nep-mkt New Economics Papers
on Marketing
Issue of 2010‒10‒30
seven papers chosen by
Joao Carlos Correia Leitao
University of Beira Interior and Technical University of Lisbon

  1. Attention, Memory, and Evaluation of Schema Incongruent Brand Messages. An Empirical Study By Georgios Halkias; Flora Kokkinaki
  2. Exploding Offers and Buy-Now Discounts By Mark Armstrong; Jidong Zhou
  3. Targeting in Advertising Markets: Implications for Offline vs. Online Media By Dirk Bergemann; Alessandro Bonatti
  4. Current marketing practices and market orientation in the context of an emerging economy: the case of Uruguay By Nora Lado; Lola C. Duque; Daniel Álvarez Bassi
  5. Understanding the Dimensions of Young Consumer Vulnerability in the Web 2.0 Society By Wided Batat
  6. Pricing, Advertising, and Market Structure with Frictions By Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro; Julien, Benoit; Wang, Chengsi
  7. Cruise visitors’ intention to return as land tourists and recommend a visited destination. A structural equation model By JG. Brida; Manuela Pulina; E. Riaño; SZ. Aguirre

  1. By: Georgios Halkias; Flora Kokkinaki
    Abstract: A widely held conception in the marketing literature is to develop consistency and relevancy when communicating brand meaning to consumers. The underlying idea behind traditional theories of persuasive communication suggests that matching the message to consumers’ perceptions and experiences increases the effectiveness of communication. Based on the implications of schema theory in cognitive psychology, the present research challenges the above hypothesis and proposes that moderately incongruent brand messages may lead to more favorable results. An empirical study was conducted that investigated consumers’ cognitive and affective responses to advertising information that varied in terms of incongruity (i.e., congruent, moderately incongruent, and extremely incongruent) with their existing brand schemata. As predicted, the results supported a non-monotonic, inverted-U relationship across the degree of incongruity. Advertisements featuring moderately incongruent brand information resulted in more ad processing, better recall and recognition memory, as well as more favorable ad and brand attitude, compared to congruent and extremely incongruent advertisements. The practical implications and the theoretical relevance of these findings for future consumer research are discussed.
    Keywords: Schema incongruent brand messages.
    JEL: D90
    Date: 2010–09
  2. By: Mark Armstrong; Jidong Zhou
    Abstract: A common sales tactic is for a seller to encourage a potential customer to make her purchase decision quickly. We consider a market with sequential consumer search in which firms often encourage first-time visitors to buy immediately, either by making an “exploding offer” (which permits no return once the consumer leaves) or by offering a “buy-now discount” (which makes the price paid for immediate purchase lower than the regular price). Prices often increase when these policies are used. If firms cannot commit to their sales policy, the outcome depends on whether consumer incur an intrinsic cost of returning to a firm: if there is no such return cost, it is often an equilibrium for firms to offer a uniform price to both first-time and returning visitors; if the return cost is positive, however, firms are forced to make exploding offers.
    Keywords: Consumer search, oligopoly, price discrimination, high-pressure selling, exploding offers, buy-now discounts, costly recall.
    JEL: D40 D43 D83
    Date: 2010–10–24
  3. By: Dirk Bergemann; Alessandro Bonatti
    Date: 2010–10–22
  4. By: Nora Lado; Lola C. Duque; Daniel Álvarez Bassi
    Abstract: This research explores the link between contemporary marketing practices, market orientation and business performance in Uruguay, an emergent country that has recovered from an economic crisis. These approaches seem to be related, but there is no existing evidence to confirm this impression. Lessons can be learned from understanding how effective is the adoption of marketing practices under a crisis scenario. Using data from interviews with 143 micro and small enterprises’ managers, we identify three clusters dependant on the combination of marketing practices: a multi-marketing cluster, a medium-level relationship marketing cluster and a transactional cluster. A model relating market orientation components and various performance measures is tested for the three clusters, showing that the multi-marketing and transactional clusters are more effective in translating efforts and resources into business outcomes.
    Keywords: Contemporary marketing practices, Market orientation, Performance, Clusters, Structural equation modeling, Uruguay
    Date: 2010–10
  5. By: Wided Batat (COACTIS - Université Lumière - Lyon II : EA4161 - Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne)
    Abstract: The young consumers constitute one of the fastest growing Internet populations. This group of consumers spends more time online than adults and surpasses all other age groups in their use of chat, instant messaging and other new forms of electronic communication. Thus, Internet technologies have the potential to promote a power shift from sellers to buyers. Consequently, the global reach of the Internet facilitates young consumer access to more market information that involves larger choice sets, consumer ability to exchange information and opinion with peers. We can argue that teenagers are fully competent consumers because almost adolescents revealed competency in some aspects of consumption such as: using Internet and blogs to improve their consumption skills, comparison shopping, innovation by consumption and usage. However, teenagers could be considered as victimised consumers because of their vulnerability and the lack of their experiences and knowledge in terms of consumption and purchasing. In addition, today's young consumers are facing a new risk related to technologies usages. In order to develop a better understanding of young consumers' vulnerability, it is important to explore the areas and the behaviours associated with the vulnerable young consumers within a marketplace surrounded by technologies.
    Keywords: young consumer, vulnerability, Web 2.0, Consumption, education, consumer policy, competence
    Date: 2010–06–23
  6. By: Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro; Julien, Benoit; Wang, Chengsi
    Abstract: This paper develops a model of pricing and advertising in a matching environment with capacity constrained sellers and uncoordinated buyers. Sellers' search intensity attracts buyers only probabilistically through costly informative advertisement. Equilibrium prices and profit maximizing advertising levels are derived and their properties analyzed. The model generates an inverted U-shape relationship between individual advertisement and market tightness which is robust to alternative advertising technologies. The well known empirical fact in the IO literature reflects the trade-off between price and market tightness-matching effects. Finally, in this environment we can alleviate the discontinuity problem, allowing for unique symmetric equilibrium price to be derived.
    Keywords: Directed searching; Advertising; Pricing;Market structure
    JEL: L11 L13 M37
    Date: 2010–10–16
  7. By: JG. Brida; Manuela Pulina; E. Riaño; SZ. Aguirre
    Abstract: This study analyses cruise visitors’ travel experience, their intention to return to a destination as land tourists and the probability to recommend. Consumer’s satisfaction is evaluated by taking into account the economic production factors, that is human and physical capital. “Satisfaction with prices” is also included to evaluate the monetary value of the overall purchasing experience. Safety in the harbour is considered as a further attribute. The empirical data were collected via a survey of cruise ship passengers that stopped in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) during 2009. A structural equation model (SEM) is developed. The findings reveal that satisfaction is positively affected by human and physical capital, while overall satisfaction positively influences customers’ loyalty. Loyalty is also positively influenced by prices, whereas negatively by an unsafe perception. Finally, loyalty positively effects both the probability of return as land tourists and to recommend, though with a different magnitude.
    Keywords: cruise; customer’s satisfaction; loyalty; probability of return; probability of recommend; SEM
    JEL: E43 C30 L83
    Date: 2010

This nep-mkt issue is ©2010 by Joao Carlos Correia Leitao. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.