nep-knm New Economics Papers
on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Issue of 2025–02–10
one paper chosen by
Laura Nicola-Gavrila, Centrul European de Studii Manageriale în Administrarea Afacerilor

  1. Sanctions and Knowledge Spillovers By Kiet Tuan Duong; Steven Ongena; Nam T. Vu; Luu Duc Toan Huynh

  1. By: Kiet Tuan Duong (University of York); Steven Ongena (University of Zurich - Department Finance; Swiss Finance Institute; KU Leuven; NTNU Business School; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)); Nam T. Vu (Miami University of Ohio - Department of Economics); Luu Duc Toan Huynh (Queen Mary University of London)
    Abstract: Do international sanctions impact patenting? To answer this question, we study patent applications originating in Russia, currently one of the world's most heavily sanctioned countries. We find that Russian applications are subject to longer processing times in sanctioning countries and that filed Russian patents exhibit fewer forward citations. Interestingly, applicants with names similar to those in the Kremlin or in the top 20 of popular Russian first names, and applicants who have filed patents during the last three years receive faster processing and greater forward citations. Retaliatory "revenge" sanctions imposed by Russia have an opposite impact, but the impact is more robustly overturned in sanctioning countries.
    Keywords: sanction, patent, knowledge spillover, processing duration
    JEL: D02 D74 D83
    Date: 2025–01

This nep-knm issue is ©2025 by Laura Nicola-Gavrila. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.