nep-ent New Economics Papers
on Entrepreneurship
Issue of 2010‒08‒14
one paper chosen by
Marcus Dejardin
Notre-Dame de la Paix University


  1. By: Zuzana Brixiova
    Abstract: In Africa’s least developed countries (LDCs), escape from poverty and convergence to living standards of more advanced economies depends critically on structural transformation and the emergence of productive entrepreneurship that would accelerate growth and job creation. So far, however, subsistence agriculture has been the main source of employment in these countries, while a dynamic private sector in industry or high value-added services has remained elusive. Utilizing the flow approach to labor markets, this paper complements the empirical literature and numerous surveys on small and medium enterprise (SME) constraints and develops a theoretical framework that examines the main obstacles to entrepreneurship in Africa’s LDCs. The paper posits that given the persistent frictions in product and labor markets as well as skill shortages that characterize these economies, development of productive entrepreneurship cannot be left to markets alone. The policy analysis suggests that the state has an important role to play. Well-targeted government interventions including training of potential entrepreneurs and workers can help establish more modern and highly productive SME clusters that Africa’s LDCs need.
    Keywords: Entrepreneurship, institutions and policies, Africa, LDCs, search model
    JEL: L26 O1 J64 J68
    Date: 2010–06–01

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.