nep-ict New Economics Papers
on Information and Communication Technologies
Issue of 2022‒06‒27
four papers chosen by
Marek Giebel
Universität Dortmund

  1. Technological change and domestic outsourcing By Antonin Bergeaud; Clement Malgouyres; Clement Mazet-Sonilhac; Sara Signorelli
  2. Key factors for the emergence of innovative Paytech companies in Morocco: Innovation in mobile payment applications for Digital Wallets By Mohammed Eddaou
  3. My browser is not a billboard: Experimental evidence on ad-blocking adoption and users' acquisition of information By Fourberg, Niklas; Taş, Serpil; Wiewiorra, Lukas
  4. The effect of employees’ computer and internet self-efficacy on job satisfaction By Damianus Abun; John Javier; Julius Gamponia; Theogenia Magallanes; Fredolin Julian

  1. By: Antonin Bergeaud; Clement Malgouyres; Clement Mazet-Sonilhac; Sara Signorelli
    Abstract: Domestic outsourcing has grown substantially in developed countries over the past two decades. This paper addresses the question of the technological drivers of this phenomenon by studying the impact of the staggered diffusion of broadband internet in France during the 2000s. Our results confirm that broadband technology increases firm productivity and the relative demand for high-skill workers. Further, we show that broad-band internet led firms to outsource some non-core occupations to service contractors, both in the low and high-skill segments. In both cases, we find that employment related to these occupations became increasingly concentrated in firms specializing in these activities, and was less likely to be performed in-house within firms specialized in other activities. As a result, after the arrival of broadband internet, establishments become increasingly homogeneous in their occupational composition. Finally, we provide suggestive evidence that high-skill workers experience salary gains from being outsourced, while low-skill workers lose out.
    Keywords: broadband, firm organization, labor market, outsourcing
    Date: 2021–07–28
  2. By: Mohammed Eddaou (Université Mohammed Premier [Oujda])
    Abstract: Morocco has seen a galloping increase in digital wallets since the introduction of this mobile solution in 2018. However, the period from 2015 to 2020 is marked by a downward trend in the creation of innovative ICT companies. In the context of this article, and in order to explain this reality, we will try to answer the following question: What is the relationship between the key factors of creation of new technological firms and the emergence of innovative Paytech companies in Morocco? To answer our central question, we have used scientific realism as an epistemological position, and the hypothetico-deductive approach as a research approach. In order to study our research hypotheses, we constructed a sample of 30 individuals working with actors of the ecosystem of these companies. In order to carry out the empirical analysis of our conceptual research model, we used cross-sectional data regression. The results of the study show that the emergence of innovative Paytech companies in Morocco is linked to the importance of the external network actors facilitated by the incubators and to the access of the founders of innovative Paytech companies to bank loans.
    Abstract: Le Maroc a connu une augmentation galopante des Digital Wallets depuis la mise en place de cette solution mobile en l'année 2018. Cependant, la période allant de 2015 à 2020 est marquée par une tendance à la baisse de la création des entreprises innovantes en TIC. Dans le cadre de cet article, et pour apporter une explication à cette réalité, nous essayerons de répondre à la question suivante : Quelle relation entre les facteurs clés de création des nouvelles firmes technologiques et l'éclosion des entreprises innovantes en Paytech au Maroc ? Pour répondre à notre question centrale, nous avons eu recours au réalisme scientifique en tant que positionnement épistémologique, et la démarche hypothético-déductive en tant que démarche de recherche. En vue d'étudier nos hypothèses de recherche, nous avons construit un échantillon de 30 individus travaillant auprès des acteurs de l'écosystème de ces entreprises. Pour réussir l'analyse empirique de notre modèle conceptuel de recherche, nous avons eu recours à une régression de données en coupe instantanée. Les résultats de l'étude montrent que l'éclosion des entreprises innovantes en Paytech au Maroc est liée à l'importance des acteurs des réseaux externes favorisés par les incubateurs et à l'accès des fondateurs des entreprises innovantes en Paytech aux prêts bancaires.
    Keywords: innovative entrepreneur,venture capital,Incubators,Fintech,Paytech,Innovative companies,entrepreneur innovateur,Entreprises innovantes,capital-risque
    Date: 2022–04
  3. By: Fourberg, Niklas; Taş, Serpil; Wiewiorra, Lukas
    Abstract: Ad-avoidance technologies such as ad-blocking add-ons in browsers and supplemental mobile applications have become mainstream tools in recent years. Over time they surpassed their niche role as applications only for the technically savvy and became an essential tool for many internet users. While the technical impact of these tools has been well researched, their effects on actual consumer behavior is still unclear. In an experimental setting this study provides first evidence on the effect of ad-blocking on users' ability to acquire information in the form of an online reading task. We find that ad-blocking leads to more effort being exerted and increases social welfare by reducing inefficient searching. Additionally, ad-blocking induces users' visit duration on websites to be more elastic in the experienced intensity of advertisement. Hence, gains in user visit duration from reducing the ad-load are larger, which consequences a more competitive environment among publishers. The results provide new perspectives on ad-blocking and inform the current debate on looming ad-tech regulations in the light of DMA and DSA initiatives.
    Keywords: ad-blocking,consumer behavior,lab experiment,online advertising,welfare,privacy
    JEL: L82 L86 M37 C91
    Date: 2021
  4. By: Damianus Abun (DWCL - Divine Word College of Laoag); John Javier; Julius Gamponia; Theogenia Magallanes; Fredolin Julian
    Abstract: The study aims to examine the effect of computer and internet self-efficacy on the job satisfaction of employees. To support and establish the theories of the study, literature was reviewed. The study used descriptive assessment and correlational research design and questionnaires were used to gather the data. The population of the study was all employees composed of teaching and non-teaching personnel. The study found that the computer and internet self-efficacy of employees was high and their job satisfaction. Based on Mult r regression analysis, it was found that taken together, computer and internet self-efficacy affects the job satisfaction of employees. Taken singly, it was the only computer that predicted the job satisfaction of employees. In other words, knowing both computers and the internet at the same time can affect employees' capability to perform their work and job satisfaction.
    Keywords: job satisfaction,internet,computer,Employees,self-efficacy
    Date: 2022–04–30

This nep-ict issue is ©2022 by Marek Giebel. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.