nep-ger New Economics Papers
on German Papers
Issue of 2018‒04‒09
two papers chosen by
Roberto Cruccolini
Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München

  1. Marcel Mauss und ökonomische Theorien: Die Institution Geld By Egbert, Henrik
  2. Zugang von FH-/HAW-Absolventinnen und -Absolventen zur Promotion, kooperative Promotionen und Promotionsrecht By Meurer, Petra

  1. By: Egbert, Henrik
    Abstract: This paper puts Marcel Mauss’s concept on money in the context of economic theories. Mauss articulated his thoughts on money in the first decades of the 20th century. They are considerably less known and discussed than his famous essay on ‘the gift’. Nevertheless, his contributions on the origin and function of money are worth being examined in economics as well as in economic-anthropological discourse. This essay relates Mauss’s ideas to microeconomic theories. The argument pursued is that his concepts on money are both compatible with neoclassical, and with New Institutional Economic theories. For this purpose, the text addresses three parallels.
    Keywords: Marcel Mauss; money; the gift; history of economic thought
    JEL: B15 Z10 Z13
    Date: 2018–03–27
  2. By: Meurer, Petra
    Date: 2018

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