nep-evo New Economics Papers
on Evolutionary Economics
Issue of 2010‒08‒28
four papers chosen by
Matthew Baker
City University of New York

  1. Subsistenz: Geschichte, Bedeutung und Rekonstruktion des Subsistenzbegriffes By Thieme, Sebastian
  2. Does Culture Matter? By Fernández, Raquel
  3. An economic approach to malevolence By Jérôme Ballet; François-Régis Mahieu
  4. Migration and Culture By Epstein, Gil S.; Gang, Ira N.

  1. By: Thieme, Sebastian
    Abstract: This paper analyses the term “subsistence” to utilise it for scientific purposes. In doing so, the term will be reconstructed by an evolutionary view. Afterwards, the term will be discussed and develpoped with respect to the so-called paradox of the poverty line.
    Keywords: Viabilität; Subsistenz; Viabilitätsprinzip; Evolutorik; Armut; Gerechtigkeit; Mindestlohn; Niedriglohnsektor; Selbsterhalt; Selbstversorgung; Paradoxie des Existenzminimums; paradox of the poverty line; viability; subsistence; minimum wage; principle of viability; evolutionary economics; ethics
    JEL: B59 Z13 B00 I32
    Date: 2010–08–21
  2. By: Fernández, Raquel (New York University)
    Abstract: This paper reviews the literature on culture and economics, focusing primarily on the epidemiological approach. The epidemiological approach studies the variation in outcomes across different immigrant groups residing in the same country. Immigrants presumably differ in their cultures but share a common institutional and economic environment. This allows one to separate the effect of culture from the original economic and institutional environment. This approach has been used to study a variety of issues, including female labor force participation, fertility, labor market regulation, redistribution, growth, and financial development among others.
    Keywords: culture, beliefs, preferences, norms
    JEL: O10 Z1 D01 D1
    Date: 2010–08
  3. By: Jérôme Ballet; François-Régis Mahieu (Fonds pour la Recherche en Ethique Economique)
    Abstract: Economic analysis is limited without logical justification to benevolence. This paper introduces an analysis of malevolence. It assumes that malevolence may be structural or conjunctural. We distinguish between psychology and behavior of individuals. Conjuctural malevolence may occur when behavior is no more consistent with psychology.
    Keywords: Malevolence, benevolence
    JEL: D64
    Date: 2009
  4. By: Epstein, Gil S. (Bar-Ilan University); Gang, Ira N. (Rutgers University)
    Abstract: Culture is not new to the study of migration. It has lurked beneath the surface for some time, occasionally protruding openly into the discussion, usually under some pseudonym. The authors bring culture into the open. They are concerned with how culture manifests itself in the migration process for three groups of actors: the migrants, those remaining in the sending areas, and people already living in the recipient locations. The topics vary widely. What unites the authors is an understanding that though actors behave differently, within a group there are economically important shared beliefs (customs, values, attitudes, etc.), which we commonly refer to as culture. Culture and identify play a central role in our understanding of migration as an economic phenomenon; but what about them matters? Properly, we should be looking at the determinants of identity and the determinants of culture (prices and incomes, broadly defined). But this is not what is done. Usually identity and culture appear in economics articles as a black box. Here we try to begin to break open the black box.
    Keywords: migration, culture
    JEL: R23 O15 F22
    Date: 2010–08

This nep-evo issue is ©2010 by Matthew Baker. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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