nep-ipr New Economics Papers
on Intellectual Property Rights
Issue of 2025–02–03
six papers chosen by
Giovanni Battista Ramello, Università di Turino

  1. The Role of Patents: Incentivizing Innovation or Hindering Progress? By Ga\'etan de Rassenfosse
  2. Navigating SEP Licensing: Insights from Indian Jurisprudence By Payal Malik; Aman Sinha; Harishankar Jagadeesh
  3. Specific Aspects of Intellectual Property Management in the Knowledge-Based Economy By Aurel Mihail Titu; Alina Bianca Pop; Camelia Oprean-Stan; Sebastian Emanuel Stan
  4. Essentiality Checks for Standard Essential Patents By Florian Schuett; Chayanin Mipusanawan
  6. "Brand Visual Identity Design for Tea Beverages: Case Study of CHAGEE and Tealive " By Yuhanis Bin Ibrahim

  1. By: Ga\'etan de Rassenfosse
    Abstract: This article is part of a Living Literature Review exploring topics related to intellectual property, focusing on insights from the economic literature. Our aim is to provide a clear and non-technical introduction to patent rights, making them accessible to graduate students, legal scholars and practitioners, policymakers, and anyone curious about the subject.
    Date: 2024–12
  2. By: Payal Malik (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Aman Sinha; Harishankar Jagadeesh
    Abstract: This policy brief examines the evolution of Indian jurisprudence with regard to the licensing and enforcement of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). This analysis gains relevance in the context of India's technological ambitions, particularly in mobile phone manufacturing and Internet of Things (IoT). SEPs protect technologies that are part of technical standards which facilitate seamless connectivity across devices and platforms. SEPs are critical to India's smartphone and IoT markets. This brief identifies key legal and economic challenges around SEP licensing, including the balance of power between patent holders and implementers. A review of Indian jurisprudence reveals that courts consistently uphold the rights of SEP holders, while emphasizing the importance of good-faith negotiations and constructive engagement by implementers in licensing discussions. Our preliminary findings suggest that, while the Indian judiciary is becoming increasingly adept at navigating SEP disputes, some guidelines or a special mechanism for startups to enforce their IPR may be required to encourage smaller innovators to participate in the intellectual property ecosystem. This brief aims to inform policymakers, technocrats, and legal professionals about the critical intersections of law, economics, and technology involved in shaping India's SEP licensing and enforcement framework.
    Keywords: Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Standards, Cellular Standards, Standard Essential Patents, FRAND Licensing, Indian Patent Law, Indian IPR Jurisprudence, Innovation Ecosystem, icrier
    Date: 2024–12
  3. By: Aurel Mihail Titu; Alina Bianca Pop; Camelia Oprean-Stan; Sebastian Emanuel Stan
    Abstract: This paper addresses the issue of intellectual property management in the knowledge-based economy. The starting point in carrying out the study is the presentation of some concepts regarding in the first phase, the intellectual capital. Arguments are made that the knowledge-based economy is a challenge for the current century. The subject of intellectual property is approached through the prism of a topical concept operationalized in the current global economic context. The main institutions that are directly related to this concept are mentioned. The topic of patents related to WOS indexed scientific papers is also debated, along with a series of statistics and studies on the state of patent protection worldwide in the top fields. The last part of the paper contains the conclusions and own points of view on the debated topic.
    Date: 2025–01
  4. By: Florian Schuett; Chayanin Mipusanawan
    Abstract: There is widespread concern about the lack of transparency regard ing standard essential patents (SEPs). This paper examines the pro posal to introduce essentiality checks, a certification scheme for de clared SEPs. We develop a framework that allows us to evaluate how essentiality checks would impact licensing, litigation, and incentives to innovate. In our model, an upstream innovator invests in R&D and privately learns about the likely essentiality of its patents for a standard. The innovator then licenses the patents to a downstream implementer who can contest the essentiality of the patent in court. We identify a tradeoff whereby essentiality checks can reduce litiga tion but also provide excessive incentives for R&D investment. Their overall welfare effect depends on the level of the “fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory” (FRAND) royalty rate.
    Date: 2023–12
  5. By: Arundathi, K L (University of Mysore); M Ganesh Babu (Srishti College of Commerce & Management, Bengaluru.); S Gokula Krishnan (GAT - Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru)
    Abstract: Emotional branding is the process of creating an association between a consumer and a product or brand by stimulating their emotions. Marketers achieve this by creating content that appeals to the consumer's emotional state, ego, needs, and aspirations. In the field of marketing literature, emotional branding has attracted very few contributions on definitions, factors, and conceptual frameworks which are difficult to understand. The purpose of this paper is to explore and enhance constructs of emotional branding by explaining its definition, its applications and how it differentiates from other relevant concepts. A review on emotional branding has been conducted and the articles published between 2006 to 2022 were chosen for the systematic analysis. Based on the analysis, research gaps in the existing literature and constructs were found and this paper proposed a unique conceptual framework on emotional branding.
    Keywords: Emotional Branding, Brand Equity, Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Perception of Quality
    Date: 2023–06
  6. By: Yuhanis Bin Ibrahim (Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author-2-Name: Han Jiabin Author-2-Workplace-Name: Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author-3-Name: Hana Yazmeen Hapiz Author-3-Workplace-Name: Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author-4-Name: Nur Ain Amirah Nazli Author-4-Workplace-Name: Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, University Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia Author-5-Name: Author-5-Workplace-Name: Author-6-Name: Author-6-Workplace-Name: Author-7-Name: Author-7-Workplace-Name: Author-8-Name: Author-8-Workplace-Name:)
    Abstract: "Objective - This study examines the brand visual identity (BVI) design strategies of two prominent tea beverage brands: Tealive and CHAGEE. In the competitive landscape of the tea beverage market, effective BVI is crucial for differentiation and consumer engagement. Methodology/Technique - This research, an empirical review, employs a comparative case study method, analyzing elements such as logos, color schemes, slogans, packaging, and in-store decorations. Tealive's BVI emphasizes vibrancy and innovation, targeting a youthful demographic with dynamic colours and modern aesthetics. Findings - In contrast, CHAGEE integrates traditional Chinese cultural symbols with modern design elements to create a visual identity that reflects its heritage and brand ethos. The findings highlight the significance of BVI in shaping consumer perceptions and preferences, demonstrating how both brands leverage visual elements to enhance brand recognition and loyalty. Novelty - This study contributes to understanding BVI's role in the tea beverage industry, offering insights into how brands can effectively utilize visual design to strengthen their market position and appeal to target audiences. Type of Paper - Review"
    Keywords: Brand Visual Identity; Cultural Symbols; Consumer Perception; Design Strategy; Visual Design; Brand Recognition.
    JEL: M31 M37
    Date: 2024–12–31

This nep-ipr issue is ©2025 by Giovanni Battista Ramello. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.