nep-knm New Economics Papers
on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Issue of 2013‒07‒28
nine papers chosen by
Laura Stefanescu
European Research Centre of Managerial Studies in Business Administration

  1. Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Development By Wim Naudé; Adam Szirmai
  2. Science, Technology, Innovation and IP in India - New Directions and Prospects By Christine Greenhalgh
  3. Les "serious games" : des leviers en faveur du knowledge management By Caroline Bayart; Sandra Bertezene; David Vallat
  4. La méthode Delphi pour définir les accords et les controverses : applications à l'innovation dans la traçabilité et dans le e-recrutement By Paméla Baillette; Bernard Fallery; Aurélie Girard
  5. Firm heterogeneity in TFP, sectoral innovation and geography. Evidence from Italy By Aiello, Francesco; Pupo, Valeria; Ricotta, Fernanda
  6. Policies to support sustainable long-term growth in New Zealand By Calista Cheung
  7. Exploring the interrelation between process management and organizational culture: A critical review By Grau, Corinna; Moormann, Jürgen
  8. New empirical findings for international investment in intangible assets By Martin Falk
  9. Toward the Green Economy: Assessing Countries’ Green Power By Babette Never

  1. By: Wim Naudé (Maastricht School of Management, UNU-MERIT, University of Maastricht and IZA- Institute for the Study of Labour); Adam Szirmai (UNU-MERIT and Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, University of Maastricht)
    Abstract: What is the relationship between technological innovation, entrepreneurship and development? Is it better for developing countries to coping and adapt existing technologies from richer countries rather than undertake or promote intensive research and development (R&D) of their own? We tackle these perennial issues afresh by considering the relationship between knowledge, innovation and growth in the past and by identifying whether and how the scope for catch-up growth exists. We focus on the interesting case of technological innovation in the comparative economic performance of China; we draw some lessons for development elsewhere.
    Keywords: innovation, entrepreneurship, development, knowledge, China, BRICS
    JEL: F23 L52 L53 O25 O40 O33 O34
    Date: 2013–07
  2. By: Christine Greenhalgh
    Abstract: This paper begins by surveying recent economic studies of the relationships between technology transfer, intellectual property, innovation and diffusion in emerging countries.  It applies this literature to the Indian case.  India  is a potentially useful case study for several reasons.  India has recently been experiencing rapid growth and has several high technology sectors staffed by an absolutely large and highly educated middle class.  At the same time an even larger share of its very big population is still working in low productivity agriculture and many of these people are living in extreme poverty. To reduce poverty and improve agricultural productivity India will need to create jobs in labour intensive production and distribution sectors to employ its vast army of unskillled workers.  The second part of the paper outlines how industry structure and innovative performance have been progressing in India following the economic reforms of the early 90s and the changes to intellectual property law occasioned by the TRIPS agreement and membership of the World Trade Organisation. In the third section the focus turns to recent science, technology and innovation policy in India.  A study of the country's potential for innovation by the World Bank in 2007 argued that India must proceed on two fronts.  In addition to considering how India's growth prospects can be enhanced by world leading innovations, this volume placed great emphasis on inclusive innovation.  This may involve mainly the diffusion and absorption of existing knowledge, but is designed to improve the lot of the poor.  The World Bank report proposed a number of new policy directions aimed at speeding up innovation and technology diffusion in India.  We attempt to record what changes have been made to innovation policy, foreign direct investment policy and diffusion policy in India in recent years and assess whether these are likely to be effective.
    Keywords: Innovation, intellectual property, science policy, innovation policy, TRIPS
    JEL: O2 O3
    Date: 2013–06–26
  3. By: Caroline Bayart (ISFA - Institut des Science Financière et d'Assurances - Université de Lyon); Sandra Bertezene (ISFA - Institut des Science Financière et d'Assurances - Université de Lyon); David Vallat (TRIANGLE - Triangle : action, discours, pensée politique et économique - CNRS : UMR5206 - Université Lumière - Lyon II - Institut d'Études Politiques [IEP] - Lyon - École Normale Supérieure - Lyon - Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne)
    Abstract: The role of education and more particularly of universities consists in helping students in their apprenticeship so that they become knowledge workers. What teaching methods can be used to achieve this goal? In order to give some answers to this question, we have chosen to evaluate the nature of the impacts of a serious game on the acquisition of knowledge by students. If serious have attracted attention in previous research, essentially qualitative, this research does not allows to identify and understand the mechanisms according to which they influence the process of acquisition of knowledge. This article presents a stage in the research to test the different techniques by professional publics. To carry out our demonstration, we will first analyze the works of Nonaka in the field of knowledge management to understand the implementation of knowledge thanks to the use of serious games. This approach seems to be particularly relevant in the context studied as knowledge management is a resource for the firm, but also for the present or future employee since it is a means of assuring his/her employability and negotiating power in the firm. We will then explain the field research methodology, in our case a survey composed of two questionnaires administered to nearly 200 students before and after their participation in a serious game related to project management. The second part presents and analyzes the main results; the demonstration of the progress in knowledge on the one hand, and the factors of acquisition of academic knowledge on the other.
    Keywords: knowledge management, serious games, enquête par questionnaires
    Date: 2013–07–20
  4. By: Paméla Baillette (MRM - Montpellier Recherche en Management - Université Montpellier II - Sciences et techniques : EA4557 - Université Montpellier I - Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III - Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier (GSCM) - Montpellier Business School); Bernard Fallery (MRM - Montpellier Recherche en Management - Université Montpellier II - Sciences et techniques : EA4557 - Université Montpellier I - Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III - Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier (GSCM) - Montpellier Business School); Aurélie Girard (MRM - Montpellier Recherche en Management - Université Montpellier II - Sciences et techniques : EA4557 - Université Montpellier I - Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III - Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier (GSCM) - Montpellier Business School)
    Abstract: Une innovation se consolide ou s'affaiblit en fonction des évolutions qui se manifestent à travers les différents accords et controverses. Notre objectif est ici de proposer l'utilisation de la méthode Delphi, et plus précisément du Delphi argumentaire, pour analyser à la fois les accords et les controverses qui se développent, aussi bien au niveau d'un projet qu'à un niveau plus sociétal. Nous présentons d'abord l'origine de la méthode Delphi, la mise en œuvre d'un Delphi argumentaire et les outils quantitatifs et qualitatifs pour l'analyse des données. Nous détaillons ensuite deux applications de cette méthode, avec comme objectif le repérage et la qualification des accords et controverses dans le développement d'une innovation : une enquête sur les systèmes de traçabilité agro-alimentaire et une enquête sur le e-Recrutement via les médias sociaux. Enfin, nous tirons trois grandes conclusions de ce travail, au niveau méthodologique, théorique et managérial.
    Keywords: Méthodologie; Méthode Delphi; Controverses; Innovation; Traçabilité; e-recrutement
    Date: 2013
  5. By: Aiello, Francesco; Pupo, Valeria; Ricotta, Fernanda
    Abstract: Sectoral and territorial specificities affect the firm’s capabilities of being productive. While there is a wide consensus on this, a quantitative measure of the these effects has been lacking. To this end, we combine a dataset of Italian firms with some meso regional and sectoral variables and apply a cross-classified model that allows for a clear distinction between firm, region-specific and sector-specific effects. After observing a marked TFP heterogeneity across firms, the paper addresses the issue of understanding how much differences in firms’ productivity depend on regional localisation and sector specificities. Results refer to 2004-2006 and are threefold. Firstly, they confirm that the main source of firm variety is mostly due to differences revealed at individual level. Secondly, we find that sector is more important than location in explaining firms’ TFP. Lastly, the results show that firm TFP increases when it belongs to more innovative sectors. Similarly, companies get benefits from belonging to sectors where there is a high proportion of firms using R&D public support and a high propensity to collaborate in innovative projects.
    Keywords: Total Factor Productivity, Firms’ Heterogeneity, Sectoral innovation, Geography, Cross-Classified Models
    JEL: L25 L60 O33
    Date: 2013–07–23
  6. By: Calista Cheung
    Abstract: As its workforce ages and major economies shift towards producing higher value-added goods and services, New Zealand will face increasing challenges to remain globally competitive and maintain high living standards. Future growth will need to come increasingly from productivity gains, and resources will have to shift towards activities that rely more on skills, technology and intangible assets. Strengthening international linkages will be crucial to overcoming geographic disadvantages and will require improvements in the information and communications technology infrastructure, together with innovation leveraged off the country’s strong primary industry knowledge base. Continuing to raise skill levels and the pensionable age will also help counter the effects of ageing. Lifting national saving, partly by targeting a higher public saving rate, will reduce the persistently high relative real interest rates and the sustained overvaluation of the real exchange rate, which potentially harm economic activity. To improve the sustainability of growth, revenues from non-renewable resource extraction need to be invested for the benefit of future generations and greater efforts devoted to mitigate the damage to natural capital from economic activity, particularly with respect to water quality. This Working Paper relates to the 2013 OECD Economic Review of New Zealand ( Zealand).<P>Des politiques en faveur d'une croissance viable à long terme en Nouvelle-Zélande<BR>Tandis que sa population active vieillit et que les grandes économies s’orientent vers la production de biens et services apportant une plus grande valeur ajoutée, il va devenir de plus en plus difficile pour la Nouvelle-Zélande de rester compétitive sur la scène mondiale et de maintenir un niveau de vie élevé. À l’avenir, la croissance devra s’appuyer de plus en plus sur les gains de productivité, et les ressources devront être consacrées à des activités qui font davantage appel aux qualifications, aux technologies et aux actifs incorporels. Le renforcement des liaisons internationales, déterminant pour surmonter l’éloignement géographique, nécessitera une amélioration de l’infrastructure des technologies de l’information et de la communication, ainsi qu’une innovation tirant parti de la solide base de connaissances du pays dans le secteur primaire de l’économie. S’il continue à relever les niveaux de qualification ainsi que l’âge du départ à la retraite, le pays pourra compenser les effets du vieillissement de la population et, en visant un taux d’épargne publique plus élevée, il réduira les effets potentiellement néfastes de la lourde dette extérieure pour l’activité économique. Pour rendre la croissance plus durable, il devra investir les recettes de l’extraction des ressources non renouvelables au bénéfice des générations futures, et consacrer davantage d’efforts à l’atténuation des dommages qu’entraîne l’activité économique pour le capital naturel, et notamment la qualité de l’eau. Ce Document de travail se rapporte à l’Étude économique de l’OCDE de la Nouvelle-Zélande 2013 (éland e).
    Keywords: growth, human capital, globalisation, product market regulation, trade, migration, ageing, innovation, climate change, labour force participation, distance, comparative advantage, emissions trading scheme, green growth, macroeconomic imbalances, royalties, sustainable growth, net foreign assets, natural capital, croissance, capital humain, innovation, vieillissement, réglementation des marchés de produits, commerce, changement climatique, mondialisation, distance, avantage comparatif, migration, croissance verte, système d’échange de quotas d’émissions, déséquilibres macroéconomiques, croissance durable, capital naturel, redevances;
    JEL: E24 E27 E61 E62 F10 J11 J18 J24 J26 O43 O47 Q38 Q51 Q54 Q58
    Date: 2013–07–08
  7. By: Grau, Corinna; Moormann, Jürgen
    Abstract: Managing the business processes of a company is a task which has emerged as a top priority across all industries. However, business process management (BPM) is not just a set of structured methods and technologies which can simply be assigned to employees. In contrary, the success of any process initiative is interwoven with the culture of the respective company. In addition, in most cases there is not only one organizational culture but often a range of subcultures within an organization due to previous mergers, existing subsidiaries etc. Despite its importance, the interrelation between BPM and organizational culture has been only sparsely explored. This paper analyzes and determines the status quo of academic literature concerning the interrelation between BPM and organizational culture. The results reveal considerable differences in the perception of the interface between both fields. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the organizational psychological perspective has been widely neglected in process management literature. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first literature review written from both a process management and an organizational psychological perspective. As such, it strives to contribute to a comprehensive and thorough understanding of this interrelation. Based on the review we develop a framework, serving as a basis for a deeper understanding of the interdependency and providing avenues for future research. --
    Keywords: Business Process Management (BPM),Organization,Organizational culture,Organizational psychology,Process
    JEL: L20 M10 M14
    Date: 2013
  8. By: Martin Falk
    Abstract: This study empirically analyses the determinants of greenfield investment in intangible assets in emerging and industrialized countries. Data consists of host parent country pairs of greenfield FDI projects in (i) software (except video games), (ii) advertising, public relations and related activities, (iii) headquarters, (iv) research & development and (v) design, development & testing. With a world market share of 33 per cent in 2011 in terms of the number of projects, descriptive statistics show that the EU 27 is one of the most important locations for international greenfield investment in intangible assets. However, there was a decline in the EU 27s share of such projects after the recent financial and economic crisis, which is mainly due to the decrease in intra-EU greenfield FDI activities. In contrast, FDI inflows in intangible assets increased in the United States, in other non EU OECD countries and in emerging countries. Among the EU countries of Ireland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands and Sweden are the most attractive locations for Non-EU investors, whereas the southern and East EU countries are least successful in attracting FDI projects in intangible assets. The results using fixed and random effects negative binomial regression models for 40 host and 26 parent countries during the period 2003–2010 show that FDI in intangible assets depends significantly positively on quantity of human capital, quality of human capital measured as the PISA score in maths and reading, costs of starting a business, broadband penetration, strength of investor protection, R&D endowment and direct R&D subsidies. Wage costs (or unit labour costs) have a significant negative impact on FDI inflows in intangible assets. Other policy factors, such as labour market regulations, product, or FDI regulations, do not have a significant impact. Separate estimates for the EU-27 countries show that corporate taxes matter for the international location decision for intangible assets. The empirical results presented may help to develop a proactive action plan to attract international investments in intangible assets in Europe.
    Keywords: Innovation, innovation policy, intangible assets
    JEL: O3
    Date: 2013–07
  9. By: Babette Never (GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies)
    Abstract: The green power potential of a country is a central factor in the transformation to a green economy. This paper argues that green power will become a decisive factor for global change. Green power combines sustainability, innovation and power into one concept. By merging insights from political science, economics and innovation research, this paper develops a multidimensional, multilevel concept of green power that takes both resources and processes into account. A first empirical assessment of the current distribution of green power in global environmental governance shows that China and India, in particular, as well as Brazil and Costa Rica are catching up in clean technology and renewable energy. The European Union, Germany and the United States still dominate, but they are not fully maximizing their green power potential. In spite of their discursive power, the green power potential of the least developed countries is relatively small, making the jump toward a green economy unlikely.
    Keywords: climate change, power, global environmental governance, innovation, green economy.
    Date: 2013–06

This nep-knm issue is ©2013 by Laura Stefanescu. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.