nep-for New Economics Papers
on Forecasting
Issue of 2021‒07‒26
seven papers chosen by
Rob J Hyndman
Monash University

  1. National-scale electricity peak load forecasting: Traditional, machine learning, or hybrid model? By Juyong Lee; Youngsang Cho
  2. MegazordNet: combining statistical and machine learning standpoints for time series forecasting By Angelo Garangau Menezes; Saulo Martiello Mastelini
  3. Visual Time Series Forecasting: An Image-driven Approach By Naftali Cohen; Srijan Sood; Zhen Zeng; Tucker Balch; Manuela Veloso
  4. Decision making with dynamic probabilistic forecasts By Peter Tankov; Laura Tinsi
  5. Machine Learning for Financial Forecasting, Planning and Analysis: Recent Developments and Pitfalls By Helmut Wasserbacher; Martin Spindler
  6. Stock price prediction using BERT and GAN By Priyank Sonkiya; Vikas Bajpai; Anukriti Bansal
  7. Predicting Exporters with Machine Learning By Francesca Micocci; Armando Rungi

  1. By: Juyong Lee; Youngsang Cho
    Abstract: As the volatility of electricity demand increases owing to climate change and electrification, the importance of accurate peak load forecasting is increasing. Traditional peak load forecasting has been conducted through time series-based models; however, recently, new models based on machine or deep learning are being introduced. This study performs a comparative analysis to determine the most accurate peak load-forecasting model for Korea, by comparing the performance of time series, machine learning, and hybrid models. Seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (SARIMAX) is used for the time series model. Artificial neural network (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), and long short-term memory (LSTM) are used for the machine learning models. SARIMAX-ANN, SARIMAX-SVR, and SARIMAX-LSTM are used for the hybrid models. The results indicate that the hybrid models exhibit significant improvement over the SARIMAX model. The LSTM-based models outperformed the others; the single and hybrid LSTM models did not exhibit a significant performance difference. In the case of Korea's highest peak load in 2019, the predictive power of the LSTM model proved to be greater than that of the SARIMAX-LSTM model. The LSTM, SARIMAX-SVR, and SARIMAX-LSTM models outperformed the current time series-based forecasting model used in Korea. Thus, Korea's peak load-forecasting performance can be improved by including machine learning or hybrid models.
    Date: 2021–06
  2. By: Angelo Garangau Menezes; Saulo Martiello Mastelini
    Abstract: Forecasting financial time series is considered to be a difficult task due to the chaotic feature of the series. Statistical approaches have shown solid results in some specific problems such as predicting market direction and single-price of stocks; however, with the recent advances in deep learning and big data techniques, new promising options have arises to tackle financial time series forecasting. Moreover, recent literature has shown that employing a combination of statistics and machine learning may improve accuracy in the forecasts in comparison to single solutions. Taking into consideration the mentioned aspects, in this work, we proposed the MegazordNet, a framework that explores statistical features within a financial series combined with a structured deep learning model for time series forecasting. We evaluated our approach predicting the closing price of stocks in the S&P 500 using different metrics, and we were able to beat single statistical and machine learning methods.
    Date: 2021–06
  3. By: Naftali Cohen; Srijan Sood; Zhen Zeng; Tucker Balch; Manuela Veloso
    Abstract: In this work, we address time-series forecasting as a computer vision task. We capture input data as an image and train a model to produce the subsequent image. This approach results in predicting distributions as opposed to pointwise values. To assess the robustness and quality of our approach, we examine various datasets and multiple evaluation metrics. Our experiments show that our forecasting tool is effective for cyclic data but somewhat less for irregular data such as stock prices. Importantly, when using image-based evaluation metrics, we find our method to outperform various baselines, including ARIMA, and a numerical variation of our deep learning approach.
    Date: 2021–07
  4. By: Peter Tankov; Laura Tinsi
    Abstract: We consider a sequential decision making process, such as renewable energy trading or electrical production scheduling, whose outcome depends on the future realization of a random factor, such as a meteorological variable. We assume that the decision maker disposes of a dynamically updated probabilistic forecast (predictive distribution) of the random factor. We propose several stochastic models for the evolution of the probabilistic forecast, and show how these models may be calibrated from ensemble forecasts, commonly provided by weather centers. We then show how these stochastic models can be used to determine optimal decision making strategies depending on the forecast updates. Applications to wind energy trading are given.
    Date: 2021–06
  5. By: Helmut Wasserbacher; Martin Spindler
    Abstract: This article is an introduction to machine learning for financial forecasting, planning and analysis (FP\&A). Machine learning appears well suited to support FP\&A with the highly automated extraction of information from large amounts of data. However, because most traditional machine learning techniques focus on forecasting (prediction), we discuss the particular care that must be taken to avoid the pitfalls of using them for planning and resource allocation (causal inference). While the naive application of machine learning usually fails in this context, the recently developed double machine learning framework can address causal questions of interest. We review the current literature on machine learning in FP\&A and illustrate in a simulation study how machine learning can be used for both forecasting and planning. We also investigate how forecasting and planning improve as the number of data points increases.
    Date: 2021–07
  6. By: Priyank Sonkiya; Vikas Bajpai; Anukriti Bansal
    Abstract: The stock market has been a popular topic of interest in the recent past. The growth in the inflation rate has compelled people to invest in the stock and commodity markets and other areas rather than saving. Further, the ability of Deep Learning models to make predictions on the time series data has been proven time and again. Technical analysis on the stock market with the help of technical indicators has been the most common practice among traders and investors. One more aspect is the sentiment analysis - the emotion of the investors that shows the willingness to invest. A variety of techniques have been used by people around the globe involving basic Machine Learning and Neural Networks. Ranging from the basic linear regression to the advanced neural networks people have experimented with all possible techniques to predict the stock market. It's evident from recent events how news and headlines affect the stock markets and cryptocurrencies. This paper proposes an ensemble of state-of-the-art methods for predicting stock prices. Firstly sentiment analysis of the news and the headlines for the company Apple Inc, listed on the NASDAQ is performed using a version of BERT, which is a pre-trained transformer model by Google for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Afterward, a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) predicts the stock price for Apple Inc using the technical indicators, stock indexes of various countries, some commodities, and historical prices along with the sentiment scores. Comparison is done with baseline models like - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), vanilla GAN, and Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model.
    Date: 2021–07
  7. By: Francesca Micocci (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca); Armando Rungi (IMT School for advanced studies)
    Abstract: In this contribution, we exploit machine learning techniques to predict out-of-sample firms' ability to export based on the financial accounts of both exporters and non-exporters. Therefore, we show how forecasts can be used as exporting scores, i.e., to measure the distance of non-exporters from export status. For our purpose, we train and test various algorithms on the financial reports of 57,021 manufacturing firms in France in 2010-2018. We find that a Bayesian Additive Regression Tree with Missingness In Attributes (BART-MIA) performs better than other techniques with a prediction accuracy of up to 0:90. Predictions are robust to changes in definitions of exporters and in the presence of discontinuous exporters. Eventually, we argue that exporting scores can be helpful for trade promotion, trade credit, and to assess firms' competitiveness. For example, back-of-the-envelope estimates show that a representative firm with just below-average exporting scores needs up to 44% more cash resources and up to 2:5 times more capital expenses to reach full export status.
    Keywords: exporting; machine learning; trade promotion; trade finance; competitiveness
    JEL: F17 C53 C55 L21 L25
    Date: 2021–07

This nep-for issue is ©2021 by Rob J Hyndman. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.