nep-ict New Economics Papers
on Information and Communication Technologies
Issue of 2024‒05‒27
five papers chosen by
Marek Giebel, Universität Dortmund

  1. Information and Vaccine Hesitancy: The Role of Broadband Internet By Sofia Amaral-Garcia; Mattia Nardotto; Carol Propper; Tommaso Valletti; Tommaso M. Valletti
  2. The INE household budget survey and its use to study the digital access divide. A case study in Stata. By Fernando Fernández-Bonilla; Covadonga Gijón
  3. Technology Attenuates the Impact of Heat on Learning. Evidence from Colombia By Villalobos, Laura; Gomez, Julian D.; Garcia, Jorge H.
  4. The Effect of ICT on Productivity in Transition and Developed EU Members By Marko Dru?i?; Tomislav Gelo
  5. Estimated level of adoption of e-banking in Cameroon By Marc Vivian Lindou Tanka; Kevin Landry Lindjouom Tanka

  1. By: Sofia Amaral-Garcia; Mattia Nardotto; Carol Propper; Tommaso Valletti; Tommaso M. Valletti
    Abstract: We examine the effect of internet diffusion on the uptake of an important public health intervention: the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. We study England between 2000 and 2011 when internet diffusion spread rapidly and there was a high profile medical article (falsely) linking the MMR vaccine to autism. OLS estimates suggest internet diffusion led to an increase in vaccination rates. This result is reversed after allowing for endogeneity of internet access. The effect of internet diffusion is sizable. A one standard deviation increase in internet penetration led to around a 20% decrease in vaccination rates. Localities characterised by higher proportions of high skilled individuals and lower deprivation levels had a larger response to internet diffusion. These findings are consistent with higher skilled and less deprived parents responding faster to false information that the vaccine could lead to autism.
    Keywords: vaccines, vaccine hesitancy, internet
    JEL: D80 I12 L82 L86
    Date: 2024
  2. By: Fernando Fernández-Bonilla (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia); Covadonga Gijón (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the digital access divide using data from the Household Budget Survey (HBS) from 2006 to 2020, conducted by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in Spain. The HBS, with nearly 24, 000 dwellings in its sample, provides annual information on the nature and destination of household consumption expenses in Spain and the distribution of said expenditure among the different ECOICOP consumption divisions. The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) expenditures and equipment purchases are already included. The analysis is carried out using panel-data techniques with Stata, including descriptive and graphical analysis of the variables. The Hausman test to determine whether fixed-effects or random-effects models should be used accordingly with the influence of the heteroskedasticity affecting individuals along the time and the impact of errors. The panel data only examines individuals over two periods, so the study will focus on the trend evolution rather than the individual evolution.
  3. By: Villalobos, Laura (Department of Economics and Finance, and Department of Environmental Studies, Salisbury University); Gomez, Julian D. (Universidad de Los Andes); Garcia, Jorge H. (Universidad de Los Andes)
    Abstract: High temperatures hinder learning. An e ective solution is to control the environment. However, technologies such as air conditioning are seldom adopted in developing countries. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are more widely available and could o er an alternative solution by increasing the amount of instruction, allowing the re-allocation of activities, boosting productivity, or improving the quality of instruction. Using data from Colombia, we con rm that heat a ects test scores, and we show that ICTs compensate up to 15 percent of this e ect when used by teachers to teach and for pedagogic purposes.
    Keywords: Weather and learning; Adaptation; Climate Change; Economics of Education; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Developing Country; Computer Programs
    JEL: H54 J24 O15 Q54 Q56
    Date: 2023–04–11
  4. By: Marko Dru?i? (Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb); Tomislav Gelo (Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb)
    Abstract: The aim of the paper was to investigate the effects of the share of value added of the ICT sector on productivity within the EU, and also to investigate any systematic differences in the effects between east (transition countries) and west (developed) EU members. To analyze the effect we used a fixed effects panel framework on a total of 23 EU countries (12 countries in ?west? and 11 in ?east? Europe) in a 25 year time period (1995-2020). Our main finding is that overall the share of ICT value added is a relevant and statistically significant predictor of labor productivity in the entire EU region. Furthermore, we find that the effect is twice as strong in west as opposed to east EU countries, implying a greater efficiency in translating new technology into more output per worker in developed countries. Additionally, we find that government share of GDP is a negative predictor of labor productivity in both sets of countries, giving credence to the often heard criticisms of the inefficient EU labor market due to excessive regulation which is further exacerbated by high corruption levels in east EU countries. Finally, we find that GDP per capita has a statistically significant negative relationship with productivity also in both sets of countries, implying that there is a significant catch-up effect at work both within west and east EU, with higher GDP per capita levels corresponding with lower productivity growth.
    Keywords: ICT, Productivity, Transition countries
    JEL: N10 O47 O57
  5. By: Marc Vivian Lindou Tanka (UN - Université de Ngaoundéré/University of Ngaoundéré [Cameroun]); Kevin Landry Lindjouom Tanka (UN - Université de Ngaoundéré/University of Ngaoundéré [Cameroun])
    Abstract: In the current commercial context where we are witnessing rapid development in information and communication technologies, maintaining the company's positioning forces it to continually renew its products and services. This reality is evident in the banking sector. Among these new technologies, E-banking occupies an increasingly important place in the offering of banking products and services. The adoption of this channel by customers represents tremendous economic potential for banks. However, the wide diffusion of electronic banking services has not led to a significant increase in the use and adoption of banking services. E-banking is a service provided by several banks, it allows customers to carry out bankingtransactionsthrough the Internet using a PC, mobile, minitel, etc.Thisarticle aims to measure the level of adoption of e-banking in Cameroon. Two steps have been highlighted to achieve this. First, we constructed an adoption index using the score method. Secondly, the Nagar and Basu (2002) and Krishnakumar and Nagar (2008) methodology is used. The statistical calculation shows that the level of adoption of e-banking in Cameroon is 0.495 or 49.5% with a standard deviation of 1.032. This rate is intermediate. All this is undoubtedly explained by the low level of financial inclusion in Cameroon where the banking rate still remains very low. It follows that, in their community development strategy, banks and public authorities would benefit from designing and implementing effective financial inclusionpolicies.
    Abstract: Résumé Dans le contexte commercial actuel où on assiste à un développement fulgurant dans des technologies de l'information et de la communication, le maintien du positionnement de l'entreprise la contraint à renouveler continuellement ses produits et services. Cette réalité est évidente dans le secteur bancaire. Parmi ces nouvelles technologies, le E-banking occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans l'offre des produits et services bancaires. L'adoption de ce canal par les clients représentent pour les banques un formidable potentiel économique. Cependant, la large diffusion des services bancaires électroniques n'a pas conduit à une augmentation significative de l'utilisation et de l'adoption des services bancaires. Le e-banking est un service fourni par plusieurs banques, il permet aux clients de mener des transactions bancaires à travers l'Internet en utilisant un PC, mobiles, minitel, etc. Cet article a pour objectif de mesurer le niveau d'adoption du e-banking au Cameroun. Deux étapes ont été mises en évidence pour y parvenir. Premièrement, nous avons construit un indice d'adoption en utilisant la méthode des scores. Deuxièmement, la méthodologie Nagar et Basu (2002) et Krishnakumar et Nagar (2008) est utilisée. Le calcul statistique relève que le niveau d'adoption du e-banking au Cameroun est de 0.495 soit 49.5% avec un écart type de 1.032. Ce taux est de niveau intermédiaire. Tout cela s'explique sans doute par le faible niveau d'inclusion financière au Cameroun où le taux de bancarisation reste encore très faible. Il en résulte que, dans leur stratégie de développement communautaire, les banques et les autorités publiques gagneraient à concevoir et mettre en œuvre des politiques d'inclusion financière efficaces. Mots clés : indice d'adoption, niveau d'adoption, e-banking, méthode des scores, banque Type de l'article : Recherche appliquée Classification JEL: E49, O16, O32, G20 Abstract In the current commercial context where we are witnessing rapid development in information and communication technologies, maintaining the company's positioning forces it to continually renew its products and services. This reality is evident in the banking sector. Among these new technologies, E-banking occupies an increasingly important place in the offering of banking products and services. The adoption of this channel by customers represents tremendous economic potential for banks. However, the wide diffusion of electronic banking services has not led to a significant increase in the use and adoption of banking services. E-banking is a service provided by several banks, it allows customers to carry out banking transactions through the Internet using a PC, mobile, minitel, etc.This article aims to measure the level of adoption of e-banking in Cameroon. Two steps have been highlighted to achieve this. First, we constructed an adoption index using the score method. Secondly, the Nagar and Basu (2002) and Krishnakumar and Nagar (2008) methodology is used. The statistical calculation shows that the level of adoption of e-banking in Cameroon is 0.495 or 49.5% with a standard deviation of 1.032. This rate is intermediate. All this is undoubtedly explained by the low level of financial inclusion in Cameroon where the banking rate still remains very low. It follows that, in their community development strategy, banks and public authorities would benefit from designing and implementing effective financial inclusion policies. Keywords: adoption index, adoption level, e-banking, score method, bank Type of article: Empirical research Marc Vivian LINDOU TANKA (Doctorant) Laboratoire de Recherche en Marketing et Logistique (LAREMALO) Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion Université de Ngaoundéré-Cameroun Kevin Landry LINDJOUOM TANKA (Enseignant-doctorant) Laboratoire d'Économie Appliquée (LEA) Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion Université de Ngaoundéré-Cameroun
    Keywords: indice d'adoption niveau d'adoption e-banking méthode des scores banque Type de l'article : Recherche appliquée Classification JEL : E49 O16 O32 G20 adoption index adoption level e-banking score method bank Type of article: Empirical research JEL Classification: E49 O16 O32 G20, indice d'adoption, niveau d'adoption, e-banking, méthode des scores, banque Type de l'article : Recherche appliquée Classification JEL : E49, O16, O32, G20 adoption index, adoption level, score method, bank Type of article: Empirical research JEL Classification: E49, G20
    Date: 2024

This nep-ict issue is ©2024 by Marek Giebel. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.