nep-ict New Economics Papers
on Information and Communication Technologies
Issue of 2025–02–24
nine papers chosen by
Marek Giebel, Universität Dortmund

  1. The influence of ICT on well-being and stress at work in public higher education in Morocco: A theoretical approach By Nirmine Jaber; Said BALHADJ
  2. Is effective remote collaboration with digital tools a myth or reality? By Laurent Chevalier
  3. Digital Technologies, Hiring, Training, and Firm Outcomes By Marydas, Sneha; Mathew, Nanditha; De Marzo, Giordano; Pietrobelli, Carlo
  4. Internet Access and Youth’s Mental Health and Well-being By Pham, Thi Trang; Wong, Pui Hang
  5. New technologies and employment By Vivarelli, Marco; Arenas Díaz, Guillermo
  6. Artificial intelligence and social action: A techno-sociological contextualization By Schrape, Jan-Felix
  7. Digital Technology transforming the Nature of Commercial Contracts: An Exploration of English Law and the South African Law By Ngcetane-Vika, Thelela Dr
  8. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence and the Catalyst of Open Data Sharing: Literature Review and Policy implications By Dam, John; Rickon, Henry
  9. Enhancing Green Economy with Artificial Intelligence: Role of Energy Use and FDI in the United States By Abdullah Al Abrar Chowdhury; Azizul Hakim Rafi; Adita Sultana; Abdulla All Noman

  1. By: Nirmine Jaber (UAE - Abdelmalek Essaadi University [Tétouan] = Université Abdelmalek Essaadi [Tétouan]); Said BALHADJ (UAE - Abdelmalek Essaadi University [Tétouan] = Université Abdelmalek Essaadi [Tétouan])
    Abstract: The profusion of new information and communication technologies has profoundly altered people's relationship with work. Some perceive these technologies as work facilitators that make work less arduous and more fulfilling, while others perceive them as additional work that causes stress and burnout. The aim of this article is to study theoretically the perceived influence of professional digital technologies on the well-being and stress of individuals at work in the context of public higher education institutions in Morocco. This organizational environment, characterized by the introduction of new reforms whose main lever is digital transformation, will be the subject of our study. It should be pointed out that we have opted for a narrative literature review to analyse our study. Thus, the research question will be as follows: What are the consequences in terms of well-being and stress at work following the massive use of these professional technologies?This article highlights the importance of individual resources such as hierarchical support, the quality of interpersonal relations, and skills development when introducing these technologies, in order to reduce the inhibiting effect on well-being at work of demands such as information overload, the sense of urgency, the conflict between private and professional life, and technological uncertainty, which accentuate the feeling of ill-being of individuals in their professional environment.
    Abstract: Les auteurs n'ont pas connaissance de quelconque financement qui pourrait affecter l'objectivité de cette étude et ils sont responsables de tout plagiat dans cet article. Conflit d'intérêts :Les auteurs ne signalent aucun conflit d'intérêts.
    Keywords: Technologies d'information et de communication-Bien-être au travail-technostress-le personnel administratif JEL Classification O15-M15 Type du papier Recherche Théorique Information and communication technologies -Well-being at work-technostress-administrative staff. Classification JEL O15-M15 Paper type Theoretical Research, Technologies d'information et de communication-Bien-être au travail-technostress-le personnel administratif JEL Classification, O15-M15 Type du papier, Recherche Théorique Information and communication technologies -Well-being at work-technostress-administrative staff. Classification JEL, O15-M15 Paper type, Theoretical Research
    Date: 2025–01–10
  2. By: Laurent Chevalier (VALLOREM - Val de Loire Recherche en Management - UO - Université d'Orléans - UT - Université de Tours, Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) - Tours)
    Abstract: Any enthusiast of information and communication technologies (ICT) who evolves within an organization knows the profound paradox linked to collaborative tools: there are numerous technological solutions that are ergonomic and high-performing, yet it is difficult to convince colleagues to use them. The literature has already addressed from various aspects the usefulness of ICTs for bringing individuals together in group work. However, the issue of online work, coordination, and collaboration still poses acute challenges with problems of team cohesion and isolation. It is in the collective dynamics and their management that the impact of Collaborative Information Systems (CIS) focused on collaborative work, co-construction, exchange, and mobility (Dudezert, 2018) is strongest. Collaborative work differs from cooperative work by the absence of task distribution among its participants and requires the participation of all at each stage of its development (Rebetez, 2020). Our research has focused on the impact of MS Teams on the organization of group projects with strong constraints of distance that generate increasingly marked desynchronizations of individual and collective times in France (Royoux, 2017). The analysis of collective dynamics is made possible thanks to the second-generation model of Activity Theory (Engeström, 2001). Therefore, collectively appropriating these environments has become a real managerial challenge. In the context of remote work, the CIS influences the group in its organizational choices by promoting a mode of exchange that distributes information equitably among all members. This is favorable to the emergence of collective intelligence and allows for addressing complex problems with increased creativity. Thus, our results demonstrate that it is possible to maintain a mode of collaborative work at a distance with management adapted to CIS.
    Abstract: Lors du travail en ligne, la coordination et la collaboration pose parfois des problématiques de cohésion d'équipe et d'isolement. C'est dans les dynamiques collectives et leurs managements que l'impact des Systèmes d'Information Collaboratifs (SIC) centrés sur le travail collaboratif, la co-construction, l'échange et la mobilité (Dudezert, 2018) est le plus fort. Notre recherche s'est intéressée à l'impact de MS Teams sur des projets de groupe avec de fortes contraintes d'éloignement qui génèrent des désynchronisations des temps individuels et collectifs de plus en plus marqués en France (Royoux, 2017). L'analyse des dynamiques collectives est rendue possible grâce au modèle de 2e génération de la Théorie de l'Activité (Engeström, 2001). Dans le cadre du travail à distance, le SIC influence l'organisation du groupe en favorisant une distribution équitable de l'information. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent qu'il est possible de maintenir un mode de travail collaboratif à distance avec un management adapté.
    Keywords: Remote work, Collaboration, Management, Collaborative information system, Activity theory, Travail à distance collaboration management système d'information collaboratif théorie de l Remote work Collaboration Management Collaborative information system Activity theory, Travail à distance, collaboration, management, système d'information collaboratif, théorie de l Remote work
    Date: 2024–06–26
  3. By: Marydas, Sneha (RS: GSBE MGSoG, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance); Mathew, Nanditha (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, RS: GSBE MORSE, RS: GSBE MGSoG); De Marzo, Giordano; Pietrobelli, Carlo (RS: GSBE other - not theme-related research, Mt Economic Research Inst on Innov/Techn)
    Abstract: In this study, using a novel dataset that matches firm-level data with online job vacancy data, we investigate the effects of firms’ digital technology adoption on future hiring and the dynamics of hiring and training, focusing on different types of technologies and categories of occupations. First, we examine the impact of adopting different types of digital technologies, namely AI, Advanced ICT, and Basic ICT, on future firm hiring. Our findings reveal that less advanced digital jobs (eg. Basic ICT, Advanced ICT) are substituted by more advanced digital jobs (eg. AI), while the advanced technology adoption by firms leads to increased overall hiring of non-digital roles. Second, we show that there is a positive relationship between training and new hiring only for one occupational category, namely, managers, with no significant relationship for other occupations. Third, we investigate the joint effect of training and technology adoption for firm performance. Our findings reveal that digital technology adoption enhances a firm’s financial performance only when combined with internal staff training. The sole exception is AI, which yields positive performance benefits even in the absence of training.
    JEL: O33 O12 L20 D22
    Date: 2025–02–07
  4. By: Pham, Thi Trang (RS: GSBE other - not theme-related research, Mt Economic Research Inst on Innov/Techn); Wong, Pui Hang (Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, RS: GSBE MGSoG, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 3, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 4)
    Abstract: This paper provides one of the first robust evidence on the impact of internet access on adolescents’ well-being and mental health in a low-income country context. We find reduced subjective well-being and increased measures of mental health disorders among young people in Ethiopia during 2020-2021 following internet diffusion. Our heterogeneity analysis reveals that the effects of internet access on mental health are unequal, with stronger negative impacts for adolescents from lower-wealth households. The mechanism analysis suggests that passive internet use, particularly among youth from less advantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, might drive these negative outcomes. To address potential endogeneity, we employ instrumental variable techniques combined with fixed effects. The instrument is relevant based on network effect arguments and reasonably exogenous conditional on control variables and fixed effects. Our results offer policy implications regarding internet access and youth human capital development in the digital age and highlight the significance of social causes in shaping mental health.
    JEL: I14 O33 J13
    Date: 2025–02–18
  5. By: Vivarelli, Marco; Arenas Díaz, Guillermo
    Abstract: The relationship between technology and employment has long been a topic of debate. This issue is even more pertinent today as the global economy undergoes a technological revolution driven by automation and the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence. The primary objective of this paper is to provide insights into the relationship between innovation and employment by proposing a conceptual framework and by discussing the state of the art of the debates and analyses surrounding this topic.
    JEL: O33 O32 O15
    Date: 2025–02–10
  6. By: Schrape, Jan-Felix
    Abstract: This discussion paper contextualizes contemporary forms of artificial intelligence (AI) within the broader relationship between technology and society, and it compiles essential insights from the sociology of technology for interdisciplinary discourse. The paper begins with a concise overview of the history of artificial intelligence and situates AI within the co-evolution of technology and society. It then presents key perspectives on the interaction and distributed agency between humans and technology, identifying five fundamental levels of agency and relating these levels to the interplay of AI and social action. Throughout these considerations, it becomes evident that the expectations of human-technology interaction, as well as the concepts of intelligent technology, are continually evolving and contingent upon social change. Consequently, the development and diffusion of AI should not be viewed as a primarily technology-driven phenomenon but rather as a genuine socio-technological transformation process.
    Abstract: Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier ordnet gegenwärtige Formen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in das allgemeine Verhältnis von Technik und Gesellschaft ein und bündelt zentrale Einsichten der Techniksoziologie für den interdisziplinären Diskurs. Das Papier beginnt mit einer kurzen Geschichte der künstlichen Intelligenz und stellt diese in den Kontext der langfristigen Koevolution von Technik und Gesellschaft. Daran anknüpfend werden einschlägige Perspektiven auf die verteilte Handlungsträgerschaft von Mensch und Technik diskutiert, grundlegende Ebenen der Handlungsfähigkeit voneinander abgegrenzt und auf das Zusammenspiel von KI und sozialem Handeln bezogen. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich sowohl die Erwartungen an Mensch-Technik-Interaktionen als auch die Vorstellungen von intelligenter Technik kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und gesellschaftlichem Wandel unterliegen. Die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von künstlicher Intelligenz lässt sich insofern nicht als ein primär technologiegetriebenes Phänomen, sondern als ein genuin sozio-technischer Transformationsprozess verstehen.
    Date: 2025
  7. By: Ngcetane-Vika, Thelela Dr (Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa)
    Abstract: Digital transformation has become an interesting area of research to legal scholars who seek to study how it has impacted regulatory frameworks and in this case, laws that govern commercial contracts. Undoubtedly, digitalisation has drastically changed how business is done and by extension commercial contracts. Digital transformation has far reaching implications on commercial contracts. Thus, Legislative frameworks are needed to regulate online business which culminates into standardisation of commercial contracts, on areas like Block Chain and Artificial intelligence. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to assess how the English law and South African laws are responding, in relation to digital transformation and commercial contracts. Digital transformation (DT) can be traced back to the year 2000 when its use became prevalent as the rapid increase of the use of digital technologies has become important in societies, governments and businesses. Undoubtedly, DT has revolutionised how business and societies function. This particular investigation hinged upon qualitative research tradition, whereby a non-intrusive case study approach was followed. Pursuantly, the empirical basis for this essay included mostly primary and secondary sources such as literature review on articles, books, case laws and relevant Statutes. This paper is structured to include an analysis of key concepts as part of the theoretical framework, especially commercial contracts and digital technology. Futhermore, to assess how the South African laws are responding to digital transformation in relation commercial contracts. At the end, to conduct a comparative analysis of English law versus South African law in relation to digital transformation and commercial contracts. The paper hopes to contribute to the body of knowledge on digitalisation and commercial law.
    Date: 2023–08–21
  8. By: Dam, John; Rickon, Henry
    Abstract: This literature review aims to elucidate the nuanced relationship between data openness and innovation within the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As the significance of AI continues to expand across various sectors, understanding the role of open data in fostering innovation becomes increasingly critical. Through this review, we systematically explore and analyze the wealth of existing literature on the topic. We address key concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings, shedding light on the multi-dimensional facets of data openness, including accessibility and usability, and their impact on AI innovation. Furthermore, the review highlights the practical implications and potential strategies to leverage data openness in propelling AI innovation. We also identify existing gaps and limitations in current literature, suggesting avenues for future research. This comprehensive review contributes to the evolving discourse in AI studies, offering valuable insights to researchers, data managers, and AI practitioners alike.
    Date: 2023–05–15
  9. By: Abdullah Al Abrar Chowdhury; Azizul Hakim Rafi; Adita Sultana; Abdulla All Noman
    Abstract: The escalating challenge of climate change necessitates an urgent exploration of factors influencing carbon emissions. This study contributes to the discourse by examining the interplay of technological, economic, and demographic factors on environmental sustainability. This study investigates the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, economic growth, foreign direct investment (FDI), energy consumption, and urbanization on CO2 emissions in the United States from 1990 to 2022. Employing the ARDL framework integrated with the STIRPAT model, the findings reveal a dual narrative: while AI innovation mitigates environmental stress, economic growth, energy use, FDI, and urbanization exacerbate environmental degradation. Unit root tests (ADF, PP, and DF-GLS) confirm mixed integration levels among variables, and the ARDL bounds test establishes long-term co-integration. The analysis highlights that AI innovation positively correlates with CO2 reduction when environmental safeguards are in place, whereas GDP growth, energy consumption, FDI, and urbanization intensify CO2 emissions. Robustness checks using FMOLS, DOLS, and CCR validate the ARDL findings. Additionally, Pairwise Granger causality tests reveal significant one-way causal links between CO2 emissions and economic growth, AI innovation, energy use, FDI, and urbanization. These relationships emphasize the critical role of AI-driven technological advancements, sustainable investments, and green energy in fostering ecological sustainability. The study suggests policy measures such as encouraging green FDI, advancing AI technologies, adopting sustainable energy practices, and implementing eco-friendly urban development to promote sustainable growth in the USA.
    Date: 2024–12

This nep-ict issue is ©2025 by Marek Giebel. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.