nep-hap New Economics Papers
on Economics of Happiness
Issue of 2025–03–03
three papers chosen by
Viviana Di Giovinazzo, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

  1. Connecting with nature: The missing link between a satisfied life and a healthy life? By Sollis, Kate; Rajeevan, Usitha; van Eeden, Lily; Lee, Kate; Keniger, Lucy; Lin, Brenda; Marsh, Pauline; Flies, Emily
  2. The anatomy of marital happiness By Peltzman, Sam
  3. Exploring the Potential for a Holistic Indicator of Social Sustainability and Quality of Life in Vancouver By Mohebbian, Mana

  1. By: Sollis, Kate; Rajeevan, Usitha; van Eeden, Lily; Lee, Kate; Keniger, Lucy; Lin, Brenda; Marsh, Pauline; Flies, Emily
    Abstract: Nature connection is an important leverage point for both human wellbeing and planetary health. While previous research has identified associations between nature connection and wellbeing, there has been little examination of how different wellbeing measures are associated with nature connection, and how this correlation varies by population groups. We seek to fill this gap through a survey of 4006 individuals in Australia. We find a strong association between nature connection and two measures of wellbeing: life satisfaction, and health-related quality-of-life. The association between nature connection and life satisfaction was similar to that of income and life satisfaction. The association between nature connection and wellbeing was found to be particularly strong for younger people, and those who speak a language other than English at home. Through developing a measure examining one’s life satisfaction relative to their health-related quality-of-life, we find that those with higher levels of nature connection tend to have greater life satisfaction than health-related quality-of-life. These findings highlight the important role policy can play in enhancing nature connection to improve wellbeing, such as expanding green space development and providing individuals with more opportunities to meaningfully connect with nature. Keywords: Nature connection, wellbeing, life satisfaction, health-related quality-of-life
    Date: 2024–09–05
  2. By: Peltzman, Sam
    Abstract: Since 1972, the General Social Survey has periodically asked whether people are happy with Yes, Maybe or No type answers. Here I use a net "happiness" measure, which is percentage Yes less percentage No with Maybe treated as zero. Average happiness is around +20 on this scale for all respondents from 1972 to the last pre-pandemic survey (2018). However, there is a wide gap of around 30 points between married and unmarried respondents. This "marital premium" is this paper's subject. I describe how this premium varies across and within population groups. These include standard socio demographics (age, sex, race education, income) and more. I find little variety and thereby surface a notable regularity in US socio demography: there is a substantial marital premium for every group and sub-group I analyze, and this premium is usually close to the overall 30-point average. This holds not just for standard characteristics but also for those directly related to marriage like children and sex (and sex preference). I also find a "cohabitation premium", but it is much smaller (10 points) than the marital premium. The analysis is mainly visual, and there is inevitably some interesting variety across seventeen figures, such as a 5-point increase in recent years.
    Keywords: happiness, marriage, demographics, family, education, income, sex, sex preference
    JEL: D10 D60 I31 J10 J12 J18 K36 Z13
    Date: 2025
  3. By: Mohebbian, Mana
    Abstract: This report investigates the feasibility of developing a holistic indicator to assess and communicate the social sustainability and quality of life in Vancouver. Despite the availability of various specific metrics, there is a noted absence of a comprehensive framework that integrates these metrics to provide a singular, actionable view of the city's progress towards its social sustainability goals. The City of Vancouver currently employs 45 population-level indicators under its Healthy City Strategy, demonstrating the city's commitment to transparent and data-driven governance. However, these indicators, while effective individually, do not collectively provide a complete picture of the city's overall health across various dimensions such as public health, housing, education, and environmental sustainability. The aim of this research was to identify a holistic indicator that encompasses multiple dimensions of social sustainability to simplify assessments and improve strategic planning. Through a desktop review of 70 existing indicators and consultations with experts, two models were identified as particularly promising: the Greater London Authority's (GLA) Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure, and the City of Calgary's Equity Index (CEI). These models offer robust frameworks that prioritize equity, accessibility, and stakeholder involvement, aligning closely with Vancouver's urban development goals. This work highlights the need for an overarching metric that reflects the interdependencies among various domains, ensuring that progress in one area does not undermine another. By leveraging insights from this research, Vancouver can enhance its policy implementation and community engagement, moving closer to achieving a balanced and sustainable urban environment. The proposed holistic indicator will also support the city in benchmarking against other urban centers and refining its strategic initiatives based on quantifiable metrics.
    Date: 2024–11–05

This nep-hap issue is ©2025 by Viviana Di Giovinazzo. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.