nep-ets New Economics Papers
on Econometric Time Series
Issue of 2024‒07‒29
four papers chosen by
Jaqueson K. Galimberti, Asian Development Bank

  1. Policymaker meetings as heteroscedasticity shifters: Identification and simultaneous inference in unstable SVARs By Bulat Gafarov; Madina Karamysheva; Andrey Polbin; Anton Skrobotov
  2. Block-diagonal idiosyncratic covariance estimation in high-dimensional factor models for financial time series By Lucija \v{Z}igni\'c; Stjepan Begu\v{s}i\'c; Zvonko Kostanj\v{c}ar
  3. Partially identified heteroskedastic SVARs By Bacchiocchi, Emanuele; Bastianin, Andrea; Kitagawa, Toru; Mirto, Elisabetta
  4. Estimating Time-Varying Parameters of Various Smoothness in Linear Models via Kernel Regression By Mikihito Nishi

  1. By: Bulat Gafarov; Madina Karamysheva; Andrey Polbin; Anton Skrobotov
    Abstract: We propose a novel approach to identification in structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) that uses external instruments for heteroscedasticiy of a structural shock of interest. This approach does not require lead/lag exogeneity for identification, does not require heteroskedasticity to be persistent, and facilitates interpretation of the structural shocks. To implement this identification approach in applications, we develop a new method for simultaneous inference of structural impulse responses and other parameters, employing a dependent wild-bootstrap of local projection estimators. This method is robust to an arbitrary number of unit roots and cointegration relationships, time-varying local means and drifts, and conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form and can be used with other identification schemes, including Cholesky and the conventional external IV. We show how to construct pointwise and simultaneous confidence bounds for structural impulse responses and how to compute smoothed local projections with the corresponding confidence bounds. Using simulated data from a standard log-linearized DSGE model, we show that the method can reliably recover the true impulse responses in realistic datasets. As an empirical application, we adopt the proposed method in order to identify monetary policy shock using the dates of FOMC meetings in a standard six-variable VAR. The robustness of our identification and inference methods allows us to construct an instrumental variable for monetary policy shock that dates back to 1965. The resulting impulse response functions for all variables align with the classical Cholesky identification scheme and are different from the narrative sign restricted Bayesian VAR estimates. In particular, the response to inflation manifests a price puzzle that is indicative of the cost channel of the interest rates.
    Date: 2024–07
  2. By: Lucija \v{Z}igni\'c; Stjepan Begu\v{s}i\'c; Zvonko Kostanj\v{c}ar
    Abstract: Estimation of high-dimensional covariance matrices in latent factor models is an important topic in many fields and especially in finance. Since the number of financial assets grows while the estimation window length remains of limited size, the often used sample estimator yields noisy estimates which are not even positive definite. Under the assumption of latent factor models, the covariance matrix is decomposed into a common low-rank component and a full-rank idiosyncratic component. In this paper we focus on the estimation of the idiosyncratic component, under the assumption of a grouped structure of the time series, which may arise due to specific factors such as industries, asset classes or countries. We propose a generalized methodology for estimation of the block-diagonal idiosyncratic component by clustering the residual series and applying shrinkage to the obtained blocks in order to ensure positive definiteness. We derive two different estimators based on different clustering methods and test their performance using simulation and historical data. The proposed methods are shown to provide reliable estimates and outperform other state-of-the-art estimators based on thresholding methods.
    Date: 2024–07
  3. By: Bacchiocchi, Emanuele; Bastianin, Andrea; Kitagawa, Toru; Mirto, Elisabetta
    Abstract: This paper presents new results on the identification of heteroskedastic structural vector autoregressive (HSVAR) models. Point identification of HSVAR models fails when some shifts in the variances of the structural shocks are suspected to be statistically indistinguishable from each other. This paper presents a new strategy that allows researchers to continue using HSVAR models in this empirically relevant case. We show that a combination of heteroskedasticity and zero restrictions can recover point identification in HSVAR models even in the absence of heterogeneous variance shifts. We derive the identified sets for impulse responses and show how to compute them. We perform inference on the impulse response functions, building on the robust Bayesian approach developed for set-identified SVARs. To illustrate our proposal, we present an empirical example based on the literature on the global crude oil market, where standard identification is expected to fail under heteroskedasticity.
    Keywords: Public Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
    Date: 2024–06–25
  4. By: Mikihito Nishi
    Abstract: We consider estimating nonparametric time-varying parameters in linear models using kernel regression. Our contributions are twofold. First, We consider a broad class of time-varying parameters including deterministic smooth functions, the rescaled random walk, structural breaks, the threshold model and their mixtures. We show that those time-varying parameters can be consistently estimated by kernel regression. Our analysis exploits the smoothness of time-varying parameters rather than their specific form. The second contribution is to reveal that the bandwidth used in kernel regression determines the trade-off between the rate of convergence and the size of the class of time-varying parameters that can be estimated. An implication from our result is that the bandwidth should be proportional to $T^{-1/2}$ if the time-varying parameter follows the rescaled random walk, where $T$ is the sample size. We propose a specific choice of the bandwidth that accommodates a wide range of time-varying parameter models. An empirical application shows that the kernel-based estimator with this choice can capture the random-walk dynamics in time-varying parameters.
    Date: 2024–06

This nep-ets issue is ©2024 by Jaqueson K. Galimberti. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.