nep-his New Economics Papers
on Business, Economic and Financial History
Issue of 2025–03–17
twenty-two papers chosen by
Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo, Northumbria University

  1. Excertos da Historia Keynesiana By Gustavo Lima Moura
  2. Tracks to Modernity: Railroads, Growth, and Social Movements in Denmark By Tom G\"orges; Magnus {\O}rberg Rove; Paul Sharp; Christian Vedel
  3. A Progressive Critique of the Law and Political Economy Movement By Woodcock, Ramsi
  4. Compounding Effect of Harsh Climate and Societal Disruptions on Food Prices in Early Modern Europe By Emile Esmaili; Michael J. Puma; Francis Ludlow; Eva Jobbova
  5. The Longevity Benefits of Homeownership: Evidence from Early 20th-Century U.S. Male Birth Cohorts By Breen, Casey
  6. War and Peace, and INGOs, 1914-1945 By Troost, Agata Anita; Van Leeuwen, Marco H.D.
  7. Gendered change: 150 years of transformation in US hours By Ngai, L. Rachel; Olivetti, Claudia; Petrongolo, Barbara
  8. The Long-Term Effects of Inflation on Inflation Expectations By Fabio Braggion; Felix von Meyerinck; Nic Schaub; Michael Weber; Michael Weber
  9. Civil rights protests and election outcomes: Exploring the effects of the Poor People's Campaign By Anderson, D. Mark; Charles, Kerwin Kofi; Karbownik, Krzysztof; Rees, Daniel I.; Steffens, Camila
  10. Comment on “The real facts supporting Jeanne Calment as the oldest ever human” By Gibbs, Philip; Zak, Nikolay
  11. The 1950 Indo-Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship: Road to Review By Acharya, Mahesh
  12. Commoning with Henri Lefebvre By Juskowiak, Piotr
  13. CORVI’s rationalised typologies: form, materials, dimensions and programmes of social housing in Chile 1969-1972 By Vergara-Vidal, Jorge
  14. The making of China and India in the 21st Century: Long-run human capital a accumulation from 1900 to 2020 By Bharti, Nitin Kumar; Li, Yang
  15. The Evolution of Talent Allocation into Academia: Institution-Building and Graduates’ Choices during Japan’s Industrialization By Takuya Hiraiwa; Serguey Braguinsky; Rajshree Agarwal
  16. Le Jacobin mécanique par Russel Kirk By Remy, Sylvain Pierre
  17. New Methods for Old Questions: Predicting Historical Urban Renewal Areas in the United States By Xu, Wenfei
  18. The Evolution of Health Investment: Historical Motivations and Fertility Implications By Ruiwu Liu
  19. On the authenticity of “the oldest human” Jeanne Calment By Zak, Nikolay; Gibbs, Philip
  20. The dynamics of household location preferences in Germany By Neumann, Uwe; Schmidt, Christoph M.
  21. History of Malagasy currency, and a brief attempt to analyze inflation By Lazanoe Rajamarison
  22. Mal du Siècle. From the Disenchanted Youth of the Romantic Age to the Disillusionment of Today’s Young Graduates By Thomas Simon; Marion Cina; Xavier Philippe

  1. By: Gustavo Lima Moura
    Abstract: This article analytically describes the contributions of Keynesian theory in the post-World War I context, by means of a synoptic reading of the bibliographical sources indicated, the Keynesian theory within its own historical and philosophical context. The discussion covers the main concepts of his theory. The aim is, through the excerpts highlighted in the article, to briefly contextualize the origins of the ideas of John Maynard Keynes' economic thought.
    Date: 2025–02
  2. By: Tom G\"orges; Magnus {\O}rberg Rove; Paul Sharp; Christian Vedel
    Abstract: How do transport infrastructures shape economic transformation and social change? We examine the impact of railway expansion in nineteenth-century Denmark on local population growth, occupational shifts, and the diffusion of ideas. Using a historical panel dataset and a difference-in-differences approach, we document that railway access significantly increased population growth and accelerated structural change. Moreover, railway-connected areas were more likely to establish key institutions linked to civic engagement and the cooperative movement. These findings suggest that improved market access was not only a driver of economic modernization but also a catalyst for institutional and cultural transformation.
    Date: 2025–02
  3. By: Woodcock, Ramsi
    Abstract: The emerging law and political economy movement (LPE) in the United States has mistakenly conflated the conservative law and economics movement of the mid-20th century with law and economics generally. As a result, LPE has failed to draw upon a rich tradition of left-wing law and economic thought that predates the conservative law and economics movement and would provide LPE with powerful analytic tools. Law and economics is not inherently conservative. Indeed, progressives themselves created the field a century ago. The centerpiece of this early work consisted of two key points about the neoclassical approach to economics. The first was that policymakers can structure markets efficiently to produce any distribution of wealth that they desire. In contemporary parlance, law determines the market. The second was that even if a policymaker is constrained to accept a particular market structure, every market generates a surplus that policymakers can in principle redistribute through price regulation or taxation without harming efficiency. In mistakenly rejecting law and economics as enemy propaganda, LPE has found itself fighting old battles or unable to make intellectual headway in new ones. The movement has treated as a major new discovery the now century-old proposition that law determines the market. Unaware of the proposition’s history, LPE has also failed to grasp that conservative law and economics long ago accepted that proposition and parried by arguing that the market also determines the law. This has prevented LPE from offering a rejoinder—a glaring omission given the role this counterattack played in the demise of the New Deal state. Lacking the concept of economic surplus that left-wing law and economics spent so much time developing a century ago, LPE has also found itself unable to appreciate the great variety of the sources of economic power. LPE has instead tended to attribute all economic power to monopoly, leading to a focus on antitrust policy when taxation and rate regulation are more likely to achieve progressive goals.
    Date: 2023–03–31
  4. By: Emile Esmaili; Michael J. Puma; Francis Ludlow; Eva Jobbova
    Abstract: The complex interplay between famine, warfare, and climate constitutes a multifaceted and context-dependent relationship that has profoundly influenced human history, particularly in early modern Europe. This study advances the literature on climate-economy interactions by leveraging multi-scale statistical techniques to quantify the compounded effects of climate variability and socio-political factors on food prices, offering novel model-based insights into the historical dynamics of climate and economic systems. Using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), we investigate the influence of temperature fluctuations and drought severity on food prices across 14 European cities from 1565 to 1785. Our findings confirm a persistent negative relationship between temperature and food prices over the long term, while the relationship between drought severity and price dynamics appears positive yet inconsistent. Extending our analysis to higher-frequency patterns, we demonstrate that cold anomalies are strongly associated with food price that caused large-scale famines of the 1590s and 1690s. Likewise, we show that the severe and consecutive droughts of 1634 to 1636, coinciding with the Thirty Years' War, significantly amplified food price volatility, illustrating how climatic shocks can compound socio-economic and political crises. Furthermore, we identify years characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of extreme cold and drought as periods of heightened price instability, underscoring the compounded impact of concurrent climatic stressors on food prices during the early modern period.
    Date: 2025–02
  5. By: Breen, Casey
    Abstract: Owning a home has long been touted as a key component of the idealized "American Dream." Homeownership is associated with greater wealth and better health, but the causal impact of homeownership on health remains unclear. Using linked complete-count census and Social Security mortality records, we document Black-White disparities in homeownership rates and produce the first U.S.-based estimates of the association between homeownership in early adulthood and longevity. We then use a sibling-based identification strategy to estimate the causal effect of homeownership on longevity for cohorts born in the first two decades of the 20th century. Our results indicate homeownership has a significant positive impact on longevity, which we estimate at approximately 4 months.
    Date: 2023–04–15
  6. By: Troost, Agata Anita; Van Leeuwen, Marco H.D.
    Abstract: In the second half of the nineteenth century, there was a boom in the foundation of new international associations – bodies that, in post-1945 parlance, can be described as international non-governmental organisations (INGOs). Since that period the international trend of organised cooperation almost never slowed down. Almost: we can observe a significant drop in the number of such organisations being founded and an increase of those ceasing to exist, per year, in the periods around the two World Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945). But are the wars themselves the main cause of these changes, or is the tense political situation preceding a war to blame? And which organisations are particularly vulnerable to a hostile diplomatic climate: those with less resources, those in certain countries or maybe those with activist topics? Thanks to the data from the Union of International Associations (UIA), we can answer such questions by interpreting the results of both statistical and descriptive analyses of INGOs in their historical context. This study provides insights into the influence of inter-state politics on non-governmental international organisations and therefore contributes to our understanding of the effects of war on associational life.
    Date: 2023–08–30
  7. By: Ngai, L. Rachel; Olivetti, Claudia; Petrongolo, Barbara
    Abstract: Women's contribution to the economy has been markedly underestimated in predominantly agricultural societies, due to their widespread involvement in unpaid agricultural work. Combining data from the US Census and several early sources, we create a consistent measure of male and female employment and hours for the US for 1870-2019, including paid work and unpaid work in family farms and non-farm businesses. The resulting measure of hours traces a U-shape for women, with a modest decline up to mid-20th century followed by a sustained increase, and a monotonic decline for men. We propose a multisector economy with uneven productivity growth, income effects, and consumption complementarity across sectoral outputs. During early development stages, declining agriculture leads to rising services - both in the market and the home - and leisure, reducing market work for both genders. In later stages, structural transformation reallocates labor from manufacturing into services, while marketization reallocates labor from home to market services. Given gender comparative advantages, the first channel is more relevant for men, reducing male hours, while the second channel is more relevant for women, increasing female hours. Our quantitative illustration suggests that structural transformation and marketization can account for the overall decline in market hours from 1880-1950, and one quarter of the rise and decline, respectively, in female and male market hours from 1950-2019.
    Keywords: hours; work; gender; structural transformation
    JEL: J16 J20 N12 N14 O41
    Date: 2024–06–07
  8. By: Fabio Braggion; Felix von Meyerinck; Nic Schaub; Michael Weber; Michael Weber
    Abstract: We study the long-term effects of inflation surges on inflation expectations using Germany as a laboratory. Households living in areas with higher local inflation during the hyperinflation of the 1920s expect higher inflation today, even after controlling for known determinants of historical inflation and inflation expectations and despite facing similar inflation rates today. Our evidence points towards a vertical transmission of inflation experiences from parents to children and a horizontal transmission through collective memory. Differential historical inflation also modulates the updating of expectations to current inflation, the response to economic policies affecting inflation, and financial decisions. We obtain similar results for Polish households residing in formerly German areas. Overall, our findings are consistent with inflationary shocks having a long-lasting impact on attitudes towards inflation, which raises the costs of disinflationary policies by central banks.
    Keywords: inflation, inflation expectations, long-term persistence, German hyperinflation
    JEL: D14 E31 E71 G41 N14
    Date: 2025
  9. By: Anderson, D. Mark; Charles, Kerwin Kofi; Karbownik, Krzysztof; Rees, Daniel I.; Steffens, Camila
    Abstract: The Poor People's Campaign (PPC) of 1968 was focused on highlighting, and ultimately reducing, poverty in the United States. As part of the campaign, protestors from across the country were transported to Washington, D.C. in 6 separate bus caravans, each of which made stops en route to rest, recruit, and hold non-violent protests. Using data from 1960-1970, we estimate the effects of these protests on congressional election outcomes. In the South, we find that PPC protests led to reductions in Democratic vote share and turnout, while in the West they may have benefited Democratic candidates at the expense of their Republican rivals.
    Keywords: Civil Rights, Election, Political Economics, Protests
    JEL: D72 I30 J15 N32
    Date: 2024
  10. By: Gibbs, Philip; Zak, Nikolay
    Abstract: In 1997 Jeanne Calment died at a claimed age of 122 years and 164 days. The authenticity of her age was validated by Michel Allard and Jean-Marie Robine who published popular books about her case. In 2018 Nikolay Zak presented evidence that Jeanne Calment’s daughter Yvonne had assumed her mother’s identity. In 2019 the original validators and their colleagues defended their work and tried to refute the points of evidence made by Zak. In this comment we examine their arguments and find that they do not hold up. We provide new damning evidence in favour of the identity switch hypothesis.
    Date: 2023–11–12
  11. By: Acharya, Mahesh
    Abstract: After much wrangling for decades, Nepal and India have finally spearheaded in the direction to revise officially perhaps the most controversial treaty between them. Kathmandu and New Delhi have constituted a joint Eminent Persons Group (EPG) in early 2016 to review the past treaties and agreements and submit recommendations to the respective governments so that they befit the current realities. The Indo-Nepalese Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed in 1950 which has been a perennial irritant from the early years of its inception, is undoubtedly the major agenda on the table. There would be hardly disagreement that it could be a good starting point in the direction to quell the deeply ingrained mutual distrust but much will depend on the political will of both the capitals as the recommendations of EPG will not be obligatory. The paper will examine the different facets of the Treaty which both the parties see the need to review, and explore the reasons which held New Delhi and Kathmandu back for whopping sixty seven years to traverse the road to the review.
    Date: 2023–09–21
  12. By: Juskowiak, Piotr
    Abstract: In this article, I ask how Henri Lefebvre’s oeuvre can contribute to the foundations for a metromarxist theory of urban commoning. To provide an answer to this question I discuss three main areas in which his thinking about the common emerges – his anthropology, philosophy of the urban, and politics of autogestion. This allows me to emphasize the multidimensionality of the Lefebvre-minded commoning, which manifests itself not only at the level of local activism but also touches the dimensions of the production of subjectivity and the constitution of the urban. Read in this way, Lefebvre’s theory of urban commoning helps us to move beyond some of the limitations of the existing discussion of urban commons, as well as to make room for a more fruitful dialogue between urban scholars and autonomist Marxists. It also equips us with an alternative conceptual framework that potentially enhances post-Lefebvrian projects of direct urban democracy.
    Date: 2023–04–22
  13. By: Vergara-Vidal, Jorge
    Abstract: The enormous everyday and cultural influence of the design carried out by the teams of the public agency Corporación de la Vivienda (CORVI) (Housing Corporation) in Chilean cities gives rise, in this text, to an approach to their period of greatest production as a unique creative moment which, guided by the idea of rationalisation of project decisions, collaborates centrally in the process of their standardisation. To this end, the information on the eighteen project typologies drawn up between 1966 and 1971 by these teams and contained in the document "Tipología de viviendas racionalizadas 1966-1972” (Rationalised housing typologies 1966-1972) is systematised. Not all of these designs were finally built, but their forms, materials, dimensions and programmes give an account of a synthesis of the housing built up to that time and of the similarities between them, which is understood as evidence of a process both typological and standardised, which delimits and symmetrises the structural and spatial aspects between the prototypes of social housing.
    Date: 2023–03–03
  14. By: Bharti, Nitin Kumar; Li, Yang
    Abstract: We construct a novel dataset of human capital accumulation in China and India from 1900 to 2020 by combining historical records and educational reports to analyze the role of education in economic divergence. Three key findings emerge. First, China pursued a bottom-up strategy, first expanding primary education, followed by secondary and tertiary levels. India, in contrast, adopted a top-down approach, gradually expanding its educational system but prioritizing secondary and higher education before primary. Second, China prioritized quantity over quality, whereas India's expansion attempted to balance quality through teachers' emoluments. Third, China's system features more diversified secondary and tertiary education, with a strong emphasis on vocational education and engineering than India. We highlight the role of educational policies in shaping these trajectories. Our findings on differences in the human capital accumulation in India and China have significant economic implications: education inequality (gini) is not only higher in India but also accounts for a larger share of wage inequality in India (25%), compared with less than 12% in China. Despite a larger share of tertiary-educated graduates, India also struggles with high illiteracy, possibly impeding structural transformation by confining many to the low-productivity agricultural sector. In contrast, China's approach created a larger share of primary, secondary, and vocational graduates combined with more tertiary-educated engineers, generating human capital that is more suitable for the manufacturing sector. India's focus on humanities and accounting in tertiary education fueled service sector growth. Overall, our findings illustrate the importance of human capital composition in shaping long-run economic development.
    Keywords: human capital accumulation, education, long run development, inequality, China, India
    JEL: D31 E02 E24 H52 I2 N30
    Date: 2024
  15. By: Takuya Hiraiwa; Serguey Braguinsky; Rajshree Agarwal
    Abstract: Higher technical-education institutions play an important role in training industrial scientists and engineers and generating new technologies. How well they perform this role, however, depends on their ability to recruit and retain talented faculty who have alternative options in industry; moreover, such allocation of talent in academia vs. industry is conditioned by path-dependencies in the evolution of these sectors. We examine the evolution of academia-industry occupational choices and talent allocation across sectors by utilizing unique data on the census of university-educated engineers from the first 40 cohorts since the inception of higher technical education in Japan. We find that academia disproportionately attracted top talent despite an increasing pay gap with industry, which we link to the institution-building process that increased non-monetary attractiveness of academic jobs. To quantitatively examine the evolution of non-pecuniary preferences for academic careers on the supply side, we estimate a dynamic model of occupational choice and find that top graduates from later cohorts, especially those who already showed exceptional talent at early stages of education, were more likely than earlier graduates to value non-pecuniary benefits offered by academia.
    JEL: I25 J24 N35
    Date: 2025–02
  16. By: Remy, Sylvain Pierre
    Abstract: Translation to French of Russel Kirk's The Mechanical Jacobin (1962). Traduction en français de The Mechanical Jacobin de Russel Kirk (1962).
    Date: 2023–05–13
  17. By: Xu, Wenfei
    Abstract: Mid-20th urban renewal in the United States was transformational for the physical urban fabric and socioeconomic trajectories of these neighborhoods and its displaced residents. However, there is little research that systematically investigates its impacts due to incomplete national data. This article uses a multiple machine learning method to discover 204 new Census tracts that were likely sites of federal urban renewal, highway construction related demolition, and other urban renewal projects between 1949 and 1970. It also aims to understand the factors motivating the decision to “renew” certain neighborhoods. I find that race, housing age, and homeownership are all determinants of renewal. Moreover, by stratifying the analysis along neighborhoods perceived to be more or less risky, I also find that race and housing age are two distinct channels that influence renewal.
    Date: 2023–05–13
  18. By: Ruiwu Liu
    Abstract: In this working paper, I developed a suite of macroeconomic models that shed light on the intricate relationship between economic development, health, and fertility. These innovative models conceptualize health as an intermediate good, paving the way for new interpretations of dynamic socio-economic phenomena, particularly the non-monotonic effects of health on economic and population growth. The evolving dynamic interactions among economic growth, population, and health during the early stages of human development have been well interpreted in this research.
    Date: 2025–03
  19. By: Zak, Nikolay; Gibbs, Philip
    Abstract: Madame Calment’s extraordinary longevity claim has significantly influenced current estimates of human lifespan. However, recent evidence raises doubts about the authenticity of her record. We compare two competing hypotheses: the base scenario, which assumes that Jeanne’s daughter Yvonne died in 1934, and the switch scenario, which proposes that Yvonne assumed her mother’s identity in 1933. Our analysis suggests that the available evidence supports the switch scenario and contradicts the previously accepted base scenario. This study emphasizes the need to re-evaluate the evidence and highlights the importance of DNA testing (subject to approval by the French authorities). The case of Jeanne Calment was considered the gold standard for age validation. Our research shows that documentation is not always sufficient to verify cases of exceptional longevity. This has important implications for our understanding of the upper limits of human lifespan and demographic patterns in extreme ages.
    Date: 2023–08–08
  20. By: Neumann, Uwe; Schmidt, Christoph M.
    Abstract: Inspired by the literature on social polarisation and residential segregation we draw on a probabilistic approach to pursue the evolution of household location preferences in West Germany. Using microdata from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the period 1984-2020 we demonstrate that structural economic change was accompanied by an increasing preference for residence in compact housing close to urban centres. Our analysis outlines that during the past two decades, intra-urban and urban-rural disparities by age and skills have begun to rise. Even for Germany, where segregation is moderate, any scenario suggesting neighbourhood-level convergence of living standards seems unlikely.
    Abstract: Anknüpfend an die Literatur über soziale Polarisierung und Segregation verfolgen wir mit Hilfe eines probabilistischen Ansatzes die Entwicklung der Standortpräferenzen von Haushalten in Westdeutschland. Anhand von Mikrodaten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) für den Zeitraum 1984-2020 zeigen wir, dass der wirtschaftliche Strukturwandel mit einer zunehmenden Präferenz für das Wohnen in kompakten, zentrumsnahen Wohnungen einherging. Unsere Analyse verdeutlicht, dass in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten die innerstädtischen und Stadt-Land-Unterschiede nach Alter und Qualifikation zugenommen haben. Selbst für Deutschland, wo die Segregation nur moderat ausgeprägt ist, erscheint eine Angleichung des Lebensstandards auf der Stadtteilebene unwahrscheinlich.
    Keywords: Household location, segregation, structural change, SOEP
    JEL: C25 R21 R23
    Date: 2024
  21. By: Lazanoe Rajamarison (Université de Toliara - Université de Toliara)
    Abstract: The question that should be asked in this article is to know the period during which inflation took place in Madagascar. It could also be asked in this article whether inflation could have existed, or not, in a country where an institute in charge of monetary issuance, or at least, an organization that deals with monetary regulation did not yet exist? This question arises for specialists in economic history, or for a possible expert, given that the objective of this writing is to detect the existence of a correlation between the use of money in a country with an archaic type economy, and a possible existence of inflation which is a phenomenon generated by the circulation of money. This being posed in the sense that Orthodox theory strives to demonstrate the fact that inflation only occurs in the presence of money and an issuing institute (monetary statistics, among other things for measuring inflation). To be able to answer these questions, it was necessary on our part to carry out a bibliographic review, to carry out surveys with the country's Monetary Issue Institute and at the end to divide this present article into two parts, the first of which will try to provide elements of explanation on the introduction of money within the country, and the extent of its power over the entire environment of exchanges, including its intrinsic value. In the second part, on the other hand, an attempt to create a single Malagasy currency will be developed. It would therefore be presented, in this part, some texts justifying the need for the creation of a specifically Malagasy currency, as well as the reaction of pre-colonial society to this project. Some developments in the Malagasy currency in response to the demand of the colonial economy also flesh out this part, and from these analyses, this study will draw a conclusion on a possible existence, or the opposite, of the phenomenon of price increases throughout the Malagasy economy from the time before and during colonization. In conclusion, inflation is a concept generally unknown to the monarchical era; it was an unsuitable concept because the economy of the time was not yet effectively monetized. On the other hand, the concept of inflation was established little by little when the Malagasy Nation began to adopt the European consumption mode. From the moment the country chose to found its own monetary issuing institute, the operation of the money market causes the variation of the currency circuit and automatically creates the needs of the market in terms of financing and refinancing of the economy. In this sense, the supply and demand of money sets the market price (interest rate) and favors or not the variation in the price level. It would therefore be necessary to advance, following this situation, that inflation is truly a monetary phenomenon.
    Abstract: La question qui devrait se poser, dans cet article, est de savoir l'époque pendant laquelle l'inflation a eu lieu à Madagascar. Il pourrait être également demandé dans cet article si l'inflation aurait pu exister, ou non dans un pays où un institut en charge de l'émission monétaire, ou du moins, un organisme qui s'occupe de la réglementation monétaire n'existait pas encore ? Cette question se pose à l'endroit des spécialistes en histoire économique, ou à un éventuel expert, étant donné que l'objectif de cet écrit est de décelé l'existence d'une corrélation entre l'utilisation de la monnaie dans une contrée d'économie de type archaïque, et une éventuelle existence de l'inflation qui est un phénomène généré par la circulation de la monnaie. Ceci étant posé dans le sens où la théorie Orthodoxe s'efforce de démonter le fait que l'inflation ne survienne qu'en présence de la monnaie et d'un institut d'émission (de la statistique monétaire, entre autres pour la mesure de l'inflation). Pour pouvoir répondre à ces questions, il s'avérais nécessaire de notre part, de passer à une revue bibliographique, à des enquêtes auprès de l'Institut d'émission monétaire du pays et à la fin de diviser ce présent article en deux parties, dont la première essaiera apporte des éléments d'explications sur l'introduction de la monnaie à l'intérieur du pays, et l'étendue de son pouvoir sur l'ensemble de l'environnement des échanges, incluant de sa valeur intrinsèque. En deuxième partie, par contre, une tentative de création d'une monnaie unique malagasy sera à développer. Il serait donc exposé, dans cette partie, quelques textes justifiant la nécessité d'une création de monnaie proprement malagasy, ainsi que la réaction de la société pré-coloniale par rapport à ce projet. Quelques évolutions de la monnaie malagasy face à la demande de l'économie coloniale viennent également étoffer cette partie, et à partir de ces analyses, cette étude tirera une conclusion sur une éventuelle existence, ou le contraire, du phénomène de hausse de prix dans l'ensemble de l'économie malagasy de l'époque pré et pendant la colonisation. En conclusion, l'inflation est un concept généralement inconnu de l'époque monarchique ; c'était un concept non adapté car l'économie de l'époque n'est pas encore effectivement monétarisée. Par contre, le concept d'inflation s'établi petit à petit lorsque la Nation malagasy commençait à adopter le mode de consommation des européens. A partir du moment où le pays a choisi de fonder son propre institut d'émission monétaire, le jeu du marché monétaire entraine la variation du circuit de la monnaie et créé automatiquement les besoins du marché en termes de financement et du refinancement de l'économie. Dans ce sens, l'offre et la demande de monnaie fixe le prix du marché (taux d'intérêt) et favorise ou non la variation du niveau des prix. Il serait donc nécessaire d'avancer, suivant cette situation que l'inflation est vraiment un phénomène monétaire.
    Keywords: Inflation, Histoire, Monnaie, Madagascar
    Date: 2025
  22. By: Thomas Simon (L2n - Lumière, nanomatériaux et nanotechnologies - UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Marion Cina (LEST - Laboratoire d'Economie et de Sociologie du Travail - AMU - Aix Marseille Université - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Xavier Philippe (Métis Lab EM Normandie - EM Normandie - École de Management de Normandie = EM Normandie Business School)
    Abstract: Organisational absurdity is an emerging field of study in management sciences. Often described in conceptual terms in the existing literature as a loss of meaning arising from the collapsing frontiers of rationality, there have been few attempts to engage empirically with this absurdity, particularly from the perspective of new recruits joining organisations, and more specifically those who have recently completed their studies. Our research seeks to explore the ways in which young graduates respond to organisational absurdity and its consequences. To do this, we use an original empirical approach, which has been recognised elsewhere as a pertinent means of tackling absurdity, namely, fictional analysis. We thus propose an analogy between today's young graduates and the young Romantics of the 19th century, invoking a number of literary references for heuristic ends, in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon in question. Now as in centuries past, upon coming face-to-face with absurdity, a considerable number of young people respond by retreating from their professional responsibilities. This state of affairs is illustrated by a series of 35 interviews, revealing a profound sense of disenchantment, which, in many cases, can lead young professionals to turn inwards and withdraw from their professional environments. In the face of this distress, our research invites organisations to rethink the way they manage young graduates.
    Keywords: Young graduates, Organisational absurdity, Romanticism, Literature, Crisis of meaning
    Date: 2024–01–25

This nep-his issue is ©2025 by Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.