nep-ifn New Economics Papers
on International Finance
Issue of 2016‒11‒27
two papers chosen by
Vimal Balasubramaniam
University of Oxford

  1. International Transmissions of Monetary Shocks: Between a Trilemma and a Dilemma By Xuehui Han; Shang-Jin Wei
  2. U.S. Monetary Policy Normalization and Global Interest Rates By Carlos Caceres; Yan Carriere-Swallow; Ishak Demir; Bertrand Gruss

  1. By: Xuehui Han; Shang-Jin Wei
    Abstract: This paper re-examines international transmissions of monetary policy shocks from advanced economies to emerging market economies. In terms of methodologies, it combines three novel features. First, it separates co-movement in monetary policies due to common shocks from spillovers of monetary policies from advanced to peripheral economies. Second, it uses surprises in growth and inflation and the Taylor rule to gauge desired changes in a country’s interest rate if it is to focus exclusively on growth, inflation, and real exchange rate stability. Third, it proposes a specification that can work with the quantitative easing episodes when no changes in US interest rate are observed. In terms of empirical findings, we differ from the existing literature and document patterns of “2.5-lemma” or something between a trilemma and a dilemma: without capital controls, a flexible exchange rate regime offers some monetary policy autonomy when the center country tightens its monetary policy, yet it fails to do so when the center country lowers its interest rate. Capital controls help to insulate periphery countries from monetary policy shocks from the center country even when the latter lowers its interest rate.
    JEL: F3
    Date: 2016–11
  2. By: Carlos Caceres; Yan Carriere-Swallow; Ishak Demir; Bertrand Gruss
    Abstract: As the Federal Reserve continues to normalize its monetary policy, this paper studies the impact of U.S. interest rates on rates in other countries. We find a modest but nontrivial pass-through from U.S. to domestic short-term interest rates on average. We show that, to a large extent, this comovement reflects synchronized business cycles. However, there is important heterogeneity across countries, and we find evidence of limited monetary autonomy in some cases. The co-movement of longer term interest rates is larger and more pervasive. We distinguish between U.S. interest rate movements that surprise markets versus those that are anticipated, and find that most countries receive greater spillovers from the former. We also distinguish between movements in the U.S. term premium and the expected path of risk-free rates, concluding that countries respond differently to these shocks. Finally, we explore the determinants of monetary autonomy and find strong evidence for the role of exchange rate flexibility, capital account openness, but also for other factors, such as dollarization of financial system liabilities, and the credibility of fiscal and monetary policy.
    Keywords: Monetary policy;United States;Interest rates;Spillovers;Asset prices;Central bank autonomy;Monetary policy; monetary conditions; autonomy; global financial cycle.
    Date: 2016–09–29

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.