nep-mon New Economics Papers
on Monetary Economics
Issue of 2016‒11‒27
25 papers chosen by
Bernd Hayo
Philipps-Universität Marburg

  1. International Transmissions of Monetary Shocks: Between a Trilemma and a Dilemma By Xuehui Han; Shang-Jin Wei
  2. Signaling Effects of Monetary Policy By Melosi, Leonardo
  3. The Theory of Credit and Macro-economic Stability By Joseph E. Stiglitz
  4. Monetary Policy and the Stock Market: Time-Series Evidence By Andreas Neuhierl; Michael Weber
  5. U.S. Monetary Policy Normalization and Global Interest Rates By Carlos Caceres; Yan Carriere-Swallow; Ishak Demir; Bertrand Gruss
  6. Central Banking in Latin America; The Way Forward By Yan Carriere-Swallow; Luis I. Jacome H.; Nicolas E Magud; Alejandro M. Werner
  7. Stocks or flows? New thinking about monetary transmission through the lending channel By Javier Villar Burke
  8. Constrained Discretion and Central Bank Transparency By Bianchi, Francesco; Melosi, Leonardo
  9. The Usefulness of the Median CPI in Bayesian VARs Used for Macroeconomic Forecasting and Policy By Meyer, Brent; Zaman, Saeed
  10. Gradualism and Liquidity Traps By Taisuke Nakata; Sebastian Schmidt
  11. Financial crisis, speculative bubbles and the functioning of financial markets By Horvarth, Roman
  12. Monetary policy shocks, set-identifying restrictions, and asset prices: A benchmarking approach for analyzing set-identified models By Uhrin, Gábor B.; Herwartz, Helmut
  13. Money, Credit and Banking and the Cost of Financial Activity By Boel, Paola; Camera, Gabriele
  14. Media Coverage and ECB Policy-Making: Evidence from a New Index By Hamza Bennani
  15. Monetary policy and large crises in a financial accelerator agent-based model By Giri, Federico; Riccetti, Luca; Russo, Alberto; Gallegati, Mauro
  16. Systemic Risk and Interbank Lending By Li-Hsien Sun
  17. Monetary policy and the stock market: Insights from a model of endogenous business cycles By Yanovski, Boyan
  18. When the Central Bank Meets the Financial Authority: Strategic Interactions and Institutional Design By Victoria Nuguer; Jessica Roldan-Pena; Enrique Mendoza; Julio Carrillo
  19. Is Optimal Capital-Control Policy Countercyclical In Open-Economy Models With Collateral Constraints? By Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie; Uribe, Martin
  20. Inflation Dynamics During the Financial Crisis By Simon Gilchrist; Raphael Schoenle; Jae Sim; Egon Zakrajšek
  21. Is Cash Dead? Using Economic Concepts To Motivate Learning and Economic Thinking By Philip Gunby; Stephen Hickson
  22. Financial Depth and the Asymmetric Impact of Monetary Policy By Caglayan, Mustafa; Kandemir Kocaaslan, Ozge; Mouratidis, Kostas
  23. TIPS: The Trend Inflation Projection System and Estimation Results By Koji Takahashi
  24. Monetary Policy Rule, Exchange Rate Regime, and Fiscal Policy Cyclicality in a Developing Oil Economy By Aliya Algozhina
  25. On the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting: Evidence from a Semiparametric Approach By Ardakani, Omid; Kishor, Kundan; Song, Suyong

  1. By: Xuehui Han; Shang-Jin Wei
    Abstract: This paper re-examines international transmissions of monetary policy shocks from advanced economies to emerging market economies. In terms of methodologies, it combines three novel features. First, it separates co-movement in monetary policies due to common shocks from spillovers of monetary policies from advanced to peripheral economies. Second, it uses surprises in growth and inflation and the Taylor rule to gauge desired changes in a country’s interest rate if it is to focus exclusively on growth, inflation, and real exchange rate stability. Third, it proposes a specification that can work with the quantitative easing episodes when no changes in US interest rate are observed. In terms of empirical findings, we differ from the existing literature and document patterns of “2.5-lemma” or something between a trilemma and a dilemma: without capital controls, a flexible exchange rate regime offers some monetary policy autonomy when the center country tightens its monetary policy, yet it fails to do so when the center country lowers its interest rate. Capital controls help to insulate periphery countries from monetary policy shocks from the center country even when the latter lowers its interest rate.
    JEL: F3
    Date: 2016–11
  2. By: Melosi, Leonardo (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
    Abstract: We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model in which the policy rate signals the central bank’s view about macroeconomic developments to price setters. The model is estimated with likelihood methods on a U.S. data set that includes the Survey of Professional Forecasters as a measure of price setters’ inflation expectations. This model improves upon existing perfect information models in explaining why, in the data, inflation expectations respond with delays to monetary impulses and remain disanchored for years. In the 1970s, U.S. monetary policy is found to signal persistent inflationary shocks, explaining why inflation and inflation expectations were so persistently heightened. The signaling effects of monetary policy also explain why inflation expectations adjusted more sluggishly than inflation after the robust monetary tightening of the 1980s.
    Keywords: Disanchoring of inflation expectations; heterogeneous beliefs; endogenous signals; Bayesian VAR; Bayesian counterfactual analysis; Delphic effects of monetary policy
    JEL: C11 C52 D83 E52
    Date: 2016–09–16
  3. By: Joseph E. Stiglitz
    Abstract: In the aftermath of the Great Recession, there is a growing consensus, even among central bank officials, concerning the limitations of monetary policy. This paper provides an explanation for the ineffectiveness of monetary policy, and in doing so provides a new framework for thinking about monetary policy and macro-economic activity. What matters is not so much the money supply or the T-bill interest rate, but the availability of credit, and the terms at which credit is made available. The latter variables may not move in tandem with the former. In particular, the spread between the T bill rate and the lending rate may increase, so even as the T bill rate decreases, the lending rate increases. An increase in credit availability may not lead to more spending on produced goods, but increased prices for land or other fixed assets; it can go to increased margins associated with increases in speculative activity; or it may go to spending abroad rather than at home. The paper explains the inadequacy of theories based on the zero low bound, and argues that the ineffectiveness of monetary policy is more related to the multiple alternative uses—beyond the purchase of domestically produced goods—of additional liquidity and to its adverse distributional consequences. The paper shows that while monetary policy is less effective than has been widely presumed, it is also more distortionary, identifying several distinct distortions.
    JEL: E42 E44 E51 G01 G20
    Date: 2016–11
  4. By: Andreas Neuhierl; Michael Weber
    Abstract: We construct a slope factor from changes in federal funds futures of different horizons. Slope predicts stock returns at the weekly frequency: faster monetary policy easing positively predicts excess returns. Investors can achieve increases in weekly Sharpe ratios of 20% conditioning on the slope factor. The tone of speeches by the FOMC chair correlates with the slope factor. Slope predicts changes in future interest rates and forecast revisions of professional forecasters. Our findings show that the path of future interest rates matters for asset prices, and monetary policy affects asset prices throughout the year and not only at FOMC meetings.
    JEL: E31 E43 E44 E52 E58 G12
    Date: 2016–11
  5. By: Carlos Caceres; Yan Carriere-Swallow; Ishak Demir; Bertrand Gruss
    Abstract: As the Federal Reserve continues to normalize its monetary policy, this paper studies the impact of U.S. interest rates on rates in other countries. We find a modest but nontrivial pass-through from U.S. to domestic short-term interest rates on average. We show that, to a large extent, this comovement reflects synchronized business cycles. However, there is important heterogeneity across countries, and we find evidence of limited monetary autonomy in some cases. The co-movement of longer term interest rates is larger and more pervasive. We distinguish between U.S. interest rate movements that surprise markets versus those that are anticipated, and find that most countries receive greater spillovers from the former. We also distinguish between movements in the U.S. term premium and the expected path of risk-free rates, concluding that countries respond differently to these shocks. Finally, we explore the determinants of monetary autonomy and find strong evidence for the role of exchange rate flexibility, capital account openness, but also for other factors, such as dollarization of financial system liabilities, and the credibility of fiscal and monetary policy.
    Keywords: Monetary policy;United States;Interest rates;Spillovers;Asset prices;Central bank autonomy;Monetary policy; monetary conditions; autonomy; global financial cycle.
    Date: 2016–09–29
  6. By: Yan Carriere-Swallow; Luis I. Jacome H.; Nicolas E Magud; Alejandro M. Werner
    Abstract: Latin America’s central banks have made substantial progress towards delivering an environment of price stability that is supportive of sustainable economic growth. We review these achievements, and discuss remaining challenges facing central banking in the region. Where inflation remains high and volatile, achieving durable price stability will require making central banks more independent. Where inflation targeting regimes are well-established, remaining challenges surround assessments of economic slack, the communication of monetary policy, and clarifying the role of the exchange rate. Finally, macroprudential policies must be coordinated with existing objectives, and care taken to preserve the primacy of price stability.
    Keywords: Central banking;Latin America;Central banks;Central bank autonomy;Monetary policy;Inflation targeting;Exchange markets;Intervention;Price stabilization;Macroprudential Policy;Financial stability;Central Banking, Monetary Policy, Macroprudential Policy, Latin America.
    Date: 2016–09–30
  7. By: Javier Villar Burke (European Commission)
    Abstract: The lending channel is conventionally understood to transmit monetary policy through the origination of new loans. In this paper, we postulate that the lending channel may also operate via the stock of existing loans. Monetary shocks generate two types of income effects: 1) monthly mortgage payments are impacted when rates are reset; 2) inflation erodes the real value of mortgage payments and increases the disposable income of borrowers. These income effects translate into variations in output due to the heterogeneous propensity to consume of individual economic agents. Three types of factors determine the importance of these income effects for individual households and at macro level: 1) borrowers’ features, such as income distribution, indebtedness and debt burden, 2) loan features, such as the period of rate fixation and 3) price developments. Significant differences in these factors across euro area Member States can distort a homogeneous transmission of the single monetary policy.
    Keywords: Euro area, monetary policy, monetary transmission, income effects, lending channel, mortgages.
    JEL: D33 D47 D90 E43 E51 E52 F36 F42 G21
    Date: 2016
  8. By: Bianchi, Francesco (Duke University); Melosi, Leonardo (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
    Abstract: We develop and estimate a general equilibrium model to quantitatively assess the effects and welfare implications of central bank transparency. Monetary policy can deviate from active inflation stabilization and agents conduct Bayesian learning about the nature of these deviations. Under constrained discretion, only short deviations occur, agents’ uncertainty about the macroeconomy remains contained, and welfare is high. However, if a deviation persists, uncertainty accelerates and welfare declines. Announcing the future policy course raises uncertainty in the short run by revealing that active inflation stabilization will be temporarily abandoned. However, this announcement reduces policy uncertainty and anchors inflationary beliefs at the end of the policy. For the U.S., enhancing transparency is found to increase welfare. The same result is found when we relax the assumption of perfectly credible announcements.
    Keywords: Policy announcement; Bayesian learning; reputation; forward guidance; macroeco-nomic risk; uncertainty; inflation expectations; Markov-switching models; likelihood estimation
    JEL: C11 D83 E52
    Date: 2016–10–16
  9. By: Meyer, Brent (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta); Zaman, Saeed (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
    Abstract: In this paper we investigate the forecasting performance of the median Consumer Price Index (CPI) in a variety of Bayesian vector autoregressions (BVARs) that are often used for monetary policy. Until now, the use of trimmed-mean price statistics in forecasting inflation has often been relegated to simple univariate or Phillips curve approaches, thus limiting their usefulness in applications that require consistent forecasts of multiple macro variables. We find that inclusion of an extreme trimmed-mean measure—the median CPI—improves the forecasts of both core and headline inflation (CPI and personal consumption expenditures) across our set of monthly and quarterly BVARs. Although the inflation forecasting improvements are perhaps not surprising given the current literature on core inflation statistics, we also find that inclusion of the median CPI improves the forecasting accuracy of the central bank's primary instrument for monetary policy: the federal funds rate. We conclude with a few illustrative exercises that highlight the usefulness of using the median CPI.
    Keywords: inflation forecasting; trimmed-mean estimators; Bayesian vector autoregression; conditional forecasting
    JEL: C11 E31 E37 E52
    Date: 2016–11–01
  10. By: Taisuke Nakata; Sebastian Schmidt
    Abstract: Modifying the objective function of a discretionary central bank to include an interest-rate smoothing objective increases the welfare of an economy in which large contractionary shocks occasionally force the central bank to lower the policy rate to its effective lower bound. The central bank with an interest-rate smoothing objective credibly keeps the policy rate low for longer than the central bank with the standard objective function. Through expectations, the temporary overheating of the economy associated with such a low-for-long interest rate policy mitigates the declines in inflation and output when the lower bound constraint is binding. In a calibrated model, we find that the introduction of an interest-rate smoothing objective can reduce the welfare costs associated with the lower bound constraint by more than one-half.
    Keywords: Gradualism ; Inflation Targeting ; Interest-Rate Smoothing ; Liquidity Traps ; Zero Lower Bound
    JEL: E52 E61
    Date: 2016–11
  11. By: Horvarth, Roman
    Abstract: [Introduction] The recent global financial crisis has showed us how extremely costly financial crises are in terms of economic activity and overall welfare of citizens. It affected strongly the stability of selected European financial institutions as well as the debt management of various governments in Europe. The European Union has undertaken a vast series of steps to safeguard financial stability in Europe, both in the way how financial market supervision is institutionally structured and also in the way how financial market supervision is implemented. Macroprudential policies, which focus on promoting stability of financial system as a whole, has become to forefront. The financial crisis also materialized strongly in macroeconomic stability. The European Central Bank needed to implement large-scale non-standard monetary policy measures to support the euro area economic activity, to improve the functioning of monetary policy transmission mechanism and to reduce deflationary risks. Despite all the steps undertaken in safeguarding financial stability coupled with accommodative monetary policy, we still cannot say that the global financial crisis or its effects are over. Having the enormously negative effects of financial crises in mind, several attendant - both general and specific - questions for academia as well as for policy makers arise. [...]
    Date: 2016
  12. By: Uhrin, Gábor B.; Herwartz, Helmut
    Abstract: A central question for monetary policy is how asset prices respond to a monetary policy shock. We provide evidence on this issue by augmenting a monetary SVAR for US data with an asset price index, using set-identifying structural restrictions. The impulse responses show a positive asset price response to a contractionary monetary policy shock. The resulting monetary policy shocks correlate weakly with the Romer and Romer (2004) (RR) shocks, which matters greatly when analyzing impulse responses. Considering only models with shocks highly correlated with the RR series uncovers a negative, but near-zero response of asset prices.
    Keywords: monetary policy shocks,asset prices,sign restrictions,zero restrictions,set identification,structural VAR models
    JEL: C32 E44 E52
    Date: 2016
  13. By: Boel, Paola (Research Department, Central Bank of Sweden); Camera, Gabriele (Chapman University and University of Basel)
    Abstract: We extend the study of banking equilibrium in Berentsen, Camera and Waller (2007) by introducing an explicit production function for banks. Banks employ labor resources, hired on a competitive market, to run their operations. In equilibrium this generates a spread between interest rates on loans and on deposits, which naturally reflects the efficiency of financial intermediation and underlying monetary policy. In this augmented model, equilibrium deposits yield zero return in a deflation or very low inflation. Hence, if monetary policy is sufficiently tight then banks end up reducing aggregate efficiency, soaking up labor resources while offering deposits that do not outperform idle balances.
    Keywords: banks; frictions; matching
    JEL: C70 D40 E30 J30
    Date: 2016–10–01
  14. By: Hamza Bennani
    Abstract: Using a novel index measuring media's uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of European Central Bank's (ECB) policy actions, this paper estimates the interest rate policy of the ECB with respect to media coverage of its monetary policy decisions. Our results suggest that the monetary institution implements a restrictive (accommodative) monetary policy, through its repo rate, in response to an increase (decrease) of the uncertainty expressed by the media concerning the effectiveness of its past policy actions, in particular since the global financial crisis. These results are robust when considering an alternative proxy of central bank's perceived effectiveness and ECB's unconventional policy measures in the estimation procedure. Our findings thus shed some light on the decision-making procedure of the ECB when the latter has to deal with the uncertain impact of its policy decisions as expressed by media coverage, and thus, address a critical issue related to the political economy of central banking.
    Keywords: Monetary Policy, ECB, Public Media, Taylor Rule.
    JEL: E43 E52 E58
    Date: 2016
  15. By: Giri, Federico; Riccetti, Luca; Russo, Alberto; Gallegati, Mauro
    Abstract: An accommodating monetary policy followed by a sudden increase of the short term interest rate often leads to a bubble burst and to an economic slowdown. Two examples are the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2008. Through the implementation of an Agent Based Model with a financial accelerator mechanism we are able to study the relationship between monetary policy and large scale crisis events. The main results can be summarized as follow: a) sudden and sharp increases of the policy rate can generate recessions; b) after a crisis, returning too soon and too quickly to a normal monetary policy regime can generate a \double dip" recession, while c) keeping the short term interest rate anchored to the zero lower bound in the short run can successfully avoid a further slowdown.
    Keywords: Monetary Policy,Large Crises,Agent Based Model,Financial Accelerator,Zero Lower Bound
    JEL: E32 E44 E58 C63
    Date: 2016
  16. By: Li-Hsien Sun
    Abstract: We propose a simple model of inter-bank lending and borrowing incorporating a game feature where the evolution of monetary reserve is described by a system of coupled Feller diffusions. The optimization subject to the quadratic cost reflects the desire of each bank to borrow from or lend to a central bank through manipulating its lending preference and the intention of each bank to deposit in the central bank in order to control the volatility for cost minimization. We observe that the adding liquidity creates a flocking effect leading to stability or systemic risk depending on the level of the growth rate. The deposit rate diminishes the growth of the total monetary reserve causing a large number of bank defaults. The central bank acts as a central deposit corporation. In addition, the corresponding Mean Field Game in the case of the number of banks $N$ large and the infinite time horizon stochastic game with the discount factor are also discussed.
    Date: 2016–11
  17. By: Yanovski, Boyan
    Abstract: [Key Takeaways] * Monetary policy might be ineffective in its attempt to influence the borrowing conditions over the business cycle because of the existence of adverse endogenous factors (like an endogenous risk premium, for example) counteracting monetary policy. * The evolution of the stock market over the business cycle can be considered an indicator of the extent to which monetary policy is able to affect the current borrowing conditions in the economy. * The pro-cyclical stock market observed in the US during the last 25 years in the presence of a counter-cyclical monetary policy can be considered evidence of monetary policy ineffectiveness and/or weak reactivity. * Monetary policy might be ineffective in reducing endogenous business cycle fluctuations because of the lags involved in its reactions and in the transmission process.
    Date: 2016
  18. By: Victoria Nuguer (Banco de México); Jessica Roldan-Pena (Banco de Mexico); Enrique Mendoza (University of Pennsylvania); Julio Carrillo (Banco de Mexico)
    Abstract: We investigate the strategic interactions between the central bank and a financial authority in an economy distorted with nominal rigidities and credit frictions, and hit by financial shocks. Using a policy-rule approach, we find that introducing an independent financial instrument increases consumers’ welfare, versus the alternative of a central bank alone leaning against the financial shocks. Also, we find that when the two policymakers maximize welfare (our ideal case), the Nash equilibrium corresponds to the first best. However, under our implementable case, the policymakers face a conflict in objectives, as the central bank focuses on the stability of prices, while the financial authority on the stability of the credit spread. In such a case, cooperation across institutions is second best, while Nash is third best. However, if the policymakers have the same objectives, cooperation and Nash coincide and are second best.
    Date: 2016
  19. By: Schmitt-Grohé, Stephanie; Uribe, Martin
    Abstract: This paper contributes to a literature that studies optimal capital control policy in open economy models with pecuniary externalities due to flow collateral constraints. It shows that the optimal policy calls for capital controls to be lowered during booms and to be increased during recessions. Moreover, in the run-up to a financial crisis optimal capital controls rise as the contraction sets in and reach their highest level at the peak of the crisis. These findings are at odds with the conventional view that capital controls should be tightened during expansions to curb capital inflows and relaxed during contractions to discourage capital flight.
    JEL: E44 F41 G01 H23
    Date: 2016–11
  20. By: Simon Gilchrist; Raphael Schoenle; Jae Sim; Egon Zakrajšek
    Abstract: Using a novel dataset, which merges good-level prices underlying the PPI with the respondents’ balance sheets, we show that liquidity constrained firms increased prices in 2008, while their unconstrained counterparts cut prices. We develop a model in which firms face financial frictions while setting prices in customer markets. Financial distortions create an incentive for firms to raise prices in response to adverse financial or demand shocks. This reaction reflects the firms’ decisions to preserve internal liquidity and avoid accessing external finance, factors that strengthen the countercyclical behavior of markups and attenuate the response of inflation to fluctuations in output.
    JEL: E31 E32 E44
    Date: 2016–11
  21. By: Philip Gunby (University of Canterbury); Stephen Hickson (University of Canterbury)
    Abstract: Economics is at its best when used to shed light on questions of interest to students. Even better if the answers are at odds with commonly held but incorrect views. The velocity of circulation is probably the most neglected concept in macroeconomics classes but it can be used to open up a discussion on the behaviour of people and why demand for money may rise or fall. It can be used to address the question "Is Cash Dead?" Despite the rise in the number of ways that people can pay without using cash, there seems to be no drop in the amount of cash people actually wish to hold. This is a puzzle and a good opportunity to get students thinking about why this might be.
    Keywords: Principles of Economics, Velocity of Circulation, Cashless Society
    JEL: A22
    Date: 2016–11–01
  22. By: Caglayan, Mustafa; Kandemir Kocaaslan, Ozge; Mouratidis, Kostas
    Abstract: This paper investigates the importance of financial depth in evaluating the asymmetric impact of monetary policy on real output over the course of the US business cycle. We show that monetary policy has a significant impact on output growth during recessions. We also show that financial deepening plays an important role by dampening the effects of monetary policy shocks in recessions. The results are robust to the use of alternative financial depth and monetary policy shock measures as well as to two different sample periods.
    Keywords: Financial depth; financial frictions; monetary policy; output growth; asymmetric effects; Markov switching; instrumental variable
    JEL: E32 E52
    Date: 2016–08–01
  23. By: Koji Takahashi (Bank of Japan)
    Abstract: In practice, trend inflation is often defined as a common factor extracted from observed inflation rates by removing cyclical effects from business cycles as well as other transitory distortions. Trend inflation can also be interpreted as the infinitely long-term inflation rate expected by private economic agents. If we assume that the central bank's inflation target policy is fully credible, trend inflation will converge to the target inflation rate in the long run. In the short run, however, trend inflation and the target rate can differ due to adaptive, or backward-looking, expectations and changes in the extent to which the inflation target is credible. Based on these considerations, this paper proposes a simple new methodology for projecting trend inflation, labelled the Trend Inflation Projection System (TIPS), where trend inflation is expressed as the weighted average of two components: an adaptive component, where a common trend is extracted from several core inflation measures, and a forward-looking component, namely the target inflation rate. In addition, the weights are allowed to vary over time to capture changes in the degree to which economic agents believe in the inflation target. The estimation results show that trend inflation in Japan increased dramatically in the first quarter of 2013, when the BOJ raised the target inflation rate, and has continued to rise gradually since then. However, since the second half of 2014, medium- to long-term inflation expectations have shifted downward, meaning that inflation expectations may be formed in a more adaptive manner than in the model. Furthermore, decomposition of the consumer price index (CPI, all items less fresh food) based on the estimated model indicates that although CPI inflation rose from the beginning of 2013 due to the increase in trend inflation, it has decreased again since the second half of 2014 due to transitory factors such as the decline in oil prices.
    Keywords: Core Inflation; Trend Inflation; Inflation Target
    JEL: C53 E31 E37 E58
    Date: 2016–11–21
  24. By: Aliya Algozhina
    Abstract: According to Frankel and Catao (2011), a commodity exporting developing economy is advised to target the output price index rather than consumer price index, as the former monetary policy is automatically countercyclical against the volatile terms of trade shock. This paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of joint monetary and fiscal policies for a developing oil economy, to find an appropriate monetary rule combined with a pro/counter/acyclical fiscal stance based on a loss measure. The foreign exchange interventions distinguish between a managed and flexible exchange rate regime, while fiscal policy cyclicality depends on the oil output response of public consumption and public investment. The study reveals that the best policy combination is a countercyclical fiscal stance and CPI inflation monetary targeting under a flexible exchange rate regime to stabilize equally the domestic price inflation, aggregate output, and real exchange rate in a small open economy. This result is conditional on weights for those three variables used in the loss measure.
    Keywords: oil economy; monetary policy; fiscal policy; exchange rate; oil price shock; interventions; SWF;
    JEL: E31 E52 E62 E63 F31 F41 H54 H63 Q33 Q38
    Date: 2016–10
  25. By: Ardakani, Omid; Kishor, Kundan; Song, Suyong
    Abstract: This paper estimates the treatment effect of inflation targeting for all explicit inflation targeting countries by taking into account the problem of model misspecification and inconsistent estimation of parametric propensity scores by using a semiparametric single index method. In addition, our study uses a broader set of preconditions for inflation targeting and macroeconomic outcome variables than the existing literature. Overall our results suggest no significant difference in level of inflation and inflation volatility in targeters versus non-targeters after the adoption of inflation targeting. Unlike parametric and non-parametric method, we find that inflation targeting leads to a significant decline in the sacrifice ratio and interest rate volatility in developed economies. The results suggest that inflation targeting framework enhances fiscal discipline in both industrial and developing countries.
    Keywords: Inflation Targeting, Propensity Score, Treatment Effects, Sieve Estimator, Single Index Model.
    JEL: C14 C21 E4 E5
    Date: 2015–01–08

This nep-mon issue is ©2016 by Bernd Hayo. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.