nep-ent New Economics Papers
on Entrepreneurship
Issue of 2025–03–24
eleven papers chosen by
Marcus Dejardin, Université de Namur

  1. Long-Term and Lasting Impacts of Personal Initiative Training on Entrepreneurial Success By Campos, Francisco; Frese, Michael; Iacovone, Leonardo; Johnson, Hillary C.; McKenzie, David; Mensmann, Mona
  2. KIBS’ and non-KIBS’ business creation and closure: Evidence from the urban micro-space By Pylak, Korneliusz; Mickiewicz, Tomasz; Kitsos, Tasos
  3. Behind the Screen: Gender Differences in the Creator Economy By Gioia, Francesca; Morabito, Leo
  4. Accelerating Equity: Overcoming the Gender Gap in VC Funding By Chuan Chen; Michele Fioretti; Junnan He; Yanrong Jia
  5. Bankruptcy analysis using images and convolutional neural networks (CNN) By Luiz Tavares; Jose Mazzon; Francisco Paletta; Fabio Barros
  6. External Factors Impacting the Operational Efficiency of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Downstream Petroleum Sector: Insights from Emerging Economies By Mtshweni, Harry; Costa, King
  7. Harnessing Digital Finance for Women Entrepreneurs By Lemma, Tesfaye Tadesse; Mlilo, Mthokozisi
  8. Assessing the Drivers of Firm Participation in Global Value Chains: Empirical Evidence from Tanzania By Kweka, Josaphat; Sooi, Fadhili
  9. IFC Financing to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Poorest Countries By International Finance Corporation
  10. How Selling Online Is Affecting Informal Firms in South Asia By Bussolo, Maurizio; Dixit, Akshay Govind; Golla, Anne Marie; Kotia, Ananya; Lee, Jean Nahrae; Sharma, Siddharth
  11. Boosting SME Finance for Growth By Ana Fiorella Carvajal; Tatiana Didier

  1. By: Campos, Francisco (World Bank); Frese, Michael (Leuphana University Lüneburg); Iacovone, Leonardo (World Bank); Johnson, Hillary C. (World Bank); McKenzie, David (World Bank); Mensmann, Mona (University of Cologne)
    Abstract: A randomized experiment in Togo found that personal initiative training for small businesses resulted in large and significant impacts for both men and women after two years. We revisit these entrepreneurs after seven years, and find long-lasting average impacts of personal initiative training of $91 higher profits per month, which is larger than the 2-year impacts. However, these long-term impacts are very different for men and women: the impact for men grows over time as they accumulate more capital and increase self-efficacy, whereas the impact for women is flat or declines, and capital build-up is much more limited.
    Keywords: microentrepreneurship, business training, personal initiative, firm growth
    JEL: O12 O17 L26 J24 J16 D22
    Date: 2025–02
  2. By: Pylak, Korneliusz; Mickiewicz, Tomasz; Kitsos, Tasos
    Abstract: Our study explores the factors influencing the creation and closure of firms in urban micro-spaces, highlighting the relationship between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) and non-KIBS sectors. Employing 2007-2019 firm-level data from Warsaw, the capital of Poland, we uncover overlooked micro-geographical and sectoral patterns. We reveal spatial and sectoral interdependencies, highlighting the cross-sectoral effects of density and age of incumbent firms on new firm creation and closure. Our findings highlight the potential of policies supporting KIBS to generate positive multiplier effects, cultivating entrepreneurial ecosystems while accounting for micro-geographical contexts.
    Date: 2024–12–03
  3. By: Gioia, Francesca (University of Milan); Morabito, Leo (University of Milan)
    Abstract: The content creator economy has rapidly emerged as a new labor market, enabling ordinary individuals equipped with a smartphone or a video camera to embark on real online careers. We analyze over 18, 000 YouTube channels created in Italy between 2006 and 2023 and show that, despite being highly flexible and free of entry barriers, the content creator market has not proven capable of solving traditional gender gaps. Our findings indicate that men seized the opportunities offered by the digital world early on, while women began a significant entry only after 2011, with a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic. The thematic area of the content also varies by gender: women are predominantly active in the Beauty and Food topics, whereas men are more present in Technology and Knowledge. Furthermore, female content creators tend to have a shorter permanence on the platform and, despite producing more videos on average, they receive lower engagement and appreciation from audiences. We suggest several interconnected mechanisms that could possibly explain our findings: gender differences in interest in STEM and ICT fields and entrepreneurial skills; the lack of female role models, particularly in non-stereotypical domains; stereotypes and social norms influencing both content production and audience preferences; and greater female aversion to negative feedback.
    Keywords: gender differences, content creator, digital economy
    JEL: D9 J01 J16 J2
    Date: 2025–02
  4. By: Chuan Chen; Michele Fioretti; Junnan He; Yanrong Jia
    Abstract: We examine the growing gender gap in venture capital funding, focusing on accelerator programs in the U.S. We collect a unique dataset with detailed information on accelerators and startups. Using a two-stage methodology, we first estimate a matching model between startups and accelerators, and then use its output to analyze the gender gap in post-graduation outcomes through a control function approach. Our results show that female-founded startups face a significant funding disadvantage, primarily due to relocation challenges tied to family obligations. However, larger cohorts and higher-quality accelerators help reduce this gap by offering female founders better networking opportunities and mentorship.
    Date: 2025–02
  5. By: Luiz Tavares; Jose Mazzon; Francisco Paletta; Fabio Barros
    Abstract: The marketing departments of financial institutions strive to craft products and services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses of all sizes. However, it is evident upon analysis that larger corporations often receive a more substantial portion of available funds. This disparity arises from the relative ease of assessing the risk of default and bankruptcy in these more prominent companies. Historically, risk analysis studies have focused on data from publicly traded or stock exchange-listed companies, leaving a gap in knowledge about small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Addressing this gap, this study introduces a method for evaluating SMEs by generating images for processing via a convolutional neural network (CNN). To this end, more than 10, 000 images, one for each company in the sample, were created to identify scenarios in which the CNN can operate with higher assertiveness and reduced training error probability. The findings demonstrate a significant predictive capacity, achieving 97.8% accuracy, when a substantial number of images are utilized. Moreover, the image creation method paves the way for potential applications of this technique in various sectors and for different analytical purposes.
    Date: 2025–01
  6. By: Mtshweni, Harry; Costa, King (Global Centre for Academic Research)
    Abstract: The downstream petroleum sector plays a critical role in the economic development of emerging economies by providing energy, employment, and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, various external factors, including regulatory frameworks, market volatility, and technological advancements, significantly impact the operational efficiency of SMEs in this sector. This paper explores how these external challenges affect SMEs, particularly those owned by Historically Disadvantaged Individuals (HDIs), in the petroleum industries of emerging markets. Focusing on the South African context, the paper examines global and African perspectives on operational efficiency, with case studies from Ghana, Nigeria, and Kenya. It highlights the importance of infrastructure development, local capacity building, and regulatory reforms in enhancing operational efficiency. Additionally, technological advancements such as automation and data analytics are explored as potential tools for improving SMEs’ performance. The paper concludes by offering practical recommendations for overcoming these challenges, including streamlining regulatory processes, promoting technological adoption, and fostering inclusive business models. By addressing these external factors, SMEs in the downstream petroleum sector can improve their competitiveness, contribute to economic transformation, and meet the growing energy demands of emerging economies.
    Date: 2024–09–21
  7. By: Lemma, Tesfaye Tadesse; Mlilo, Mthokozisi
    Abstract: Women entrepreneurship plays a critical role in achieving sustainable development goals (SDG) of achieving gender equality and poverty reduction by promoting economic growth. The Kenya governments Vision 2030 identifies entrepreneurship as a key tool in eradicating poverty and creating wealth for its people. Policies aimed at improving women's entrepreneurship have had limited success, as women-owned businesses have struggled to survive and succeed compared to male- owned ones. This disparity in performance is attributed to finance-related obstacles. Digital financial services (DFS) and technology can promote financial inclusion and level the playing field for male and female entrepreneurs. According to the latest World Bank Enterprise survey, 53% of Kenyan women-owned businesses reported adopting DFS due to high transaction costs associated with traditional bank services, such as bank fees, time spent conducting banking activities, and the risk associated with cash movement. In Kenya, 36% of households are women-headed and in dual-headed households, women are likely to be the primary caregivers and endure most of the economic and social hardship. DFS can help alleviate social difficulties faced by women entrepreneurs while balancing work and home responsibilities.
    Date: 2025
  8. By: Kweka, Josaphat; Sooi, Fadhili
    Abstract: Using firm-level data from the recently available Tanzania Enterprise Survey (TES) 2022, this paper provides empirical analysis of drivers of firm participation in global value chains (GVCs), and implication of such participation on firm performance in Tanzania. The findings show that, firm size, awareness of external markets, investment in Research and Development (RandD), and engagement in innovation and technology upgrading are significant drivers of firm participation in GVCs for Tanzania. The paper confirms the widely acclaimed conclusions in the literature that firm participation in GVCs is positively and significantly associated with higher firm performance. However, despite the positive role of GVC, the extent of firm participation appears low for Tanzania, mainly on account of low level of capacity of often small and informal firms. The findings underscore the need to increase government's efforts to improve environment and incentive for small firms to formalize and grow. The results are also supportive of the need for policy to promote regional integration, investment in RandD, innovation, and technology upgrading.
    Date: 2024–11–27
  9. By: International Finance Corporation
    Keywords: Finance and Financial Sector Development-Finance and Development Private Sector Development-Private Sector Economics Finance and Financial Sector Development-Financial Structures
    Date: 2024–08
  10. By: Bussolo, Maurizio; Dixit, Akshay Govind; Golla, Anne Marie; Kotia, Ananya; Lee, Jean Nahrae; Sharma, Siddharth
    Abstract: Understanding how e-commerce platforms are affecting the small, informal firms that sell on them is a question of growing importance to researchers and policy makers in developing countries. This paper examines this question using data from surveys of firms selling on two e-commerce platforms in South Asia. The businesses selling on these platforms range widely in terms of size, degree of formalization, and other characteristics. However, these firms -- even the micro and small ones, which tend to be informal -- are from a selected group, being owned and managed by individuals who are more educated and younger than the owners and managers of more typical firms in this setting. The sellers' main reason for joining the platforms is to access more customers. Most of the sellers report an expansion of their business after joining the platforms. They also report an increase in their incentive to register their business and their visibility to tax authorities. Other, less widespread channels of impact reported by the firms include the adoption of new or improved business practices and technologies, better access to finance, and greater flexibility in balancing home and work life. In general, these reported impacts do not vary significantly by firm size or degree of formalization, suggesting that even informal, small firms that have (selectively) joined e-commerce platforms can benefit from the greater market access facilitated by the platforms. Finally, given size and age, firms that have been selling on the platform for a longer period are more likely to experience these impacts, suggesting that firms learn how to use the platform more effectively over time.
    Date: 2023–02–14
  11. By: Ana Fiorella Carvajal; Tatiana Didier
    Keywords: Private Sector Development-Small and Medium Size Enterprises Finance and Financial Sector Development-Access to Finance Finance and Financial Sector Development-Finance and Development Social Protections and Labor-Employment and Unemployment Social Protections and Labor-Labor Markets
    Date: 2024–09

This nep-ent issue is ©2025 by Marcus Dejardin. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.