nep-for New Economics Papers
on Forecasting
Issue of 2016‒09‒04
three papers chosen by
Rob J Hyndman
Monash University

  1. Predicting Fed Forecasts By Neil R. Ericsson
  2. Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? By Travis J. Berge; Nitish R. Sinha; Michael Smolyansky
  3. Predicting Experimental Results: Who Knows What? By Stefano DellaVigna; Devin Pope

  1. By: Neil R. Ericsson
    Abstract: Print{{p}}Table 1: Keywords in the FOMC Minutes, Their Assessment, and the Corresponding FOMC Minutes Index.{{p}}Keywords Assessment FOMC Minutes Index (percent per annum){{p}}Strong, robust, considerable, upbeat, brisk, surge Strong growth 4.0{{p}}Normal, solid, steady Normal growth 3.4{{p}}Modest, moderate, sustainable Modest growth 2.8{{p}}Slow, gradual, subdued, muted Slow growth 2.1{{p}}Unclear, mixed Unclear 1.5{{p}}Decelerating, stabilizing, ongoing adjustment, leveling out Decelerating growth 0.9{{p}}Continued weakness, sluggish, slack, below potential Continued weakness 0.3{{p}}Declining, deteriorating Decline -0.4{{p}}Recession, contraction, sharp and widespread decline Recession -1.0{{p}}February 12, 2016{{p}}Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}Neil R. Ericsson1{{p}}Monetary policy decisions by the Fed's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) have attracted considerable attention in recent years,{{p}}especially with quantitative easing through large-scale asset purchases, the introduction of forward guidance, and December's "lift-off"{{p}}after seven years of a near-zero federal funds rate. The FOMC's decisions are based in part on the Greenbook forecasts, which are{{p}}economic forecasts produced by the Federal Reserve Board's staff and which are presented to the FOMC prior to their policy meetings.{{p}}This note shows that the minutes of the FOMC meetings--and the information in those minutes about the Greenbook forecasts--provide{{p}}valuable insights into the decision-making process of the FOMC.{{p}}Recent analysis by Herman Stekler and Hilary Symington lays the foundation for these results.2 Stekler and Symington constructed{{p}}indexes that quantify the FOMC's views about the U.S. economy, as expressed in the minutes of the FOMC's meetings for 2006–2010.{{p}}This note compares these indexes with publicly available Greenbook forecasts, including the recently released 2010 Greenbook{{p}}forecasts. The indexes very closely track the Greenbook forecasts of the current-quarter and one-quarter-ahead U.S. real GDP growth{{p}}rates--particularly so for the sixteen forecasts in 2010, even though those forecasts were not available when the indexes were{{p}}constructed. Stekler and Symington's indexes thus provide a proximate and relatively accurate mechanism for inferring Greenbook{{p}}forecasts, well in advance of the public release of the Greenbook. The Greenbook is not released to the public until more than five years{{p}}after it is presented to the FOMC, whereas the minutes of an FOMC meeting are published just three weeks after the meeting itself.{{p}} Background: Stekler and Symington's Indexes{{p}}Stekler and Symington employ a focused textual analysis of the minutes for the 40 FOMC meetings during 2006–2010, a period that{{p}}spans the financial crisis and leads into the Great Recession. From their textual analysis, Stekler and Symington construct quantitative{{p}}indexes that gauge the FOMC's views on the current and future strength of the U.S. economy, as expressed in the FOMC minutes{{p}}themselves. The indexes are scaled such that they correspond to real GDP growth rates in percent per annum.{{p}} Source:{{p}}Stekler and{{p}}Symington{{p}}(2015, Tables{{p}}2 and 4).{{p}}To design{{p}}their{{p}}indexes,{{p}}Stekler and{{p}}Symington{{p}}examine{{p}}certain{{p}}sections of{{p}}the minutes{{p}}that discuss:{{p}}the{{p}}current economic outlook, typically in a paragraph or paragraphs beginning "The information reviewed at the ... meeting{{p}}suggested that ... "; and{{p}}i.{{p}}the future economic outlook, typically in a paragraph or paragraphs beginning "In their discussion of the economic situation{{p}}and outlook, meeting participants ... ".{{p}}ii.{{p}}In these sets of paragraphs, Stekler and Symington search for select keywords that characterize views on the outlook. Keywords range{{p}}from "strong" and "robust" for a very optimistic outlook to "recession" and "contraction" for a very pessimistic one. From the frequencies{{p}}of occurrence of the keywords, Stekler and Symington create two indexes, one for the current outlook and one for the future outlook.{{p}}These indexes are called FOMC Minutes Indexes (or FMIs) below. Table 1 lists the keywords, Stekler and Symington's assessment of{{p}}those keywords for economic growth, and the corresponding values for the FMI.{{p}}From a broader perspective, three steps lead to the FMIs.{{p}} FRB: IFDP Note: Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}1 of 5 2/16/2016 12:16 PM{{p}}Figure 1: The current-outlook and future-outlook FMIs, the Greenbook forecasts of the current-quarter and{{p}}one-quarter-ahead U.S. real GDP growth rates, and the differentials between the FMI and Greenbook forecasts.{{p}}Accessible version{{p}}Figure 2: The truncation-adjusted FOMC Minutes Index for the current outlook, the Greenbook forecast of the U.S.{{p}}real GDP growth rate in the current quarter, and ±1 standard error bands for the FMI's predictions in 2010.{{p}}Meeting of the FOMC. The FOMC meets to discuss monetary policy, with the Greenbook forecasts and certain qualitative{{p}}and quantitative information in hand.{{p}}a.{{p}}b. Writing of the FOMC minutes. Minutes of the meeting are then prepared and made public.3{{p}}Quantification of the FOMC minutes. From textual analysis of the FOMC minutes, Stekler and Symington quantify the tone of{{p}}the FOMC's discussion about the current and future outlook of the U.S. economy and calibrate that quantification to{{p}}forecasts of the GDP growth rate, thereby generating the FMI.4{{p}}c.{{p}}The Greenbook forecasts are provided to the FOMC participants, prior to the FOMC meeting, and hence the FMI--through the FOMC's{{p}}policymaking process--may depend on the Greenbook forecasts. This characterization applies to the FMIs for both the current outlook{{p}}and the future outlook.{{p}}Comparion{{p}}of the FMI{{p}}with the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}Forecast{{p}}It is thus of{{p}}interest to{{p}}compare the{{p}}FMI directly{{p}}with the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}forecast, as{{p}}in Figure 1.{{p}}Figure 1a{{p}}plots two{{p}} "nowcasts":{{p}}the FMI for{{p}}the current{{p}}outlook, and{{p}}the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}forecast for{{p}}the current{{p}}quarter.{{p}}Figure 1b{{p}}plots two forecasts: the FMI for the future outlook, and the Greenbook forecast for one quarter ahead. Figure 1c plots the difference{{p}}between the FMI for the current outlook and the Greenbook forecast for the current quarter; and Figure 1d plots the difference between{{p}}the FMI for the future outlook and the Greenbook forecast for one quarter ahead. In Figure 1 (and likewise in Figures 2 and 3 below), the{{p}}horizontal axis specifies the date of the FOMC meeting to which a Greenbook is submitted and from which an FMI is constructed. The{{p}}graphs in Figure1 show that the FMI and the Greenbook forecasts are generally very close numerically, whether for the current outlook{{p}}or for the future outlook.{{p}}That said, the FMI does deviate markedly from the Greenbook forecast in December 2008, January 2009, and March 2009: see the{{p}}boxed-in areas in Figure 1. For these FOMC meetings, the FMI is at its minimum (= –1.0% per annum, which is the most pessimistic{{p}}outlook allowed in Stekler and Symington's framework), whereas the Greenbook forecasts are typically much more negative. This{{p}}discrepancy between the FMI and the Greenbook forecast arises because Stekler and Symington's FMI as constructed from Table 1{{p}}cannot be more negative than –1%, thereby truncating the distribution of the forecast implicit in the FOMC minutes. Thus, in the next{{p}}section, these three meetings are treated separately from the other meetings when "predicting" the Greenbook forecasts from the FMI.5{{p}}Predicting Greenbook Forecasts{{p}}As Figure 1 implies, the FMI very closely approximates the Greenbook forecast, once accounting for the FMI's truncation in December{{p}}2008, January 2009, and March 2009. This close relationship between the FMI and the Greenbook forecast presents a special{{p}}opportunity for "predicting" Greenbook forecasts, conditional on the FMI, noting that the minutes of an FOMC meeting are publicly{{p}}available three weeks after the meeting, whereas the Greenbook forecasts are not released to the public until more than five years after{{p}}the Greenbook itself is presented to the FOMC. When Stekler and Symington calculated FMIs for 2006–2010, they did not have the{{p}}2010 Greenbook forecasts available, so their FMIs can be used to predict the 2010 Greenbook forecasts. Moreover, with the recent{{p}}release of the 2010 Greenbooks, those predictions from the FMIs can now be assessed against the actual 2010 Greenbook forecasts.6{{p}}Figure 2{{p}}plots the{{p}}truncation-adjusted{{p}}current-{{p}} FRB: IFDP Note: Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}2 of 5 2/16/2016 12:16 PM{{p}}Accessible version{{p}}Figure 3: The truncation-adjusted FOMC Minutes Index for the future outlook, the Greenbook forecast of the U.S.{{p}}real GDP growth rate one quarter ahead, and ±1 standard error bands for the FMI's predictions in 2010.{{p}}Accessible version{{p}}Table 2: Root mean squared errors and other summary statistics for the deviation between the Greenbook forecast{{p}}of the U.S. real GDP growth rate and the FMI, for both current-quarter and one-quarter-ahead forecast horizons.{{p}}Forecast horizon{{p}}Sample period{{p}}RMSE Mean Standard deviation{{p}}Current quarter{{p}}2006-2009 0.96 -0.26 0.94{{p}}2010 0.65 -0.14 0.68{{p}}2006-2010 0.90 -0.23 0.88{{p}}outlook FMI,{{p}}along with{{p}}the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}forecast of{{p}}the current{{p}}quarter's{{p}}U.S. real{{p}}GDP growth{{p}}rate. The{{p}}FMI and the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}forecast are{{p}}very close{{p}}numerically,{{p}}with{{p}}deviations{{p}}between{{p}}them being{{p}}small,{{p}}typically less{{p}}than 1% per{{p}}annum and{{p}}often less{{p}}than 0.5%{{p}}per annum.{{p}}Figure 3{{p}}plots the{{p}}truncation-adjusted{{p}}future-outlook{{p}}FMI{{p}}and the{{p}}Greenbook{{p}}forecast for{{p}}one quarter{{p}}ahead. Their{{p}}deviations{{p}}are small as{{p}}well.{{p}}Figures 2{{p}}and 3 also{{p}}include ±1{{p}}standard{{p}}error bands{{p}}for the FMI{{p}}in 2010, with{{p}}those bands derived from the properties of the FMIs and the Greenbook forecasts over 2006–2009. For each FMI (current-outlook or{{p}}future-outlook), only one of the eight Greenbook forecasts in 2010 lies outside those bands--significantly fewer outliers than the{{p}}one-in-three expected for ±1 standard error bands. The 2010 predictions range between 2.1% and 3.4% for both the current outlook and{{p}}the future outlook, with somewhat different dynamics for the two forecast horizons. The forecast standard error is under 1%.{{p}}Note. Units{{p}}are quarterly{{p}}rates, in{{p}}percent per{{p}}annum.{{p}}In light of{{p}}the{{p}}discussion{{p}}above, Table{{p}}2{{p}}numerically{{p}} FRB: IFDP Note: Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}3 of 5 2/16/2016 12:16 PM{{p}}Forecast horizon{{p}}Sample period{{p}}RMSE Mean Standard deviation{{p}}One quarter ahead{{p}}2006-2009 0.84 -0.09 0.85{{p}}2010 0.55 0.31 0.49{{p}}2006-2010 0.79 -0.00 0.80{{p}}assesses{{p}}the{{p}}discrepancies between the FMIs and the Greenbook forecasts over three periods: 2006–2009, 2010, and 2006–2010. Root mean{{p}}squared errors (RMSEs) are less than 1% per annum for all sample periods and for both forecast horizons. Notably, the{{p}}one-quarter-ahead RMSEs are smaller than the current-quarter RMSEs. That is, Stekler and Symington's indexes are more accurate at{{p}}inferring the one-quarter-ahead Greenbook forecast than the current-quarter Greenbook forecast. Also, both FMIs are much more{{p}}accurate at inferring the Greenbook forecasts for 2010 than they are at inferring the Greenbook forecasts for 2006–2009.{{p}}Remarks{{p}}Several observations are germane. First, textual analysis--such as that employed by Stekler and Symington--is common in the literature.{{p}}Similar examples include Boukus and Rosenberg (2006), who assess the roles of different themes in the FOMC's minutes; and Meade,{{p}}Burk, and Josselyn (2015), who calculate the changing frequencies of different quantitative words in the FOMC's minutes to ascertain{{p}}the diversity of views among the FOMC members and participants.{{p}}Second, Stekler and Symington's analysis is novel by quantifying qualitative text from the minutes on the outlook. By contrast, Meade,{{p}}Burk, and Josselyn focus on the disparity of views in the minutes, rather than on some central tendency of views. Banternghansa and{{p}}McCracken (2009, 2014) likewise focus on the disparity of views, albeit as measured by individual participants' economic forecasts. Yet{{p}}other researchers such as Nunes (2013) have compared the Greenbook forecasts and FOMC participants' forecasts with each other,{{p}}with other forecasts, and with the actual outcomes.{{p}}Third, the current-outlook FMI draws on text about the Federal Reserve Board staff's views, whereas the future-outlook FMI ostensibly{{p}}reflects the views of the FOMC participants on both current conditions and future outlook. While these nuances may affect the{{p}}interpretation of the FMIs when compared with the Greenbook forecasts, the similarity of the FMIs and the Greenbook forecasts{{p}}suggests not.{{p}}Fourth, it may seem surprising that FOMC participants' views for the future outlook--as measured by the future-outlook FMI--are{{p}}well-captured by the one-quarter-ahead Greenbook forecast, since the policy-relevant horizon may be somewhat longer than just one{{p}}quarter ahead. The future-outlook FMI may thus be an even better proxy for Greenbook forecasts at longer horizons. Or, participants{{p}}may down-weight Greenbook forecasts at longer horizons if they view those forecasts as being uninformative; see Chang and Hanson{{p}}(2015).{{p}}Finally, indexes have yet to be constructed for 2011–2015 or for the period prior to 2006. Indexes over those periods may be more or{{p}}less accurate than those over 2006–2010. The indexes also could be generated algorithmically, drawing on Table 1.{{p}}Conclusions{{p}}Stekler and Symington propose and build innovative quantitative indexes (the "FMIs") that measure the extent of optimism or pessimism{{p}}expressed in the FOMC's minutes on the current and future outlook for the U.S. economy. Even though the text that Stekler and{{p}}Symington examine includes little or no quantitative information, Stekler and Symington's FMIs reveal much about the thinking of the{{p}}FOMC participants and about the Federal Reserve Board staff's input to the FOMC meetings.{{p}}The present note shows that these indexes can help infer the staff's Greenbook forecasts of the U.S. real GDP growth rate, years before{{p}}the public release of the Greenbook. The FOMC minutes are thus highly informative about a key input to monetary policymaking.{{p}}References{{p}}Banternghansa, C., and M. W. McCracken (2009) "Forecast Disagreement Among FOMC Members", Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis{{p}}Working Paper No. 2009–059A, Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, December.{{p}}Banternghansa, C., and M. W. McCracken (2014) "The Effect of FOMC Forecast Disagreement on U.S. Treasuries", Presentation,{{p}}International Symposium on Forecasting, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 1.{{p}}Boukus, E., and J. V. Rosenberg (2006) "The Information Content of FOMC Minutes", mimeo, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New{{p}}York, July.{{p}}Chang, A. C., and T. J. Hanson (2015) "The Accuracy of Forecasts Prepared for the Federal Open Market Committee", Finance and{{p}}Economics Discussion Series Paper No. 2015–062, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., July.{{p}}Danker, D. J., and M. M. Luecke (2005) "Background on FOMC Meeting Minutes", Federal Reserve Bulletin, 2005, Spring, 175–179.{{p}}Doornik, J. A. (2009) "Autometrics", Chapter 4 in J. L. Castle and N. Shephard (eds.) The Methodology and Practice of Econometrics: A{{p}}Festschrift in Honour of David F. Hendry, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 88–121.{{p}}Doornik, J. A., and D. F. Hendry (2013) PcGive 14, Timberlake Consultants Press, London (3 volumes).{{p}} FRB: IFDP Note: Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}4 of 5 2/16/2016 12:16 PM{{p}}Accessibility Contact Us Disclaimer Website Policies FOIA PDF Reader{{p}}Ericsson, N. R. (2015) "Eliciting GDP Forecasts from the FOMC's Minutes Around the Financial Crisis", International Finance Discussion{{p}}Paper No. 1152, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., November,{{p}}/IFDP.2015.1152 ; and RPF Working Paper No. 2015–003, Research Program on Forecasting, Center of Economic Research,{{p}}Department of Economics, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., November, ;{{p}}International Journal of Forecasting, in press.{{p}}Meade, E. E., N. A. Burk, and M. Josselyn (2015) "The FOMC Meeting Minutes: An Assessment of Counting Words and the Diversity of{{p}}Views", FEDS Note, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., May 26.{{p}}Nunes, R. (2013) "Do Central Banks' Forecasts Take Into Account Public Opinion and Views?", International Finance Discussion Paper{{p}}No. 1080, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C., May.{{p}}Stekler, H. O., and H. Symington (2015) "Evaluating Qualitative Forecasts: The FOMC Minutes, 2006–2010", RPF Working Paper No.{{p}}2014–005 (September 2014; revised: February 2015), Research Program on Forecasting, Center of Economic Research, Department of{{p}}Economics, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., ; International Journal{{p}}of Forecasting, , in press.{{p}}1. The author is a staff economist in the Division of International Finance, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551 USA{{p}}(, and a Research Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 USA{{p}}( The views expressed in this paper are solely the responsibility of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing or{{p}}reflecting the views of the Federal Open Market Committee, its principals, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or of any other person{{p}}associated with the Federal Reserve System. This paper uses publicly available information, and only publicly available information. It does not use any{{p}}internal or confidential Federal Reserve Board information, either directly or indirectly. The author is grateful to Chris Erceg, Lowell Ericsson, Nancy Ericsson,{{p}}Joe Gruber, David Hendry, Lucas Husted, Matteo Iacoviello, Freja Ingelstam, Aaron Markiewitz, Jaime Marquez, Ellen Meade, J Seymour, Tara Sinclair,{{p}}Herman Stekler, and Joyce Zickler for helpful discussions and comments. All numerical results were obtained using PcGive Version 14.0B3, Autometrics{{p}}Version 1.5e, and Ox Professional Version 7.00 in 64-bit OxMetrics Version 7.00: see Doornik and Hendry (2013) and Doornik (2009). Return to text{{p}}2. See Stekler and Symington (2015) and Ericsson (2015) for further details. Return to text{{p}}3. See Danker and Luecke (2005) for a valuable perspective on the evolution of the FOMC's minutes. Return to text{{p}}4. In fact, Stekler and Symington's procedure itself involves two steps but, for expositional purposes, this description merges them into a single-step{{p}}quantification of the FOMC minutes. Return to text{{p}}5. Ericsson (2015, Sections 2–3) describes the econometric methodology for handling these three meetings during the extenuating circumstances of the{{p}}financial crisis, and it provides details of the online sources for the publicly available Greenbook forecasts and FOMC minutes. Return to text{{p}}6. Starting in 2010, the Greenbook forecasts appear in a Fed document called the Tealbook, which combines the previous Fed documents called the{{p}}Greenbook and the Bluebook. For simplicity, these more recent forecasts are still referred to as "Greenbook forecasts" herein. Return to text{{p}} Disclaimer: IFDP Notes are articles in which Board economists offer their own views and present analysis on a range of topics in{{p}}economics and finance. These articles are shorter and less technically oriented than IFDP Working Papers.{{p}}Last update: February 12, 2016{{p}}Home | Economic Research & Data{{p}} FRB: IFDP Note: Predicting Fed Forecasts{{p}}5 of 5 2/16/2016 12:16 PM
    Date: 2016–02–12
  2. By: Travis J. Berge; Nitish R. Sinha; Michael Smolyansky
    Abstract: FEDS Notes Print{{p}}August 2, 2016{{p}}Which market indicators best forecast recessions?{{p}}Travis Berge, Nitish Sinha, and Michael Smolyansky{{p}}Economists, staying true to their epithet as "dismal scientists," are seemingly in a perpetual state of worry over the risk that the economy{{p}}may enter a recession. This is especially so during periods of financial market stress, when spikes in volatility and declines in asset prices{{p}}lead many to wonder whether a recession is imminent. A central challenge, however, involves filtering the signal from the noise to{{p}}understand which economic and financial indicators are most informative for forecasting recessions. To complicate matters further, the{{p}}economic picture is often mixed--as has arguably been the case during the first half of 2016--which makes the task of discerning which{{p}}variables are informative predictors, and which are not, all the more important.{{p}}In this note, we use econometric methods to infer which economic and financial indicators reliably identify and predict recessions. We find{{p}}that, for forecasting the risk of recession 12 months from now, financial market indicators, such as the slope of the Treasury yield curve{{p}}and measures of corporate credit spreads, are particularly informative. In contrast, when attempting to identify whether the economy is{{p}}currently in recession, variables that describe real economic activity, especially the labor market, are the most reliable.{{p}}With these results in hand, we document the influence of the data flow during 2016 on the risk of the U.S. economy entering recession.{{p}}Although the first half of 2016 has seen bouts of financial market volatility and some tepid economic data, our model suggests that neither{{p}}have been severe enough to indicate a substantial increase in the risk of recession.{{p}}Methodology{{p}}Our objective is to predict a binary outcome: will the economy be expanding or contracting at a particular date in the future, given our{{p}}knowledge of the world today? Clearly, there is no single indicator, or even fixed set of indicators, that contains comprehensive{{p}}information about the state of the economy 3, 6, or 12 months from now. Therefore, we consider a set of 17 monthly variables chosen to{{p}}describe different aspects of the economy. Broadly speaking these indicators are measures of real economic activity such as labor market{{p}}indicators, and forward-looking financial variables such as equity returns, credit spreads, the Treasury yield curve and indicators of{{p}}financial market stress.1{{p}}Each of these 17 indicators, either alone or in combination with other variables could be used in a model to evaluate recession risks.{{p}}Therefore the solution to the econometric problem involves choosing between a very large number of potential models. We use a method{{p}}known as Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) to elicit the best forecasting model. Recognizing that these indicators carry information about{{p}}different forecast horizons--financial markets tend to be forward-looking whereas variables that describe real economic activity are not--we{{p}}search for the best model at each forecast horizon.{{p}}Specifically, let if the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has declared that month t falls in a recession, and if{{p}}the NBER has declared that month t falls in an expansion instead. Each model estimates the probability that month t will be declared a{{p}}recession by the NBER with following equation:{{p}}where is the cumulative standard normal probability distribution.2{{p}}We consider many regressions that take the form of equation (1), one model for every possible combination of the 17 indicators. BMA{{p}}estimates the probability that the NBER will declare a month to be a recession from each separate model, and then calculates a weighted{{p}}average of these estimates. Let denote the predicted probability of recession from model i, where . The Bayesian{{p}}model average forecast is the weighted sum:{{p}}where denotes each individual forecast. The weight assigned to any given model is determined by how well it explains movements in{{p}}the probability of recession (specifically, model i's posterior probability). In this way, combinations of variables that produce recession{{p}}probabilities that match the actual NBER dates at each forecast horizon receive larger weight in the average of the model forecasts, while{{p}}models that cannot explain or anticipate recessions receive little or zero weight in the averaged forecast.{{p}}Which indicators forecast best, and when?{{p}}Figure 1 shows how well the BMA model explains historical recessionary periods at two different forecast horizons, 0 and 12 months. A{{p}}forecast of whether the current month is in recession, known as nowcasting, is shown as the red line in the figure on the left.3 For{{p}}comparison, the blue dashed line shows the unconditional probability that a given month was declared recession by the NBER, about 15{{p}}percent. The estimated recession probabilities fit the historical data quite well, generally rising during recessions which are indicated as{{p}}Yt = 1 Yt = 0{{p}}Pr (Yt = 1 | xt−h) = Φ(α + x′ β) (1){{p}}t−h{{p}}Φ{{p}}p^it i = 1,…,217{{p}}p^ = (2) t Σi=1{{p}}2k{{p}}p^it w^{{p}}i{{p}}p^it{{p}} FRB: FEDS Notes: Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? Page 1 of 5{{p}} 8/2/2016{{p}}the shaded areas.4 The figure on the right asks a more ambitious question: given a particular month's data, what is the probability that 12{{p}}months later there will be a recession? Perhaps surprisingly, the fit of this model is also quite good, generally rising alongside the NBER{{p}}recessions. However, notably the model predicted only a 50 percent chance of recession immediately prior to the Great Recession of{{p}}2007-2009, and gave a similar signal in the late 1990's.{{p}} Note: Figures show , so that the date on the x-axis is the forecast that month t was declared recession given information t-h months prior. NBER{{p}}recession dates shaded.{{p}}Accessible version{{p}}Which variables matter for signaling recession risks? Table 1 shows variables for which the slope coefficient is non-zero at the 90-{{p}}percent confidence level. The reported coefficients and standard errors are themselves weighted averages from each individual{{p}}forecasting model, with weights equal to each model's posterior probability (i.e., the 's from equation (2)).5 The importance of each{{p}}variable can be summarized by its "posterior inclusion probability" -- i.e., the sum of the posterior probabilities of all models that include{{p}}that particular variable.{{p}}As seen in Panel A, the model that evaluates the risk of recession in the current month primarily relies on variables that describe the real{{p}}economy, such as the number of new jobs created. Interestingly, the model also includes the TED spread, a measure of financial stress{{p}}that gained prominence during 2007-2009. However, the model that forecasts the probability of recession 12 months hence ignores{{p}}variables describing real economic activity, relying instead on financial indictors. As seen in Panel B, the model that forecasts recession{{p}}12 months from now depends heavily on only two variables: the slope of the Treasury yield curve and the GZ credit spread index, a{{p}}measure of corporate credit market conditions that is described in detail by Favara, Gilchrist, Lewis, and Suarez (2016).{{p}}Figure 1: Estimated probabilities from the BMA model, zero- and twelve-month ahead forecasts{{p}}BMA, 0-month ahead Recession Probability Forecast BMA, 12-month ahead Recession Probability Forecast{{p}}Table 1: BMA relies on different indicators at each forecast horizon{{p}}Model forecasting the current month{{p}}Posterior inclusion probability (%) Coef. Std. Err.{{p}}Panel A:{{p}}Change in payroll employment 100 -5.1 1{{p}}TED spread 100 1.6 0.4{{p}}Change in initial claims 99 -0.2 0.1{{p}}Panel B:{{p}}Slope of yield curve 100 -1.4 0.2{{p}}GZ index 100 0.8 0.4{{p}}Pr (Yt | xt−h){{p}}β{{p}}w^{{p}}i{{p}} FRB: FEDS Notes: Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? Page 2 of 5{{p}} 8/2/2016{{p}} Note: Table shows only indicators with posterior inclusion probability greater than 90 percent.{{p}}Evolution of recession risk during 2016{{p}}The first half of 2016 has seen mixed economic and financial data. Financial market turmoil at the start of the year has been followed by{{p}}pockets of disappointing economic news. For example, payroll growth has slowed from its 2015 pace, the decline in commodity prices{{p}}continues to weigh on particular sectors, and real personal consumption appears to have been tepid in the first quarter of the year. On{{p}}net, while equity indices remain near their all-time highs, the yield curve has flattened in 2016. Moreover, there have been bouts of{{p}}financial volatility and periods of high credit spreads. Given this backdrop, we ask: how has the risk of recession, implied by the BMA{{p}}model, evolved during the course of 2016?{{p}}Figure 2 presents a snapshot of the forecasted recession probabilities--ranging from 0 to 12 months ahead--as implied by the model at the{{p}}three different junctures: November 2015, the orange line; February 2016, the blue dashed line; and May 2016, the black dotted line. As{{p}}shown, at each of these three junctures the model generally assigned recession probabilities that were below the unconditional probability{{p}}of the U.S. economy being in recession. A notable excpetion, however, occurred in back February 2016--at that point in time, the model{{p}}assigned a 17.3 percent probabilitity that October 2016 would be a recession. This spike in recession risk was driven by a deterioration in{{p}}financial market conditions during February. Since then, financial markets have recovered and the model-implied probabilities of recession{{p}}have correspondingly declined. In May, prior to the Brexit vote, the model assigned approximately a 10 percent chance that the economy{{p}}would be in recession 12 months hence.{{p}}Accessible version{{p}}An important caveat: Forecasting accuracy out-of-sample{{p}}While the BMA models were designed to fit the historical pattern of U.S. recessions, an additional issue is how well they perform out-of-sample.{{p}}A natural question to ask, therefore, is how strong a signal might the BMA methodology have sent ahead of the 2001 and 2008{{p}}recessions? To shed light on this issue, we perform a pseudo out-of-sample forecasting exercise by only using data ending prior to the{{p}}onset of each of these recessions to assess how well the model anticipated the subsequent downturn.6{{p}}As shown in Table 2, in September 2001, six months prior to the 2001 recession, the model forecast a 35 percent probability that the U.S.{{p}}economy would be in recession 12 months from that point in time, well above the unconditional average. The results also indicate that by{{p}}December, three months ahead of the NBER-dated recession, the model would have sent a fairly strong signal of the impending{{p}}downturn.{{p}} Note: NBER peak dated March, 2001; NBER trough is November, 2001.{{p}}Similarly, using data through June 2007, the model forecast a 25 percent probability that the U.S. economy would be in recession 12{{p}}months from that point in time. Three months later, with data through September 2007, the model forecast of a recession 12 months had{{p}}risen to 40 percent.{{p}}It is important to bear in mind that most forecasting models do not send very strong signals of recession far ahead of time. To that extent,{{p}}the fact that BMA sent somewhat elevated readings ahead of prior recessions is reassuring. On the other hand, the BMA recession{{p}}Figure 2: The evolution of recession risk{{p}}Table 2: Recession probabilities prior to 2001 recession{{p}}Forecast made using data through:{{p}}Sep-00 Dec-00{{p}}Current-month 6 4{{p}}Three-months hence 28 67{{p}}Six months hence 32 57{{p}}Twelve months hence 35 39{{p}} FRB: FEDS Notes: Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? Page 3 of 5{{p}} 8/2/2016{{p}}probabilities ahead of both the 2001 and 2008 recessions were not extraordinarily high, which underscores an important limitation of this{{p}}exercise, and of forecasting in general.7{{p}} Note: NBER peak dated December, 2007; NBER trough is June, 2009.{{p}} Note: Treasury yields from Gurkaynak, Swanson and Wright (2006).{{p}}References{{p}}Table 3: Recession probabilities prior to 2007 recession{{p}}Forecast made using data through:{{p}}Jun-07 Sep-07{{p}}Current-month 15 22{{p}}Three-months hence 26 22{{p}}Six months hence 26 41{{p}}Twelve months hence 25 41{{p}}Appendix Table 1: Variables included in forecasting models{{p}}Variable Definition/notes Transformation{{p}}Financial Variables{{p}}Slope of yield curve 10-year Treasury less 3-month yield{{p}}Curvature of yield curve 2 x 2-year minus 3-month and 10-year{{p}}GZ index Gilchrist and Zakrajsek (AER, 2012){{p}}TED spread 3-month ED less 3-month Treasury yield{{p}}BBB corporate spread BBB less 10-year Treasury yield{{p}}S 500, 1-month return 1-month log diff.{{p}}S 500, 3-month return 3-month log diff.{{p}}Trade-weighted dollar 3-month log diff.{{p}}VIX CBOE and extended following Bloom{{p}}Macroeconomic Indicators{{p}}Real personal consumption expend. 3-month log diff.{{p}}Real disposable personal income 3-month log diff.{{p}}Industrial production 3-month log diff.{{p}}Housing permits 3-month log diff.{{p}}Nonfarm payroll employment 3-month log diff.{{p}}Initial claims 4-week moving average 3-month log diff.{{p}}Weekly hours, manufacturing 3-month log diff.{{p}}Purchasing managers index 3-month log diff.{{p}}Berge, T.J. (2015) "Predicting Recessions with Leading Indicators: Model Averaging and Selection over the Business Cycle," Journal of{{p}}Forecasting 34(6): 455-471.{{p}}Bloom, N. (2009) "The impact of uncertainty shocks," Econometrica 77(3): 623-685.{{p}}Blue Chip Financial Forecasts, should be cited as follows: Wolters Klewer. Blue Chip Financial Forecasts.{{p}}{{p}}Chauvet, M. and J. Piger (2008) "A comparison of the real-time performance of business cycle dating methods," Journal of Business and{{p}}Economic Statistics 26: 42-49.{{p}}Favara, G., S. Gilchrist, K.F. Lewis, E. Zakrajšek (2016) "Recession Risk and the Excess Bond Premium," FEDS Notes, April 8.{{p}}Gilchrist, S., and E. Zakrajšek (2012), "Credit Spreads and the Business Cycle Fluctuations," American Economic Review 102(4): 1692-{{p}} FRB: FEDS Notes: Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? Page 4 of 5{{p}} 8/2/2016{{p}}Last update: August 2, 2016{{p}}Home | Economic Research & Data{{p}}1720.{{p}}Gurkaynak, R., B. Sack and J.H. Wright (2006) "The U.S. Treasury Yield Curve: 1961 to the Present," FEDS Working Paper Series 2006-{{p}}28.{{p}}Hamilton J.D. (2011) "Calling recessions in real time," International Journal of Forecasting 27(4): 1006-1026.{{p}}Raftery, A.E. (1995) "Bayesian Model Selection in Social Research," Sociological Methodology 25: 111-163.{{p}}1. See the appendix for a complete list of indicators included in our data set. Our dataset begins in January 1973 and ends in May 2016. Some macroeconomic{{p}}indicators are released with a lag, so that values of very recent months are unavailable at the time of writing. For these indicators, we replace missing values{{p}}with consensus Blue Chip forecasts and Bloomberg sureys. Return to text{{p}}2. Specifically, given our 17 covariates, there are 217--more than 130,000--different potential recession models. We use the method of Raftery (1995) to perform{{p}}BMA, which approximates the posterior likelihood of each model with a maximum likelihood estimate of it's Bayesian Information Criterion. For further details,{{p}}see Berge (2015). Return to text{{p}}3. Note that nowcasts are not a purely academic exercise, because the NBER dates recessions well after the fact, typically 12 to 18 months after a given{{p}}recession event. Return to text{{p}}4. A more formal evaluation of the model, including an out-of-sample evaluation, is provided in Berge (2015). Return to text{{p}}5. For models that do not include a particular variable, BMA sets the coefficient to zero in these cases. Return to text{{p}}6. Importantly, owing to data constraints, we use current-vintage data for this exercise. Any judgement on the model's success based on forecasts using revised{{p}}data should be viewed as an upper-bound on the model capability. Return to text{{p}}7. See, for example, Chauvet and Piger (2008), Hamilton (2011), and Berge (2015) for discussions of the real-time performance of several different classes of{{p}}recession models. Return to text{{p}}Please cite as:{{p}}Berge, Travis, Nitish Sinha, and Michael Smolyansky (2016). "Which market indicators best forecast recessions?," FEDS Notes.{{p}} Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, August 2, 2016,{{p}} Disclaimer: FEDS Notes are articles in which Board economists offer their own views and present analysis on a range of topics in{{p}}economics and finance. These articles are shorter and less technically oriented than FEDS Working Papers.{{p}}Accessibility Contact Us Disclaimer Website Policies FOIA PDF Reader{{p}} FRB: FEDS Notes: Which Market Indicators Best Forecast Recessions? Page 5 of 5{{p}} 8/2/2016
    Date: 2016–08–02
  3. By: Stefano DellaVigna; Devin Pope
    Abstract: Academic experts frequently recommend policies and treatments. But how well do they anticipate the impact of different treatments? And how do their predictions compare to the predictions of non-experts? We analyze how 208 experts forecast the results of 15 treatments involving monetary and non-monetary motivators in a real-effort task. We compare these forecasts to those made by PhD students and non-experts: undergraduates, MBAs, and an online sample. We document seven main results. First, the average forecast of experts predicts quite well the experimental results. Second, there is a strong wisdom-of-crowds effect: the average forecast outperforms 96 percent of individual forecasts. Third, correlates of expertise---citations, academic rank, field, and contextual experience--do not improve forecasting accuracy. Fourth, experts as a group do better than non-experts, but not if accuracy is defined as rank ordering treatments. Fifth, measures of effort, confidence, and revealed ability are predictive of forecast accuracy to some extent, especially for non-experts. Sixth, using these measures we identify `superforecasters' among the non-experts who outperform the experts out of sample. Seventh, we document that these results on forecasting accuracy surprise the forecasters themselves. We present a simple model that organizes several of these results and we stress the implications for the collection of forecasts of future experimental results.
    JEL: C9 C91 C93 D03
    Date: 2016–08

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