nep-evo New Economics Papers
on Evolutionary Economics
Issue of 2025–02–03
one paper chosen by
Matthew Baker, City University of New York

  1. The Development of Risk Attitudes and their Cultural Transmission By Pérez Velilla, Alejandro; Beheim, Bret; Smaldino, Paul E.

  1. By: Pérez Velilla, Alejandro (University of California, Merced); Beheim, Bret; Smaldino, Paul E.
    Abstract: We use cultural evolutionary models to examine how individual experiences and culturally-inherited information jointly shape risk attitudes under environmental uncertainty. We find that learning processes not only generate plausible variation in risk attitudes, but also that conservative learning strategies---emphasizing the preservation of generational knowledge---excel in high-risk environments, promoting stable wealth accumulation and long-term survival but limiting asset growth as conditions improve. In contrast, exploratory learning strategies---leveraging risk-free juvenile exploration and peer influence---foster risk-tolerant attitudes that thrive in affluent, low-risk settings where wealth buffers and social safety nets reduce the costs of miscalculations. Introducing economic stratification to the model reveals how wealth disparities and inter-class interactions reinforce these patterns, exacerbating differences in learning strategies and risk-taking behaviors, and perpetuating socioeconomic inequalities through the cultural inertia of excessive risk aversion. By uniting developmental, social, and evolutionary perspectives, our framework provides a novel lens on the cultural evolution of risk attitudes and their broader societal implications.
    Date: 2025–01–24

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.