nep-env New Economics Papers
on Environmental Economics
Issue of 2005‒09‒17
two papers chosen by
Francisco S.Ramos
Federal University of Pernambuco

  1. Tax Reform and Environmental Taxation By Gilbert E. Metcalf
  2. The Transition to Agriculture: Climate Reversals, Population Density, and Technical Change By Gregory K. Dow; Nancy Olewiler; Clyde G. Reed

  1. By: Gilbert E. Metcalf
    Abstract: I measure the industry impacts of an environmental tax reform where a carbon tax is used to finance full or partial corporate tax integration. I find that the industry impacts of such a reform are likely to be modest (in the sense of impacts on returns on equity).
    Date: 2005
  2. By: Gregory K. Dow (Simon Fraser University); Nancy Olewiler (Simon Fraser University); Clyde G. Reed (Simon Fraser University)
    Abstract: Until about 13,000 years ago all humans obtained their food through hunting and gathering, but thereafter people in some parts of the world began a transition to agriculture. Recent data strongly implicate climate change as the driving force behind the agricultural transition in southwest Asia. We propose a model of this process in which population and technology respond endogenously to climate. The key idea is that after a lengthy period of favorable environmental conditions during which regional population grew significantly, an abrupt climate reversal forced people to take refuge at a few ecologically favored sites. The resulting spike in local population density reduced the marginal product of labor in foraging and made agriculture attractive. Once agriculture was initiated, rapid technological progress through artificial selection on plant characteristics led to domesticated varieties. Farming became a permanent part of the regional economy when this productivity growth was combined with climate recovery
    Keywords: origins of agriculture, foraging, hunting and gathering, climate change, population density, technical change, domestication, archaeology, anthropology, economic prehistory
    JEL: N
    Date: 2005–09–09

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.