nep-hme New Economics Papers
on Heterodox Microeconomics
Issue of 2017‒04‒16
twenty papers chosen by
Carlo D’Ippoliti
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

  1. Sophisticated jobs matter for economic development: an empirical analysis based on input-output matrices and economic complexity By Gala, Paulo; Camargo, Jhean; Magacho, Guilherme; Rocha, Igor
  2. Faraway, so close : coupled climate and economic dynamics in an agent-based integrated assessment model By Francesco Lamperti; Giovanni Dosi; Mauro Napoletano; Andrea Roventini; Sandro Sapio
  4. The relevance of personal characteristics and gender diversity for (eco) - innovation activities at the firm-level : Results from a linked employer-employee database in Germany By Horbach, Jens; Jacob, Jojo
  5. How do agricultural development projects aim to empower women?: Insights from an analysis of project strategies: By Johnson, Nancy L.; Balagamwala, Mysbah; Pinkstaff, Crossley; Theis, Sophie; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Quisumbing, Agnes R.
  6. Structural shift and increasing variety of Korea, 1960-2010 : Empirical verification of the economic development model by the creation of new sectors By Jung-In Yeon; Andreas Pyka; Tai-Yoo Kim
  7. Assessing the potential of social enterprises through social network analysis: Evidence from Albania By Imbert, Enrica; Morone, Piergiuseppe; Bigi, Francesca
  8. Changing gender roles in agriculture?: Evidence from 20 years of data in Ghana: By Lambrecht, Isabel; Schuster, Monica; Asare, Sarah; Pelleriaux, Laura
  10. He says, she says: Exploring patterns of spousal agreement in Bangladesh: By Ambler, Kate; Doss, Cheryl; Kieran, Caitlin; Passarelli, Simone
  11. Gender bias and the intrahousehold distribution of resources: Evidence from African nuclear households in South Africa By Olivier Bargain; Prudence Kwenda; Miracle Ntuli
  12. Decomposing financial (in)stability in emerging economies By Etienne Lepers; Antonio Sánchez Serrano
  13. Social Finance and the Commons By Camille Meyer
  14. L'étalon-or des évaluations randomisées : du discours de la méthode à l'économie politique By Florent Bedecarrats; Isabelle Guérin; François Roubaud
  15. What are the determinants of the pay gap between conventional firms and cooperatives? Evidence from France By Franck Bailly; Karine Chapelle; Lionel Prouteau
  16. Embedding as a pitfall for survey-based welfare indicators: Evidence from an experiment By Hetschko, Clemens; von Reumont, Louisa; Schöb, Ronnie
  17. Are Non-Conventional Banks More Resilient than Conventional Ones to Financial Crisis? By Amine Amar; Ikrame Ben Slimane; Makram Bellalah
  18. The non-profit sector as a foundation for the interaction among the social economy, the public sector and the market By Salustri, Andrea; Viganò, Federica
  19. How do creative genres emerge? The case of the Australian wine industry By Grégoire Croidieu; Charles-Clemens Rüling; Amélie Boutinot
  20. A Review of the Recent Literature on the Institutional Economics Analysis of the Long-Run Performance of Nations By Peter Lloyd; Cassey Lee

  1. By: Gala, Paulo; Camargo, Jhean; Magacho, Guilherme; Rocha, Igor
    Abstract: A wide range of economic development theoreticians have discussed the manufacturing sector’s properties as an engine for economic growth. More recently, the sophisticated services sector began to share similar characteristics with the industrial sector as a driver for economic growth, particularly as a locus of technological innovation. This paper considers the symbiotic relationship between these two sectors, and assesses their importance in the technological development of countries. More precisely, this study uses economic complexity analysis and input-output matrices to assess the importance of employment creation in advanced sectors for development of countries. Results show that in the long-run, economic development depends on the effort and the ability of countries to generate employment in advanced sectors.
    Date: 2017–01–24
  2. By: Francesco Lamperti (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris 1 (UP1)); Giovanni Dosi (Laboratory of Economics and Management); Mauro Napoletano (Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques); Andrea Roventini (Laboratory of Economics and Management); Sandro Sapio (Universita degli studi di Napoli "Parthenope" [Napoli])
    Abstract: In this paperwe develop the first agent-based integrated assessment model, which offers an alternative to standard, computable general-equilibrium frameworks. The Dystopian Schumpeter meeting Keynes (DSK) model is composed of heterogeneous firms belonging to capital-good, consumption-good and energy sectors. Production and energy generation lead to greenhouse gas emissions, which affect temperature dynamics in a non-linear way. Increasing temperature triggers climate damages hitting, at the micro-level, workers’ labor productivity, energy efficiency, capital stock and inventories of firms. In that, aggregate damages are emerging properties of the out-of-equilibrium interactions among heterogeneous and boundedly rational agents. We find the DSK model is able to account for a wide ensemble of micro and macro empirical regularities concerning both economic and climate dynamics. Moreover, different types of shocks have heterogeneous impact on output growth, unemployment rate, and the likelihood of economic crises. Finally, we show that the magnitude and the uncertainty associated to climate change impacts increase over time, and that climate damages much larger than those estimated through standard IAMs. Our results point to the presence of tipping points and irreversible trajectories, thereby suggesting the need of urgent policy interventions.
    Keywords: Climate change; Agent-based model; Integrated assessment; Macroeconomic dynamics; Climate damages
    JEL: C63 Q40 Q50 Q54
    Date: 2017–04
  3. By: Aarti Garg
    Abstract: In India, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) assume great prominence from the point of view ofdemocratization in the administrative system. Article 40 of the Indian constitution lays down thatthe state shall take necessary steps to unify village panchayats and bestow them with such powersand authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government. Thearchitects of PRIs visualized that not only men but also women shouldparticipate in the village panchayat. In Indian society women traditionally considered as a weaker section. The status of women has been subservient to man subjugated, exploited and oppressed. She has been discriminated form womb to tomb. They have been constantly denied of the right to expresses their views at various levels. After independence, it was felt this negligence of women power had been one of the most essentialcauses of India’s backwardness. The 73rd and 74th amendment act is an important eventin the Indian history in which 33 percent reservation has been given to women at thePanchayat and Municipal level. The reservation for women in panchayats have provided apossibility for thrashing traditional gender, caste and religious biasness but it is a longand difficult process for bringing about societal change. The question remains: whether theconstitutional amendment will be able to contribute to women’s empowerment or will theexisting patriarchal structures continue to dominate in the society. This paper is an attemptto understand the instance of elected women in panchayat level representation and how far thesetypes of representation lead the way to their development and empowerment. Key Words: Elected women leaders, Participation, Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) Policy
    Date: 2017–03
  4. By: Horbach, Jens; Jacob, Jojo
    Abstract: "Up to now, the growing literature on the determinants of eco-innovation has not considered the influence of personal characteristics of the employees of a firm. The existing econometric analyses show much 'noise' explaining the driving forces of eco-innovation. The paper tries to open the 'black box' of unexplained heterogeneity. In fact, latent variables such as the greenness of a firm may be explained by the personal characteristics (gender, family status, geographical origin, education etc.) of the staff and the decision makers in a firm. The linked employer-employee database of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Germany allows such an analysis based on data for 2010 and 2012. The results of an econometric analysis show that a high share of high qualified women and a mixed gender composition of the management board are positively correlated to eco-innovation activities. Furthermore, the results confirm that export-oriented firms are more likely to innovate, firms characterized by an over-aging of the staff innovate less and a higher competition pressure leads to more innovations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
    JEL: C35 J16 Q55
  5. By: Johnson, Nancy L.; Balagamwala, Mysbah; Pinkstaff, Crossley; Theis, Sophie; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Quisumbing, Agnes R.
    Abstract: Increasing numbers of development agencies and individual projects espouse objectives of women’s empowerment, yet there has been little systematic work on mechanisms by which interventions can enhance women’s empowerment. This gap exists because of the lack of consensus on indicators as well as the lack of attention paid to measuring the effects of different types of interventions on empowerment. This paper identifies the types of strategies employed by 13 agricultural development projects within the International Food Policy Research Institute’s Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project Phase 2 (GAAP2) that have explicit objectives of empowering women. We distinguish between reach, benefit, and empowerment as objectives of agricultural development projects. Simply including women does not necessarily benefit them, and even activities that benefit do not necessarily empower. To identify strategies to empower women, we build on the domains included in the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) and are working with the GAAP2 portfolio of projects to develop an empowerment metric that is applicable in the project setting (a project-level WEAI, or pro-WEAI). We have identified the following potential domains to be included in pro-WEAI: input into production decision making, control over resources, control over income, leadership, time, physical mobility, intrahousehold relationships, individual empowerment, reduction in gender-based violence, and decision making on nutrition. The GAAP2 projects address these domains through a wide variety of activities that can be grouped into four main types: (1) direct and indirect provision of goods and services; (2) forming or strengthening groups, organizations, or platforms and networks that involve women; (3) strengthening knowledge and capacity through agricultural extension, business and finance training, nutrition behavior change communication, and other training; and (4) changing gender norms through one-way awareness raising or two-way community conversations about gender issues and their implications. In general, projects with activities in more activity areas target more domains of empowerment, and most projects target a core set of six empowerment domains. With the exception of intrahousehold relationships, which is always targeted by activities designed to influence gender norms, projects target domains with different types of activities or combinations of activities. This setup suggests that there may be no one-to-one link between a specific activity and empowerment benefits, and that implementation modalities will determine whether and how an activity contributes to women’s empowerment. The effectiveness of these project strategies will be assessed using both quantitative and qualitative methods throughout the GAAP2 research project.
    Keywords: indicators; women; empowerment; agricultural development; strategies; monitoring; evaluation; gender; nutrition; capacity building, women’s empowerment; agricultural development projects; project strategies; monitoring and evaluation,
    Date: 2017
  6. By: Jung-In Yeon; Andreas Pyka; Tai-Yoo Kim
    Abstract: In this paper, we examine the experiences of Korean economy to verify the theoretical knowledge of economic development and structural change. To demonstrate the generalized hypotheses in structural changes, input-output tables of Korea, from 1960 to 2010, are analyzed. Our interest in taking a time series form of Input-output tables originates from the following two questions. Firstly, we inquire whether the change of Korean industrial structure has been followed a certain pattern of structural shift as well as increasing variety. Secondly, if so, it is questioned how the meso-level conditions for the economic development could be explained out of such a pattern. To complete the set of answers, we start from adopting a model of the economic development by the creation of new sectors, TEVECON model, as our theoretical framework. Using this growth model, it is preliminarily experimented how the structural change could impact on the economic development, and then, we figured out how the empirical analysis of Korean economy verifies and more deepens our understandings of the structural change and development. Therefore, this paper contributes to empirically identify the theoretical knowledge of economic development by the emerging of key sectors as well as the creation of new sectors. To complete the set of answers, we start from choosing the model of the economic development by the creation of new sectors, TEVECON, as our theoretical framework. Using this simulation model, it is preliminarily experimented how the different scenarios upon meso-level conditions could impact on the economic development. In the other hand, as analyzing the classification of industries over time and each set of sectoral outcomes and demand-induced outputs, we figured out how the empirical analysis of Korean economy supported and more deepened theoretical understandings of structural change and development. Accordingly, the presented empirical results provide a starting point to expand the model, TEVECON, into a history-friendly model, bridging the gap between the artificial world of formal theories and the real world of historical experiences. In this regard, this paper is the first to identify and enhance empirically the theoretical model of economic development by the creation of new sectors.
    Keywords: South Korea, Growth, Sectoral issues
    Date: 2016–07–04
  7. By: Imbert, Enrica; Morone, Piergiuseppe; Bigi, Francesca
    Abstract: Organizations falling within the category of ‘social enterprises’ are rapidly expanding in developing and transition countries, representing an innovative instrument for poverty reduction and endogenous development. However, economic long-term sustainability remains a major problem. Acquisition of knowledge is then claimed as a key issue for their competiveness and survival in the market. A critical factor for implementing successful knowledge transfer relates to the creation of well-connected networks of relationships. Stable and collaborative contacts among social entrepreneurs also allow more effective coordination, reducing the risk of dispersed and fragmented initiatives. This paper investigates the Albanian social enterprise sector, focusing on their network of relationships (i.e. social enterprises’ networks and supporting actors’ networks) by means of a social network analysis. Results are based on empirical evidence collected at the firm level from organizations operating in the Tirana and Scutari regions, the heart of the country’s economic growth engine. Visual social network investigation along with networks’ correlation analysis have showed that Albanian social enterprises are poorly aware of advantages arising from their network of relationships, still showing low entrepreneurial attitudes.
    Keywords: social enterprises, social networks, knowledge flows, foreign aid, sustainable development
    JEL: D85 L31 O35
    Date: 2016
  8. By: Lambrecht, Isabel; Schuster, Monica; Asare, Sarah; Pelleriaux, Laura
    Abstract: At a time when donors and governments are increasing efforts to mainstream gender in agriculture, it is critical to revisit long-standing wisdom about gender inequalities in agriculture to be able to more efficiently design and evaluate policy interventions. Many stylized facts about women in agriculture have been repeated for decades. Did nothing really change? Is some of this conventional wisdom simply maintained over time, or has it always been inaccurate? We use longitudinal data from Ghana to assess some of the facts and to evaluate whether gender patterns have changed over time. We focus on five main themes: land, cropping patterns, market participation, agricultural inputs, and employment. We add to the literature by showing new facts and evidence from more than 20 years. Results are varied and highlight the difficulty of making general statements about gender in agriculture.
    Keywords: GHANA; WEST AFRICA; AFRICA SOUTH OF SAHARA; AFRICA, gender; land; cropping patterns; markets; resources; inputs; farm inputs; employment; labor; labour; working population; women, common wisdoms; longitudinal data; feminization of agriculture,
    Date: 2017
  9. By: Shashi Pandey
    Abstract: The paper attempts to understand the role of women of self help groups (SHGS) of OBC, SC and Mixed membership in the household decision -making before joining the groups and ten years of after joining the groups. A sample of six self help groups belonging to OBC, SC and mixed group membership has been selected from three villages of Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Data are collected through focus group discussions and interviews of members of SHGs. Analysis of data reveals that the role of women in making decisions like schooling of children specially for girls, family planning, casting votes, and decisions on moving alone to places located far from the village has increased after joining the group. It was also found that the SC women are participating more in household decision making in comparison to other groups. A trend of taking consensus decision making is emerging and domination of men in such decisions is slowly declining. Key Words: Self-Help Groups, Family Decision-Making and Women Empowerment. Policy
    Date: 2017–03
  10. By: Ambler, Kate; Doss, Cheryl; Kieran, Caitlin; Passarelli, Simone
    Abstract: Participation in household decisions and control over assets are often used as indicators of bargaining power. Yet spouses do not necessarily provide the same answers to questions about these topics. We examine differences in spouses’ answers to questions regarding who participates in decisions about household activities, who owns assets, and who decides to purchase assets. Disagreement is substantial and systematic, with women more likely to report joint ownership or decision making and men more likely to report sole male ownership or decision making. Analysis of correlations between agreement and women’s well-being finds that agreement on joint decision making/ownership is generally positively associated with beneficial outcomes for women compared with agreement on sole male decision making/ownership. Cases of disagreement where women recognize their involvement but men do not are also positively associated with good outcomes for women, but often to a lesser extent than when men agree that women are involved.
    Keywords: BANGLADESH; SOUTH ASIA; ASIA, gender; gender relations; households; assets; ownership; decision making; families; social structure; women; communities; bargaining power; measurement, intrahousehold,
    Date: 2017
  11. By: Olivier Bargain; Prudence Kwenda; Miracle Ntuli
    Abstract: This paper applies recent developments in collective model estimation to elicit the household resource sharing rule, i.e. the amount of household resources accruing to fathers, mothers, and their children among African families in South Africa. We use the 2010/11 South African Income and Expenditure Survey as it contains exclusive goods, i.e. goods consumed by specific household members, to be used for identification. We rely on a collective model of household consumption that accounts for (potentially unequal) resource sharing and jointness in consumption (generating economies of scale). Results indicate that men tend to receive more than women (even if imprecise estimates make the difference statistically insignificant) and there is a sharp gender differential in terms of poverty. Ignoring economies of scale leads to an overestimation of poverty among adult men and women living with others. Children’s resource shares are in line with international standards but household resources are relatively low among African families so that ignoring intrahousehold allocation leads to an underestimation of child poverty.
    Date: 2017
  12. By: Etienne Lepers; Antonio Sánchez Serrano
    Abstract: The build-up of risks in advanced economies has seen a lot of research efforts in the recent years, while similar research efforts on emerging economies have not been so strong and, when undertaken, have focused mostly on its international dimension. Simultaneously, the financial system of the emerging economies has substantially developed and deepened. In our paper, we construct an index of vulnerabilities in emerging countries, relying solely on data available at international organisations. We group indicators around four poles: valuation and risk appetite, imbalances in the non-financial sector, financial sector vulnerabilities, and global vulnerabilities. On purpose, we depart from early warning models or any other kind of complex econometric constructs. Simplicity and usability are the two key characteristics we have tried to embed into our index of vulnerabilities. We use the results to try to create a narrative of the evolution of vulnerabilities in emerging economies from 2005 to the third quarter of 2015, using innovative data visualisation tools as well as correlations and Granger causalities. We complement our analysis with a comparison between our index of vulnerabilities and the Credit-to-GDP gap. JEL Classification: E44, F65, G01, G15, G21, G23
    Keywords: emerging economies, index, financial crises, risk monitoring, credit gap
    Date: 2017–03
  13. By: Camille Meyer
    Abstract: The commons is a concept increasingly used by practitioners and social activists with the promise of creating new collective wealth (Bollier & Helfrich, 2014; De Angelis, 2003; Hardt & Negri, 2009; Klein, 2001). In recent years, a variety of scholarly research explained the different ways of organizing commons (Van Laerhoven & Ostrom, 2007). To that end, many streams of inquiry have emerged in various areas: organization theory (Ansari et al. 2013; Fournier, 2013; Tedmanson et al. 2015), institutional economics (Hess, C. & Ostrom, 2011; Ostrom, 1990, 2005, 2010), political philosophy and legal studies (Dardot & Laval, 2014; Holder and Flessas, 2008; Hardt & Negri, 2009), nonprofit studies (Aligica, 2016; Bushouse et al. 2016; Lohmann, 2014, 2016) and business ethics (Argandoña, 1998; Melé, 2009, 2012; O’Brien, 2009; Sison & Fontrodona, 2012; Solomon, 2004). However, these different theories are usually conceived and used separately. Empirical research on commons has mainly focused on natural resources at local and global levels (Ansari et al. 2013; Cody et al. 2015; Cox & Ross, 2011; Galaz et al. 2012; Ostrom, 1990, 2010; Poteete et al. 2010), and also on digital and scientific resources (Benkler, 2006; Boyle, 2008; Cook‐Deegan & Dedeurwaerdere, 2006; Coriat, 2015; Hess & Ostrom, 2011). Despite a long research tradition in local community organizations, there is little empirical scientific knowledge that uses the lens of the commons to study shared resources that are neither natural nor informational in nature. This dissertation aims to fill these gaps by analyzing social finance services and organizations from an interdisciplinary perspective. The aim is to understand whether communities can create financial commons. By analyzing the processes involved, the dissertation sheds light on the social and institutional components enabling the creation of human-made commons. We focus on community organizations linked to the solidarity economy movement in Brazil. Such movement aims to promote socio-economic alternative organizations, especially for poverty alleviation and inequality reduction.More specifically, the dissertation identifies the nature of two kinds of shared financial resources––microcredit services and complementary currencies––and looks at the functioning of community arrangements that provide them, the community components mobilized for creating commons organizations, and the institutional work strategies developed by intermediary organizations to adjust the scale of these social finance services.The dissertation is structured in four chapters, each of which addresses different research questions and uses different methods and units of analysis. The first chapter is conceptual and based on a literature review on complementary currencies in order to identify the commons dimensions of seven complementary currency systems. The second chapter is an in-depth single case study of Banco Palmas, a Brazilian community bank. This chapter analyzes the transformative power of governance on private goods when managed by self-governed grassroots organizations. Chapter three is a comparative case study of five community banks that focuses on the community components involved in creating commons as a grassroots response to contested market and state institutions. The final chapter focuses on the diffusion and institutionalization of social finance in Brazil and the role played by five intermediary organizations in this process.Starting from the observation that there is no definition of financial commons, Chapter 1 – Money and the Commons: Lessons from Complementary Currencies – proposes to assess the commons dimensions of monetary systems created and managed by local organizations. Specifically, we investigate the organizational features of seven complementary currency systems by making use of two main theoretical frameworks that are usually separate: the new commons in organization studies and the common good in business ethics. The findings show that these alternative monetary systems and organizations promote the common interest through the creation of new communities and can therefore be considered as commons according to the common good framework. Nevertheless, only systems relying on collective action and self-management fulfill the new commons framework. This allows us to suggest two new categories of commons: “social commons”, which fulfills both the new commons and the common good frameworks, and the “commercial commons”, which that fulfill the common good but not the new commons framework. Building on this, we define an ethos of the commons as a principle that consists in organizing commons practices through both collective organization and ethical concern for human flourishing.Chapter 2 - A Case Study of Microfinance and Community Development Banks (CDBs) in Brazil: Private or Common Goods? - looks at how governance mechanisms of self-managed community organizations affect the characteristics of microcredit services. Based on field research in Brazil, this chapter uses Elinor Ostrom’s design principles of successful self-governing common-pool resource organizations to analyze community banks’ microcredit systems. Our results suggest that private goods could be altered when governed by community self-managed enterprises. They become hybrid goods because they mix the characteristics of private and common goods. This change is facilitated by specific organizational arrangements, such as self-governance, that emerge from grassroots dynamics and the creation of collective-choice arenas. These arrangements help strengthen the inclusion properties of nonprofit microcredit services.In order to identify what components enable commons creation, we conduct a comparative case study of five Brazilian community banks in Chapter 3 – Building Commons in Community Enterprise: The Case of Self-Managed Microfinance Organizations. We analyze how community enterprises create commons whereas market and state institutions reproduce exclusion and inequalities. Our results suggest that four components are required to establish a new organization of commons: collective decision-making, community social control, servant leadership, and desire for social change. Building on this, we develop a model of commons organization and explain why these organizations are substitutes for existing marginalizing institutions. This study contributes to the literature by examining new elements for commons creation and shedding light on the emergence of new institutional arrangements for social change. Finally, after looking at commons institutional arrangements at local level in communities, we examine how commons organizations diffuse, institutionalize and organize in networks for consolidating their activities. Chapter 4 - Institutional Change and Diffusion in Institutional Plurality: The Case of Brazil’s Solidarity Finance Sector – explains how intermediary organizations help in this process. More precisely, we analyze the institutional work strategies deployed by five intermediary organizations in the Brazilian plural institutional context, where autonomous local state agencies and banks influence community banks' activities. We show how intermediary organizations support the institutionalization of community development banks (CDBs) through diffusing these organizations in different communities, performing external institutional work with governments and public banks at national and local levels, and accomplishing internal institutional work through structuring CDBs and CDB networks.
    Keywords: Social finance, Commons, Common good, Community enterprise, Organization theory, Institutional theory, Business ethics, Qualitative methods
    Date: 2017–04–21
  14. By: Florent Bedecarrats (AFD - Agence française de développement); Isabelle Guérin (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - IRD, DIAL - Développement, institutions et analyses de long terme); François Roubaud (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - IRD, DIAL - Développement, institutions et analyses de long terme)
    Abstract: This last decade has seen the emergence of a new field of research in development economics: randomised control trials. This paper explores the contrast between the (many) limitations and (very narrow) real scope of these methods and their success in sheer number and media coverage. Our analysis suggests that the paradox is due to a particular economic and political mix driven by the innovative strategies used by this new school’s researchers and by specific interests and preferences in the academic world and the donor community.
    Abstract: La dernière décennie a vu l'émergence d'un nouveau champ de recherche en économie du développement : les méthodes expérimentales d'évaluation d'impacts par assignation aléatoire. Cet article explore le contraste entre d’une part les limites (nombreuses) et la circonscription (très étroite) du champ réel d'application de ces méthodes et d’autre part leur succès, attesté à la fois par leur nombre et leur forte médiatisation. L’analyse suggère que ce contraste est le fruit d’une conjonction économique et politique particulière, émanant de stratégies novatrices de la part des chercheurs de cette nouvelle école, et d’intérêts et de préférences spécifiques provenant à la fois du monde académique et de la communauté des donateurs.
    Keywords: Méthodologie, méthode expérimentale, Essai randomisé,Evaluation d'impact, Economie politique, Développement
    Date: 2017–01–24
  15. By: Franck Bailly (CREAM - CREAM - Université de Rouen); Karine Chapelle (CREAM - CREAM - Université de Rouen); Lionel Prouteau (LEMNA - Laboratoire d'économie et de management de Nantes Atlantique - UN - Université de Nantes)
    Abstract: The aim of this article is to study the wage differentials between conventional firms and non-worker cooperatives, which has seldom been done in the literature to date. Using French administrative data, we analyse the determinants of these wage differentials. This investigation is carried out across all industries and it is repeated for the banking industry. Taking all industries into account, conventional firms offer lower wages than cooperatives. Most of this pay gap is explained by differences in the characteristics of the employees, jobs and companies. If we focus just on firms in the banking industry, it becomes clear that conventional firms pay higher wages than cooperatives but this gap is explained solely by differences in characteristics. However, their impact is weakened somewhat by differences in the wage return to these characteristics, which work in favour of employees in cooperatives.
    Keywords: cooperatives, banking cooperatives, wage, wage comparison between sectors
    Date: 2017–02–03
  16. By: Hetschko, Clemens; von Reumont, Louisa; Schöb, Ronnie
    Abstract: How can we assess the welfare of a society, its evolution over time and predict its change due to particular policy interventions? One way is to use survey-based welfare indicators such as the OECD Better Life Index. It invites people to weight a variety of quality of life indicators according to their individual preferences. 11 broad dimensions aggregate these indicators. Our experiment shows that people do not provide consistent ratings across differently labelled dimensions that embed the same indicators. They also do not adjust the rating of equally named dimensions changing sets of indicators. These results show that survey-based measures might suffer from strong embedding effects and, as a result, may fail to measure citizens' true preferences for the indicators.
    Keywords: Beyond GDP,welfare measurement,survey-based welfare indicators,OECD Better Life Index,embedding effect
    JEL: B41 C43 C83 I31
    Date: 2017
  17. By: Amine Amar (LEMNA - Laboratoire d'économie et de management de Nantes Atlantique - UN - Université de Nantes); Ikrame Ben Slimane (ESSCA - Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d'Angers - ESSCA); Makram Bellalah (CRIISEA - Centre de Recherche sur les Institutions, l'Industrie et les Systèmes Economiques d'Amiens - UPJV - Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
    Abstract: This paper presents empirical evidence of the impact of the recent global financial crises on Islamic and conventional banks in three GCC countries. Our assumptions are discussed within the framework of Khan (1976), Khan and Mirakhor (2005) and Chapra (2008). A diagonal BEKK model is used to examine the impact of the global crisis on conditional beta of the selected banks. Results show that Islamic and conventional banks have been largely affected by the global crisis, except for few banks. They reveal also that small banks have been less affected than larger banks. These results are in line with the other studies which have found that Islamic banks are not more resilient than conventional ones.
    Abstract: Cet article présente des preuves empiriques sur l'impact de la récente crise financière sur les banques islamiques et conventionnelles dans trois pays membres du CCG. Nos hypothèses se basent sur les travaux de Khan (1976), Khan et Mirakhor (2005) et Chapra (2008). Un modèle BEKK diagonal est utilisé pour examiner l'impact de la crise mondiale sur le bêta conditionnel des banques sélectionnées. Les résultats montrent que les banques islamiques et conventionnelles ont été largement touchées par la crise mondiale, à l'exception de quelques banques. Ils révèlent également que les petites banques ont été moins touchées que les grandes banques. Ces résultats sont en ligne avec les autres études qui ont constaté que les banques islamiques ne sont pas plus résilientes que celles conventionnelles.
    Keywords: GCC countries,Islamic Banks,BEKK model,Pays du CCG,Banques islamiques,Résilience,Modèle BEKK
    Date: 2017–02–03
  18. By: Salustri, Andrea; Viganò, Federica
    Abstract: The paper introduces a theoretical model to show how in a territorial framework characterized by spatial inequalities, the availability of goods and services decreases moving from central to peripheral areas. Specifically, private firms and public administrations might supply an insufficient level of goods and services in socially and/or physically remote areas due to lack of market size and higher distance costs. Peripheralization, therefore, often implies economic marginalization and political exclusion. Against this backdrop, non-profit organizations can foster local development rebalancing, or at least narrowing, economic and social inequalities, but a territorial dualism between a core linked to global patterns of development and marginalized peripheries left to autarchic forms of subsistence might emerge. To avoid territorial polarization and revive equitable and sustainable development, it is important to empower cooperative and social enterprises, as the latter exert a productive and distributive function that at the same time improves workers’ employability, facilitates market access for local initiatives, and raises the factor productivity of market activities.
    Keywords: marginalized places, distance costs, non-profit institutions, spatial inequalities
    JEL: J54 L33 R11 R12
    Date: 2017–02–01
  19. By: Grégoire Croidieu (GEM - Grenoble Ecole de Management - Grenoble École de Management (GEM)); Charles-Clemens Rüling (IREGE - Institut de Recherche en Gestion et en Economie - USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry] - Université Savoie Mont Blanc, GEM - Grenoble Ecole de Management - Grenoble École de Management (GEM)); Amélie Boutinot (ISG - International Business School [Paris], MC - Management et Comportement - Grenoble École de Management (GEM))
    Abstract: The present paper examines how a new, creative genre emerges out of a commodity-based industry. Building on the genre-emergence literature, the paper analyzes the Australian wine industry since the 1950s. Based on content analysis of a wide variety of sources, the study identifies four mechanisms that account for creative-genre emergence: shifting and layering of metrics, analogies with established creative industries and practices, resonance with society-level logics, and personification. The results contribute to the genre-emergence and creative-industries literatures.
    Keywords: genre emergence,boundary formation,creative industries,production-of-culture perspective,Australian wine
    Date: 2016
  20. By: Peter Lloyd (University of Melbourne); Cassey Lee (ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore)
    Abstract: This paper reviews the recent (post-2000) literature which assesses the importance of institutions as a factor determining cross-country differences in growth rates or in the contemporary level of “prosperity”. It first sketches how institutional economics has evolved. It then examines critically the methods of analysis employed in the recent literature. The paper finds that this literature has made a major contribution to the analysis of the causes of economic growth but the relative importance of institutions as a determinant of long-run growth and prosperity is still a wide open question.
    Keywords: institutions, policies, long-run performance, instruments
    JEL: O43 B52
    Date: 2016–01

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.