nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2022‒10‒31
eleven papers chosen by

  1. Women and STEM in Europe and Central Asia By Ana Maria Munoz Boudet; Lourdes Rodriguez Chamussy; Christina Chiarella; Isil Oral Savonitto
  2. Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Europe and Central Asia By World Bank
  3. A French Connection? Recognition and Entente for the Taliban By Mandeep Singh Rai Misty Wyatt; Sydney Farrar; Kristina Alabado
  4. Estimating the Impacts of Transport Corridor Development in Kazakhstan : Applicationof Dynamic Panel Data Models to Firm Registry Data By Iimi,Atsushi
  5. Smart Villages in Azerbaijan By World Bank
  6. Producers’ access to agricultural credit in Turkey: the case of Adana province By Şinasi Akdemir; Yann Emmanuel Sonagnon Miassi; Yıldız Yıldız Şahika Açıksarı; Fersin Keskin
  7. Kazakhstan Economic Update, December 2020 By World Bank
  8. The Cost of Coastal Zone Degradation in Georgia By World Bank
  9. Kyrgyz Republic By World Bank
  10. Tajikistan Country Economic Update, Fall 2020 By World Bank
  11. Georgia By World Bank

  1. By: Ana Maria Munoz Boudet; Lourdes Rodriguez Chamussy; Christina Chiarella; Isil Oral Savonitto
    Keywords: Education - Tertiary Education Gender - Gender and Education Poverty Reduction - Inequality Social Protections and Labor - Labor Markets
    Date: 2021
  2. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Public Sector Development - State Owned Enterprise Reform Public Sector Development - Public Financial Management
    Date: 2020–12
  3. By: Mandeep Singh Rai Misty Wyatt; Sydney Farrar; Kristina Alabado
    Abstract: This paper will explore a way forward for French-Afghan relations post United Nations (U.N.) occupation. The summer of 2021 proved to be very tumultuous as the Taliban lay in waiting for U.N. forces to withdraw in what many would call a hasty, poorly thought-out egress operation. The Taliban effectively retook all major cities, including the capital, Kabul, and found themselves isolated as U.N. states closed embassies and severed diplomatic relations. Now, Afghanistan finds itself without international aid and support and on the verge of an economic crisis. France now has the opportunity to initiate a leadership role in the establishment and recovery of the new Afghan government.
    Date: 2022–09
  4. By: Iimi,Atsushi
    Abstract: Large-scale transport infrastructure investment can facilitate structural transformation bychanging firm behavior. Although its impact is evident over the long term, an important empirical challenge is potentialendogeneity of infrastructure placement. By using the dynamic panel data regression, the paper examines theimpacts of massive road corridor investment under the Nurly Zhol program in Kazakhstan. The paper takes advantage ofdetailed micro shipping data to capture historical changes in transport connectivity over the past 10 years. While theaverage travel speed has slightly increased, transport costs have been nearly halved. The estimated translog costfunctions indicate that local market accessibility is the most important factor to boost firm productivity. Theelasticity was 0.24 in absolute terms. Inventory is found to be a major cost factor for firms. It is found that a10-percent improvement in accessibility to large cities, such as Astana and Almaty, could allow firms to reduce theirinventory by 8.7 percent. The market accessibility is found to foster firm agglomerations, but agglomeration economiesdo not seem to translate into higher firm productivity. This is possibly because the Kazakh economy still lacks effectiveforward or backward linkages across industries.
    Date: 2022–09–29
  5. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Rural Development - Agricultural Growth and Rural Development Rural Development - Community Based Rural Development Rural Development - Rural Development Strategy & Policy Rural Development - Rural Institutions and Organizations Rural Development - Rural Municipalities Rural Development - Rural Poverty Reduction Strategies
    Date: 2021–03
  6. By: Şinasi Akdemir (Cukurova University); Yann Emmanuel Sonagnon Miassi (Cukurova University); Yıldız Yıldız Şahika Açıksarı (Cukurova University); Fersin Keskin
    Abstract: The issue of producers' access to agricultural credit is the key word in contemporary debates in the sense that this theme is increasingly addressed at conferences and scientific congresses. This is explained by the fact that agricultural credit is today considered as an important key to the development of the agricultural sector in developing countries. This study examined the factors influencing producers' access to agricultural credit in Turkey, precisely in the province of Adana. Questionnaire-based surveys were conducted on a sample of 101 producers trained in a simple random. From the analysis of the results obtained, we deduced that socioeconomic factors such as the total area of land used, the irrigated area, the ratio between the total share of land used and the total owned land, then the ratio between the number of agricultural assets of the household and the total number household members play a preponderant role in the access of producers to agricultural credit. Since agricultural credit is perceived as an important lever in terms of the development of the agricultural sector in Turkey; it is therefore imperative, based on these research results, to develop policies aiming to improve producers' access to agricultural credit.
    Abstract: A questão do acesso dos produtores ao crédito agrícola é palavra-chave nos debates contemporâneos, na medida em que este tema é cada vez mais abordado em conferências e congressos científicos. Isso se explica pelo fato de que o crédito agrícola é hoje considerado uma importante chave para o desenvolvimento do setor agrícola nos países em desenvolvimento. Este estudo examina os fatores que influenciam o acesso dos produtores ao crédito agrícola na Turquia, precisamente na província de Adana. Pesquisas baseadas em questionário foram realizadas em uma amostra de 101 produtores treinados de forma aleatória simples. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos, deduzimos que fatores socioeconômicos como a área total de terra usada, a área irrigada, a proporção entre a parcela total de terra usada e o total de terras possuídas, então a proporção entre o número de ativos agrícolas da família e o número total de membros da família desempenham um papel preponderante no acesso dos produtores ao crédito agrícola. Como o crédito agrícola é percebido como uma alavanca importante em termos de desenvolvimento do setor agrícola na Turquia, é, portanto, imperativo, com base nesses resultados da pesquisa, desenvolver políticas destinadas a melhorar o acesso dos produtores ao crédito agrícola.
    Keywords: agricultural credit,determining factors,socio-economic factors,Turkey,crédito agrícola,fatores determinantes,fatores socioeconômicos,Turquia
    Date: 2021
  7. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Poverty Reduction - Employment and Shared Growth Private Sector Development - Private Sector Economics
    Date: 2020–12
  8. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Environment - Adaptation to Climate Change Environment - Climate Change Impacts Environment - Coastal and Marine Environment Environment - Environmental Disasters & Degradation Environment - Forests and Forestry
    Date: 2021–02
  9. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Public Sector Development - State Owned Enterprise Reform Public Sector Development - Public Financial Management Private Sector Development - Corporate Governance
    Date: 2021–03
  10. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Agriculture - Food Security Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Poverty Reduction - Employment and Shared Growth Poverty Reduction - Poverty and Health
    Date: 2020–12
  11. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Environment - Adaptation to Climate Change Environment - Air Quality & Clean Air Environment - Ecosystems and Natural Habitats Environment - Environmental Disasters & Degradation Environment - Environmental Economics & Policies Environment - Environmental Protection Environment - Forests and Forestry Environment - Pollution Management & Control Environment - Sustainable Land Management Environment - Water Resources Management
    Date: 2020–11

General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.