in this study, reflects the average magnitude of the welfare improvement of passengers travelling by type of vehicles, welfare improvement of women and children hauling for water and sanitation project and welfare improvement of visiting public offices for commercial and non-commercial purposes in Mozambique. This welfare improvement comes about either through increased productivity of the individuals or through the increase in utility an individual would enjoy if waiting time is reduced by an hour in the Mozambique for immediate or future projects. |
Keywords: | Mozambique, SVT, Time, Social Value of Time, Time saved, Households’ |
JEL: | D46 D61 I31 |
Date: | 2019–05 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:qed:dpaper:4516&r=all |
By: | Adriana, Paolantonio; Romina, Cavatassi; Kristen, McCollum |
Abstract: | Over half of the rural population in Bolivia today live below the national poverty line. As agriculture represents the main source of livelihood for more than 75 per cent of this rural population, supporting the livelihoods of rural farming households is key to tackling extreme poverty in the country. In August 2011, implementation began on the project Plan VIDA-PEEP (PPV), an initiative financed jointly between IFAD and the Bolivian Government as part of the country's National Development Plan. It aimed to improve the livelihoods of households residing in vulnerable municipalities in the departments of Potosi and Cochabamba through capacity building, financing of rural development projects, and supporting citizenship and social inclusion. The project lasted five years in total and was completed in December, 2016. Plan VIDA was implemented in 8 municipalities in the southern part of Cochabamba department, and in 14 municipalities in the northern area of the Potosí department. The current impact assessment examines the effectiveness of one component of the Plan VIDA project. Under this component, the project provided financial resources to communities for the implementation of rural development projects and to municipalities for the realization of production infrastructure projects. In particular, the evaluation focuses on a specific category of projects – Community Based Productive Investments (Proyectos Inter Comunales - PICs) – which account for more than 90 per cent of total beneficiary households reached by Plan VIDA The interventions financed are chosen among a set of community-developed proposals and are therefore of a participatory and collective nature. Nonetheless, about 80 per cent of interventions provided involved distribution of new locally adapted (criollo) or improved livestock breeds to individual households. Thus, the project offers a unique research opportunity to assess both its community-based development approach and the effectiveness of its livestock inputs. This impact assessment investigates whether the Plan VIDA project contributes to well-being of beneficiaries measured through key outcome indicators of economic mobility, resilience and nutrition to respond to IFAD's strategic objectives and goals and to Bolivia's National Development Plan. To answer these questions, this ex-post evaluation applies a mixed-methods approach that combines non-experimental statistical methods and qualitative analysis to compare a sample of project beneficiaries to non-participants. |
Keywords: | Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries, Food Security and Poverty |
Date: | 2018 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ags:unadia:288464&r=all |
By: | Alessandra, Garbero; Dieynab, Diatta; Markus, Olapade |
Abstract: | Value chain development is an important strategy to achieve sustainable development for smallholder farmers. It focuses not only on farmers and their direct livelihood but recognizes that sustainable agricultural projects ought to consider the entire production process by not only improving the factors of production for smallholder farmers but also allowing for greater integration into local markets, and the strengthening of key stakeholders along the value chain. The Agricultural Value Chains Support Project (in French Projet d’Appui aux Filières Agricoles (PAFA)) capitalizes on the value chain approach to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Senegal’s Groundnut Basin. Approved in 2008 and put into effect on February 5th 2010, the Agricultural Value Chains Support Project has, as of today, reached 37,734 households. The project is articulated around five components: (1) agricultural diversification and access to local market (2) development and structuring of regional value chains, (3) national coordination, knowledge management and project management, (4) climate change adaptation, and (5) support services for rural finance. The project was innovative in that, in addition to providing support to farmers through producer organisations (POs), there was an emphasis on improving concertation and collaboration around key value chains. |
Keywords: | Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Security and Poverty |
Date: | 2018 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ags:unadia:288450&r=all |
By: | Romina, Cavatassi; Athur, Mabiso; Mohamed, Abouaziza; Eric, Djimeu |
Abstract: | Smallholder farmers in developing countries often lack appropriate cereal storage facilities which can contribute to food insecurity and low cereal commercialization, particularly when they can only rely on one cropping season with no irrigation. Lack of quality storage can lead to post-harvest losses (Abass et al, 2014; Sheahan and Barrett, 2017) and often compels smallholder farmers to sell their crops soon after harvest, when crop prices are at their seasonal lowest, only for them to buy grain for consumption during the lean season, when prices are high (Kadjo et al, 2018; Aggarwal et al, 2018; Stephens and Barrett, 2011). In many instances, such farmers need food assistance to survive the lean season and in other cases, they may have to borrow money at usurious rates in order to purchase food. This was the case in Guéra Region of Chad, a semi-arid area that frequently experiences droughts and dry spells in ways that severely reduce crop production and rural households’ food security. To address these issues, the IFAD-funded Programme d'Appui au Développement Rural dans le Guéra (PADER-G) project was implemented with the main objective of supporting poor rural households and smallholder farmers in Guéra, Chad to improve their food security and livelihoods. One specific aim of PADER-G, designed to manage risks of food shortage, was to improve cereal storage among smallholder farmers through the construction of community cereal banks (banque de céréales). This main element of the project was complemented with the establishment of community committees (Comité de gestion des banques de soudure – COGES) which were trained on effective management of the cereal banks. |
Keywords: | Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Security and Poverty |
Date: | 2018 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ags:unadia:288458&r=all |
By: | Romina, Cavatassi; Federica, Alfani; Adriana, Paolantonio; Paola, Mallia |
Abstract: | The territory of Mexico is covered by forests and wildland up to about 73% of the total territory (World Bank, 2015 and CONAFOR, 2012). This corresponds to around 140 million hectares, 80% of which are owned by communities and ejidos. Starting from the '80s, Mexico has experienced one of the largest deforestation rates in Latin America due to a number of complex socio-economic and political reasons which have reduced incentives to the sustainable use of forests with negative consequences for their long term conservation (Segura, 2000). To address and overcome problems linked to deforestation and forest degradation, the Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (Desarrollo Comunitario Forestal en los Estados del Sur – DECOFOS) was designed and implemented from March 2011 to September 2016 with contribution from the Government of Mexico, IFAD, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and project beneficiaries. The project had two main components. The first component was mainly meant to raise awareness of climate change and of sustainable use and management of natural resources through trainings and capacity development. This component could be instrumental to achieving impacts when combined with the second component which had a more tangible connotation. The second component, indeed, consisted on promoting sustainable management and exploitation of forest and natural resources through reforestation, adoption of agroforestry and of good environmental practices, supporting and facilitating business enterprises through the provision of technical and financial support to the start-up of micro-entrepreneurial projects and small-businesses enterprises. |
Keywords: | Agricultural Finance, Environmental Economics and Policy |
Date: | 2018 |
URL: | http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ags:unadia:288451&r=all |