nep-hme New Economics Papers
on Heterodox Microeconomics
Issue of 2016‒10‒09
fourteen papers chosen by
Carlo D’Ippoliti
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

  1. Théorie de la régulation : pourquoi ? comment ? Approche structuriste et déconstruction du symbolique en économie By Jean-Pierre Chanteau
  2. Eyes wide shut: John Rawls's silence on racial justice By Ai-Thu Dang
  3. Conceptualizing the formation and role of expectations before 1950: George Katona's thought By Pierrick Dechaux
  4. Données statistiques sur la part des associations sanitaires et sociales dans l'économie sociale et solidaire By Edith Archambault
  5. Deux mois après une naissance : quelle conciliation travail-famille en France dans les années 2010 ? By Fabienne Berton
  6. Coupling direction of the European Banking and Insurance sectors using inter-system recurrence networks By Peter Martey Addo
  7. Does political ideology hinder insights on gender and labor markets? By Stern, Charlotta
  8. Políticas de cuidado en América Latina: forjando la igualdad By Rico, María Nieves; Robles, Claudia
  9. Gender and social protection: current issues and policy trends By Raquel Tebaldi; Ana Paula de la O Campos; Maja Gavrilovic
  10. Female Entrepreneurship, Access to Credit, and Firms' Performance in Senegal By Abdoulaye Seck; Fatoumata Lamarana Diallo; Founty Alassane Fall; KARAMOKO CAMARA; Ndeye Khadidiatou Mouhamed DIOP; Abdelkrim Araar
  11. Structural shift and increasing variety in Korea, 1960-2010: Empirical evidence of the economic development model by the creation of new sectors By Yeon, Jung-In; Pyka, Andreas; Kim, Tai-Yoo
  12. The Solidarity Motive By Christoph Engel
  13. Developmental states in the 21st century - analytical structure of a new approach By Judit Ricz
  14. Who are the forerunners, economists or central bankers? By Ginafranco Tusset

  1. By: Jean-Pierre Chanteau (CREG - Centre de recherche en économie de Grenoble - UGA - Université Grenoble Alpes - UPMF - Université Pierre Mendès France - Grenoble 2)
    Abstract: Après avoir montré comment, historiquement, la régulation se définit d'abord comme un objet de recherche, et donc quel est le champ de la théorie de la régulation comme théorie, nous proposons de caractériser de façon positive le contenu d'une approche non-standard de cette théorie, que l'on propose de qualifier d'approche structuriste, intégrant les résultats d'autres sciences sociales plutôt que préservant l'illusion d'une autonomie disciplinaire de la science économique : cette proposition est structurée par une position ontologique (structurisme critique) et une position méthodologique (déconstruction du symbolique).
    Keywords: régulation , sciences sociales , théorie de la régulation , théorie économique
    Date: 2015–06–09
  2. By: Ai-Thu Dang (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Abstract: John Rawls's remarks on race are sparse in his writings. However, three key moments in his conceptual apparatus wherein racial issues appear explicitly can be be highlighted: (1) the status of race as a feature of the veil of ignorance; (2) racial minorities, the least advantaged, and the difference principle; and (3) the role of arguments made by antebellum abolitionist dissidents and Martin Luther King, Jr., in favor of racial equality in his reformulation of his notion of public reason. I show that the introduction of race poses difficulties for Rawls in his theory of justice. I also propose an explanation of why Rawls does not address issues of racial justice more explicitly and in-depth. However, because Rawls himself explained his relative silence on racial justice, I discuss its relevance. I contend that Rawls's conception of justice as fairness as a form of political liberalism is indebted to a strong principle of equal citizenship for all individuals that is blind to race and ethnicity, so his theoretical apparatus addresses the issue of legal racial discrimination or institutional racism. Nevertheless, it fails to address the problem of systemic racial discrimination.
    Abstract: Il n'existe pas de développements systématiques dans les écrits de John Rawls sur la question des inégalités raciales ou fondées sur l'origine ethnique, mais seulement des remarques parcellaires et répétitives sur ce sujet. On peut toutefois repérer trois moments clés dans la construction théorique de Rawls où les questions de justice raciale sont introduites : le statut de la race et le voile d'ignorance ; les minorités raciales, les plus mal lotis de la société et le principe de différence ; le rôle des arguments religieux avancés par les abolitionnistes américains et par Martin Luther King en faveur de l'égalité raciale dans la reformulation par Rawls de sa conception de la raison publique. Je montre que l'introduction des questions de justice raciale déstabilise le cadre théorique de Rawls et soulève des questions dont il est lui-même conscient. Je discute de l'explication donnée par Rawls pour justifier son relatif silence et je montre que ses principes de justice permettent de lutter contre la discrimination directe mais ne permettent pas de répondre au défi de la discrimination systémique.
    Keywords: justice as fairness,racial (in)justice,public reason,ideal and nonideal theory,théorie idéale et théorie non idéale,John Rawls,justice comme équité,(in)justice raciale,raison publique
    Date: 2015–04
  3. By: Pierrick Dechaux (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Abstract: This article analyzes Katona's theory of expectations and compares it to that of Keynes and Hicks. It discusses the implicit and explicit debates on the introduction of psychology in economic theory. The aim of this paper is twofold: define Katona's thought and examine the impact of this work on the debate on expectations in macroeconomics. This paper shows that Katona is the only author, to our knowledge, who develops both an empirical and theoretical research program on expectations that borrows from the epistemology of Keynes. While rediscovering Katona's work, this paper contributes to highlight the forgotten methodology that initiated the construction of confidence (or sentiment) indexes. It also discusses the implicit and explicit debates on the introduction of psychology in economic theory.
    Abstract: Cet article étudie la théorie des anticipations de Katona et la compare à celle de Keynes et de Hicks. Il poursuit deux objectifs : définir la pensée de Katona et examiner son impact dans le débat sur les anticipations en macroéconomie. Ce papier met en évidence que Katona est le seul auteur, à notre connaissance, à développer un programme à la fois empirique et théorique sur les anticipations qui empreinte à l'épistémologie de Keynes. En s'intéressant aux travaux peu étudiés de Katona, cet article remet en avant la méthodologie à l'origine de la construction des indicateurs de confiance. Il discute aussi les débats implicites et explicites sur l'introduction de la psychologie en théorie économique.
    Keywords: psychology,expectations theories,expectations measures,Macroeconomics,George Katona,Keynes,Hicks,psychologie,théories des anticipations,mesures des anticipations,Macroéconomie
    Date: 2015–02
  4. By: Edith Archambault (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Abstract: L'économie sociale et solidaire a longtemps été totalement absente de la statistique officielle qui peut être vue comme une forme de reconnaissance sociale. Cependant depuis 2005, l'INSEE publie chaque année des tableaux harmonisés de l'économie sociale et solidaire sur un périmètre discuté avec le Conseil National des Chambres Régionales de l'Economie Sociale (CNCRES). Sur ce périmètre, antérieur à la loi ESS, on peut mesurer le poids de l'ESS et de ses composantes. Quel que soit le critère retenu, les associations du secteur médico-social, c'est à peu près la moitié de l'économie sociale et solidaire. Il n'est pas sûr que ces acteurs majeurs de l'ESS soient bien représentés dans les institutions faîtières prévues par la loi du 31 juillet 2014
    Keywords: loi ESS 2014,économie sociale et solidaire,associations sanitaires et sociales
    Date: 2015–03
  5. By: Fabienne Berton (LISE - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers [CNAM] - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Abstract: The earliest data of the large cohort of children (ELFE) is used to analyze the choices of families two months afterbirth, by placing these choices in the pattern of work / family in France. The French pattern of work / family is an unequal Dual Earner Families pattern between men and women on the first part, and between social groups on the other one. Women, especially those of lower social classes implement a work / family arbitration by withdrawing from the labor market at the birth of a new child. Men do not will, nor women of higher social classes. Keeping children by themselves appears as an even stronger choice if the social category is weak and that the mother is in trouble on the job market. The French fathers remain as Male-Breadwinner. A small part of them, especially in the higher social classes, aspire to a more egalitarian allocation of housework and of child care; some are already engaged with it.
    Abstract: Les toutes premières données de la cohorte ELFE nous permettent d’analyser les choix des familles deux mois après une naissance, en replaçant ces choix à l'intérieur du régime de conciliation travail-famille français. Le modèle de conciliation travail-famille français est un modèle de « Familles à double revenu » inégalitaire entre hommes et femmes d’une part, et entre catégories sociales d’autre part. Les femmes, surtout celles des catégories sociales inférieures, mettent en oeuvre un arbitrage travail-famille en se retirant du marché du travail à la naissance d’un nouvel enfant : les hommes ne le font pas ni les femmes des catégories sociales plus élevées. Garder ses enfants soi-même apparaît comme un choix par défaut d’autant plus fort que la catégorie sociale est faible et que la mère est en difficulté sur le marché de l’emploi. Les pères français restent des Messieurs gagne-pain. Une petite part d’entre eux, surtout dans les catégories sociales supérieures, aspirent à une répartition plus égalitaire des tâches domestiques et de soins aux enfants ; certains la pratiquent déjà.
    Keywords: Birth,Mothers and Fathers,National Surveys,Parental Leave,Work-Family Balance,Satisfaction,Conciliation travail-famille,Congé parental,Parentalité,Naissance
    Date: 2015
  6. By: Peter Martey Addo (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
    Abstract: Modern financial systems exhibit a high degree of interdependence making it difficult in predicting. This has raise concerns on the correct identification of coupling direction in financial sectors of the economy. This study explores a “two-way” risk connection between the European banking and insurance sector based on geometrical closeness of observations. Specifically, the study looks at the inter-system recurrence networks in tracing dynamical transitions and detecting coupling direction between these sectors. The overall results shows that the banking sector is central in risk transmission compared to the insurance sector. A comprehensive discussion of the feasibility and relevance of the approach in studying systemic risk is provided.
    Abstract: Les systèmes financiers modernes présentent un degré élevé d'interdépendance rendant difficile la prédiction. Cela a soulevé des questions concernant l'identification correcte d'une direction de couplage dans les secteurs financiers de l'économie. Cette étude explore "en deux sens" la connexion des risques entre le système bancaire européen et le secteur de l'assurance, basée sur la proximité géométrique des observations. Plus précisément, l'étude se penche sur les réseaux de récurrence inter-système en traçant des transitions dynamiques et en détectant la direction de couplage entre ces secteurs. Les résultats globaux montrent que le secteur bancaire est un élément central dans la transmission de risque par rapport au secteur de l'assurance. Une discussion complète de la faisabilité et la pertinence de l'approche dans l'étude du risque systémique est fournie.
    Keywords: financial institutions,recurrence networks,systemic risk,recurrence plots,parcelles de récidive,réseaux de récurrence,risque systémique,institution financières
    Date: 2015–06
  7. By: Stern, Charlotta (Department of Sociology, Stockholm University and The Ratio Institute)
    Abstract: Sociology is a field where a large majority of professors lean left. The left-leaning ideology is visible in studies of gender differences in labor markets. In such studies, a left-feminist ideology of equality is taken to be self-evident. Defining equality to equate to slim-outcome difference, however, pre-destines all differences to be seen as outcomes of culturally defined social constructions and discrimination. In this chapter it is hypothesized that this has produced tabooed topics in the field. One such taboo is the acknowledging of differences between men and women. Such differences challenge the left-feminism’s notion of equality in terms of slim-outcome-difference. Research on evolution and preferences is downplayed in favor of cultural explanations. Cultural explanations interpret differences between men and women in labor market behavior as constructed, as largely driven by gender stereotypes and discrimination. The notion that differences can stem from biology or from the choices made by individuals pursuing a lifestyle different than those prescribed by gender researchers is seldom entertained. I hypothesize that the situation stems from gender sociology being dominated by left-feminist ideology.
    Keywords: Labor market; Sociology
    JEL: J40 Z10
    Date: 2016–09–30
  8. By: Rico, María Nieves; Robles, Claudia
    Abstract: El cuidado es un bien público esencial para el funcionamiento de las sociedades, un derecho fundamental y una necesidad en diversos momentos del ciclo de vida. En América Latina, la forma en que es provisto origina desigualdades profundas. Estas se expresan en una organización social que asigna a las mujeres el trabajo de cuidado remunerado y no remunerado, con frecuencia, a expensas de su bienestar, oportunidades laborales y protección social, bajo la ausencia de respuestas públicas suficientes y adecuadas para quienes requieren de cuidado y sus cuidadoras, y una oferta de mercado sumamente segmentada. En años recientes, se observa una inflexión en este panorama y las políticas de cuidado comienzan a figurar de manera más explícita en una normativa internacional y regional en construcción, y se constata una institucionalidad naciente. En este documento se plantean tres aspectos centrales para el debate regional sobre estas políticas. En primer lugar, las políticas de cuidado deben articularse a los sistemas de protección social en expansión en los países. En segundo lugar, estas políticas públicas deben responder a un enfoque de igualdad de género con un diseño que articule una oferta para personas que requieren cuidados y los proveen y que promueva cambios en la división sexual del trabajo vigente y mayor corresponsabilidad. En tercer lugar, debido a su naturaleza multidimensional, es necesario avanzar en respuestas integradas y no fragmentadas y sectoriales frente a los derechos que se busca garantizar. Para ello los Mecanismos para el Adelanto de la Mujer deben participar activamente en su institucionalidad.
    Date: 2016–09–29
  9. By: Raquel Tebaldi (IPC-IG); Ana Paula de la O Campos (IPC-IG); Maja Gavrilovic (IPC-IG)
    Abstract: "Gender matters in social protection because gender inequalities are a source of risk and vulnerability which are also reflected in the different ways that people experience poverty. This webinar sought to highlight the main issues for policy and research in the area of gender sensitive social protection, summarising the existing evidence on how social protection empowers girls and women". (?)
    Keywords: Gender, social protection, current issues, policy trends
    Date: 2016–09
  10. By: Abdoulaye Seck; Fatoumata Lamarana Diallo; Founty Alassane Fall; KARAMOKO CAMARA; Ndeye Khadidiatou Mouhamed DIOP; Abdelkrim Araar
    Abstract: Despite an increase in the share of female-owned existing and new start-up firms in Senegal, there is still a wide belief that female entrepreneurs are discriminated against in the credit market. This paper empirically investigates such gender-based discrimination, and the extent to which it might be translated into lower efficiency. Using firm-level data and a methodological approach that consists of the data envelopment analysis, an endogenous switching regression and a propensity score matching, the paper finds no evidence to support the common wisdom that women are discriminated in the credit market. In addition, to the extent that they benefit from credit, female reap equal returns from the funds, efficiency-wise. These results do not however call for the abandonment of gender-biased public policies aiming at promoting access to credit and entrepreneurship, but suggest they be grounded on more robust footings such as managers’ education, firms’ ownership, sectorial activities with respect to capital intensity, and geographical locations.
    Keywords: Gender, access to credit, firms’ efficiency, Senegal.
    JEL: G21 J16 L25
    Date: 2015
  11. By: Yeon, Jung-In; Pyka, Andreas; Kim, Tai-Yoo
    Abstract: In this paper, we examine the experiences of the Korean economy alongside theoretical knowledge of economic development and structural change. To demonstrate the generalized hypotheses on structural change, input-output tables of Korea, from 1960 to 2010, were analyzed. Our interest in taking time series of input-output tables originates from the following two issues. Firstly, we raise the question of whether Korean industrial structure changes have followed a certain pattern of structural shifts as well as increasing variety. Secondly, if so, it is questioned how the meso-level conditions for economic development could be explained from such a pattern. To search for answers, we adopt a model of the economic development by the creation of new sectors, named TEVECON, as our theoretical framework. Using this growth model, we derive hypotheses about how the structural change could affect economic development, and then we determine how the empirical analysis of the Korean economy verifies and deepens our understanding of structural change and economic development. This paper contributes to the empirical validation of the theoretical knowledge of economic development by the emergence of key sectors and the creation of new industries.
    Keywords: Structural change,Increasing variety,Unrelated variety,Input-output table,Korean economy,TEVECON model,Economic development,Economic growth
    JEL: D31 D62 O10 O30
    Date: 2016
  12. By: Christoph Engel (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods)
    Abstract: For decades, experimental economics has been very interested in behavior that could be characterized as practicing solidarity (although the term is rarely used). Solidarity is a key concept in Catholic Social Teaching. This paper builds a bridge between these two endeavors that, thus far, had little contact with each other. Catholic Social Teaching is essentially normative. People are informed what they should do if they are good Christians. Experimental Economics is descriptive. Experimenters want to learn how much solidarity experimental participants exhibit when this is costly. But from a Catholic perspective it is interesting how strongly their norms are reflected in actual behavior. The many distinctions uncovered by behavioral economics may also help refine Catholic thinking. And behavioral economics is confronted with new questions, in particular regarding deontological motives.
    Keywords: Solidarity, Dictator Game, Stealing Game, Public Good Game, Social Preferences, Deontological Motives
    JEL: A12 A13 C91 D03 D63 D64 Z12
    Date: 2016–10
  13. By: Judit Ricz (Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
    Abstract: The financial and economic crisis of 2008-9 and the following difficulties have brought back the analysis of active state involvement in the economy to the research agenda of economists, and a new renaissance of developmental state (DS) approach can be observed. The aim of our paper is to draw up a new approach of DS in the twenty-first century by reviewing most recent literature. In our analysis we argue that to construct a new DS concept one has to break up with the historical and geographical limitation of the classic DS paradigm and the ideological debate around it. Meanwhile one has to build upon most recent results of new institutional, political and development economics’ analysis as well as the more than half century long experiences of classic DS. While presenting the structure and main elements of the new DS approach we aim to highlight those questions and areas of analysis, where consensus seems to emerge in literature.
    Keywords: developmental state, globalization, inclusive development
    JEL: F63 O20 P11
    Date: 2016–09
  14. By: Ginafranco Tusset (University of Padova)
    Abstract: Is it possible to tell whether central banks’ choices are grounded on monetary theories or whether the theories derive from what central bankers have already experimented? This study delves into this issue by adopting an approach that is novel for at least two reasons. First, it involves a lexical comparison between the textual content used by central banks and in economic articles. Second, this comparison is drawn using quantitative tools. In short, the variables measured here are words and segments of text that were submitted to a statistical analysis to identify trends and behaviors in central bankers and economists that would otherwise not be immediately apparent.
    Keywords: Monetary forerunners, Central bankers’ speeches, Monetary approaches, Quantitative history of economic thought.
    JEL: B23 B59 E58
    Date: 2016–09

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