nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2022‒10‒17
three papers chosen by

  1. Returns to Education in the Public and Private Sectors: Europe and Central Asia By Montenegro, Claudio; Patrinos, Harry A.
  2. Reducing Dollarization in the Caucasus and Central Asia By Mr. Selim Cakir; Maria Atamanchuk; Nathalie Reyes; Mazin Al Riyami; Nia Sharashidze
  3. A question of regulation or motivation? Environmental innovation activities in transition economies By Katharina Friz

  1. By: Montenegro, Claudio (University of Chile); Patrinos, Harry A. (World Bank)
    Abstract: The returns to schooling are estimated for 28 European and Central Asian countries using the Mincerian function. Our results show that while the public sector pays on average more than the private sector, the effect of education on earnings is stronger in the private sector. However, the returns to tertiary education are higher in the private sector.
    Keywords: returns to education, wage differentials, public–private, Europe
    JEL: I21 J31
    Date: 2022–08
  2. By: Mr. Selim Cakir; Maria Atamanchuk; Nathalie Reyes; Mazin Al Riyami; Nia Sharashidze
    Abstract: Declining but still high dollarization rates in the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) region affect macroeconomic stability, monetary policy transmission, and financial sector development. Although several studies have investigated the dynamics of dollarization in the CCA, the relative roles of macrofinancial policies and financial market development in the de-dollarization process have not yet been assessed empirically. This paper takes stock of de-dollarization efforts and explores the short-term drivers of financial de‐dollarization in the CCA region. It highlights that there remains significant scope to further reduce dollarization through continued progress in strengthening macroeconomic policy frameworks and in developing markets and institutions.
    Keywords: Dollarization; Foreign Currency; Foreign Exchange;FX; Monetary Policy; Central Asia; Caucasus; CCA.; deposit dollarization; De-dollarization policy; credit dollarization; dollarization to a shock; dollarization in the CCA region; Currencies; Credit; De-dollarization; Central Asia and the Caucasus; rates in the Caucasus and Central Asia; dollarization to issuance; Reserve requirements
    Date: 2022–07–29
  3. By: Katharina Friz
    Abstract: Environmental innovation (EI) plays an important role in decoupling economic growth and environmental harm. This paper focuses on the environmental innovation behavior of companies in transition countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which have been little studied so far. These countries share the Soviet legacy of environmental mismanagement, and have restructured their innovation systems relatively recently in the course of transition. The EBRD-EIB-WB Enterprise Survey (2018-2020) allows us to examine the determinants of environmental innovation in 29 transition countries. Although the theory places a greater emphasis on external sources of knowledge in EI, the results indicate that collaborative R&D is still quite weak in these countries. Moreover, environmental regulation increases the likelihood of adopting energy efficiency measures, while customers demanding environmental standards increase the likelihood across all innovation activities, indicating an increasing sustainability awareness among consumers.
    Keywords: Environmental innovation, transition economies, firm-level data, logit model
    JEL: O12 O31 O32 O5 Q55
    Date: 2021–09

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.