nep-knm New Economics Papers
on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Issue of 2024–12–16
one paper chosen by
Laura Nicola-Gavrila, Centrul European de Studii Manageriale în Administrarea Afacerilor

  1. The Revolutionary Potential of Mode 4 Knowledge Production By Moleka, Pitshou Basikabio

  1. By: Moleka, Pitshou Basikabio
    Abstract: In an age of unprecedented global complexity, interconnectedness, and urgency, the inadequacy of traditional, reductionist models of knowledge production has become glaringly apparent. This pioneering, landmark article offers a sweeping, paradigm-shifting exploration of the revolutionary emergence of "Mode 4" knowledge production - a fundamental reconceptualization of the epistemological, organizational, and methodological foundations of the research enterprise. Drawing on cutting-edge theoretical frameworks and a vast corpus of rigorous empirical evidence, this work argues that Mode 4 represents a transformative leap towards a more collaborative, transdisciplinary, and adaptive approach to knowledge creation - one that holds the potential to catalyze a profound and lasting transformation in the way we conceive of, organize, and mobilize research to address the complex, interconnected challenges facing our world. At the heart of this paradigm shift lies the groundbreaking "decuple helix" framework, which expands the scope of stakeholder engagement and knowledge co-creation to incorporate a comprehensive range of actors, from academia and industry to marginalized communities, the natural environment, and international organizations. This article delves deeply into the multifaceted roles and invaluable contributions of this diverse array of stakeholders, demonstrating how their active integration can unlock the transformative power of collaborative, values-oriented research and innovation. Furthermore, the paper provides a comprehensive example of how Mode 4 knowledge production concepts could be implemented using cutting edge innovationology research. By drawing on a rich tapestry of theoretical foundations, including complexity theory, quantum physics, humanities, social sciences, spirituality, and the arts, innovationology exemplifies the transdisciplinary ethos at the core of this paradigm shift. The article delves deeply into the collaborative co-creation, iterative and adaptive methodologies, and holistic, values-driven vision that define this groundbreaking transdisciplinary science. However, this work also candidly explores the significant institutional, methodological, equity-related, and scalability challenges that continue to hinder the widespread adoption and implementation of the Mode 4 and decuple helix frameworks. In doing so, it charts a course forward, outlining a comprehensive set of practical implications and recommendations to address these barriers and unlock the transformative potential of these emerging paradigms. Ultimately, this article offers a sweeping, cohesive, and visionary analysis of the revolutionary emergence of Mode 4 knowledge production and the decuple helix framework - positioning itself as a landmark contribution that has the potential to catalyze a profound transformation in the way we conceive of, organize, and mobilize research for a sustainable and equitable future. With its groundbreaking insights, bold vision, and rigorous interdisciplinary foundation, this work stands as a clarion call for a new era of collaborative, transdisciplinary knowledge production that can truly address the complex, interconnected crises facing our world.
    Date: 2024–11–04

This nep-knm issue is ©2024 by Laura Nicola-Gavrila. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.