nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2022‒10‒24
fourteen papers chosen by

  1. Learning Recovery after COVID-19 in Europe and Central Asia By Gustavo Arcia; Rafael de Hoyos; Harry Patrinos; Alina Sava; Tigran Shmis; Janssen Teixeira
  2. Understanding CO2 Emissions from Geothermal Power Generation in Turkey By Oumaima Idrissi; Yasemin Orucu; Elin Hallgrimsdottir; Almudena Mateos Merino; Serhat Akin; Oumaima Idrissi
  3. Влияние конкурентной среды на ценообразование // The impact of the competitive environment on pricing By Дускалиева Сауле // Duskaliyeva Saule; Галимова Агия // Galimova Agiya; Жанабеков Сарсен // Zhanabekov Sarsen
  4. Losing the inflation anchor By Reis, Ricardo
  5. Turkey Economic Monitor, April 2021 By World Bank
  6. Socio-Economic Costs and Human Impacts of Road Accidents in Azerbaijan By World Bank
  7. Turkish Cypriot Economy, March 2021 By World Bank Group
  8. Iran Economic Monitor, Spring 2021 By World Bank
  9. GovTech for Azerbaijan By World Bank
  10. GovTech for Georgia By World Bank
  11. Kazakhstan Economic Update, Summer 2021 By World Bank
  12. GovTech for Armenia By World Bank
  13. Migration and University Education: An Empirical (Macro) Link By Gil S. Epstein; Şule Akkoyunlu; Ira N. Gang
  14. Georgia Solid Waste Sector Assessment Report By World Bank

  1. By: Gustavo Arcia; Rafael de Hoyos; Harry Patrinos; Alina Sava; Tigran Shmis; Janssen Teixeira
    Keywords: Education - Access & Equity in Basic Education Education - Educational Institutions & Facilities Education - Educational Sciences Education - Effective Schools and Teachers Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention
    Date: 2021–05
  2. By: Oumaima Idrissi; Yasemin Orucu; Elin Hallgrimsdottir; Almudena Mateos Merino; Serhat Akin; Oumaima Idrissi
    Keywords: Energy - Energy and Environment Energy - Renewable Energy Energy - Thermal Energy Environment - Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases Environment - Environment and Energy Efficiency
    Date: 2021–07
  3. By: Дускалиева Сауле // Duskaliyeva Saule (National Bank of Kazakhstan); Галимова Агия // Galimova Agiya (National Bank of Kazakhstan); Жанабеков Сарсен // Zhanabekov Sarsen
    Abstract: Одним из необходимых условий для низкой инфляции является высоко развитая конкурентная среда. В данной работе авторы попытались, основываясь на соответствующем опыте зарубежных исследований, проанализировать наличие связи между конкурентной средой и ценообразованием в Казахстане. Главным прокси-показателем конкуренции выступала наценка (mark-up), ценообразование характеризовалось динамикой среднегодового ИПЦ. Исследование включало агрегированный и отраслевой уровень, проводилось на основе статистических данных, публично размещаемых на сайте Бюро национальной статистики, с использованием Excel и эконометрического пакета анализа Eviews 12.
    Keywords: конкуренция, индекс Лернера, методология Roeger, Lerner index, Roeger methodology
    JEL: C32 C43 C51 C82 E24 E31
    Date: 2022
  4. By: Reis, Ricardo
    Abstract: Inflation has an anchor in people’s expectations of what its long-run value will be. If expectations persistently change, then the anchor is adrift; if they differ from the central bank’s target, the anchor is lost. This paper uses data on expectations from market prices, from professional surveys, and from the cross-sectional distribution of household surveys to measure shifts in this anchor. Its main application is to the US Great Inflation. The data suggests that the anchor started drifting as early as 1967 and that this could have been spotted well before policymakers did. Using this approach on expectations data from Brazil, Turkey, South Africa, the US in the 1970s, and the US in 2021, confirms their usefulness to measure the inflation anchor in real time.
    JEL: J1 N0
    Date: 2022–06–24
  5. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Inflation Poverty Reduction - Employment and Shared Growth Poverty Reduction - Inequality Social Protections and Labor - Employment and Unemployment
    Date: 2021–04
  6. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Transport - Roads & Highways Health, Nutrition and Population - Health and Poverty Health, Nutrition and Population - Public Health Promotion
    Date: 2021–06
  7. By: World Bank Group
    Keywords: Agriculture - Agricultural Sector Economics Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Poverty Reduction - Inequality Social Protections and Labor - Employment and Unemployment Public Sector Development - Public Sector Expenditure Policy
    Date: 2021–03
  8. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Policy, Institutions and Governance Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Poverty Reduction - Employment and Shared Growth Poverty Reduction - Inequality Social Protections and Labor - Labor Markets
    Date: 2021–05
  9. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Governance - E-Government
    Date: 2021–06
  10. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Governance - E-Government
    Date: 2021–06
  11. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Health, Nutrition and Population - Disease Control & Prevention Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth - Fiscal & Monetary Policy Poverty Reduction - Inequality
    Date: 2021–06
  12. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Governance - E-Government
    Date: 2021–06
  13. By: Gil S. Epstein (Bar-Ilan University); Şule Akkoyunlu; Ira N. Gang
    Abstract: Distinguishing between short-run and long-run outcomes we provide new insight into the relationship between education and migration. We examine the specific link between the acquisition of high levels of human capital in the form of university education in Turkey and migration to Germany. We implement bounds testing procedures to ascertain the long-run relationships with the variables of interest in a migration model. Although the bounds testing procedure has advantages compared to other methods, it has not been widely implemented in the migration literature. We find a negative and decreasing non-linear long-run and short-run relationship between home country university education and Turkish migration to Germany over 1970-2015. Over the long run, increased higher education reduces emigration flows.
    Keywords: Education; Migration; Turkey; Germany
    JEL: C22 F22 F63 I25 I26 O15
    Date: 2022–05
  14. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Environment - Brown Issues and Health Environment - Pollution Management & Control Urban Development - Urban Water & Waste Management Water Supply and Sanitation - Urban Solid Waste Management Water Supply and Sanitation - Waste Disposal & Utilization
    Date: 2021–05

General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.