nep-for New Economics Papers
on Forecasting
Issue of 2024‒09‒23
one paper chosen by
Rob J Hyndman, Monash University

  1. Hidden Threshold Models with applications to asymmetric cycles By Harvey, A.; Simons, J.

  1. By: Harvey, A.; Simons, J.
    Abstract: Threshold models are set up so that there is a switch between regimes for the parameters of an unobserved components model. When Gaussianity is assumed, the model is handled by the Kalman filter. The switching depends on a component crossing a boundary, and, because the component is not observed directly, the error in its estimation leads naturally to a smooth transition mechanism. A prominent example motivating thresholds is that of a cyclical time series characterized by a downturn that is more, or less, rapid than the upturn. The situation is illustrated by fitting a model with three potentially asymmetric cycles, each with its own threshold, to observations on ice volume in Antarctica since 799, 000 BCE. The model is able to produce multi-step forecasts with associated prediction intervals. A second example shows how a hidden threshold model is able to deal with the asymmetric cycle in monthly US unemployment.
    Keywords: Conditionally Gaussian state space model, Kalman filter, nonlinear time series model, regimes, smooth transition autoregressive model, unobserved components
    JEL: C22
    Date: 2024–08–21

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