nep-hap New Economics Papers
on Economics of Happiness
Issue of 2024‒05‒27
two papers chosen by

  1. Caring for carers? The effect of public subsidies on the wellbeing of unpaid carers By Costa-Font, Joan; D'Amico, Francesco; Vilaplana-Prieto, Cristina
  2. Status and Perspectives of Maasai Women in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania By Albers, H. Jo; Campoverde, P. David; King, Bethany; Sills, Erin; Alais, Lemiani; Kirama, Stephen; Kreinbrink, Victoria; Lokina, Razack; Mtenge, Erica

  1. By: Costa-Font, Joan; D'Amico, Francesco; Vilaplana-Prieto, Cristina
    Abstract: We study the effect of long-term care subsidies and supports on the well-being of unpaid caregivers. We draw on evidence from a policy intervention, which universalized previously means-tested caregiving supports in Scotland, known as free personal care (FPC). We document causal evidence of an increase in the well-being (happiness) of unpaid carers after the introduction of FPC. Our estimates suggest economically relevant improvements in happiness (12 percentage point increase in subjective well-being) among caregivers exposed to FPC and who provide at least 35 hours of care per week. Consistently, these results are larger among women and non-actively employed caregivers (17 percentage point increase in happiness). Estimates are not driven by selection into caregiving; they are explained by income effects of FPC among caregivers.
    Keywords: caregiving; long-term care subsidies; Scotland; caregiver’s well-being; subjective well-being
    JEL: I18 J22
    Date: 2023–10–23
  2. By: Albers, H. Jo (University of Wyoming); Campoverde, P. David (University of Wyoming); King, Bethany (University of Wyoming); Sills, Erin (North Carolina State University); Alais, Lemiani (UDSM); Kirama, Stephen (University of Dar es Salaam); Kreinbrink, Victoria (University of Wyoming); Lokina, Razack (University of Dar es Salaam); Mtenge, Erica (Georgia State University)
    Abstract: The UNESCO World Heritage Site Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Tanzania is a well-known example of the challenges of managing a conservation area for multiple goals including meeting the needs of residents within the conservation area. The NCA seeks to achieve multiple goals including protecting biodiversity, providing tourism opportunities, improving resident Maasai livelihoods, and conserving Maasai culture. Within and beyond the NCA, most analysis and projects focus on Maasai men, who are cattle herders and heads of multi-household families. In this paper, we describe livelihoods and wellbeing, as affected by the protected area, from the perspective of the Maasai women. Recognizing that well-being (and poverty) is multi-dimensional, we examine how different factors correlate with selfreported life satisfaction and we apply the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For each of the SDGs, we report the available evidence from documentation and from surveys of village leaders, female heads of household, and a small supplementary sample of male heads of the polygamous families. We administered the surveys in all 23 Maasai villages in the NCA. The survey results confirm that poverty is widespread, but with substantial variation in the depth of poverty and in access to essentials including water, food, and fuel. Reported life satisfaction of Maasai women is correlated with food security, clothing quality, and access to markets and social services, but not with family ownership of cattle, which is the most used metric of Maasai wealth. Our findings suggest potential improvement in NCA programs and provide a baseline to analyze the effects of any such changes in those programs from the perspective Maasai women.
    Keywords: biodiversity conservation; gender; pastoralists; protected areas; Maasai; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); people and parks
    JEL: Q00
    Date: 2022–10–24

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.