nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2019‒07‒22
four papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Enhancing Connectivity and Freight in Central Asia By ITF
  2. The making of Turkey's 2018-2019 economic crisis By Akcay, Ümit; Güngen, Ali Riza
  3. Towards food security and sustainable development through enhancing efficiency of grain industry By Kanat Tireuov; Salima Mizanbekova; Bakhyt Kalykova; Gulmira Nurmanbekova
  4. Transition from the industrial clusters to the smart specialization: a case study By Yelena Petrenko; Elena Vechkinzova; Viktor Antonov

  1. By: ITF
    Abstract: This report assesses freight connectivity in Central Asia, focusing on Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It provides recommendations for improving connectivity and the policy processes required to achieve this. The report also offers advice on how regional co-ordination can improve freight efficiency and connectivity. The analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, covers questions related to hard infrastructure, policies and regulatory frameworks.
    Date: 2019–05–14
  2. By: Akcay, Ümit; Güngen, Ali Riza
    Abstract: Turkish economic growth depends on capital inflows and access to cheap credit sources. Once the global financial conditions tightened in 2018, Turkey was among the emerging markets that suffered the most. This article analyses the making of Turkey's economic crisis in 2018-2019, while elaborating the phases of Turkish financialisation. It locates the slow-motion drift of Turkish economy within the context of dependent financialisation and argues that a long-term account is needed to grasp the economic turmoil of recent years.
    Keywords: Turkey,Dependent Financialisation,Economic Crises,Crisis Management
    JEL: E44 E52 E6 F31 G01
    Date: 2019
  3. By: Kanat Tireuov (Kazakh National Agrarian University); Salima Mizanbekova (Kazakh National Agrarian University); Bakhyt Kalykova (Kazakh National Agrarian University); Gulmira Nurmanbekova (Kazakh National Agrarian University)
    Abstract: The new situation of Kazakhstan's participation in the world grain market, which requires scientific generalization, is connected with the transformation of the country's trade turnover from interregional to interstate. In this connection, it is objectively necessary to scientifically and methodically substantiate the system of inter-branch cooperation between enterprises for the production and sale of grain and grain processing products in order to ensure stable provision of demand for them in the regions of the country with minimum costs and export it to foreign markets. The problem of increasing the efficiency of the use of grain requires a comprehensive reduction in its consumption across all consumption channels: on seeds, when processed into flour and cereals, for forage purposes. The paramount importance of effective inter-industry cooperation between grain sub-sector organizations is determined by the leading role of grain in the economy of the agro-industrial complex, food security, and the formation of state, interstate and interregional economic ties of the country. In the current situation, the stable functioning of the grain market should be carried out on the basis of a combination of market mechanisms with state regulation tools and targeted support of its subjects.
    Keywords: The Republic of Kazakhstan,tools,mechanism,methodology,food security,sustainable development,interindustry interaction,grain products' sub-complex,grain market,state regulation,economic relations,innovations,grain storage,methods
    Date: 2018–09–30
  4. By: Yelena Petrenko (PRUE - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics [Moscow]); Elena Vechkinzova (ICS RAS - Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences - RAS - Russian Academy of Sciences [Moscow]); Viktor Antonov (State University of Management)
    Abstract: Kazakhstan faced the problem of falling industrial production and decrease in efficiency of former managerial methods of territorial development. Transition to the new Smart Specialization approach provides better understanding of the specifics of the region and provides the highest return on investment in innovation. The authors produce rationale for the selection of regions of Kazakhstan to determine their smart specialization. There were determined the regions, in which it is advisable to develop the general purpose technologies, and the territories, where it is more profitable to focus on applied research and transmitting them into practice in relation to existing products and technological processes.
    Keywords: industrial policy,smart specialization,innovations,development of industrial regions,Kazakhstan
    Date: 2019–06–30

This nep-cwa issue is ©2019 by Sultan Orazbayev. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.