nep-mst New Economics Papers
on Market Microstructure
Issue of 2024‒06‒17
five papers chosen by
Thanos Verousis, Vlerick Business School

  1. Can machine learning unlock new insights into high-frequency trading? By G. Ibikunle; B. Moews; K. Rzayev
  2. Mean Field Game of High-Frequency Anticipatory Trading By Xue Cheng; Meng Wang; Ziyi Xu
  3. Quantifying Price Improvement in Order Flow Auctions By Brad Bachu; Xin Wan; Ciamac C. Moallemi
  4. High-Frequency Stock Market Order Transitions during the US-China Trade War 2018: A Discrete-Time Markov Chain Analysis By Salam Rabindrajit Luwang; Anish Rai; Md. Nurujjaman; Om Prakash; Chittaranjan Hens
  5. Testing for an Explosive Bubble using High-Frequency Volatility By H. Peter Boswijk; Jun Yu; Yang Zu

  1. By: G. Ibikunle; B. Moews; K. Rzayev
    Abstract: We design and train machine learning models to capture the nonlinear interactions between financial market dynamics and high-frequency trading (HFT) activity. In doing so, we introduce new metrics to identify liquidity-demanding and -supplying HFT strategies. Both types of HFT strategies increase activity in response to information events and decrease it when trading speed is restricted, with liquidity-supplying strategies demonstrating greater responsiveness. Liquidity-demanding HFT is positively linked with latency arbitrage opportunities, whereas liquidity-supplying HFT is negatively related, aligning with theoretical expectations. Our metrics have implications for understanding the information production process in financial markets.
    Date: 2024–05
  2. By: Xue Cheng; Meng Wang; Ziyi Xu
    Abstract: The interactions between a large population of high-frequency traders (HFTs) and a large trader (LT) who executes a certain amount of assets at discrete time points are studied. HFTs are faster in the sense that they trade continuously and predict the transactions of LT. A jump process is applied to model the transition of HFTs' attitudes towards inventories and the equilibrium is solved through the mean field game approach. When the crowd of HFTs is averse to running (ending) inventories, they first take then supply liquidity at each transaction of LT (throughout the whole execution period). Inventory-averse HFTs lower LT's costs if the market temporary impact is relatively large to the permanent one. What's more, the repeated liquidity consuming-supplying behavior of HFTs makes LT's optimal strategy close to uniform trading.
    Date: 2024–04
  3. By: Brad Bachu; Xin Wan; Ciamac C. Moallemi
    Abstract: This work introduces a framework for evaluating onchain order flow auctions (OFAs), emphasizing the metric of price improvement. Utilizing a set of open-source tools, our methodology systematically attributes price improvements to specific modifiable inputs of the system such as routing efficiency, gas optimization, and priority fee settings. When applied to leading Ethereum-based trading interfaces such as 1Inch and Uniswap, the results reveal that auction-enhanced interfaces can provide statistically significant improvements in trading outcomes, averaging 4-5 basis points in our sample. We further identify the sources of such price improvements to be added liquidity for large swaps. This research lays a foundation for future innovations in blockchain based trading platforms.
    Date: 2024–05
  4. By: Salam Rabindrajit Luwang; Anish Rai; Md. Nurujjaman; Om Prakash; Chittaranjan Hens
    Abstract: Statistical analysis of high-frequency stock market order transaction data is conducted to understand order transition dynamics. We employ a first-order time-homogeneous discrete-time Markov chain model to the sequence of orders of stocks belonging to six different sectors during the USA-China trade war of 2018. The Markov property of the order sequence is validated by the Chi-square test. We estimate the transition probability matrix of the sequence using maximum likelihood estimation. From the heat-map of these matrices, we found the presence of active participation by different types of traders during high volatility days. On such days, these traders place limit orders primarily with the intention of deleting the majority of them to influence the market. These findings are supported by high stationary distribution and low mean recurrence values of add and delete orders. Further, we found similar spectral gap and entropy rate values, which indicates that similar trading strategies are employed on both high and low volatility days during the trade war. Among all the sectors considered in this study, we observe that there is a recurring pattern of full execution orders in Finance & Banking sector. This shows that the banking stocks are resilient during the trade war. Hence, this study may be useful in understanding stock market order dynamics and devise trading strategies accordingly on high and low volatility days during extreme macroeconomic events.
    Date: 2024–05
  5. By: H. Peter Boswijk; Jun Yu; Yang Zu
    Abstract: Based on a continuous-time stochastic volatility model with a linear drift, we develop a test for explosive behavior in financial asset prices at a low frequency when prices are sampled at a higher frequency. The test exploits the volatility information in the high-frequency data. The method consists of devolatizing log-asset price increments with realized volatility measures and performing a supremum-type recursive Dickey-Fuller test on the devolatized sample. The proposed test has a nuisance-parameter-free asymptotic distribution and is easy to implement. We study the size and power properties of the test in Monte Carlo simulations. A real-time date-stamping strategy based on the devolatized sample is proposed for the origination and conclusion dates of the explosive regime. Conditions under which the real-time date-stamping strategy is consistent are established. The test and the date-stamping strategy are applied to study explosive behavior in cryptocurrency and stock markets.
    Date: 2024–05

This nep-mst issue is ©2024 by Thanos Verousis. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.