nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2022‒09‒12
eight papers chosen by

  1. Turkish Language management: Transformation of the Architectonics of Ethnic Linguistic Consciousness of the Last Century and Modern Media Realities By Natalia Khalina
  2. Returns to Education in the Public and Private Sectors: Europe and Central Asia By Patrinos, Harry; Montenegro, Claudio
  3. Turkey at the crossroads of eastern geopolitics By Christian Vallar
  4. Afghanistan Developments Impact on Balochistan By Azwar Muhammad Aslam
  5. Limits of Externally Backed Institutional Reform and Development in Azerbaijan By Nahmadova, Firuza
  6. Financial frictions and productivity: Firm-level evidence from Kazakhstan By Zarina Adilkhanova
  7. Population Movements in Afghanistan: A Historical Overview, Migration Trends under the Taliban Regime, and Future Outlooks By Barlas, Ahmad Walid
  8. The Ararat Fiscal Strategy Model: A Structural Framework for Fiscal Policy Analysis in Armenia By Luis-Felipe Zanna; Mr. Martin Fukac; Garik Petrosyan; Daniel Baksa; Victoria Babajanyan; Eduard Hakobyan; Arshaluys Harutyunyan; Narek Karapetyan; Babken Pashinyan

  1. By: Natalia Khalina (Altai State University)
    Abstract: The article analyzes the linguistic processes that determine and accompany the events of the last century, in terms of linguistics marked by the consequences of linguistic turn in philosophy and historiography. Language management is considered as the main language process, significant events are the creation of the Republican Turkey and the Turkic Council. The stages of language management are differentiated on the basis of detailed terminological descriptions of language transformations in Turkey, presented in the article Shayan Salehi ‘The Significance of Turkish Language Reforms of Early Republican Turkey in the Creation of the Modern Turkish Nation-State", and allowing to reconstruct cognitive chains-sequences of work on the creation of a new Turkish semiotic unity. The creation of the Turkic (Turkish) language is considered as a media form, semiotic "transposition" and continuation of the Turkish language management of the 30s of the twentieth century. Council and Media Forum of the Turkish- speaking countries and communities.
    Abstract: В статье анализируются языковые процессы, определяющие и сопровождающие события последнего столетия, в языковедческом плане отмеченного последствиями лингвистического поворота в философии и историографии. В качестве основного языкового процесса рассматривается языковой менеджмент, значимых событийсоздание Республиканской Турции и Тюркского Совета. Этапы языкового менеджмента дифференцируются на основе детальных терминологических описаний языковых преобразований в Турции, представленных в статье Shayan Salehi "The Significance of Turkish Language Reforms of Early Republican Turkey in the Creation of the Modern Turkish Nation-State" и позволяющих реконструировать когнитивные цепочки-последовательности работы по созданию нового турецкого семиотического единства. В качестве медийной формы, семиотического «переложения» и продолжения турецкого языкового менеджмента 30-ых гг. ХХ века рассматривается создание Тюркского (Турецкого) Совета и Media forum of the Turkicspeaking countries and communities.
    Keywords: Turkish language,language management,language consciousness,Republic of Turkey,Turkic world,Turkic Council,cognitive flexibility,conceptual topology,Media forum of the Turkish-speaking countries and communities,media cooperation,турецкий язык,языковой менеджмент,языковое сознание,Республика Турция,Тюркский мир,Тюркский совет,когнитивная пластичность,концептуальная топология,Media forum of the Turkic-speaking countries and communities,медиа кооперация
    Date: 2022–03–09
  2. By: Patrinos, Harry; Montenegro, Claudio
    Abstract: The returns to schooling are estimated for 28 European and Central Asian countries using the Mincerian function. Our results show that while the public sector pays on average more than the private sector, the effect of education on earnings is stronger in the private sector. However, the returns to tertiary education are higher in the private sector.
    Keywords: returns to education; wage differentials; public–private; Europe
    JEL: I21 J31
    Date: 2022–08–09
  3. By: Christian Vallar (CERDACFF - Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Droit Administratif, Constitutionnel, Financier et Fiscal - UNS - Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) - COMUE UCA - COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) - UCA - Université Côte d'Azur)
    Abstract: Turkey has a decisive role at the heart of Eastern geopolitics, particularly because of its membership of NATO. Since the akp (Justice and Development Party) and its leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkish Muslim Brotherhood Islamism) came to power, foreign policy has seen a growing effervescence. This leads to impacts on organizations in terms of economic and energy development. Neo-Ottomanism, an expression of imperial nostalgia, led Ankara alongside Baku, on the Balkan route, but also to head towards North Africa, from Libya to Algeria and Tunisia, with varying successes. The Syrian crisis forces it to share with Russia the attempts to resolve the conflict. One constant is that of the obsession with the Kurdish threat, within Turkey but also on its borders, which leads to the repeated interventionism in Syria and Iraq. Finally, the White Sea, Turkey's qualifier for the eastern Mediterranean, attractsTurkish covetousness because of its hydrocarbon resources, causing a conflict situation with its neighbors. Nevertheless, President Erdogan's pragmatism leads him to temper his excesses, and to move closer to the monarchies of the Gulf, Egypt and Israel, without omitting his role as mediator between Ukraine and Russia.
    Abstract: La Turquie a un rôle déterminant au coeur de la géopolitique orientale, en particulier du fait de son appartenance à l'OTAN. Depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir de l'AKP (Parti de la Justice et du développement) et de son chef Recep Tayyip Erdogan (islamisme des Frères musulmans turcs), la politique étrangère a connu une effervescence croissante. Celle-ci conduit à des incidences sur les organisations en matière de développement économique et énergétique. Le néo ottomanisme, expression de la nostalgie impériale, amène Ankara aux côtés de Bakou, sur la route des Balkans, mais aussi à se diriger vers l'Afrique du Nord, de la Libye à l'Algérie et la Tunisie, avec des succès variables. La crise syrienne l'oblige à partager avec la Russie, les tentatives de résolution du conflit. Une constante est celle de l'obsession de la menace kurde, au sein de la Turquie mais aussi à ses frontières, ce qui amène l'interventionnisme réitéré en Syrie et en Irak. Enfin, la mer blanche, qualificatif turc de la Méditerranée orientale, attire la convoitise turque du fait de ses ressources en hydrocarbures, provoquant une situation conflictuelle avec ses voisins. Néanmoins, le pragmatisme du président Erdogan l'amène à tempérer ses excès, et à se rapprocher des monarchies du Golfe, de l'Egypte et d'Israël, sans omettre son rôle de médiateur entre Ukraine et Russie.
    Keywords: Neo-Ottomanism,NATO,Kurdish-White Sea question,Hegemony,Economic development,Néo ottomanisme,OTAN,Question kurde-mer blanche,Hégémonie,Développement économique
    Date: 2022–07–20
  4. By: Azwar Muhammad Aslam
    Abstract: This webinar was an attempt to address the following points. The possible impact of events in Afghanistan on the region and on Pakistan, specifically on the province of Balochistan. Impact of Afghan refugees on Balochistan given its socio-economic conditions and demography.
    Keywords: Afghanistan, Developments Impact, Balochistan,
    Date: 2021
  5. By: Nahmadova, Firuza
    Abstract: Since Azerbaijan opened itself to international markets, many regional and international actors have shown interest in its development and governance. Not only do international actors secure the oil and gas resources, they also have a stake in how the country is governed and attempt to shape its institutional framework. Regardless of the reasons that lead to these initiatives, international organizations, such as the UN or the IMF, have shown support for specific sets of reforms and institutional changes throughout the years. For example, USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy 2011-2020 for Azerbaijan states three main interests: security, energy, and internal reform. As the UN and Asian Development Bank have published their most recent roadmap for institutional change in Azerbaijan, several questions arise: how likely are these to succeed, are the proposed reforms viable and relevant to the specific context of Azerbaijan, and how do they compare with previous initiatives. This paper discusses the traditional view of institutional reforms supported by international organizations in developing countries, then comparing it to the experience and evidence of success and failure in Azerbaijan.
    Keywords: Azerbaijan, Reforms, Institutions, World Bank, USAID
    JEL: H7 H77 O2
    Date: 2022–07
  6. By: Zarina Adilkhanova (NAC Analytica, Nazarbayev University)
    Abstract: This paper studies the effect of financial frictions on firm-level total factor productivity in Kazakhstan using a large data set on medium and large enterprises from 2009 to 2017. We explain the effect of financial frictions on productivity growth and the microeconomic channels through which they may transmit to the real economy. The results demonstrate that productivity growth is vulnerable to debt growth due to the rising financial friction, which is helpful in understanding of reasons why financial crises lead to a persistent decline in economic activity.
    Keywords: Total Factor Productivity (TFP); Financial Frictions; Debt Growth
    JEL: D24 G30 O16
    Date: 2021–12
  7. By: Barlas, Ahmad Walid
    Abstract: Afghanistan has experienced a major refugee crisis in the last four decades. The Afghan migration patterns are shaped by a mix of political, social, environmental, and economic factors, making it difficult to pinpoint Afghan migration decisions to a single determinant. This study reviews Afghanistan’s population movements, taking into account a historical overview of migration flows, the refugee trends under the Taliban regime, and future prospects. According to available studies and projections, Afghanistan’s migrant flow will continue, citing insecurity, economic crisis, natural disaster, a high population growth rate, and the Taliban’s imposition of restrictions on social, cultural and economic events as key reasons. The Afghan government could face numerous obstacles, including brain drain, high skilled labor force shortages, IDPs management, and facilitating reintegration of returnees in the future. Particularly, in dealing with migration issues, the Taliban could be confronted with three major constraints: a lack of national and inter-national legitimacy, a shortage of human capital and a scarcity of funds.
    Keywords: Conflict, drought, poverty, refugees, IDPs, and Afghanistan
    JEL: J6
    Date: 2022–08–12
  8. By: Luis-Felipe Zanna; Mr. Martin Fukac; Garik Petrosyan; Daniel Baksa; Victoria Babajanyan; Eduard Hakobyan; Arshaluys Harutyunyan; Narek Karapetyan; Babken Pashinyan
    Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the Ararat Fiscal Strategy Model (AFSM), which is a structural, New-Keynesian, DSGE, small open economy model with a rich fiscal block that includes several expenditure and revenue instruments, and types of debt. The AFSM is now a formal part of the Ministry of Finance analytical toolkit to do macroeconomic fiscal policy scenario analysis, which feeds into policy discussions, budget planning, and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework. The model was applied to assses the macroeconomic impact of the “first wave” of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Armenian economy, including the mitigating effects of policy responses. AFSM simulations revealed a potential severe impact in 2020, with declines in GDP and consumption of 12.9 and 11.7 percent, respectively, and a cumulative loss of GDP of 38 percent for the period 2020-2023. They also highlighted a significant fiscal outlook deterioration that would increase public debt-to-GDP ratios by 18.8 percentage points over 2020-23. The package of counter-cyclical fiscal measures of 3.6 percent of GDP, however, was estimated to cushion the 2020 GDP decline by almost 2 percentage points, as well as protect jobs. A second AFSM application related to the 2018 public investment under-execution showed the importance of improving the efficiency of public investment to have positive macroeconomic and fiscal effects.
    Keywords: Structural model; DSGE model; fiscal rules; scenario analysis; financial programming; Armenia; Covid-19; AFSM simulation; shock decomposition; fiscal policy multiplier; AFSM application; overview of the Ararat Fiscal Strategy Model; Consumption; Public investment spending; Current spending; Global
    Date: 2022–06–10

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.