nep-knm New Economics Papers
on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy
Issue of 2012‒10‒20
seven papers chosen by
Laura Stefanescu
European Research Centre of Managerial Studies in Business Administration

  1. Globalisation de la R&D et innovation collaborative : l’expansion des frontières de la firme GLOBALIZATION OF R&D AND COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION: THE EXPANSION OF THE FIRM’S BORDER By Dimitri UZUNIDIS; Sophie BOUTILLIER
  2. Approximate knowledge of rationality and correlated equilibria By Fabrizio, Germano; Peio, Zuazo Garín
  3. L’innovation permanente: un axe fort de l’entreprise. Le cas d’Intel THE PERMANENT INNOVATION: A MAIN AXIS FOR THE ENTERPRISE THE CASE OF INTEL By Laurent POUILLY
  4. X-Efficiency of Innovation Processes: Concept and Evaluation based on Data Envelopment Analysis By Herimalala, Rahobisoa; Gaussens, Olivier
  5. Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Technology Transfer: A Survey By Anja Breitwieser; Neil Foster
  6. Politique de clusterisation et systèmes sectoriels d’innovation en Pologne: le cas des TIC à Gdansk CLUSTERING POLICY AND SECTORAL SYSTEMS OF INNOVATION IN POLAND: THE CASE OF THE ICTS IN GDANSK By Maria LOREK
  7. Management de l’innovation. Miniaturisation des composants et évolution de la mirco-informatique INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. COMPONENTS MINIATURIZATION AND MICRO INFORMATICS EVOLUTION By Kevin VERMAST

  1. By: Dimitri UZUNIDIS (Laboratoire de Recherche sur l'Industrie et l'Innovation. ULCO); Sophie BOUTILLIER (Laboratoire de Recherche sur l'Industrie et l'Innovation. ULCO)
    Abstract: La création et l’accumulation de connaissances devient un phénomène de plus en plus collectif dépassant les frontières des économies nationales formant des réseaux de coopération technologique qui se tissent entre firmes. Cette stratégie vise la collecte d'importantes quantités d'informations S&T qui pourront à terme se transformer en innovations. Depuis quelques années, l’expression open innovation s’est imposée, alors que bien avant les formules d’innovation en réseau ou d’innovation collaborative étaient également très rependues. Dans ce document, nous présentons à l’aide de la théorie évolutionniste (qui insiste sur l’accumulation de connaissances comme moyen d’innover et comme origine de transformation des structures de la firme) les déterminants principaux de la globalisation de la R&D des grandes firmes globales et nous discutons de l’ouverture de la frontière de la firme. The creation and accumulation of knowledge is an increasingly collective phenomenon which goes beyond the borders of national economies forming networks that develop technological cooperation between firms. This strategy is the collection of significant amounts of S&T information that will eventually turn into innovations. In recent years, the term "open innovation" has become very popular, even if other formulas like network innovation or collaborative innovation have been also used for a long time. In this paper we present the main determinants of the globalization of R&D and discuss the opening of the border of the firm using evolutionary theory (which emphasizes the accumulation of knowledge as a way to innovate and as the origin of structural transformation of the firm).
    Keywords: innovation collaborative, R&D, firme multinationale
    JEL: F23 O31 O32
    Date: 2012–06
  2. By: Fabrizio, Germano; Peio, Zuazo Garín
    Abstract: We extend Aumann's [3] theorem deriving correlated equilibria as a consequence of common priors and common knowledge of rationality by explicitly allowing for non-rational behavior. We replace the assumption of common knowledge of rationality with a substantially weaker notion, joint p-belief of rationality, where agents believe the other agents are rational with probabilities p = (pi)i2I or more. We show that behavior in this case constitutes a constrained correlated equilibrium of a doubled game satisfying certain p-belief constraints and characterize the topological structure of the resulting set of p-rational outcomes. We establish continuity in the parameters p and show that, for p su ciently close to one, the p-rational outcomes are close to the correlated equilibria and, with high probability, supported on strategies that survive the iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies. Finally, we extend Aumann and Dreze's [4] theorem on rational expectations of interim types to the broader p-rational belief systems, and also discuss the case of non-common priors.
    Keywords: bounded rationality, correlated equilibrium, aproximate common knowledge, p-rational blief system, common prior, information noncooperative game
    Date: 2012–07–16
  3. By: Laurent POUILLY (Master Electronique et Instrumentation, ULCO)
    Abstract: L’innovation tient actuellement un rôle important dans le développement et la pérennité des entreprises, c’est pourquoi étudier la place de l’innovation dans les actions qu’entreprend Intel parait intéressant au regard de l’importance des moyens que donne cette entreprise pour la recherche, l’optimisation et le développement afin de répondre constamment auxbesoinsdu marché.En effet, Intel a basé sa stratégie autour de l’innovation permanente dans le but de pérenniser sa compétitivité et d’accroitre son leadership sur les différents marchés qu’elle occupe,mais aussi étendre ses activités à de nouveaux marchés prometteurs. Innovation currently holds an important role in the development and the continued existence of companies. This is why it is interesting to study the role of innovation in the actions undertaken by Intel with regard to the important resources that the company dedicates to research, optimization and development to constantly meet market needs. Indeed, Intel has based its strategy on permanent innovation in order to ensure its competitiveness and increase its leadership in various markets but also to extend its business to new promising markets.
    Keywords: innovation, concurrence, Intel, stratégie de l'innovation, compétitvité
    JEL: L22 L23 O31 O32
    Date: 2012–03
  4. By: Herimalala, Rahobisoa; Gaussens, Olivier
    Abstract: This paper investigates X-(in)efficiency of innovation processes in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). We have adopted the following approach: (a) we provide both a concept of X-(in)efficiency and a model of innovation processes for each SME; (b) from this model we evaluate both the dimensions of the innovation processes and the X-(in)efficiency of these processes using a variant of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model; (c) finally, we characterize X-inefficiency by using techniques of exploratory analysis derived from an empirical analysis. Our approach has been applied to regional SMEs in Normandy (France) with a representative random sample of 80 innovative businesses. The results show the existence of X- inefficiency in the innovation processes of SMEs in 71% of cases. This X-inefficiency arises primarily from the difficulties that entrepreneurs face in implementing the interacting rules and standards of exploitation and exploration activities.
    Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis; Multiple Projections; X-Efficiency; Innovation Process
    JEL: D0 C43 Q55 O32 C67
    Date: 2012–10
  5. By: Anja Breitwieser; Neil Foster (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw)
    Abstract: Following the conclusion of the TRIPS Agreement, much has been written on the potential costs and benefits of stronger Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) protection in terms of its impact on innovation and technology transfer, as well as economic growth and welfare. This paper documents the development of IPR regimes within countries and internationally, before surveying the theoretical and empirical literature linking the protection of IPRs to economic growth, innovation and technology diffusion.
    Keywords: intellectual property rights, economic growth, innovation, technology diffusion
    JEL: O3
    Date: 2012–06
  6. By: Maria LOREK (Laboratoire de Recherche sur l'Industrie et l'Innovation. ULCO)
    Abstract: Si les clusters sont considérés comme des moyens pratiques permettant d'accroître l'avantage concurrentiel des économies locales (Porter, 1994) c'est aussi grâce à leur capacité à encourager l'innovation sectorielle, ce qui participe à l'efficacité (performance) du système sectoriel d'innovation (SSI). Nous allons chercher à tester ce constat en prenant l'exemple de la politique de clusterisation en Pologne qui vise à favoriser le développement de l'innovation dans les différents secteurs de haute technologie. En raison de son intensité en technologie et en ressources humaines hautement qualifiées, nous centrons notre analyse sur le cluster des TIC (Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication) dans la région de Gdansk. Nous nous intéressons enfin aux innovations créées au sein de ce cluster pour déterminer si elles sont bénéfiques pour l'ensemble du secteur des TIC en Pologne. If clusters are considered as practical means allowing to increase the competitive advantage of local economies (Porter, 1994) it is also due to their capacity to boost sectoral innovation, which participates to the efficiency (performance) of the sectoral system of innovation. We will test this statement by taking the example of the cluster policy in Poland which aims to facilitate the development of innovation in the various high-technology sectors. Because of his intensity in technology and in highly qualified human resources, we focus our analysis on the ICT cluster (information and communication technologies) in the region of Gdansk. We particularly study the innovations created within this cluster to determine if they are beneficial for the whole ICT sector in Poland.
    Keywords: innovation sectorielle, clusters, TIC, Pologne
    JEL: O31 O38 L96
    Date: 2012–09
  7. By: Kevin VERMAST (Master INS3I, ULCO)
    Abstract: La micro-informatique, apparue durant les années 1970, notamment grâce à la création du microprocesseur par Intel, a permis le développement de nombreuses applications et nouvelles technologies que nous utilisons désormais tous les jours. L'apparition de ces technologies est due à la miniaturisation des composants. C'est pourquoi il est important d'étudier le rôle de la miniaturisation des composants dans l'évolution de la micro-informatique afin de comprendre comment sont apparues ces nouvelles applications et quels sont leurs effets sur notre mode de vie. Micro-informatics, which appeared during the 1970s, especially thanks to the creation of the microprocessor by Intel, induced the development of new applications and technologies which are used every day by many people. The development of these technologies is due to the components' miniaturization. This is the reason why it is important to study the role of this miniaturization in the evolution of micro informatics in order to understand how these new applications appeared and how they affect our world.
    Keywords: innovation et développement, micro-informatique, réseau
    JEL: L22 O31
    Date: 2012–03

This nep-knm issue is ©2012 by Laura Stefanescu. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.