nep-hme New Economics Papers
on Heterodox Microeconomics
Issue of 2014‒10‒17
sixteen papers chosen by
Carlo D’Ippoliti
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

  2. What’s in it for the firms? Living wage adoption as signal of ethical practice By Paul Schweinzer; Joanna K. Swaffield
  3. Gender Equality in the Labor Market in the Philippines By Asian Development Bank (ADB); ; ;
  4. A Model of Modeling By Itzhak Gilboa; Andrew Postlewaite; Larry Samuelson; David Schmeidler
  5. Gender and the Great Recession: Changes in labour supply in Spain By Tindara Addabbo; Paula Rodríguez-Modroño; Lina Gálvez-Muñoz
  6. Assessing Economic Complexity in some OECD countries with Input-Output Based Measures By Liis LILL
  7. The Challenges of Democratizing News and Information: Examining Data on Social Media, Viral Patterns and Digital Influence By Wihbey, John P
  8. Impact Analysis of the Common Agricultural Policy Changes in Italy: a Two Sectors Input-output and Micro-econometric Modelling Approach By Edoardo Pizzoli; Giuseppe Lecardane; Domenico Ciaccia
  9. Constructing a Database for Economic Modelling From the System of National Accounts: a Social Accounting Matrix for Portugal. By Susana Santos
  10. Impacts Of Agricultural Policies On Income And Income Distribution in Turkey: A Social Accounting Matrix Analysis By Metin TEKTAS
  11. Financial contagion and market intervention in the 1772-3 credit crisis By Paul Kosmetatos
  12. Industrial Policy in an Open Economy: Structure and Competitive Power of Turkish Manufacturing Industry (1980-2011) By Leyla Baştav
  14. Complex Dynamics and Financial Fragility in an Agent Based Model By GALLEGATI Mauro; GIULIONI Gianfranco; KICHIJI Nozomi
  15. Time Series Analysis of Strategic Pricing Behavior in the Brazilian Gasoline Markets: modeling volatility By Silvinha Vasconcelos; Claudio Roberto Fóffano VASCONCELOS
  16. The Structure and Application of a Price-Linked International Input-Output Model By Takashi YANO; Hiroyuki KOSAKA

  1. By: Jacqueline Kirk (Nottingham University Business School, UK)
    Abstract: Responsible business indices have become increasingly important in both academic and empirical fields of corporate social responsibility (CSR) with a growing number of organisations purporting to record CSR practice in this manner; FTSE4Good, Dow Jones, Domini and Business in the Community (BITC) to name but a few. The perceived purpose of such indices is extremely diverse. Designed initially as measurement tools for investors or methods of promoting responsible business practice, indices are also used by many organisations to measure progress overtime, benchmark practices against peers or communicate CSR practices. Thus far the main body of literature in this area has explored indices’ financial impact, validity in gaining and conveying legitimacy or social impact in promoting responsible business practices. However, there seems to be little research exploring the dynamic nature of the organisations behind such indices, their various stakeholders and the changes they have undergone over time. The following paper addresses this theoretical gap through an exploration of the organisational dynamics of one of the UK’s most prominent CSR indices; BITC’s Corporate Responsibility (CR) Index. BITC is a business led charity founded in 1982. Each year since 2002 they have produced a CR index which benchmarks organisations in terms of their responsible business practice. The index has undergone many alterations over its 11 year history and is again on the precipice of transformation. This paper applies stakeholder analysis to map the organisational dynamics, interests and power relations that influence index development, arguing that networks and agency within the organisation and the organisation’s membership have an integral effect on change. The paper concludes by signposting how network theory may be applied to these various interests groups and power relations to add value to the analysis of stakeholders and our understanding of organisational change.
    Date: 2013–09
  2. By: Paul Schweinzer; Joanna K. Swaffield
    Abstract: We analyse the effect of the voluntary adoption of a living wage on firms operating in product markets in which consumption behaviour is at least partly determined by reputational concerns for ethical firm behaviour. We show without recourse to morality or efficiency-wage theories that the adoption of a living wage policy may increase consumer welfare as well as producer surplus through the segmentation of a previously homogenous product market. In particular, we demonstrate that it may serve a firm’s profit maximisation interest to voluntarily adopt a living wage.
    Keywords: Living wage, Signalling, Reputation
    JEL: J31 J38
    Date: 2014–10
  3. By: Asian Development Bank (ADB); (Regional and Sustainable Development Department, ADB); ;
    Abstract: Based on an analysis of gender inequalities, strategies and promising initiatives to counter gender discrimination and promote equality between men and women in Cambodia, Kazakhstan, and the Philippines, as well as an inventory of global good legal, economic, and social practices, this report summarizes the findings and recommendations for Cambodia. It shows how to improve equitable employment opportunities, remuneration and treatment for women and men at work to support the development of decent work and gender equality good practices in the country. The report is part of a series consisting of: •Good Global Economic and Social Practices to Promote Gender Equality in the Labor Market •Good Global Legal Practices to Promote Gender Equality in the Labor Market •Gender Equality and the Labor Market: Cambodia, Kazakhstan, and the Philippines •Gender Equality in the Labor Market in Cambodia •Gender Equality in the Labor Market in the Philippines.
    Keywords: gender; women; labor market; global practices; legal; gender equality; ADB; ILO; GAD; gender and development; technical assistance; gender mainstreaming; discrimination; legislation; access to work; working women; recruitment; employment; international standards; minimum wage; equal remuneration; sexual harassment; labor clauses; public contracts; security; formal employment; informal employment; part-time work; short-term contracts; home workers; domestic workers; rural workers; entrepreneurs; cooperatives; social protection; maternity care; family leave; child care; association; collective bargaining; freedom of association; social dialogue
    Date: 2014–02
  4. By: Itzhak Gilboa (Tel-Aviv University; HEC, Paris; Cowles Foundation, Yale University); Andrew Postlewaite (Dept. of Economics, University of Pennsylvania); Larry Samuelson (Cowles Foundation, Yale University); David Schmeidler
    Abstract: We propose a formal model of scientific modeling, geared to applications of decision theory and game theory. The model highlights the freedom that modelers have in conceptualizing social phenomena using general paradigms in these fields. It may shed some light on the distinctions between (i) refutation of a theory and a paradigm, (ii) notions of rationality, (iii) modes of application of decision models, and (iv) roles of economics as an academic discipline. Moreover, the model suggests that all four distinctions have some common features that are captured by the model.
    Keywords: Methodology, Models, Economic modeling
    JEL: B40 B41
    Date: 2014–09
  5. By: Tindara Addabbo; Paula Rodríguez-Modroño; Lina Gálvez-Muñoz
    Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the different effects of the Great Recession on the decision of women and men to participate or not in the labour market. The literature on the effects of economic crises on labour supply by gender is analyzed. In the applied part of the paper we test the two different hypotheses: the added-worker effect (AWE), showing a countercyclical behaviour of labour supply that implies an increase in individual labour supply in response to transitory shocks in his/her partner’s earnings, and the procyclical discouraged-worker effect (DWE). Given the deep effect of the Great Recession on the Spanish labour market, the empirical part of this paper will focus on the analysis of Spanish labour supply by gender. We have estimated labour supply models for individuals aged 25 to 54 living in couples with or without children by gender by using the EU-SILC 2007 and 2011 micro data for Spain. The results of our analysis show evidence of AWE, much more significant for women whose labour supply increases by 21% when their partner is unemployed against a 0.7% increase experienced by men married to unemployed women. A relevant AWE has also been detected for women if the partner works part-time and is therefore more likely to be underemployed. By comparing the labour supply behaviours before and after the crisis we can see that the discouraging effect connected to higher regional unemployment rates lost significance in 2011 leaving the AWE to dominate the labour supply decision during the crisis for couples.
    Keywords: Labour supply, Great Recession, Gender, added worker effect, discouraged worker effect
    JEL: J22 J21 J16 J64
    Date: 2013–05
  6. By: Liis LILL
  7. By: Wihbey, John P
    Abstract: The advent of social media and peer-to-peer technologies offers the possibility of driving the full democratization of news and information, undercutting the agenda-setting of large media outlets and their relative control of news and information flows. We are now about a decade into the era of the social Web. What do the data indicate about changing news flows and access/consumption patterns in the United States? Are we witnessing a paradigm shift yet, or are legacy patterns reasserting themselves? This paper brings together media industry data and perspective—from NPR, the Boston Globe and the Wall Street Journal—with a growing body of social science and computational research produced by universities and firms such as Microsoft Research and the Facebook data science team, as well as survey findings from the Pew Research Center. The bulk of the evidence so far complicates any easy narrative, and it very much remains an open question if we can expect a more radically democratized media ecosystem, despite promising early trends and anecdotes. As I review the evidence, I aim to highlight lessons and insights that can help those thinking about and operating in the social media space. This paper also aims to serve as an accessible survey of news media-related topics within social science and social network analysis scholarship.
    Date: 2014
  8. By: Edoardo Pizzoli; Giuseppe Lecardane; Domenico Ciaccia
  9. By: Susana Santos
  10. By: Metin TEKTAS
  11. By: Paul Kosmetatos (Darwin College, Cambridge)
    Abstract: The 1772-3 credit crisis impressed its contemporaries for its suddenness, geographical range, and for arising during a time of relative peace and robust economic growth. It also arguably displayed an early instance of a Lender of Last Resort (LLR) in action, some thirty years before the classical articulation of the concept. This paper investigates whether financial contagion was at work in 1772-3, and describes its possible routes of transmission. It furthermore identifies the agents of market intervention, and discusses whether theirs was a conscious policy to limit systemic risk, or ad hoc improvisation in response to other considerations.
    Keywords: Monetary economics, Financial markets and institutions, Financial crises
    JEL: B12 E58 G01 N13 N23
  12. By: Leyla Baştav
    Abstract: TO EXAMİNE THE STRUCTURE AND COMPETİTİVE POWER OF TURKİSH INDUSTRİAL PRODUCTION DURING THE FINANCİAL LIBERALIZATION PERIOD AND BRINGING ALTERNATIVE POLICY ADVICE, REALIZING COMPARATIVE COUNTRY ASSESSMENTS Exanine theoretical framework for the industrialization policies in Neoclassical, Structural framework; examine the development of macroeconomic aggregates like saving, investment, output, industrial sectors, manufacturing,exports, imports, current account, trade deficit, capital flowsi reserves etc; examine successful country cases in industrialization, bringing in useful comparisons; bringing up basic traits of Turkish industry, bringing policy advice. Specifying the magnitude, structure of Turkish manufacturing industry, competitive structure of the various manufacturing exporting sectors. Useful contrasts with successful industrialization stories.
    Keywords: Turkey, Sectoral issues, Sectoral issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  13. By: Alina-Mihaela STOICA (National Defence University “Carol I”)
    Abstract: Woman’s education is a central theme that develops Eliotean narrative. Although George Eliot’s novels portray Victorian woman’s life, the author was not a passionate advocate of the feminist movement of the mid-nineteenth century in Britain because of her illegal and unapproved union with G. H. Lewes. Eliot had remarkable intellectual capacities that assisted her in becoming one of the great female Victorian novelists. That may be the reason why she was keen on supporting woman’s education. She believed that woman had to be able to decide by herself how woman should live her life without being imposed any rules by the Victorian patriarchal society. Eliotean female characters are depicted differently depending on the manner in which they employ the education they have been given.
    Keywords: woman, education, Victorian, patriarchal society, female characters
    Date: 2013–11
  14. By: GALLEGATI Mauro; GIULIONI Gianfranco; KICHIJI Nozomi
  15. By: Silvinha Vasconcelos; Claudio Roberto Fóffano VASCONCELOS
  16. By: Takashi YANO; Hiroyuki KOSAKA

This nep-hme issue is ©2014 by Carlo D’Ippoliti. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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