nep-hpe New Economics Papers
on History and Philosophy of Economics
Issue of 2024‒09‒16
eight papers chosen by
Erik Thomson, University of Manitoba

  1. Quattro saggi su Claudio Napoleoni By Bellanca, Nicolo'
  2. Adam Smith on Sympathy, Equality, Liberty, Justice, Property Rights, Government... By Heng-fu Zou
  3. Liberal Ideas and the Great Enrichment By Heng-fu Zou
  4. Class Coalition and the Political Economy of New Developmentalism: an essay in honour of Bresser-Pereira By Jose Luis Oreiro
  5. Marx y el Trabajo Reproductivo, Debate Contemporáneo Ligado al Pasado By Bulla Casas, Lina Juliana
  6. La economía política de Julio Garavito Armero: Prehistoria del economista moderno colombiano By Acero Acevedo, Jorge Alexander
  7. Kausalität im Alltag – Wie und warum wir systematisch Fehler machen: Eine Verknüpfung von Beobachtungen und verhaltensökonomischer Erkenntnisse By Bergien, Jan Philipp
  8. Entrepreneurs: Clueless, Biased, Poor Heuristics, or Bayesian Machines? By Astebro, Thomas B.; Fossen, Frank M.; Gutierrez, Cédric

  1. By: Bellanca, Nicolo'
    Abstract: These writings examine Claudio Napoleoni's reflections on the themes of the Marxist theory of value. In particular, they focus on the concepts of economic exploitation and alienation, documenting their evolution and demonstrating how these explorations aim to delineate a horizon of human emancipation. Finally, the fourth essay argues that Napoleoni's Marxist contributions are not distinct from his more concrete analyses of the Italian economy. In the 1960s, his reassessment of the concepts of productive labour and rent allowed him to argue that the social and political hegemony of redistributive coalitions constitutes Italy's main structural weakness and the primary cause of inequality and lack of inclusion.
    Keywords: Marxist theory of value; Claudio Napoleoni; Hanna Arendt; Alienation; Economic exploitation; Productive labour; Political economy; Italian economy
    JEL: B24 D72 E11
    Date: 2024–04–19
  2. By: Heng-fu Zou (The World Bank)
    Date: 2022–11
  3. By: Heng-fu Zou (The World Bank)
    Abstract: Deirdre McCloskey's argument in favor of what she calls humanomics emphasizes the role of novel ideas about liberty and dignity for ordinary people as the driving force behind what she terms "The Great Enrichment." This period of unprecedented economic growth, beginning in the 18th century and continuing into the present, was not primarily driven by capital accumulation or institutional frameworks, but by the widespread social acceptance of bourgeois values that encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship among the masses.
    Date: 2024–08–24
  4. By: Jose Luis Oreiro
    Abstract: This paper aims to show that the political obstacles to the implementation of a new-developmentalist model in Brazil can be overcome by the reconstruction of a developmentalist class coalition like the one that emerged in Brazil after the 1930 Revolution led by Getúlio Vargas. The concept of class coalition was developed by Bresser-Pereira in his book "The Political Construction of Brazil". A class coalition is defined as the emergence of coalitions of interests between groups that belong to distinct social classes. A developmentalist coalition results from the perception on the part of urban workers, industrial entrepreneurs and government technocracy that their economic interests are not served by liberal policies, since they are incapable of generating economic development, being useful only to rentiers and the domestic and international financial interests.
    Keywords: New-Developmentalism, Class Coalition, Bresser-Pereira
    JEL: B31 O10 O11 O20
    Date: 2024–08
  5. By: Bulla Casas, Lina Juliana (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
    Abstract: El trabajo reproductivo es un concepto económico y social que ha tomado importancia en el estudio de la ciencia económica desde múltiples puntos de vista. Por lo tanto, en el presente trabajo se genera un debate con uno de los principales referentes de la economía, Karl Marx. Con el fin de percibir cómo desde pensamientos considerados clásicos, desde la teoría del valor-trabajo, se le ha concebido al trabajo reproductivo una valoración y posición diferenciada del considerado trabajo productivo. Lo anterior, para concluir que mediante estas distinciones se ha subordinado al trabajo reproductivo aún hoy en día cuando se puede discernir de esta posición desde los argumentos presentados.
    Keywords: trabajo reproductivo; Marx; pensamiento económico; trabajo productivo; economía del cuidado; valor-trabajo.
    JEL: B14 B24 B54
    Date: 2022–08–30
  6. By: Acero Acevedo, Jorge Alexander (Universidad Nacio-nal de Colombia sede Bogotá)
    Abstract: Este artículo presenta una revisión de las contribuciones intelectuales y el pensamiento económico de Julio Garavito Armero, un ingeniero y matemático colombiano que vivió a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. A través del uso de fuentes primarias, se demuestra que Garavito Armero fue uno de los primeros estudiosos en Colombia que empleó analíticamente métodos más positivistas que de economía política para examinar la ciencia económica de su tiempo. Esto, en una época en la que predominaba una perspectiva política y normativa en la disciplina. Como resultado, su enfoque puede considerarse innovador, vanguardista y casi desconocido en la actualidad
    Keywords: Julio Garavito Armero; Economía política; Teoría económica; Método positivista; Análisis económico; Colombia
    JEL: B20 N90 O10
    Date: 2024–08–13
  7. By: Bergien, Jan Philipp
    Abstract: In unserem Alltag, der beruflichen Praxis wie auch dem Privatleben, werden wir ständig mit Ursachen-Wirkungszusammenhängen konfrontiert. Die eigentliche Frage ist zumeist, was der Grund dafür ist, dass etwas bestimmtes passiert ist? In dieser Publikation werden sechs Beobachtungen systematisch anhand von Beispielen ausgewertet und diskutiert. Bei allen Beobachtungen geht es darum, dass kausale Zusammenhänge systematisch falsch interpretiert werden. Mit Erkenntnissen aus der Verhaltensökonomie werden mögliche Ursachen erörtert.
    Abstract: In our everyday lives, both at work and in our private lives, we are constantly confronted with cause-and-effect relationships. The real question is usually, what is the reason that something specific has happened? In this publication, six observations are systematically analysed and discussed on the basis of examples. All of the observations centre on the fact that causal relationships are systematically misinterpreted. Possible causes are discussed using findings from behavioural economics.
    Date: 2024
  8. By: Astebro, Thomas B. (HEC Paris); Fossen, Frank M. (University of Nevada, Reno); Gutierrez, Cédric (Bocconi University)
    Abstract: Entrepreneurship scholars are interested in understanding and describing how entrepreneurs make decisions under uncertainty, where the probabilities of outcomes are not known but perceived, resulting in ambiguous probabilities. In this context, ambiguity refers to the lack of precise and objective probability assessments and the presence of subjective judgments regarding potential outcomes. In this chapter, we discuss the development of thought on how entrepreneurs perceive and react to uncertainty from Frank Knight (1921) to the present day. Recognizing that entrepreneurs face uncertainty rather than risk and are unlikely to have estimates of all probabilities for all potential outcomes, it becomes difficult to accept Expected Utility Theory (EUT), developed by Savage (1951) and von Neumann and Morgenstern (1953), as a relevant model for entrepreneurial decision-making. We examine a range of decision theories, ranking them in an order starting from EUT and proceeding to the most structure-free models of entrepreneurial choice, allowing for comparisons and contrasts of the main components and underlying concepts as they apply to entrepreneurial decision making.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship, uncertainty, ambiguity, decision theory, Bayesian Entrepreneurship
    JEL: L26 J24
    Date: 2024–08

This nep-hpe issue is ©2024 by Erik Thomson. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.